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Chapter 30 Chapter 2824 (Part 2) “Pastoral” and “Inner Temple”

Chapter 1408 Chapter 24 (Part 2) The Eternal Controversy between “Pastoral” and “Inner Temple”

Twenty years have passed since the 37th century, and solar system historians are still looking back at the 34th to 35th centuries.

Historians: Those years were an era of ups and downs, but there was no doubt that it was an important period for human civilization.

In modern times, in the thirty-fourth century, the veteran travelers who appeared in the realm of the heavens first left the dimensional throne, and the newly appointed kings began to plan various physical areas, preparing for human civilization to tunnel into the era of "consciousness cluster cooperation".

…There are many records in history books…

Kong Chuanxiao: How should I describe this period of time? In the beginning, there was no large-scale war among the time travellers, and they were all in a safe and peaceful era.

The expansion of space and time under the plan of Emperor Haotu I (Qin Tianfang) was extremely prosperous, and the explored territory reached three hundred times that at the end of the Fourth World War. At the same time, the emerging "Kings of the Heavens" also strengthened the level of time and space management. (That

At that time, Mr. Wei had not started fighting yet, and in the planes of the heavens, the main thing was to find out the rules of cause and effect)

However, as the newly appointed kings in the late 34th century went against the grain and arbitrarily eliminated the identities of the time travellers (Kong Chuanxiao wanted to blame He Chongyun here), this was a turning point for the great land to turn from prosperity to decline.

…the dividing line between unofficial history and diary…

He Chongyun's diary tells another story: Since the launch of the new bill, six thousand time travellers have been expelled at one time, which has greatly deterred illegal elements and completely suppressed the phenomenon of wanton chaos in the space.

Almost all of these expelled time travelers expressed great regret after losing their qualifications to travel. But even so, the federation still carried out "punitive" re-examination standards, and 634 of these personnel subsequently regained the qualifications.


However, no matter how He Chongyun tried to whitewash it, many other recorders unanimously debunked He Chongyun's views.

The "History of the Vast Land" compiled by Bai Huanling recorded this at the end: But it must be mentioned that a time traveler dismissed by He Chongyun caused "the fall of the eras of the heavens."

There are two painting styles regarding the description of "the rebellion of the vast land and the unruly people" in the 37th century.

1: The Inner Circle of the Solar System describes it this way: The fall of the heavens severely damaged the ambitions of the reformists headed by He Chongyun under the heaven system at that time, forcing the road to return to the conservative and steady path.

2: And now in the outer circle of the solar system, the textbooks in the Starfield area: The War of Innovation laid the basic line of "morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor", completely falsified the spiritual injection system after the 30th century, pointed out its major flaws, and is of great importance.

meaning of progress.

Two completely different descriptions represent different contemporary historical views on the Fifth Plane War.

…continuous, long-lasting…

In 3614, Luo Dasheng (Chapter 8: When Wei Keng was in the Pandora plane, China Unicom's time and space liaison Liu Su, who changed his name because he inherited Luo Hongxing's mantle) took an outer spaceship and trekked to the outside of Pluto.

When he came to the space here, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. In this empty space, it seemed that the spacecraft would feel gray every time after a short period of time, and then become very transparent again. And the time between

Very standard.

This phenomenon can be referred to when a standard arrangement of plantations is established next to a rural road. When a car is driving and the perspective is parallel to the longitudinal line of the plantation, the entire plantation will be seen through. As the car's driving angle is slightly tilted, the perspective will no longer be visible.

With transparency, the woods are dense again - this is the effect of "looking into peaks from the side and ridges from the side".

The star field in space is very vast and very empty. In the vast space, there is only one gravel for tens of kilometers, and the density is very scattered. But the arrangement of these gravels is standard.

But in the nearly infinite vastness of space, there will be differences in transparency depending on the angle of sunlight.

Luo Dasheng didn't react at first in front of the space window. He noticed that the light and dark on the window were intertwined. He thought it was a problem with the indoor lighting. But he looked up and confirmed that the lighting was OK. When he saw this scene in front of the glass window, he was shocked beyond measure.

, slowly said: "This is?"

The system correspondent (Jing Zhe) assigned to him by the Space-Time Administration explained: "This is Pastoral, the construction and accumulation mode he started on the Star Sea."

Luo Dasheng: "How big is this?"

System (Jing Zhe): "Currently, what he has reported is 6,784 cubic astronomical units. This is the scale of construction announced after he announced his "seclusion" in 3345."

Luo Dasheng looked at Wei Keng's information and said in a strange tone: "Reclusive?"

The data shows that Wei Keng has not participated in any time and space management assessment in the main world in the past seventy years.

Wei Keng did not participate in the assessment of the Main World Space-Time Administration, but he frequently published the latest theoretical results in solar system physics.

For example, the most recent issue is "Identification and Application of Virtual Celestial Object Gravity Wells to Distal Plane Time Flow". These papers explain the new "consciousness reverberating in cold space-time zone" mechanism in great detail.

System (Jing Zhe) said sarcastically: "He quit the time and space travel department, but that doesn't mean he didn't travel, it's just that no trace of his time travel was discovered."

At this time, what makes the supervisors of the main world's Space-Time Management Bureau very concerned is that Wei Keng is silent in the dimension now, so the Space-Time Management Bureau always feels that Wei Keng does not respect them.

In fact, Wei Keng feels that it is boring to stay in many planes, such as studying street snacks for decades, or being an ordinary NPC migrant worker. Master Wei no longer wants to endure the supervisors.

However, the supervisors are like this. When Wei Keng opens up the exchange of information, they will be disgusted with him.

By not being open to the public, they felt that Wei Keng was hiding something from them.

…The conflict between Weikeng migrant workers and the Supervisory Office has existed since ancient times…

It is said that decades ago, Wei Keng was still in a lawsuit with the Space-Time Administration, demanding that he increase his own throughput in the gravity wells of non-eight territories.

Beginning in 3587, the main world released 1,455 Weikeng fragments from Ceres, but from then on it was out of control. Then dozens of them came back every day, and in 3597, the number of Weikeng returned was 12,234.

Then increase every year.

By 3604, Wei Keng applied for 83334 returns!

Although a large number of Wei Keng returned to the main world and did not stay in the inner circle of the solar system, the Space and Time Administration finally felt that something was wrong. Because the interstellar space, which was considered unchangeable by humans in the past, has now been shaken.

So they shouted that this violated the basic law that "alternative planes must not change the main world".

As a result, the appeal finally reached the Supreme Judgment Council of the main world's solar system. All the planets in the inner circle of the solar system had to legislate after unanimous discussions. The size of the gravity wells occupied by each independent consciousness in "Earth", "Mars" and "Venus" does not exceed "six"

A Thousand Hourglasses",

Narrator: These 6,000 hourglasses limit the amount of consciousness that can tunnel back from the alien plane. It cannot exceed the "consciousness" of a thousand adults. They are specifically limited to Wei Keng's infinite return split.

For this reason, Wei Keng, a cunning man, began to appeal continuously.

Jing Zhe, the manager of the Space-Time Administration at the time, asked Wei Keng rudely: "Do you want to come back and seize power?!"

Being rejected by the earth, Phobion Keng responded without quality: "Take your paralysis!"

Then I completely distrusted each other with the Space-Time Management Office.

Oh, that is, in 3612, Wei Keng suddenly stopped fighting this lawsuit.

After it suddenly stopped, this made the main world's space-time administration feel even worse, because judging from Wei Keng's latest tunneling paper, it seems that it no longer relies on the gravity well of the "inner solar system".

... Luo Dasheng, looking at the resentful Jing Zhe, smiled and refused to get into trouble...

Although Luo Dasheng did not know the details of the past history, according to various unofficial historical records, the person outside the solar system and the entire group of monitors were full of "misunderstandings."

But Luo Dasheng didn't know how allergic the Space-Time Administration was to Wei Keng.

During the Fifth Plane War, the supervisory group of the Space-Time Management Bureau adhered to the "collapse theory": after Wei Keng's return, the cluster exceeded a certain limit and would begin to collapse due to the distance between the stars and the sea.

Except for Kong Chuanxiao who witnessed it with his own eyes in the dark plane, Wei Keng almost penetrated the "grand coordination" of multiple dimensions and planes. In that great coordination, except for Kong Chuanxiao's denial of the "collapse theory", almost all

The Space and Time Administration arrogantly waited for Wei Keng to be destroyed.

But what now?

The main world may be going through the Sixth Plane War, but Wei Keng will never collapse due to the expansion of Starfield.

Although the supervisor group is not as easy to passivate as the time travellers, their stubbornness is not easy to get rid of. You must know that the stone Bailinglu took Wei Keng several hundred years to warm up.

If the Space-Time Management Bureau does not clear out the supervisors at once, the conflict will continue.

However, in the Time and Space Management Bureau, there are flow-travelers and iron-clad supervisors.

Controversy between Chu and Han

Composer Li Yunwen


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