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Chapter 4.38 The long past and the coming tomorrow

   In the original timeline of Kongtuan War Zone, Wei Keng, Li Han, and Mu Feng were talking about opening the archive.

Facing the current 680,000 timeline war zone, the Mediterranean Time and Space Military Command is also preparing for the final "fight to the death". They have issued the clearest instructions: break out at all costs.

 Breakthrough is to break through an original timeline and replace the protagonist! For this reason, the Mediterranean Department is determined to drag its highest-level existence into the war.

 Michaelena was the Caesar of the Mediterranean.

  She completed the construction of her godhood in the newly developed "melted physical plane", and in that rich and high-value space-time area, no war occurred because of her existence.

In the main world, her only body returned to Earth from the Saturn base, originally to investigate a certain mimetic world emerging on the World Wide Web. But after coming down from the Mississippi Sea Space Base, she received a recruitment order from the Mediterranean Space and Time Administration.

, had to give up the original itinerary plan.

The Olympus Time and Space Center requires her to conduct a projection on the small main battlefield of the air twist plane to open up a retreat path for her own side.


  Of the times Michaelena traveled through the planes as a carbon-based human being, 70% were female, 10% were male, and 20% were genderless special species.

 In this era of time travel, gender can actually change freely in time and space.

Especially under the promotion of the Mediterranean liberal culture, they have made great progress in the new generation's concept of equality between men and women. Many women directly choose to assume and obtain male roles in social production and distribution.

 While the East was still talking about the division of labor between men and women and carefully training female time travellers, they had already increased the proportion of female time travellers to 30%.

Of course, it is an indisputable fact that the death rate of women in battle is higher than that of men due to objective factors such as physiological personality. But Mediterranean women still rush forward boldly. After all, in the culture of modern times, they did not even have a confinement period after giving birth to a baby.


Of course, the more realistic reason is that the Mediterranean system is dominated by time travelers and supplemented by supervisors, rather than the two Eastern professions being equal under a cooperative framework. The greater the responsibility, the greater the power, which forces women here to fight for dominance.

time travel.

 This is the growing cultural difference between the East and the West in the era of great time travel!

 This is a reality contrary to the trend predicted in recent times that “cultures will eventually merge”.



 Cultures will merge! But only in an increasingly stable history.

For example, China's Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism finally merged into one thing after the two Song Dynasties and became something on the same axis.

  But if history is opened up on a large scale, new things will continue to emerge. Due to the humanities with different cultural origins, the interpretation of these large numbers of new things will become increasingly different.

For example, after the Internet explosion in the 21st century, culture suddenly became diversified. At that time, the differences between the East and the West became very large, and the division caused by various double standards was far greater than the integration process.

 This is the era of great time travel, and it is also the Second Plane War.

 The new things and new environments that have emerged are unmatched by any era in the past. Therefore, they have different understandings based on their cultural origins. The two time and space administrations are different from systems to thinking.


  April 5, 2705, 9:33 am Rome time.

 The chief priest Yaroxi, who was wearing a laurel wreath, saw Michaelina entering the space field, and a look of hope flashed in his eyes.

After reading the information on the Kongtwist plane, Michaelena raised his head and said: "The person in the Great River System here is not a king, and it is impossible for a king to be promoted here."

Yaloxi couldn't help but ask: "Do you have any special information?"

Michaelena: "Before the first plane war, I collaborated with Bai Hengqian, the supervisor of the Great River System, to classify the situation in the far plane!"

[This kind of contact with the enemy's high-level officials was previously a personal secret of both parties. It was sealed after the beginning of the first plane war. Whoever reveals his secret will be re-judged by our own review agency.

Now Michaelena can speak openly, that is because: she has now reached the Caesar level, and the power of the Mediterranean space-time center is also extremely scarce]

 Michaelena: “There are many planes that are not suitable for king promotion. There are two main reasons.

Category 1: The local beings are too strong. In the process of advancing to a high level, they will be consciously locked by local superconscious beings, oh, that is, gods.

Category 2: These planes may be attachment areas of certain large space-time areas. In these planes, when the physical phenomena accompanying consciousness grow to a certain extent, there will be a spillover effect." (Growing to a certain extent, consciousness will soar to a certain level.

Another space-time zone.)

 Michaelena, pointing to the second line.

 The empty twisting plane has a spillover effect, that is, when the consciousness of the twisting space grows to a certain extent, it will jump out of the observation range of this plane.

 So in such a plane, consciousness is not eternal after a powerful expansion.

 The data priest on the side was silent and then asked: "But they (the big river system) do have a super consciousness (traveler) here."

  She opened the new information that she had collected recently, which was a fragment of "a certain low-key time traveler" revealed by the sudden outbreak of revolutions in many timelines.

Michaelena looked at Wei Keng's face on the interface that could not be accurately judged, and said: "This person should have been outside the Dahe system and belonged to the 'Inflator'. I will go and meet him."

 Michaelena decided to send consciousness to the axis timeline.

 She refused to conduct preliminary reconnaissance, because if she traveled through the time after preliminary reconnaissance, she would always arrive at a backward point in time.

 Michaelena: We must travel to the forefront of the time cluster in the void plane. Otherwise, in other timelines, his response to us will always be perfect.


 After successfully crossing

Michaelena in the spaceship struggled to expand her consciousness. The flowing space outside the spaceship and the ever-expanding sense of space made her gradually confirm that she was on a spaceship.

 However, she didn't know.

  Someone on the landing gear observed her arrival the whole time, and quietly slipped into an empty dormant cabin of the spacecraft next door.

Wei Keng huddled in the dormant chamber. After inserting his information into the electronic system, he looked at the enemy information sent to him by the system. He took a breath and said, "Female?"

 Qin Xiaohan: “What?”


 The caravan space jumped and arrived at its destination: "Tianling" space city.

The space city is very large, spanning 400 kilometers! However, in terms of style, it seems a bit messy. No, it should be diversified.

"Tianling" is made up of space station warehouses of different sizes, and the outermost space area is obviously modified from some battleships with the power system removed. Such asymmetric construction makes the center of gravity of each area distributed.

To be scattered, a lot of additional reinforcing structures had to be added.

If the overworld were in the 21st century, during the starboard civilization stage, a space city with this form might be considered "diversified". This would be similar to the International Space Station at that time, when the scattered cables were interpreted as being easy to maintain.


 But in fact, the direction of the development of space technology is neatness! The more neat the super-large man-made celestial facilities are, the more central they will be!

  【The natural star Ceres has already become a perfect circle! Simple symmetrical geometry is an objective law】

Nowadays, the space facilities in the main world, no matter what kind, are absolutely symmetrical structures, and some residential areas are designed into neat hexagonal honeycomb structures for efficiency. It is definitely not like this kind of garbage dump, um, all kinds of

Like the punk structure of interlaced pipes.

 Even Wei Keng secretly speculated that the population quality of this space star port is worrying.

Mr. Wei: If high-level intellectuals were using their brainpower to control this place in an organized manner, they would never let the space city grow like this.

However, Wei Keng felt that the time traveler (Michaelena) seemed to be using space clusters to conduct detailed observations. Wei Keng retracted his previous arbitrary conclusions and began to observe again. Wei Keng: "After all, I am one of the middlemen.

Zi, let’s see what other people think.”

Following Michaelena's observation actions, Wei Keng quickly found his previous omissions.

Although the space station is messy, it has forty-eight signal towers as axons.

The shapes of these axons are different, some are spiral tower bulges, and some are stalagmite bulges. It is because of the non-uniform shape that they were mixed in these messy buildings and could not be seen just now.

  But the axes of these axon towers are highly symmetrical.

The forty-eight axes were extremely symmetrical in terms of accuracy. Wei Keng then carefully observed the materials on these axes and found that there were materials from different eras. He quickly found materials from seven hundred years ago. As for the innermost one

The layer may be older.

Of course, there was something wrong with the gravity and mass coefficient of the innermost layer. Then Wei Keng determined the anchor point of the entire "Tianling" Space City, and there was an invisible mass that covered the space where Tianling Space City was like a reflection.


Wei Keng: “System, is there a record in the data?”

System: "Data are scarce, and it is suspected that there is a prehistoric artificial star sea calibration port (similar to a lighthouse on the sea) in the center. Please make corresponding measurements." At present, only Satellite Keng has the most advanced observation equipment in the space plane.


Wei Keng unfolded his treasure-level equipment in the open space. A forty-meter-long silver-white metal instrument.

As the complex spatial twists on the treasure weapon emitted signals, some small turning points that ordinary people could not detect began to scan information in this space city.

Wei Keng’s scan of the entire space city lasted four hours, and finally, like a thunderous progress bar, he encountered an obstacle.

Wei Keng: "The distortion of the inner core space is too high to be measured, but it can be judged to be from prehistory."

Of course, based on the large amount of data that has been scanned, the system has deduced that there are four internal document formats.

These document formats come from the highly developed interstellar civilization that existed before the Star Calendar.


Wei Keng: "The genetic files are recorded on it? Isn't there a mapping relationship between the human species in this plane and the main world?"

 System: "There is a mapping effect, but it is not an absolute mapping. There are obviously abnormal sources in the gene spectrum of this plane."

 The system was opened in front of Wei Keng, and the data analyzed by molecular anthropology subsequently pointed to some obvious branches.

 Some significant differences in gene sequences between the two sides appeared 300,000 years ago. In other words, 300,000 years ago in the main world, before Homo sapiens was born, the genes in time and space began to differentiate.


Wei Keng suddenly grasped the key point. Did the human genes overflowing from the main world differentiate into another branch of humanity? Or is there an unknown human evolutionary tree in time and space? The main world and the space twist plane are just branches of human genes that escaped in time and space.


 It is probably the latter now. Three hundred thousand years ago, human beings were still in the age of Homo habilis, and then the rise of Homo sapiens suddenly occurred.

 As human civilization enters beyond time and space in the contemporary era, all frontier explorers feel the narrowness of their vision in the past.

Today's human beings are like walking out of one river and finding another river (history of time and space). Is the original river (history of time and space) the main stream? Maybe it is just a tributary.

 The space-time department of the Mediterranean system still holds some secrets.

In this second plane war, at this stage, Wei Keng has unknowingly despised the Mediterranean system due to his continuous victory. But now, this new traveler has allowed Wei Keng to examine himself and once again determined

"When three people are together, I must be my teacher."


 Attention is drawn back to the current plane, to the current historical task.

 After queuing for four days, the cargo ship finally entered the port. All kinds of goods finally found buyers.

 In this area, it seems that there are opportunities to make money everywhere, but no one will make you rich for no reason. Especially for newcomers, when they have no chance to prove their strength, even the promised rewards will be withheld.

Being arranged to enter the gear corridor, Wei Keng, as a worker, is acting as an observer, carefully savoring the current ecological status of the "new space technology owner".

 Shu Li, the owner of the cargo ship, after reluctantly paying for various expenses, determined that his business was about to overspend.

 At night, after the goods have been delivered, the boss is asking the smart housekeeper to check his balance of payments to see where he can save money.

Juli’s team: Of course, the supplier has to be trustworthy and can’t delay a single move. Space jump fuel is also key. There are also several navigators from the Sword Sect. Their smooth entry into the job today is all due to

To keep them. So there are only a few things that can be postponed temporarily.

Wei Keng, who was wearing a shabby space suit on the gear corridor, couldn't help but smile sarcastically after confirming the businessman's choice. After a long time, he uttered one word: "Businessman."

In the cyberpunk society, everything at the lower level is full of sloppiness. For example, Wei Keng’s space suit is a standard street boy’s rags. The three holes on it are all hand-made with rubber. One of them is still useful.

Chewing gum stuck marks.


 In a temporary guest house in the city.

The environment here is very bad: there is dry dust floating in the air, and the gravity of the entire Tianling Space City adjusts every once in a while. The dust collects here and enters the sedimentation bin at the end of the tunnel, waiting for classification and circulation (the principle is like water flow for gold,

It’s just that what is gathered here is not gold, but all kinds of powdered metal garbage). Therefore, during this period of time, all the cabin doors in this area are closed, and nothing can be seen outside.

 The merchant ship security captain was arguing with Shuli through the somewhat blurry TV interface.

Shu Li: "It's not like I won't give it to you, so don't push me so hard. If I had known you were like this, how could I hire you? If I don't hesitate, I'll pass on your team's situation to the business community and take a look.

Who will hire you again!"

 The interface was then closed.

This captain may be familiar with combat, but faced with such a scene, he is obviously at a loss for words.

 It is completely different from Liquciqiong. The ancient term "Liguaciqiong" describes: the reasons for your personal difficulties are suppressed by the other party's big reason of "expanding a big career", so Ciqiong.

  Two days later

 The plan to return home has successfully balanced the balance of payments!

 After finishing clearing the goods, he also resolved the financial disputes among the troops in the battle division and prepared to return with another group of swordsmen.

As for the remuneration of the ambush warriors, I found a tooth shop to help me deal with it through my connections. I only paid 70% of the price, and the space city transfer system paid for it (disbursed) for me!

Wei Keng (sarcastic): In this way, he will have a net profit, and he is ready to lead the company to reach new heights in business and benefit space logistics.

 Businessmen can get rid of bad debts and only count their own contributions to the outside world by controlling the right to speak. But for the entire era, don't blame the world for being full of hostility.

Wei Keng also calculated the accounts of the ambush troops.

For the ambush master, part of the handling fee will be deducted by the space city when receiving the reward. During this trip, various locators were scattered, and during the process, three warnings were given to the pirate ship, which consumed

ammunition, and rewards for combatants who take the initiative to advance forward.

This professional legion, which relies on the development of advanced productivity, consumes more money than the traditional swordsman combat team. Businessmen like Shuli maliciously default on combat commissions for their own business. In fact, they consume the life of other people's teams to continue.

The "advancement" of one's own model.

Perhaps in some cases, businessmen like Shuli and the managers who set the rules in this space city can use 'word skills' to block their speeches, and can use strong order to suppress their dissatisfaction and let the top people

The ruling class mistakenly believes that there is no contradiction.



Wei Keng adjusted the space positioning node and sent information to the cadres in the base area on the nearby brown dwarf star. Some of the cadres in these Xinghai base areas were selected by him like Xikan and received instructions, while some were directly

He is his own student.

 “If there is oppression and you want to resist, come quickly.”

Wei Keng: To start the trend of this era, you don’t need many people, just a few people come to organize and grasp the contradictions.

 The formation system can only be supported by more advanced productive forces!

 As for the advanced production system, it can only truly grow and develop when the emerging classes who feel the oppression of the old system join in.

With the observation of Wei Keng on multiple timelines, thousands of waterways and tens of thousands of scattered secret pirate ports have been marked.

 The curtain of the Starry Sky Revolution is about to be opened.

This chapter has been completed!
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