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Chapter 32 Chapter 2835 (Part 2) From the twenty-seventh century to the present,

Chapter 35 (Part 2) From the 27th century to the present, it has a long history

Returning to the main world in 3702, Wei Keng submitted his findings on the fossil plane in the latest dimensional observation report. However, he omitted the "direction data of the new plane in the alien plane" and "the old dimension has been discovered."

These two key pieces of information are the wreckage of civilized space-time facilities.

Wei Keng focused on the scientific evidence that "resonance" can rekindle consciousness in a dead alien plane.

The main world in the 38th century is more enlightened than two hundred years ago, and all advanced scientific systems are no longer monopolized by those few "kings".

This discovery is being discussed in the dimensional science research community of the overworld.

Because this great discovery is comparable to the discovery of the New World by Europeans. In this great exploration and discovery, how does the Homo sapiens civilization fare in the current dimension? According to the genetic code similarity analysis, the human genes of the ninth plane are not even ancient southern ones.

The primate family of apes may be other primates.

In the realm of time and space, the generation of pioneering will groups that have consolidated their "superior dominance" at this stage have also begun to project exploration nodes into dimensional areas beyond "400 degrees".

These "will groups" are considering the Sixth Plane War, and they are trying to occupy the commanding heights of new space-time technologies from the beginning.

…After the new map was opened, Wei Keng also started to win over people…

In the space-time elevator in the dark plane, Wei Keng met "Mo Ya" again, and now he and Jing Guyu are back together.

At this time, his eyebrows gradually overlapped with Wei Qiang's, but they did not completely overlap. The man had gone and would never return.

Wei Qiang - In the latest research definition of the 29th century, the consciousness of Mo Ya, which has dissipated once and reverberated again, is actually different from the previous source consciousness (Wei Qiang) and belongs to a new individual.

In addition to Mo Ya, Wei Keng also searched for information on other Wei Qiang consciousness nodes in the past two hundred years.

But most of these Wei Qiang consciousness, will and thinking outside Moya are no longer continuous. They will appear periodically in some newborns, again and again, but the intervals are getting longer and longer. The highest peak thinking will

There is less and less identification information, and it is becoming more and more obsessive.

They are destined to be unable to merge with Moya, and Wei Qiang has become many branches.

In fact, the consciousness of many ancient time travelers since the Pastoral Era has been like this. Even though the new "consciousness resurgence" technology can help them get rid of passivation, it has been scattered into a large number of branches of consciousness.

Narrator: So far, Wei Keng seems to be the only one who has no upper limits on the "unification and merging of consciousness" and the "scattering and proliferation of consciousness". Wei Keng is now pretending to ignore his own specialness.

Back to the present moment, Wei Keng was in the dimension, and when he saw his cracked brother, he could only sigh: He can't come back again after he leaves.

The dimensional consciousness group of Mo Ya in front of us is most similar to the former Wei Qiang when he was around sixteen years old and developed according to the "Morality, Intelligence, Body, Art, and Labor" system during time travel. Later, the adult stage of twenty and thirty years old is similar to that of Wei Qiang.

Wei Qiang is completely different.

Narrator: The most obvious thing is the choice of spouse. Wei Qiang has always been very philanthropic, but Mo Ya began to become single-minded after leaving Wei Keng.

"Moya is Moya" "Other Wei Qiang is other Wei Qiang".

Wei Keng sighed silently: "Maybe one day I will be the same and develop into multiple personalities. People are complicated."

Bai Linglu rolled his eyes at this: "It's been thousands of years, but your shaft has never been broken from beginning to end, and I discovered that other people's appearance when they were teenagers can be preserved in their youth. But you, a teenager, are middle-aged.

, the character of old age is consistent, and if you have studied yourself thoroughly, the youth will be dull, the youth will turn to recklessness, the middle age will turn to brashness, the old age will turn sideways, the axis from childhood to old is as consistent and continuous as the spine."

It has to be said that as a supervisor, Bai Linglu has studied Wei Keng's consciousness system quite thoroughly.

Under the dual cultivation system of life and life, Wei Keng's nature remains coherent, and his consciousness is also consistent along the nature. Therefore, even if he splits into countless parts, they are all classified according to his own nature system. For the "development goal, his own part faces the loess."

The human flavor of "backward to the sky" exists in all parts of the cluster like blood circulation.

If we use biological evolution to describe it, if each consciousness-traveling individual is a cell, Wei Keng is obviously a vertebrate, while other time-travelers are just echinoderms on the route of continuous regeneration and differentiation.

...Only those who have traveled through time for more than four hundred years know how powerful Wei Keng is with a long history...

Looking back at the history of the development of human civilization, 10,000 years ago, the Sahara was still a grassland. Society transformed from a clan model to a family model and finally to the contemporary "responsibility inheritance" model. Over a long period of time, most civilizations have been in this wave.

Destruction, development in waves of differentiation and inheritance. In the 21st century, after everyone carefully looked around, they found that there is such a country with uninterrupted blood and culture and a long history. It is quite unusual.

In the same way, the values ​​​​among the consciousnesses of the time travelers were also constantly changing during the six plane wars. Wei Keng was too "stable" and seemed very alien.

Although the Wei Keng cluster also had a large number of branches in the plane, they were all unified in the end. Compared with the consciousness of several new generations of time travellers, this situation is just like the clear changes of Eastern dynasties and the formation of chaotic lineages in Europe.


...The perspective comes to the plane elevator in the dark plane, Wei Keng finds Mo Ya...

The plane area where Mo Ya hangs out is the time earthquake plane area, oh, that is, the downstream time and space of Wei Keng's Shenzhou plane. Oh, after all, that time and space was also left by Wei Qiang back then.

Mo Ya was in that area just discussing "peaceful coexistence, five-spice chicken feet" with the "Singing and Dancing" Sijin people. Well, the five basic principles. - This guy was chewing chicken feet while talking to the Sijin people.

Discussion, however, the upper hands of the Scrin people are very similar to chicken feet, so they have a ferocious feeling of eating people without spitting out the bones.

The arrogant and arrogant Mo Ya returned to the plane elevator. When he saw Wei Keng, he suddenly shrank his neck, because the identity of Wei Keng who appeared in the plane elevator now was not Li Gui, but the one who was sweeping the universe in the dark plane.

"Taxi Kaiduo", yes, not to mention Moya, the geniuses in the entire dark plane were terrified when they saw Taxi Kaiduo.

Wei Keng looked at Mo Ya and smiled helplessly. At least Wei Qiang would never give in when he saw him.

At this time, Wei Keng had opened the mission point in the plane of stars and started the task of opening the "plane elevator" for his brother's branch deployment.

Wei Keng said to Mo Ya: My first batch of landings in the exploration of the far plane have been completed. To be honest, I am not suitable to be a leader. I will leave the rest to you.

Mo Ya looked at Wei Keng's plan in the far plane and said slowly: "Are you really not planning to normalize the relationship with the Space-Time Management Bureau?"

Wei Keng looked at Mo Ya and said complicatedly: "Maybe, it's really difficult to get closer. An old antique like me is increasingly unable to keep up with the trend."

Those will clusters in the main world are currently determined to get closer to the fossil plane, but most of the explorations have been unsuccessful. For example, in the inner universe that is currently on fire, in order to maintain the "heat of space and time in the inner universe", foreign consciousness must be injected to provide a stepping stone for the inner universe. Otherwise,

If it does, the space-time flow speed in the inner universe will continue to accelerate, and then it will fall into ruins.

So now the Main World Space-Time Management Bureau is keeping a close eye on the plane where Wei Keng has stabilized the time flow.

The newly appointed personnel in the Space-Time Administration want to cooperate with Wei Keng.

Mo Ya also accepted the task of being a lobbyist and came to explain: The organization formed by current travelers is different from the organization of kings in the past (similar to the difference between the government in the 21st century and the government in the old era).

However, Mo Ya is still too young. Under the inner universe mode, the time traveler group has this principle of strictly guarding and helping each other, which is much better than the past relationship where classes were clearly used to use and be used, but the logic behind it still does not cooperate with Wei Keng.

On this topic, Wei Kengying and Mo Ya said: "The new time and space government is different from the past one. I know that, and I will see you soon. But after all, we have been separated for too long now, and there are still some differences in values, eh."

...Wei Keng reflected on himself: I may have some social fears...

After 37 centuries, this generation of cosmic travelers are flashing through cycles of great changes in their planes.

This is similar to the Holy Great Wall coming once every five hundred years. But it's not. Wei Keng couldn't tell what was wrong.

Contemporary "consciousness groups", in the inner universe system, are always rising in the turbulence, playing the role of "great men" and "heroic groups".

Relatively speaking, during the fifth plane war, the Wei Keng consciousness group that penetrated the planes of the heavens has always aimed to live an ordinary life in all major territories.

When the new generation of time travelers encircled the dimension and created the so-called inner universe, Wei Keng was also in it. However, when these people were heroes, Wei Keng had always existed as a commoner and was difficult to be discovered.

As a commoner, Wei Keng looked up to these macho men and savior saints who would appear only during the "Great Chaos" and "Leap of Civilization". He always felt that there was something unpleasant about him, but he couldn't explain it.

This is similar in appearance to the Holy Great Wall, but mysterious.

About two hundred years later, Wei Keng finally realized: The Holy Great Wall charges for the greatest number of people every time. And among the greatest number of people, I, the "middle man", are included every time. He has no intention of being a hero.

(I just want to be able to continue to hide in the enlightened era in the future). And they, well, the generation that gained dividends after the collapse of the shrouded era, are probably doing it for their own great cause.


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