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Chapter 29 Chapter 2822 (Part 1) The best physical arts system,

On Beiluo Star, while Jin Hui General Min Ge was still inspecting the defense line along the entire coastline, Wei Keng was paying attention to the movements of all forces on the entire planet through a satellite perspective. Similar to the incident where the Juge tribe attacked the gas station alone, this was absolutely not possible at this time.


A certain unruly citizen: From a criminal to a crime prevention law enforcement officer, it took thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi.

Wei Keng knew very well what Chief Jin Hui would do next! Just like when he had successfully operated on the plateau in the Chinese plane in his early years, the Guan family dynasty sent people from the Ministry of National Defense to inspect the operation.

After "officials", some people were left to mix sand.

Ji Zhong crossed his legs in the office and said with a very old-fashioned pout: "That's all these politicians can do."

Just as Wei Keng expected, General Jin Hui quickly discovered the "trouble" after conducting a detailed investigation into the composition of Beiluo Star's military team.

The army on Beiluo Planet is divided into two parts, one is the contracted corps that operates heavy weapons, and the other part is the "functional armed force" that maintains management order (such as tax police, road administration, and fishery administration departments, which are now unified by

A military center is firmly in control.).

In fact, Ji Zhong divided those in charge of military training and those in charge of planetary economy into two parts, each performing their own duties.

To put it lightly, this means that the "redundancy" rate has increased to 70%. To put it more seriously, this means that the military has overstepped its bounds and established a system of privately governing the planet without paying taxes.

Of course, as a high-level military boss, Min Ge cannot deal with it seriously. If he wants to "investigate and crack down hard", he will go against the local army. Even if Min Ge has a little bit of intention to "clean up the accumulated abuses", he cannot deal with the bitter cold in the frontier.

The local garrison took action.

If you are like a young person who has just entered the officialdom, you may be smart and avoid the important things, be eager to show that you are "enterprising and capable", find weak persimmons in the system to achieve results, this will arouse resentment in the system, and eventually lead to big problems. As

It is impossible for a giant who has been in the officialdom for many years to make such a mistake.

He can only focus on the "key points", catch "Jizhong" internally, reprimand him (be cleaner), and let him handle it well (be more filial).

After Jin Hui investigated Ji Zhong, he was amazed: the troops stationed in Beiluo Star are already monolithic.

Of course, right now, he wanted to understand the recent special situation of the natives of Beiluoxing (Fangcun Sword Sect).

A few years ago, Kissin reported signs that higher civilization forces were involved here.

At present, the native people of Beiluoxing are beginning to grow with the support of an unknown advanced civilization. However, new forces like the Fang Cun Sword Sect do not break the rules when they grow, and they know how to advance and retreat.

Min Ge felt very strange, this new force looked very unusual.

…the dividing lines of high politics…

Wei Keng thought: If the Beiluo people completely expelled the Gesu civilization, would it cause the Gesu civilization to report to their suzerain civilization? What we must always be vigilant about now is that although the Beiluo people directly hate the Gesu civilization, the Beiluo people

The star was handed over by the advanced civilization to the Gesu civilization for colonization. If you fight the small one, you will definitely involve the big one.

From the strategic perspective of the "Tianxin Alliance", when dealing with matters of low-level civilization, we should try not to trigger conflicts with high-level civilization.

…The perspective returns to the steam base…

General Min Ge was already sitting on the first seat in the base.

He looked at the submissive Ji Zhong and thought: This young man (Ji Zhong) has established the structure of this "military-business" complex on Beiluo Star. If it continues, will there be a situation where the tail is too big to lose?

During these days of investigation, Min Ge became wary of the ability of the local snake "Jizhong" here. Even if he beats young people, it can only be a show.

Of course, Min Ge was polite at this time, but also because Ji Zhong was from Ji Xin, and Ji Xin was a strong contender for the next Jin Hui.

The Beiluoxing Army is Kissin's old unit, well, it can't be said to be old, as Kissin has only been there for less than a year.

A large number of people in key military departments were promoted by Kissin.

If Kissin comes back now, he will still be able to mobilize the military power of Beiluo Star.

Two days later, General Jin Hui was in the office, looking at Ji Zhong who was respectful and generous, and he had something to say.

The speaking skills are divided into three sections: beating, testing, and winning.

…Entertainment, nonsense dividing line…

On the Weihuang Star, Wei Keng (in the saint state) sensed the situation on the Beiluo Star and found it quite boring, so he entered another perspective, that is, working in the No. 3 Tianxin Bell on the Weihuang Star.

The self-metabolism "Haoxin".

At this time, "Haoxin", who had just been out of the training warehouse for three years, was heading to the Tianxin League fortress as a reserve colonel.

In the corridor of the fortress, members in twos and threes along the way did not salute after seeing Haoxin.

Those who can walk through this central area are all elites. Although they are non-commissioned officers, their spiritual power has been awakened to at least the second level. Now Wei Keng is just a reserve colonel and does not deserve any more respect from these elites.

For Haoxin, if the electronic medal on the shoulder of the combat uniform is too high, it would be quite unaccustomed to him as a "man in the middle" to constantly receive attention from others.

After passing through the core of the base, the military rank on Haoxin's shoulders began to change, eventually reaching the level of a general.

In the center of the base, Haoxin removed his armor and stood naked on the platform.

On this 600-meter mechanical platform, Haoxin connected bundles of spiritual energy lines, and these lines were injected into the digital human body.

Haoxin started "super evolution", which is a "physical skill" system that civilizations below level seven would never imagine.

This is the latest result of Wei Keng's research: the physical structure constructed by "inverse displacement particles" can be loaded into various forms.

In terms of physical skills alone, Wei Keng, after integrating multiple civilizations, discovered the differences in the physical skills models of different civilizations.

Different modes of physical skills enhance the strength of the organs and the structure of the bones.

Haoxin now researches a basic model, and then can carry out multiple "super evolution" routes.

No1: Angel template, the four pairs of snow-white wings on the back can eject particle streams to promote light flight, and the light group in the center of the wings on the back is called the angel heart. This is a nuclear reaction center that can generate abundant energy, allowing physical practitioners to

It has an energy light blade that is as penetrating as a tank armor-piercing bullet, and multiple groups of "water drop-shaped" meteors to form a dynamic defensive shield.

No2: Armored warrior template, each cell on the body has a separate force field block, which is combined layer by layer to build super strong protection. The energy singularity driven into the center of the earth is used as the energy source. The force field on the body can increase the gravity around the opponent.

, making the action sluggish.

No3: The assassin of the stealth series. The body structure can be broken into parts, atomized into a large number of small particles and floated away, and then quickly assembled in another place. There are four space jump points connected to the body, which can jump out of the sniper cannon, and it can be used as a single soldier.

Nuclear weapons launchers and other gadgets.

The physical arts system of other civilizations was in a "single mode", but Wei Keng changed it into a multi-functional one.

History has proven that any system will be very different after high resource investment.

The core of the laboratory where "Haoxin" (Wei Keng's split) is currently located is the "planet-level energy loader", which is the key to completing the "physical skills full-time" function.

Of course, for trainers, if they want to switch to high-level "physical skills" multiple times, their abilities will not be much worse than those with mental power of the same level. In the upper level, they can engage in starry sky assault battles and directly attack the core of the position built with mental power. In the lower level, they can

Fight planetary landing battles, parachute directly behind enemy lines and launch a surprise attack.

However, the more complex the "taijutsu" system is, the more difficult it will be to advance to the next level, which is even more demanding than building a "mental power model".

Each additional "super evolution" mode of combat form is equivalent to rebuilding the "advanced physical skills" model.

Under such a system, the family system based on the accumulation of personnel experience and blood lineage system is no longer suitable.

Wei Keng, who is "like a man in the middle", can branch out in different directions of interest in different time and space and try out countless routes, but! Doing this kind of thing after considering the civilization system requires "exchange of experience" and must be

It is an open and open communication. If the inheritors have any concept of "blood distance", it will affect the circulation of "experience".

Narrator: Just like water mixed with paint, it will lack light transmittance. Groups mixed with the concept of "blood distance" cannot carry out large-scale exchanges of experiences.

At present, this "multi-functional physical arts" model is still only used internally by many Wei Keng individuals.

For example, Haoxin can now switch between dozens of physical arts forms at will, while people from the Tianxin League and many lower-level civilizations who are exposed to this way can only choose two forms at most, and it is rare to choose three forms.

...Universal hangings penetrate the Wei Keng of different industries...

On Beiluo Star, Ji Zhong, who had just come out of Jin Hui's office, was thinking about what gift to give when he saw his other self sending him this "new link". He paused and couldn't help but laugh and laughed at himself: Hey, I

What are you trying to do?

Ji Zhong, who was busy writing documents here, realized that his efforts in the officialdom should be enough. He should spend more energy on serious matters.

However, a few minutes later, Ji Zhong still hammered his forehead and muttered in annoyance: "When we first met, what kind of gift should I give you? I really miss the days when I could settle personnel affairs by just giving gold bars." ()

This chapter has been completed!
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