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Chapter 30 Chapter 2927: Combining Vertical and Horizontal

Eryuan, the lord of the Tomorrow Territory, is constructing modernization with the help of the travelers from the alien plane. Of course, compared to the driving force of the travelers from the taiwan plane, Eryuan has provided some resistance.

When forming the chamber of commerce built on capital economy, the "family" was retained, and when forming the modern army, the "knight" assessment system was retained.

Well, it's not that Eryuan wants to preserve it, but the people under his command who make magic potions and the knights who follow him want to maintain this system.

Eyuan: The current enthusiasm of the people in these territories is that they hope that when the territory becomes bigger and stronger, they will become a small aristocracy. As for complete equality and freedom, well, that cannot be a living thing for them.

Therefore, the production organization of a modern country cannot be replicated, but it only needs to be more efficient than the nobles of the kingdom in the feudal system of the same period. At the very least, under the stimulation of money, a young magic apprentice will not be busy all day long.

You can practice to increase your magic power, or cater to your mentor. You can find a job on the mechanical production line of the Magic Potion Cultivation Association, so that you can have an independent voice.

In just two years, an industrial area has emerged here. And the five-kilometer area is covered with hardened roads that have been turned from mud to stone. In the center of such rocky roads, there is often a strip of

Urban freight transport supported by steel rails has a train in and out of the city every twenty minutes.

Twenty kilometers outside the city, roads paved with stones extend. Magical vehicles lifted by the water element move iron buckets full of ore from canal ships onto the railway. At the same time, they incorporate

The clay puppet's mechanical device stands on the canal dock and performs automatic unloading of twenty tons on the ship system.

Fifty kilometers away, the energy tower that absorbs atmospheric tidal energy is injecting energy into the huge teleportation array. Some senior technicians can quickly reach the surrounding "industrial town territory" through the teleportation array.

In these industrial towns, there are many bastion buildings, and outside the bastions are twenty-meter-high arrow towers.

In the past two years, facing the rows of arrow towers on Master Wei's multiple bases and the invading gnolls, ogres and other orcs, I was surprised to find that the attacks launched by these arrow towers all had the effect of freezing spheres.

Yes! If you are shot once, you will slow down the other one. If you are shot multiple times, your whole body will become sluggish and eventually stiff.

Although Eryuan is very optimistic about its own industrial development, the territory only has a population of a few thousand, and the products of the handicraft workshops have quickly reached the local consumption limit, so it needs to find allies in the market and military.

Eryuan first found his old friend in the dwarf tribe.

Eryuan quickly arrived at the dwarf territory through the space jump gate. After seeing his dwarf friend, Master Wei gave him a warm hug and then presented him with a sincere gift: a box of Red Star Erguotou.

This is a highly alcoholic beverage brewed using the Xia Sheng plane brewing method, but the brand name was decided by Master Wei.

In fact, Eryuan arranged this meeting with the dwarf from the perspective of a Taiyi man.

As a lord, "Eryuan"'s position is naturally to hope to maintain exclusive cooperation with foreign forces. But Eryuan knows that it is impossible for the time traveler to hang himself on a tree. Their position is to want more

Walk around, see more, and get in touch with various forces. Eryuan understands the thoughts of the time travelers very well.

After the successful loading of a large amount of cloth, grain and other light industrial daily necessities on tomorrow's collar, Eryuan and Wukang came to the dwarf city "carrying big bags and small bags" and began their visit.

In the slag-filled furnace city, Eryuan introduced these aliens from Xia Sheng to the bearded and short-legged

In the original plan of Wukang and other time travellers, they wanted to hide Eyuan secretly and explore as much as possible the situation of various races in this world.

But to their surprise, the young mage lords of the Tomorrow Territory did not show the narrow-mindedness of traditional lords, monopolizing Xia Sheng's cooperation, and actively expanded their communication channels to more forces.

Wukang's team of time travelers decided to change their plan of self-exploration into a second plan.

Eryuan knew very well how pure Xia Sheng, a civilization that had just entered the multidimensional plane, would be.

Eyuan: Just like us in the pastoral generation, when we first come into contact with foreign forces, we will be extraordinarily generous and full of equality. We will not divide those worlds with different speeds of time into three, six or nine grades. In this way

I couldn't stop the "young men", so I simply let them go.

Of course, Eryuan also knows that time-travelers like Xia Sheng will eventually choose reliable allies for business cooperation after comparisons after encountering obstacles when going out.

System: According to economic theory, when the Xia Sheng plane belongs to investors, the economy is in a state of overheating and they want to open up various economic channels. However, as the enthusiasm for economic investment disappears, they will still concentrate their investments in more secure places.

At present, Eryuan's Mingriling is definitely a safe investment project. If Party A's father wants to go out more and have more experiences, then he is welcome to send them out.

…On the dwarves’ side, Eryuan turned out to be an excellent (heartless) translator…

The engineers in Xia Sheng's Traveler gradually learned about the dwarf's forging industry through Eyuan's word-for-word translation.

But when they proposed a package plan to help the dwarves complete upgrades, such as steel smelting technology, they were met with a blank stare by the dwarves.

The upright dwarves think: What? You help us upgrade. We dwarves have inherited the tradition of blacksmithing from generation to generation. Why do we need you to tell us what to do?

Of course Eryuan was not opposed to the internationalist spirit of Xia Sheng Civilization, but when he saw the dwarves eager to jump and pick up their hammers, he still had to leave Wukang aside.

Before the dwarves could continue to be petty, Eryuan directly talked about other cooperation and diverted the dwarves' attention.

Eryuan said to the dwarf elder: My guest (Xia Sheng people) may be a little impatient, but I hope to hire dwarf craftsmen to come to our territory. I will ensure that sufficient amounts of barley wine and rice cakes are provided during the hire, as well as

Mutton jerky and more silver coins.

In a few words, the dwarves were brought back to the traditional mode of communication.

Eryuan told Wukang on the side: "The best-selling products here among the dwarves are 'salt', 'grain' and 'cloth'. They like others to respectfully call them masters. It is easier to communicate by starting from this topic."

Eryuan then added: "Everyone should be careful to keep some seemingly inconspicuous things in their luggage, such as instant noodle seasoning packets, because some cautious dwarves will mistake them for poison."

Six months later, Eryuan invited the young dwarf craftsmen to Tomorrow Land and let them visit the steam forging room. Of course, this did not convince the dwarves, who also had their own steam engines.

The Xia Sheng people still refused to give up and found Eyuan as a middleman to teach these dwarves how to use rulers and compasses.

As Eryuan expected, the dwarves were not interested in Xia Sheng's outsider's "pointing their fingers" in the steel-making process. It could even be said that they were disgusted.

You must know that dwarves have another characteristic, which is stubbornness and arrogance. Dwarves use the distance that does not burn their beards as their perception of steel.

After repeated discussions, Eryuan explained to the Xia Sheng engineers who felt depressed after hitting the wall: "They (dwarves) are a family system, and their family status is determined based on the forging process, and now you directly say that you have the strongest ones to teach.

This is tantamount to challenging the status of the elders in their clan."

Engineer Xia Sheng: "Don't they really understand that standardized industrial standards can improve their productivity?"

Eryuan shook his head: "The smelting technology of the dwarves has not encountered challenges in the mainland for thousands of years, so they are not eager for the "improvement" you call. On the contrary, in their view, your eagerness is very serious.


Xia Sheng's engineers quickly understood that they had acted too hastily. After leaving a series of industrial technology books in the steam forging room, they stopped discussing modernization with the dwarves.

Eryuan is also appeasing his friendship with the dwarves. The way to appease them is to give these dwarves a shiny stainless steel auto repair wrench set. Although these dwarves do not believe that anyone has better smelting technology than them, those who know steel


In addition, the dwarves happily looked at the woolen cloth in the cargo box (actually the level of curtains in the 21st century), as well as ten cans of beer and two bottles of medical alcohol in the car.

Obviously, the friendship between Eryuan and the dwarves is unbreakable, even if the topic of smelting is not involved and they are just eating and drinking.

Just like between students and teachers, as long as they don't talk about learning, everyone is happy.

At this time, Xia Sheng Wenming was just like a young man who thought the world was a beautiful place when he first left home, but in the end, after running into many obstacles, he discovered that only his parents were sincere...

Just when the three steam workshops of Tomorrow Land began to produce mechanical tractors, a special situation occurred at Brandt Land.

In the year 576 of the Holy Shield Calendar, Mr. Wei read the magic letter. It was written by Jie Li herself, requesting that Eryuan must come in person.

After the teleportation array arrived, Eryuan realized that it was actually not a big deal. A group of Xia Sheng plane explorers did not follow the instructions of their tour guide and independently collected grain seeds, but were caught by the farmers.

This is an ordinary matter that only requires a little compensation, but Eyuan is forced to do it in person. (In the eyes of others, this kind of disobedience to instructions is very bad, but Eyuan is the first to appear to the new generation.

His adventurous behavior is very enlightened.)

After Eyuan arrived at the scene, he used a bag of grain pancakes and two sheep to complete the aftermath with the farmers. It seemed that he was intimidated by Eyuan's aristocratic status. The farmers who had previously detained people forcibly released them.


However, all this is more like Lord Jieli's arrangement, deliberately letting Eryuan come to see her in the name of catching the "thief".

After two years apart, Eryuan walked into Brandt's castle and experienced a wave of war shocks. The once broken masonry of the castle has been replaced by stone bricks. Hard building materials are formed on the earth through cement solidification, and this location

The magicians above use "phase magic" to temporarily change the stones into soft mud, and then squeeze and shape them into stones. (First, fossils are turned into mud, and then mud is turned into stone)

When the knights saw Eryuan, they saluted one after another. Because Eryuan saved many people on the battlefield. As for the Xia Sheng people (summoning life) who were following Eryuan, they were stopped by the knights at the castle gate for inspection.

When Eyuan saw this situation, he said to the knight commander on the side: "Sir, these people are my followers."

The knight commander looked at Eryuan meaningfully and said, "Sir, my master just wants to meet you."

Eryuan was slightly stunned, and could only walk up to the Xia Sheng plane tourists to explain, and at the same time told them to just stay at the reserved location. Don't be nervous, their people will definitely be able to get them back.

I walked up the circular staircase of the castle and met Lord Jie Li, Earl of Brandt. She was not wearing a knight's uniform now, but a blue dress, and her golden hair was now tied together.

Eryuan's eyes lit up slightly, this was indeed in line with his taste, but when he thought of the powerful muscles under her ladylike dress that could hack orcs to death, he couldn't help but retract his thoughts.

Eyuan: "Dear Lord, the Xia Sheng people entered my territory due to an unintentional curvature of time and space accident, and are now my subjects. They have strong curiosity, but there is no harm. Thank you for your help.

of care.”

Miss Brandt, after listening to Eyuan's sophistry, gestured to Eyuan to open the parchment on the side, which recorded the monitoring and evaluation of the "Alien Summoning Array" sent by the Kingdom's Mage Department tomorrow.

Obviously this is to inform Eryuan that the kingdom is in control of everything in Eryuan's territory.

Just when Eryuan was having a headache thinking about how to deal with the harsh evaluation of the kingdom, Jieli picked up the handkerchief and wiped her lips: "Your Majesty, Viscount, do you want to be a lord or a mage?


When she asked this question, her big blue eyes looked at Eryuan.

To this question, if Eryuan chooses to answer "be a mage", she will be very disappointed.

At this time, Eryuan was thinking about whether Countess Brandt meant the kingdom behind her question at this time, so he answered: "As a mage and as a lord, if this is a question of either choice, before giving this question

When answering, you must give up something. Then I will definitely tell the person who asked me such a question solemnly that I also have the ability to make him (the noble of the kingdom) give up some ideas."

The atmosphere was a bit stagnant.

Eyuan: "I don't want to hide anything from the kingdom. I even know very well who are using ravens to peek behind my back. But if they are not satisfied with peeking and want to unilaterally interfere, it would be rude."

Eyuan's aura was so serious that Miss Brandt seemed to be in a daze when she looked at Eyuan's face.

"Ahem~" Eryuan couldn't help but prompt: "Earl?"

Jie Li reacted and said quietly: "My name is Jie Li, you know my name."

Eyuan paused and said, "Jieli, is it from the kingdom that they asked me to seal the summoning array?" Eyuan was still focused on the topic that worried him most.

Jie Li responded angrily: "I don't know. You can ask the magicians in the kingdom directly. There is no need to come to me!"

She stood up, walked to the cupboard and bent down to get the candy. During this interval, Eryuan took stock of the environment of the room she was in.

Silver tableware, brass cabinet handles, and books with lapis lazuli color covers. Swan feathers on top hats hanging on the wall seem to be dangling.

Eryuan sighed in his heart: "When dealing with dwarves, you only need to supply enough beer. As for dealing with this noble, what should you do to get close?"

After Eryuan rolled his eyes, he saw behind Jieli, and his perspective couldn't help but be attracted. At this time, Jieli was not wearing a knight's armor, but a very close-fitting cotton suit. When she bent over, well, her figure was still very feminine.


Eryuan shook his head suddenly and complained to himself: "What are you thinking about? Well, take another look."

When Jieli sat back down, Eyuan immediately turned his eyes to the window and looked at the fields outside the castle. Then he slowly turned his head and said, "Jieli, let's cooperate."

Jie Li's hand shook slightly. The candy she held in her white gloves accidentally dropped a few more pieces and entered the tea cup.

But Eryuan later pointed out in a very rational way: The entire Brandt Territory is in dire need.

Eryuan came up with a new plan: agricultural tools that can support deep cultivation in tomorrow's territory, and nitrogen powder (fertilizer) that allows plants to grow quickly, can make this territory invaded by orcs thrive again.

Eryuan thought for a long time, reviving the territory, maybe this is what Jieli needs.

Jieli blinked and looked at Eryuan for a long time, as if she was a girl with a crush who asked for a date but was reminded by a boy of the same age that she had not finished her homework.

A contract was signed. After the names of both parties were signed side by side, the writing on the contract jumped out with flames. Part of the mental energy of both parties became entangled in the void, and the contract was concluded.

At the high point of the castle, Jieli looked at the fields, woods, and rivers a few kilometers away. She turned to Eyuan and asked: "Eryuan, the orcs and Naga will come at any time after the last failure. Do you need

Military protection?" Jieli's tone and eyes were full of expectation, full of "you need me to protect you".

Eryuan: "Yeah"

Just when he was about to think, Eyuan looked at Jieli's cunning eyes and suddenly reacted.

Eryuan once again promised in reverse: "If your territory is attacked again, I will come to rescue you."

However, Eyuan had a wrong understanding and gave a wrong answer.

As an Oriental on earth, the traditional (old-fashioned) Oriental male's view on love is to provide a cute girl with the material conditions to live and work in peace and contentment, as well as a sufficient sense of security.

As a man, you can only say "marry" after ensuring all the above, but in the current alien world, it is not in line with the national conditions.

Narrator: Not all girls in this world need a big house and a BMW to be willing to get married.

…dimension dividing line…

In the Qunxing Weili war zone next door, Yan Beixiang, who was in charge of intelligence work, collected the latest inner-universe mobilization information from Jitianxing. She looked towards the direction of the deep dimension without saying anything.

Seagate seven hundred years ago, Jieli today. Born by fate, the result of marriage.

This chapter has been completed!
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