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Chapter 30 Chapter 2904 Retro Plane Mission Flow

The perspective came to the dimension, and in the ultra-distant territory where particles were being replaced, Wei Keng had successfully "fished" and let the "ancient system" activated on that plane bite his bait.

However, Wei Keng did not know that on this fishing mission, the fishing line would be stretched longer and longer without realizing it.

The continent of Watts - this term means the place of belonging in Old Austrian French.

The history here has developed for 67,000 years. In the beginning, on this land, various kinds of semi-animal evolved alien species established empires and ruled the world. Later, it was the elves who were the first to consciously touch the world with reason.

The elemental phenomenon led to the rise of the first magical civilizations on the continent. Later, the elves split in arrogant civil wars, and the ancient era ended. Next came the medieval era. The dwarves inherited the metal rune technology from the goblins and established

The Iron Mountain Castle Kingdom can compete with the elves' forces.

Now, the human kingdom on the continent has risen.

In the southeast corner of the continent, in a pigsty, a boy was born, and then the boy's mother left him here and left.

After Eryuan (Wei Keng) came to this world, according to the physical characteristics of the universe, this place belongs to the plane of the territory of positive displacement particles.

The territory of positive displacement particles - this is a plane that is very unfriendly to scientific civilization. The plane of stars is located in the plane of reverse particles. The form of its energy can be controlled, such as electricity turning into light.

, light turned into gravitational fluctuations, giving rise to a very gorgeous civilization of cosmic giant ships and cannons, masters of spiritual power and physical masters with force fields.

In the positive displacement particle plane, particle matter can change more flexibly, and many material properties, such as specific heat capacity and thermodynamic expansion coefficient, can be flexibly changed. This type of plane civilization is often a magical civilization.

According to the description of the mage group here: Magic is a substance with a large number of phases. Because it can control the properties of matter like turning on a switch, a very magnificent magic rune civilization has been created here.

In this universe, magic with different talents has been formed. Orc shamans and troll priests all have rune knowledge. The elves are the best at this.

The machinery here can be perpetually moving, because the gears will run over and over again due to changes in properties, and the lever piston will always gain force in the transmission. However, the principle of entropy increase still exists, and the rune-induced phenomena are perpetually moving, but the material cannot support the "element cycle"

Phenomenon" exists forever.

Since the larger various materials are, the more difficult it is to constrain the phase state for a long time, so various machines are difficult to enlarge.

Once machinery becomes large-scale, the properties of metal parts and many other materials will be different from when they were miniaturized. For example, small glass bullets are very hard and can be hit casually, but glass mirrors can break with just one hit.

In this world, you can often see this phenomenon. A small warhammer can break a huge metal iron door! Because the larger the structure, the more fragile the material properties are. And the small structure can temper the bonding force during tempering.

It is very strong. The big iron gates in the city are large structures. Compared with war hammers reinforced with special runes, they are often as good as glass.

Larger and more complex machines have inherent shortcomings. There are more instability loopholes in the operation process. A magician can jam the machine as long as he finds a weak point and throws a stone. Therefore, in the magical world where particles are being replaced, machines

It can only be done in a compact way.

That is to say, most of the mechanical output is only one or two horsepower, so in war, goblin technology is shocking.

Summary: This plane should not develop mechanical civilization from the perspective of thinking. Materials are not stable, runes are stable, and magic is the mainstream.

Over in the main world, this type of plane has long been economical and very impetuous, so Mr. Wei has never wanted to enter.

In Wei Keng's words: This type of plane has been roughly explored in the early pastoral era, and should be regarded as a museum. It is now the 37th century! Times are advancing, and I am back to life.

At this time, Wei Keng (Er Yuan)'s consciousness originated from the Star Plane (36), oh, he was a high school student before crossing over.

To be precise, it is the double fusion of the experience of high school students from the planet of stars and the martial arts planet, and the experience of the earth's veteran death travellers...

...Wei Keng: This game is a retro time travel...

In the year 563 of the Holy Shield Calendar, Emperor Crote reigned for 23 years.

Six-year-old Wei Keng, wearing clothes made from sacks, was lying on the roof of the pigsty.

Under the ceiling, the long-haired pigs were leaning on each other in a silly manner, pouting their pink noses and sleeping in on the haystacks.

Wei Keng was born in a pig pen and has the ability to raise pigs. These pigs are so comfortable and fat.

Wei Keng, however, looked up at the sky, feeling restless and looking for something to do.

Pigs are sleeping because they are being raised, while Eryuan is thinking because they have to think about their future.

Since magic power can support the "spiritual power" mode, Eryuan was born with a strong wisdom. He started tinkering with things in the pen at a young age and consciously explored the "magic" phenomenon in this world.

For example, among the things Eryuan was tinkering with in a clay pot at this time, there were some substances distilled from the juice of herbs and berries.

The technical level of this self-improved alchemy technique on the mainland may be the level of witch doctors in the troll tribe.

As for spellcasting ability, Wei Keng only knows a few small spells now, such as hypnosis. The specific principle is similar to blowing hypnotic potion into the target's nostrils through a wind mass composed of wind elements to make them drowsy (please refer to Sun Wukong's drowsiness).


No, this hypnosis technique is used on the pigs in the pig pen. These pigs eat when they wake up and fall asleep after eating. The blood sugar is quickly converted into fat, and the meat is elastic and shiny. Wei Keng: The pigs I raised produce meat.

The rate is extremely high.

In fact, pork with extremely high fat content may not suit the appetite of people in the 21st century, but here - lard bibimbap, it is a rare delicacy.

…The wild flowers blooming on pig manure are often a bit more wild and interesting than the precious flowers cultivated in the palace…

Speaking of which, Eryuan's background here is a bit miserable.

He has magic talent, but without the support of official resources in this world, he can only rely on basic principles to deduce magic.

The magic system in this world has been accumulated for tens of thousands of years. Even if it is a very rudimentary life restoration magic, in the elves and human kingdoms with profound magic background, the magic configuration is a standard type that uses the least mana consumption to restore the most health points.

Wei Keng now belongs to Yeluzi. Of course, Yeluzi casters may be regarded as proud by the village where they live, but they are more likely to be regarded as disasters.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand the villagers' vigilance towards the mysterious young man who was born to be awakened in the countryside.

Because the people in the village don't know the "mysterious person" ability mode, they will unconsciously associate their bad luck with those young wizards who are from humble origins and are not powerful enough.

In other words, if someone from a noble family awakens their magical ability, the common people in the village will think that it is a gift from God and will not dare to associate bad things with the noble's magical ability. But you are a pig farmer.

The baby suddenly has mysterious abilities, and the villagers dare to think that you are possessed by the devil.

The thoughtful Wei Keng said: "So when you have this kind of "spell-casting ability", and this kind of spell-casting ability is not officially endorsed, I really have to find a chance to take the public exam, um, get an official background."

Wei Keng has integrated the experienced and experienced thinking of the earth, and has not revealed his identity as a mysterious person at all, but his talents in raising pigs, barbeques, and growing vegetables using pig manure are very impressive.

In the past six years, Eryuan has never revealed his spell-casting ability. Even though he wanted to use the radiance spell to tease the birds and show off in front of other playmates in the village, he restrained himself.

By the way, Wei Keng wanted to cast a bloodthirsty spell on the wild boar that had wandered into the pig pen one night, so that all the sows in the pig pen would become pregnant, but in the end he thought twice and fell silent.

Moreover, there are differences in appearance between various spells. For example, the crystal clear water element is much more handsome than the skull spell.

Eryuan forced Lailai to explain: But if you want to summon a water element, you need a very high purity phase crystal.

The water element in this plane constantly throws pebbles with kinetic energy comparable to a slingshot. It is beautiful and has combat effectiveness. If Eryuan can use this kind of spell, then the villagers here will definitely shout that the descendants of the mage will be sent to


However, Eryuan does not have the conditions for an orthodox mage. The most feasible attack magic at hand now is to drive a swarm of flies to bite people (a weakened version of the corrosive swarm). Even if these flies are not poisonous or corrosive, they will still be tied to death and piled with firewood.

...In the countryside, there are no crystal gems that drive the water element, but there are a lot of flies in the pig manure pile behind...

How wild is the way to explore magic alone?

The priest restores the health points, and Eryuan now lets the pig sleep to regain energy and digest food.

When the pig is sleeping, Eryuan can invade the pig's sleep. Oh, what is in the pig's sleep? In the vast forest, I found a bamboo shoot, which just came out, and then I found a second one.

Then I continued to arch. Two, three, four, and then I lost count.

Wei Keng compared it. This dream was just like when he was a child, he dreamed about money. There was one here in the flower bed, um, there was a second one on the steps, um, and another banknote was found at the door. If you put it together, you can get it.

Ten yuan, um, there are a few cents coins there, eh, there are still a lot of one yuan when you remove the dirt.

With a snap, Eryuan slapped his mouth. How could he understand these pigs more and more?

Hypnosis and dreaming are the two magics Wei Keng is currently most proficient in. These two sets of spells also consume very little magic power.

…At this time, Wei Keng is considered to have extremely strong magic talent, but he lacks magic materials…

The water element belongs to the orthodox summoning technique learned by the talented mages in the kingdom. The core of the water element summoning is the seventy-four microscopic magic circles carved on the phase crystal. These microscopic magic circles enter the same "machines", and the "phase state" will be sourced.

It is continuously exported, driving the water flow to form a muscle structure like biological tissue, and at the same time, it continuously absorbs stones and sprays them powerfully.

Regarding the element of water, Eryuan cannot learn it at present. The price of a piece of phase crystal is one month's wages of a butcher in a butcher shop.

That's right, the masters of this world still rely on gold coins to pile up the steps leading to the truth.

Even if the Archmage can control very high-energy magic, he still needs materials to experiment with to build the most reasonable magic structure.

Now the human kingdom has high-quality crystal mines, which can supply high-level mages with experiments and battles.

As for wild mages, they can only use some crooked ways.

When Eryuan was 5 years old, he found earth materials with good magical properties at the entrance of the village. These earth materials can store "phase states" (positive replacement ions.)

Eyuan divided the soil into two parts and made a clay puppet to stand in for him to store his spiritual seeds. He broke off the other part and made it into a "mushroom".

When this mushroom made of mud is eaten by a mentally weak animal, the mud puppet can take the shape of an animal.

When Eryuan needs it, the animal that eats the clay puppet will be petrified, and the clay puppet brought by the caster will turn into an animal and start to act.

It is said that the orc summoner relies on this technique to summon elemental wolves, war eagles, and porcupines to fight for him.

Of course, Eyuan's mental power is not that strong yet, and he can only let the crow get hit.

During his free time raising pigs, Eryuan fed the crows mud and then released them. When the live crows stopped every afternoon, Wei Keng petrified the crows, and then the mud ball on his hand was directly activated and turned into the crow's body.

Then control the flight.

Then Eryuan drew a map with a charcoal pen through the perspective provided by the crow. Each magic symbol was integrated into the map with the tap of a slender finger. It was like entering into a database, incorporating the perspective of each crow. So if someone in the future generations

After getting this map, just touch the magic symbols and you will be able to see the perspective of each crow and the perspective when you drew it.

Magic power is energy, and mental power is equivalent to design ability.

Abundant energy does not necessarily mean technology. Similarly, advanced technology does not work if energy cannot be obtained.

…In the natural world, the movement of all things can be converted into magical energy. Just like humans use photovoltaic panels to intercept solar energy and use dams to intercept water energy, Eryuan, who was born in a poor family, has the same idea in obtaining magical energy...

The negative entropy of all things on the earth is retained by materials to form machinery. By converting the negative entropy surplus in nature into mechanical operation, it can be used by people. In this world, the negative entropy of all things is determined by the properties of matter every day, every month.

During the seasonal phase changes, people in this world intercept negative entropy through "energy structures" or runes.

Runes can be used to outline lines through substances that are highly sensitive to magic, such as blood, plant fluids, ores.

When he was eight years old, Wei Keng used the puppet crow to conduct a detailed survey of the surrounding 40 kilometers, and then began to plant a large number of runes in the surrounding environment. Although the level of these runes was only the level of an orc shaman apprentice, in large

The accuracy of the placement of runes in the area would stun elf scholars.

After these silver-blue runes from Eryuan were carved on rocks and trees, when groups of runes in the space were activated, wisps of tiny light point energy separated from the environment and converged into the rune formation.

node, and then at the guide end position.

In the 564th year of the Holy Shield Calendar, Eryuan calculated the daily solar and lunar cycles on the mountain and deployed a formation within seven kilometers.

By planting corresponding plants on the rocks, burying stones in the creek, and carving runes on the top of the big rock at the entrance of the village, Eryuan can make the "phase" of each cycle's surplus converge on a focus on time.

In the beginning, this "focus" is changing, and Eryuan needs to constantly gather in the gathering phase like rushing to the market.

But later, as the formation was perfected, a stone well the size of a washbasin was dug out at the central point of the mountain where the focus was stable. With the daily cycle of the sun and the moon, a pool of purple would appear in the stone well.

The mist liquid is like the condensed dew every morning.

It is a standard magic source well, although only a small mouthful of "magic liquid" appears here at regular times every day.

This condensed magic power is not particularly large, but the technical level involved is very exquisite. The calculation amount and design scheme behind it are all calculated by the Eryuan carrying system. Through experiments after placing runes many times over the past year, the calculation has been repeatedly calculated.

The best point. If any archmage sees this magic well, he will be very surprised, because it is a masterpiece made of the most rubbish runes.

It was another morning, Eyuan went up the mountain on time to "hunt pigweed"

When he came to the top of the mountain, Eryuan slowly bent down with a basket on his back, lying on the icy blue rock and sucked the magic power. The purple air flow entered along Wei Keng's lips, and the blue energy merged into the body and spread throughout the body along the blood vessels. Finally,

A magical light burning like a flame appeared in Wei Keng's pupils.

The magical light entered Eryuan's brain. Eryuan's physical energy became stronger and stronger, and the fine dust on his linen clothes spread out, giving people a neat and clean appearance visually.

Eryuan shouted in a low voice: "Plenty of magic power!"

When Eyuan said this, not only was his throat making a sound, but all the surrounding air was vibrating, so at this time Wei Keng's voice produced a "multiple chorus" vibrato.

The clay puppet crow in the sky fell down and rested on the young mage's shoulder. This was because the crow felt that it could become more active by absorbing the force field from Wei Keng's body.

The clay puppet crow's desire for the magic power radiating from Eryuan's body is like a child's desire for candy or a half-grown teenager's desire for braised pork.

But the way the crow expressed its desire was not so friendly, and it began to pull out Eyuan's hair. It was a bit painful when the hair was pulled out by the bird's beak.

Today Eyuan grabbed the splashing bird and threw it away.

When the crow was still trying to get closer, Eyuan raised his hand and pointed, and with a flick of his hand, the whole crow turned into a clay doll and fell down.

At present, Mr. Wei doesn't need it for the time being. Mr. Wei said to the unlucky crow in the pig pen that lived by eating maggots every day: "You are free."

Eyuan touched his hair that was grabbed by the crow, and suddenly realized something. Eyuan saw that the hair beside his ears had changed from brown to light gold, and there was a trace of silver light flowing on it. Then he came

By the river, I found that my pupils reflected the magical light like fire.

Eyuan: The surging magic power needs to be restrained. I have to go back to feed the pigs.

This chapter has been completed!
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