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Chapter 30 Chapter 2913 Dream in Consciousness, Eve of Resonance

During the last month of his stay in the territory of Lunos, Eryuan borrowed Master Hilmon's laboratory.

As a mage apprentice with good basic skills, Eryuan is the best experimental assistant. The ratio, steps, time, and accuracy of various magic reagent raw materials are extremely accurate, and his techniques are quick. You must know that this is the skill of most mages.

An era when scales on scales are not uniform.

Because of the accuracy calibration problem, each mage does not allow others to borrow the equipment in order to prevent the things they are accustomed to using from being changed.

Eryuan did not use the Master's utensils. His experimental utensils were bowls, chopsticks and ceramic pots. He just borrowed Hilmon's flame blowtorch and sulfur and other mineral raw materials. Well - don't doubt those who have practiced body fixation.

As a cook, Eryuan's precision in controlling dosage.

At first, Master Hilmon shook his head when he saw that Eryuan was going to do a magic experiment and the instruments used were casually made. But then he saw Eryuan's smooth and smooth operation, making every ceramic reaction vessel (crucible) absolutely perfect.

Poor success in generating the standard potions recorded in the grimoire.

It is important to know that during the preparation process of these chemicals, the only visible phenomena produced in the crucible are "bubbling" and "glow heating".

The "discoloration" and "slight glow" during the preparation of the potion are very difficult to grasp only by visual inspection. Of course, explosions, firelight and other scenes are also very common, which are common "failure" scenes for mages.

In this way, Hilmon realized that Eyuan's technique was quite that of an "alchemist".

He observed that Eryuan accurately injected 637 drops of medicinal solution through the tilt of a glass rod without even using a measuring cup.

In response, he exclaimed: "Why did those old ghosts from Karar send you away?" According to his understanding, Eryuan was a good laboratory assistant.

Eryuan's various methods of "eye-catching", "hand weighing" and "pot shaking" are the basic qualities of a cook. Narrator: Just like Eryuan's "controlling the heat", "adding salt" and "turning the spoon" when cooking.

The method is the same.

Well, this is the effect of the Body Fixation Technique. Even if the beaker has no scale, Eryuan itself is a precision instrument.

Within twenty days, Eryuan was equipped with three bottles of invisibility potions and fifteen tubes of magical freshening potions. Most full-time pharmacists could not make medicines so quickly. In laboratory medicine, hand speed cannot be maintained if precision is guaranteed. As for Wei Keng now

In the system "simulation training", I became familiar with it.

In the last days of the Lunos Territory, in addition to preparing sufficient remaining potions, Eryuan also used the observatory and various magic observation facilities here to explore magic theories and reverse-engineer the orc shaman's spells.

Eryuan prepared the sparkling thunder potion through the reaction of magnets and other raw materials with plant juice and wine, and after extraction.

Compared with the thunder potions that Eryuan designed based on the help of the system and the thunder potions made from the blood of thunder lizards recorded by the orcs on parchment, their phase density is only one-third of the original version, and several raw materials in the new potions

The energy properties of Eryuan are more explosive, so this potion from Eryuan has redesigned runes.

In the design, the safe distance between the lines was strictly ensured, and at the same time, they were arranged reasonably to ensure the density of spell energy. Eryuan used the system's computing power to perform a large number of permutation and combination calculations. In the end, the potion showed a "mica" texture, which was similar to that of Orc Sasha.

Compared with the original pure blue potion, the color is different, but the effect is similar!

Most of the orc shaman magic systems are "electricity", but this does not mean that "electricity" is exclusive to orcs. You must know that the elves are also proficient in "electricity" spells.

After a series of inspirations came out, Eryuan made himself an armband. The electric magic runes of this magic prop were based on the rune design of the orc shaman, but the rune lines adopted the best power design and style.

It looks like a 21st century lithium battery structure.

During the test, Eryuan's palm was jumping with an electric field. He pointed his finger in the distance, and a lightning chain jumped and shot into the distance, splitting the distant trees in the air.

Eryuan himself felt that he still had a "spiritual connection" with the electric field near the lightning chain.

That is to say: after throwing out this "electricity" spell, I still have a certain degree of "control". I can completely erupt into a lightning chain, or I can choose to let the energy of this electric spell be released slowly, triggering an orc-like energy.

The electric "purification" effect can dispel various negative effects of magic summons and objects.

With a stab, Eryuan saw that the shrinking electric field eliminated other magical effects like a whisk sweeping away dust, and he felt happy: I no longer have to worry about someone using the sheep-changing spell on me.

...After the magic research of Ignorance Sun and Moon was completed, the soldiers' preparations for the long journey were also completed. Several officers purchased all necessary supplies according to Eyuan's requirements...

To organize these twenty people to travel, it is necessary to arrange the movement of materials during the journey, and to prevent accidents such as bandit raids.

Eryuan's portable system guidance: This is a very needed ability for commanders.

Eyuan arranged scouts at the front, rear, and left of the team, and Eyuan himself used the "mud raven" to sense the situation from a distance, and marked flat areas on the sand table where he could station himself, as well as places where he could fetch water and make food.

Best location.

In fact, Eryuan pursues security too much. These days, the kingdom's army, the interior of the mainland is a safe zone, and most of the marches are in groups of twos and threes.

The level of the feudal system is just that, and only the fear of Eryuan being killed by the orc sword master made this team pursue the pursuit of marching forward in formation.

The horse that took the sword master's sword for Eyuan carried the magic equipment and followed behind Eyuan with its hooves.

The soldiers under Eryuan also placed their shields and most of their heavy armor on the horses and vehicles in their own queue.

Eryuan was amazed at the convenience of marching in this world: phase magic made transporting baggage much more convenient.

Heavy objects such as armor and swords are a nightmare in the earth's cold weapon march, but in this world of positive displacement particles, it can be solved through the magic of "mass dissipation". Only the thirty kilograms of equipment of the soldiers have been eliminated.

There are five kilograms left.

Narrator: This kind of mass dissipation is the magic of virtual spiritualization, and it can also transform people into virtual spirits. There is a type of "exile" spell recorded in the library in the mage tower, which can directly banish creatures with magic resistance lower than B level.

"Ethereal" transformation. Of course, this "exile" can also be applied to dead objects.

During the current march, when carrying heavy equipment on daily basis, the iron armor and iron sword have been transformed into ethereal spirits. Although the strength of the iron sword has even dropped to the fragility of a wooden board, the weight has also dropped to the point where it is only a wooden board.

System: The flexible transformation of this world's phase can also be used to transport some large metal objects, such as cannons, ballistas, and steam armored vehicles. During normal marches, the armor and ejection excitation structures of these machines are not used, so they are directly transported lightly.

Quantification, and during the charging and firing process, you can see the mechanical structure, and the structure in the barrel is flashing with obvious strengthening magic runes.

At this time, the soldiers were marching with Eryuan wearing equipment equivalent to wood. Eryuan also opened his legs.

Eryuan used to ride a horse, but when he was riding, he felt pain on both sides of his thighs. Eryuan realized that the "Prince Charming" was so powerful that he couldn't pretend to be the same.

Eryuan comments: The backbone of a strong horse is very wide, and it is not as comfortable as a donkey, a motorcycle, or a battery car. Sitting astride a horse is contrary to the human body structure, and it will be slightly uncomfortable after a long time. If the legs are not long enough, it will be even more uncomfortable.

It’s uncomfortable, and I can’t sit on my bow-legged body—don’t you see, the dwarves don’t ride horses either, they ride goats.

Eyuan told the soldiers his reason for dismounting: he wanted to feel the breath of the earth.

Along the way, Eryuan looked at the grass and trees in this world, and to be honest, he felt that this was the pastoral era of agriculture, and everything looked very beautiful, and at night, the little stars emerging from the forests and grass were very magical.


"Phase change of matter" is a natural phenomenon here. This phenomenon does not only appear on small pieces of magic stones, but also on large areas such as plains and seas. Because the total amount is huge, visible elements can also be jumped out by natural gathering.


Moreover, the more vast a natural area with consistent attributes, the easier it is for elements to reverberate. To use the metaphor of the main world situation, "the vast ocean is higher than the waves of the lake."

The continuous volcanic area will be active with fire phase ripples, and natural spirits will appear dancing in the vast forest.

At this time, when Eryuan passed by the earth, he could sense the jumping water veins in the underground river. When passing by those hundred-meter-high trees, he could even sense that silicon-based chips appeared on the rings of those ancient trees.


Eyuan: If they continue to evolve, these trees will have the ability to think and act. This may be the case with the elves' ancient trees of wisdom.

Eryuan is thinking: What would this world look like if it developed into an advanced energy civilization? A space energy battleship covered with runes?

When Eryuan begins to daydream, inspiration flows out like a fountain. This is because Eryuan is already connected to a "medical system" in the dimension. In order to ensure the health of consciousness, Eryuan will continue to practice the "dream".

Narrator: If we say that soul injection is equivalent to implanting animal organs into the human body, it is a technology that is emergency but cannot be abused. Eryuan's current "dream system" is a daily healthy exercise for consciousness. Well, it is equivalent to the "consciousness level"

Body fixation.

Traveling through deep dimensions is equivalent to space voyages. Space voyages require the study of life-support systems, and in cold planes such as fossils, it is necessary to maintain the health of consciousness...

"Self-analysis of the physical origin of self-existence" is the main thread of human life science progress.

In the long enlightenment era of the main world, human beings only had an understanding of the existence of self-consciousness from the beginning as "organs created by God".

From early medical scientists analyzing the internal organs of the body to determining that the main seat of consciousness is the brain,

By the 24th century, it will be determined that the origin of consciousness in the brain comes from quantum signals.

And in the 29th century, it was determined that human and animal consciousness have the same origin and have different degrees of evolution.

As for now, Eryuan has delved deeper into the "core" of consciousness, that is, the flash of light in the dream process.

Consciousness has natural penetration in dimensions, especially when the life where consciousness is located is in the process of "dying struggle" and "dream practice". Eryuan's "vitality" route in dimensions has actually gone very far.


In the current 38th century, the consciousness clusters in the main world still use the very traditional "Suhui" system during time travel, using modular thinking (organs) to carry consciousness, but Eryuan no longer needs too many modular memories.


At this time, during the time travel, some Wei Keng individuals can always find themselves clearly through self-thinking from the initial confusion and ignorance.

…Just as photons and baryons went from entanglement to separation in the early days of the Big Bang, with the development of human civilization, dreams and control will also repel each other...

In the year 3783 of the main world, the world is in turmoil.

Wei Keng, who was in the Stellar Department, stared at the planes he was wandering in, and his remaining "middleman" consciousness in most planes continued to weaken.

In the Sixth Plane War, the Star Ring Alliance (the space-time center of the two major planets Earth and Wood) and the Black Alliance (Earth, Fire, Metal, and the New Space-Time Administration) are surrounded by several large star sea planes.

A round of war was launched.

As war becomes more and more extreme, the reasons for destroying the world become more and more cruel and absurd.

Some ultra-high-tech universes have developed civilization-destroying weapons similar to "two-way foils" - Wei Keng's own clusters in those worlds have experienced this kind of thing when they were eating hot pot and singing songs, and were suddenly killed.

The despair of annihilation, this feeling of being really powerless.

On the contrary, marginal planes like the "Magic World" cannot develop mechanical civilization and technological culture, and are not the focus of the battle now.

This gave Wei Keng a rare peace when he fled there. The enemy just used a watermelon knife to chop himself.

Wei Keng shook his head and immediately denied the correctness of "I am content with peace".

All "peace" in low-level development planes is a crime against those civilizations themselves.

As a life, when you see that a road is dead, your mission is to find a way to the future.

Weiwei Keng: "This is not peace, it's just that I am trapped in greater confusion. Alas, in the current situation, I have not found a reason or goal for me to fight."

Wei Keng glanced at the dimensional well on the earth facing the "A" level territory, the consciousness of the "starry light" traveler, and then looked at the C type plane where he was. The comparison between the two was like twenty

The difference in lights between developed and underdeveloped areas that can be seen in space in the first century.

Wei Keng became a little anxious: "In a world where all efforts for change have failed to make any progress, what can be done?"

In those C-type planes, no amount of geniuses in the past could change the culture of this world.

Even though industry was developed, it quickly collapsed under the degenerate culture of industrial civilization. - What is the meaning of such a world with a ceiling?

...Perspective, returning to the magic plane, the climbing Eryuan is still growing in tepid consciousness...

Eryuan approached the hinterland of the kingdom and smelled the smell of industry. The black ash from burning coal mines was blown into the air by the strong wind.

The kingdoms fighting on the northern front already know that there are traces of orcs here.

So in two months, a team of dwarf craftsmen will be sent to assist in the construction of the machine workshop.

The noisy voices of those dust-covered dwarfs can be heard across the street, and there are as many pubs in the street as there are mahjong parlors in Sichuan, and there is never a shortage of people.

Due to the existence of the dwarves, a nation of craftsmen, muskets and mortars are also available in this world, but the casting technology is equivalent to the level of the late Ming Dynasty.

That kind of firearm is rolled up with iron sheets and has a slightly bell mouth. The projectiles it sprays have a lethal range of only fifty steps or more than twenty meters.

When faced with armored units like knights, muskets must be fired within a range of twenty meters to be effective. Of course, for most unarmored units in the air, the killing range is about fifty meters!

Just as Eryuan was carefully avoiding the wine bottles and vomit on the ground, the roar of birds of prey came from the sky.

In the air force of this era, agile and light people were blessed with the "Wind Shield Technique" and then rode dragon eagles, large flying bird units, to fight. In order to reduce weight, the weapons they carried were not "bows and arrows" and other special weapons.

The actual weight of the projectile is the magic hammer and the piercing wind blade. The flying height at the same time is the height of a nine-story residential building on the earth.

As for why you can't fly higher in the air, why do you have to fly at a height of less than fifty meters close to the ground? The reason is still due to the material phase of this plane.

On the flat ground of the earth, if a person climbs a tall tower or chimney, as long as he is about ten meters away from the ground, he can feel the strong wind different from the ground.

There are only strong winds on the earth. In this physical environment where matter has various phases, wind, fire, earth, and water can be superimposed to create more complex environments.

These high-altitude air currents, pieces of phase-crystallized air, are like pieces of hard ice, which will cut through the aerial rider, so once it is fifty meters away from the ground, it will not be able to continue to rise.

Narrator: The mage's wind blade technique is created with reference to this "hard" phase air.

The pilot can only stay safe and sound when he is fifty meters close to the ground, under a protective layer like the earth's phase magnetic film.

…This time, Eryuan entered a more magnificent city…

Eryuan watched with interest those carriages with pure steel chassis driving on the stone streets.

Eyuan: I finally see a decent mechanical civilization in this world

In fact, according to the physical rules of this world, seamless steel pipes can exist! Seamless steel pipes can also be forged and drilled.

Hydraulic machinery can also be used to make cannons by tapping them repeatedly and using magic to temper metal crystals. However, knights still prefer pure steel swords.

After all, for the lords protected by the power of the elements, shell bombardment is like a water bag thrown at them. The cannonballs invade the lord's elemental field, and the melting point of metals under the drastic change of elemental phase, such as iron, changes to only 30 degrees Celsius in an instant.

, the iron ball turned into mercury!

So even if it is a dwarf bullet, facing the armor protected by lightweight runes in this world, it will be difficult for the projectile to break through the defense!

In the magical world where Eryuan lives, infantrymen have 20 kilograms of armor and knights have 50 kilograms of armor. When they march, these armors directly erase the mass, so they all wear the same armor as the Iron Bastards.

Of course, if the armor is not made thick, how can the human race face monsters such as ogres and orcs? How can an armor-piercing spear without sharp runes be strengthened against giant dragons, mountain monsters and other giant beasts?

On the square city wall, Eryuan saw the pure firearms troops of the dwarves. The aiming scale of these gunpowder-propelled shooting weapons was 150 meters. The already very thick barrels and barrels also had a

Circles of reinforcing steel bars.

I am afraid that only the dwarves are capable of carrying the cannon and firing it. Thanks to the "Phase Change" spell, the weight of this thing can be reduced during transportation.

Eryuan looked at the medieval atmosphere on the street, and thought to himself, if in the 28th century, the plane was like this when he first traveled through it, what would he do?

…At this time, in the area adjacent to this plane, dreams begin to resonate…

A certain monitoring dimension and monitoring station set up by Eryuan suddenly received a special message.


"Jump Preparation"

"Get particle transition window"

"Please verify based on the situation on this plane!"

"Waiting for feedback"

This communication appeared very suddenly, was intermittent, and disappeared very suddenly, as if an aircraft with an unidentified number broke into unexplored airspace, and after sending out a request for emergency communication, it suddenly crashed.

I caught up on my sleep at two o'clock in the afternoon and forgot everything.


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