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Chapter 29 Chapter 2831 Ship Massacre Style

In the 38th year of Tianxinli, after the fleet of Luo Meng Civilization entered the territory of Gesu Civilization, it was immediately embraced as a thigh by the conservative faction of Gesu Civilization. Just like the soldiers of the tribal leaders working as a beacon of democracy, the soldiers also enjoyed this kind of leftism very much.

Hug your right hand and feel the wonderful feeling of being the savior at the same time.

The conservatives are like a group of milk dogs, sobbing for alien power and guiding it to various planets of suppression.

Narrator: Judging from the subsequent results, the Gesu Civilization conservatives were resigned to their incompetence, which forced the Russell Civilization Hercules Fleet to divide its forces for rescue, which also played an important role in the success of the reform.

In the universe, a slight evaluation of a sixth-level civilization is as heavy as a mountain to the Gesu conservatives whose mentality is still stuck in the fourth-level civilization. This is like the 21st century, those who whitewashed their reputation as the original colonial era

Each and every "award judging" given by the Western metropolitan countries as a "representative of civilization" can arouse the worship of the remaining "elite" people in the colonies and semi-colonies.

After Black Crow Crow's Hercules fleet arrived in the planet star field where Gesu Civilization is located, all the conflicting parties invariably stared at the dozens of kilometers long fleet in space.

Yes, several alliance families of the Gesu Civilization sent signals before the arrival of the Hercules fleet, saying they were willing to stand on the side of the "holy" and "civilization."

And this kind of kneeling and worshiping seems to be a response.

Fortunately for each alliance, these fleets did not directly destroy the surface.

After the Lomon Republic directly projected the troops of the fifth-level civilization from space, they left. The Gesu Alliance only needs to suffer the people of the planet and entertain these soldiers belonging to the Lomon civilization.

Lemon's Hercules fleet is not benevolent, but is based on two reasons. First: bombing has no profit. After being blown into ruins, the most valuable part of the lower-level civilization in this promoted state will also be reduced to rubble.


Slavery in the Lomon Republic exists through the implantation of chips into the technical talents of the lower-level resistance civilization. Of course, if a non-industrial planet carries out a street-style rebellion, then omnics will be used to massacre without mercy.

Second: On the premise of not using weapons of mass destruction, the space fleet of the sixth-level civilization needs the star surface troops to provide valuable targets in order to carry out attacks on the planetary resistance forces.

At present, the sixth-level civilization fleet cannot produce its own star-destroying weapons, and if the indiscriminate use of star-destroying weapons to attack administrative stars with extremely high ecological value is observed by other higher-level civilizations, it will leave evidence of "uncivilized". - Narrator: Use

The omnic cuts the people on the planet into fine pieces, which is actually "environmentalism".

At this time, level six civilizations put aside their Star Destroyer weapons and simply use "particle cannons" to attack the surface of the planet, which is like a child standing on a plane peeing into the desert, unable to focus on moistening the dry land.

Moreover, the old guard of the Gesu civilization, which is now attached to Luo Meng, a higher civilization, has internal discord.

The "enemy and enemy distribution maps" handed over to each other by the conservative factions need to be verified.

Because some conservative forces even try to put the armies of "political enemy forces" on the hit list. Lemon's fleet is not willing to be used by politicians from lower civilizations (Geshu) in this way.

As a result, Lemon made a high-profile political mediation gesture and decided to implement a "delay strategy" against the "resisters" on other planets other than Bakr's planet, sending troops from the slave civilization to join forces with Gesu's native dependent families.

Lemon is called a mediator, but he actually grasps the situation and tries to divide and persuade the weak faction of the revolutionary forces to surrender. For example, on the Beiluo planet, even though Lot was quite incompetent, he still awarded Lot.

The "Outstanding Talent" badge certified by it. (Similar to the "Civilization Award" and "Human Rights Award" that some developed capitalist countries set up for certain people in underdeveloped countries in modern times)

Of course, the above are just the strategic ideas drawn on the "star map" by the commanders of the fleets of Romon's sixth-level civilization.

As for the servants sitting in the space capsules of the fleet, the dispatched fleet of the fifth-level civilization does not have "complex thinking". The servants only have short and simple commands on the electronic screen, and the options for indulgence after successfully executing the command.

And these ground combat troops of the fifth level civilization, who drive Titans and mainly have mechanical and biochemically modified infantry, are precisely the enemies facing the Gesu people in this battle.

Lemon was polite at the top, while the servant army was robbing and plundering at the bottom. Of course, if the Gesu conservatives win, they will choose to downplay this period of history.

The control of high-level civilizations over low-level civilizations in the Star Sea has always been a problem, and the relationship between the forces in various regions is complicated. Otherwise, there would be no layer-by-level control through the "nine-grade system".

Wei Keng: The same is true in the ancient industrial age of the earth. Starting from the United Kingdom, then the United States, during the global expansion stage, they interfered in various regions, and as a result, they were exploited by various interests in the opposite direction.

...Arrogance means unwillingness to go deep into the countryside...

The Lemon fleet did not waste any more time on the secondary planets it passed. Instead, it issued a "majestic and shocking" ultimatum directly above the atmosphere and headed directly for the planet Bakr.

The Hercules, composed of fourteen warships, was going to carry out the core mission of this war with great momentum, which was to defeat the central production base of the Gesu civilization's "illegal construction of space pirate ships".

In the combat intelligence center where Lemon is located, the general base for the production of large warships based on the mountain col on the planet Bakr is clearly visible. The modular tower crane devices on both sides of the mountain col, as well as a large number of floating ships in the "huge gravity isolation area" in the center

The body module device was photographed by its spies.

Lemon's fleet was originally going to another place, that is, the main star where the Holy Class is located to search for the "Wrath".

But the latest intelligence shows that the "Wrath" is also on the planet Bakr.

When the Hercules expeditionary force entered the Bakker star field, they discovered the thirty-kilometer-long battleship Fury hiding in the "night shadow zone" of the administrative planet.

General Lemon looked leisurely and decided to give the Gesu people a complete shock this time.

So all fourteen warships decided to break into the atmosphere and completely defeat the "Wrath" in the eyes of all the residents of Bakr Planet, and achieve a beautiful conquest.

When our own space battleships form a fleet, they come with a bang.

Lemon joked in his mind: "The first ship is called Hope, the second ship is called Anger, and what about the third ship? Well, maybe there is no third ship~"

And in the shadow of the Bakr planet satellite, in an ionization force field that isolates electromagnetic waves, a pair of hunter's eyes stared at this arrogant fleet.

…can’t bear to leave the child, can’t trap the wolf…

The Fury battleship has no space protective coating on its outer shell, and the welding lines are still there, but it has already entered space to conduct a bombardment with a fully information-based battleship.

The contrast between the first-generation space armored warship with such a "metallic color" and the pure white fusiform battleship Romon is like the comparison between the fearless 10,000-ton armored battleship Sovereign before the early 20th century and the 055 in the 21st century.

The difference in ion cannon firepower between the two sides is very intuitive.

The Wrath releases sections of white light, while the Lomon fleet can emit a continuous blue ion beam. This shows that there is still a gap in the internal energy design, making the firepower of the two sides also lag an era.

However, such a warship in the early stage of level six civilization still fearlessly opened fire when faced with a warship in the technologically mature stage of level six civilization.

Because this battleship carries the angry resistance of the Bakr aliens.

On the surface of Bakker, groups of launch vehicles spared no effort to send electromagnetic plates around the Fury.

The support personnel of the Fury worked hard to restore the surface armor plate of the battleship, regardless of the burnt condition.

Amidst such successive repairs, this dilapidated battleship is still on the offensive.

The soldiers of the Hercules fleet are interested.

For these captains of advanced civilizations who feel they have a "strong demeanor": an enemy who flees and surrenders is far more interesting than an enemy who strives to resist and is unlikely to pose a threat to themselves.

In the flagship command center, Lemon had already picked up his glass of wine. He was facing the optical observation screen, which was constantly getting angry. The Fury, which was still receiving continuous rocket support from the star table and still persisting, showed a cruel look of pleasure.

Lemon chatted to the artificial intelligence adjutant in a humorous manner: "Hope, Fury, haha, I thought of a good name for the next battleship, Disappointment." He picked up the wine glass and made a "celebrate victory" gesture.

The palace nobles drank it all in one gulp after the ceremony.

Following the artificial intelligence cleaning machine that threw the wine glass aside outside the cockpit, he gave the order to use electromagnetic kinetic energy bombs to smash, sink, and completely destroy the battleship.

...At the same time, for Ji Zhong, the bait effect has been achieved and the net can be closed...

On the battleship Fury, after ten hours of resistance, anger had been replaced by frustration.

Battleship Commander Linna, as the only person who knew the entire battle plan, looked at the flowing shadow on the moon and let out a silent breath.

With everyone frustrated and disappointed, Linna began to issue the final order: "The battleship has entered the lunar area, notified the ground, no support is needed, and the logistics personnel, and then announced the stay list, and all people not on the list will evacuate."

After this order was issued, both the battleship and the ground command headquarters connected to the communication interface were silent. Although they had known the result for a long time, they were still silent in the face of this death notice.

Everyone was waiting for Lina or someone to make the final speech, but Lina repeated the order again and solemnly emphasized: It's not over yet.

The swaying Fury battleship, spraying blue gravitational wave light, maneuvered towards the shadow of the moon. Seeing this, the surrounding white shuttle-shaped battleships accelerated closer, like a pack of wolves hunting an injured animal.

of sheep.

...Before the murderous intention broke out, it was so calm, as if the weak would be torn apart in the next moment...

At the same time, there is such a facility on the moon of Bakr.

This is a magnetic orbit that circles the moon completely. When the Fury was fighting the invading space battleships of the Russell civilization.

On the moon, Haoxin activated the lunar orbital facility, and the entire facility began to rotate rapidly, just like clockwork starting to accumulate power.

Batches of particle matter are accelerated in orbit, and the acceleration is two kilometers per second, which is exactly the first speed of the moon in the universe.

While the "Wrath" was resisting, the "energy clockwork" in the moon was winding up, and the internal mass of the accelerated particles in the pipe was getting larger and larger. From the beginning, it was only 10,000 tons, and it quickly increased to 60 million tons.

Newton's pendulum has such a physical phenomenon, that is, when a large-mass object hits an object of small mass, the small-mass object will bounce back faster than before. This is the law of conservation of momentum. The "

"Special particles" can enable Newtonian physics to be realized in the macroscopic space.

The lunar "Ring-Star Acceleration Facility" was completed simultaneously with the "Shipbuilding Plan". The high-speed mass body in the ring can use "reverse displacement particles" as a medium to suddenly attach kinetic energy to an object in the lunar gravitational field).

In experiments in recent years, this facility has been able to accelerate "experimental machines" near Buckstar to a high speed of 300 kilometers per second.

In the crater base, Haoxin looked at the "Ji Zhong" in space riding a "mobile space weapon" on standby, and waved slowly to the warehouse.

At the same time, Wei Keng (Ji Zhong), who was on the verge of war, did not say this last greeting, but was carefully analyzing the situation.

Wei Keng (Ji Zhong) stares at the fleet of the Lomon Republic from the perspective of lunar orbit.

When Ji Zhong discovered that the enemy ships were approaching and took the initiative, he couldn't help but pause. The original plan was to lure the enemy deeper, but the enemy's pursuing fleet might still maintain a distance of 3,000 kilometers. But now it went extremely smoothly, and they actually tried to move towards

approaching at a distance of several hundred kilometers.

"Do they want to force the Wrath to surrender?" Ji Zhong was confused at this time, but "to force surrender, you don't need the entire army to press down, but only need to send two warships?"

It wasn't until Ji Zhong observed that the shells of these battleships deployed the kinetic energy cannon system that he realized that he was overthinking it.

Wei Keng of (Space and Ground Unity) sneered: The opponent's level is not that high, (Luo Meng) just wants to play a game of "cat and mouse".

...When Wei Keng was concentrating and fearing to make a mistake, his opponent just underestimated his carelessness...

Wei Keng's original plan was for the Fury to accelerate in the moon's gravity zone, use variable speed maneuvers to avoid enemy fire, and force the Lomon fleet to also enter the moon's gravity zone. Of course, the Fury would eventually disintegrate and be lost due to the moon's gravity, but now the opponent is like this "

"Not serious" and saved a lot of steps.

…As the “scabbard” on the moon made a crisp sound of particle vibration, the long sword was unsheathed…

In space, Jizhong accelerated. In just forty seconds, the "matter" in the large ring facilities on the moon's surface experienced waves of deceleration.

The 6,000-ton "mobile suit" attached to the lunar gravitational field can achieve a high speed of 140 kilometers per second relative to the moon in five steps.

Ji Zhong, who had circled the moon for the last time, couldn't help but utter a sentence before attacking the enemy fleet: The moon is sparse, and the black magpie flies south. After circling the tree three times, what branch can I rely on?

...For the Lomon fleet, the moon was spinning around, and suddenly it was clear...

Lemon, who was preparing to celebrate victory and add entertainment and relaxation to the tense war atmosphere, suddenly heard the fleet's intelligent alarm, just like Qin Shihuang saw the "big surprise" prepared by Jing Ke.

Ren Di, a soldier who experienced this war in later generations, summed it up as a historian: Even a rabbit has the chance to kill an eagle. A planet with long-term development and potential should not be underestimated in any case.

It is worth mentioning: The Wei Keng cluster has traveled through the star planes multiple times, all of which have indirectly affected civilization. They have never lost patience and pushed directly. They respect the "variables" inspired by them and do not want to stand on the opposite side. This is relatively

In the main world, there are groups that also use "inner universe technology" but only think about harvesting. This may be fundamentally different.

Now in this position, Ji Zhong: As for Lemon, why should he despise himself?

Haoxin, who was preparing to be a substitute on the moon, raised his head and looked at the group of starships rebelliously: "If you don't care and don't look at me with your nostrils in the sky, wouldn't it look like I'm stupid if I don't stumble for you?"

The process from sortie to strike only lasted forty seconds. Lemon's fleet did not even have time to launch laser defensive firepower. In order to have a "more fun" battle, they began to approach the Fury collectively, opened the electromagnetic guns on the side, and prepared for target shooting.

The shield has been lifted, and now there is no way to retract it before being attacked, making the shield complete.

Narrator: These Romon battleships are like a group of fools laughing and unbuttoning their waistbands to prepare for a pee competition. Suddenly they encounter a wild wolf jumping out from the next corner, and they run away in a very embarrassed manner.

Wei Keng, a fifth-level taijutsu expert, deployed his light feathers and guided the first wave of "high-speed kinetic energy cruise bombs" into the battleship. At the same time, it provided a safe orbital axis for the second wave of mobile suit clusters to follow.

At the moment of approaching, the spectators on the planet Bakr, as well as the humans on the Wrath who had originally had a death wish, stared at this scene and were suddenly startled. Then it seemed that the time became longer due to the conscious expectation.

Finally, in the sight of everyone watching from a distance, the thousand red lines of the attack fleet successfully penetrated into Romon's fleet. These Romon battleships that were hit were like those in martial arts dramas. When their necks were slashed by the swordsman's sword, they

Like spurting blood, it bursts out with red light.

Like peerless swordsmen rushing into the battle formation, the three Herculean battleships penetrated in one wave, and the impact groups followed one after another, using gravity slingshots to change orbits in the low-Earth orbit of the planet Bakr.

On the planet Bakr, the Star Sea Federation directly invested in the gravity wellhead facility. Oh, before the war, this facility was only used as a scientific research facility by the humans on this planet, and no use was thought of at all.

When the impact swarm arrived in the sky at the same time, this facility projected a powerful force field into an area of ​​300 kilometers in outer space. It began to provide powerful direction-changing force for the fighting warriors of this gang.

The impact cluster turned and once again rushed towards the busy Hercules fleet at a speed far exceeding the speed of the third universe.

The mobile suit clusters like "stars" reflected and turned in the gravitational field of the Bakr planet in a way that "anti-physical rules", and then floated to the fleet cluster again. The fleets of these invaders once again appeared "bloody"!

But this time, all the battleships were "overturned".

Literally "rolling", the battleship's territory was like the Titanic being split open by an iceberg. A large amount of gas leaked from the ship along the hundreds of meters long crack, causing a backlash that caused the battleship to lose its stability and begin to roll.

...And after this round, Wei Keng, who was originally killed, came back again...

Between the main star of Bakr and the moon, the lunar ambush group in "Ji Zhong" is like a peerless swordsman, going deep into the enemy camp and moving back and forth.

Every time he crossed paths with the fleet, the "sword light" in his hand flashed, eliminating all external electromagnetic signals from the warship, just like wiping his throat.

Regarding this kind of strategy, the person involved, Wei Keng, said: "The mind field plane downstream of the Pandora plane is used to hedge against that guy like this."

However, Russell's Civilization Expeditionary Force uses scar literature to describe it: for people who do not know the destiny, sorrow and joy are often in this violent switch.

Lemon's opened wine bottle had fallen and clattered on the metal floor.

Facing the second wave of "Star Fronts" coming straight at him, he could only react to himself, "This is a trap." He was obviously arrogant and seemed to be no more capable than weaker people when dealing with crises.

Instead, the artificial intelligence "abandoned the ship" woke her up.

He angrily lay down in the escape capsule and left the flagship. Then, the moment his battleship left, it began to self-destruct. ()

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