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Chapter 31 Chapter 2937 Digging and backfilling

After the "Legend" story ends, a large amount of time and space will be divided. The following is the timeline of Xia Sheng's travellers.

In the year 581 of the Holy Shield Calendar, the Blackstone Fortress in the South.

After the human defenders released a strange light in the south, they suddenly discovered that the orc army was slowly retreating, leaving the broken city wall. They finally confirmed that the orc army had completely withdrawn their siege equipment. The citizens who participated in the defense in the fortress began to rob the city.

In the joy of the rest of his life, he pulled the rope under the big bell, and the rope swayed with the iron bell, ringing the bell representing victory.

Wearing armor full of dents and scratches, the knights defending the city wall stood on the parapet and watched to determine whether they had truly won. Especially Anlexi, who knew the food and various material reserves in the fortress.

Already on the verge of exhaustion, he looked expectantly at the retreating black beast army, hoping that it would never return.

Under the clairvoyance spells of the kingdom's mages, we saw that the orcs were all listless when they evacuated. The rancid pus on their bodies attracted many mosquitoes, and many orcs even had to rely on their companions due to the outbreak of the disease.

As the stretcher was carried away, it was obvious that it had lost the support of black magic, and everyone in the fortress could finally cheer with peace of mind.

The Kingdom's mages are not that excited, because they know that the key to this victory does not lie with them.

The mages stared at the terrifying magic fluctuation on the horizon. What was that fluctuation?

…Three months after the Big Bang…

In Brandt's territory, Eryuan and Jieli completed their wedding. The wedding was very simple. They did not celebrate it in the territory, and did not invite the old nobles. However, they invited a group of adventurers including Shuangtaguan who followed Eryuan.

Including hunters, dwarves, and elves, all participants in the process of crossing the continent.

Eryuan wanted the wedding to be pure and not to be tainted with territorial political connections. Of course, his sweet words to Jieli were: "I fell in love with you during this adventure and it has nothing to do with anything else."

The sweet words were very effective. Jie Li was carried into the new house by Er Yuan stupidly, with rouge clouds appearing on her snow-white skin, and the tall female knight was ridden.

Eryuan has decided to stay on this plane forever, so it will multiply in this world.

…give hope to the new world, establish guidance for a new time and space civilization,…

After the big explosion, the elves in Jingyue Lake migrated again, and Eryuan took the opportunity to set up a teleportation array to allow the elves to move to their territory.

In the Tomorrow Territory, Eryuan divided a large "territory" into different areas. Let me mention here that the territories assigned by the kingdom to the vassals are actually just strongholds. Whether the areas outside the strongholds can be regarded as territories depends on the lord.


The mountains and forests belong to the elves, but the three traffic arteries that will run through the mountains and forests in the future belong to the lords. These arterial roads will divide the elves' territories, and there will be elves' quotas for road patrol management. Everything will be in accordance with the rules when I first entered the multidimensional plane.

As an Oriental, Eryuan is very good at "fusion". After all, it has dealt with various conspiracies and conspiracies in history.

For regional autonomy such as mountain forests, as long as transportation property rights are controlled and local people are guaranteed to participate in transportation personnel arrangements, then even if the regional cultures are different, they can be subtly integrated.

Eyuan: If you want to unify, you must first figure out what the factors are that cause division! There are two factors that cause division.

The first element of division: major economic conflicts.

When regions and groups have independent economic systems, they must have the confidence to speak loudly.

If the central government wants to unify local areas, it must take away local economic independence. Therefore, not only cannot it benefit from regional aristocratic groups, it also needs to control transportation, commerce and other lifelines.

Eryuan is in the Tomorrow Territory, authorizing the territorial council to manage, and using laws at a higher level to allow groups within the council to fulfill higher obligations.

After the Congress controls transportation, mining, and plantation, it will economically force each region to cooperate in development, and the smooth road from the confederal system to the federal system will begin.

The second element of division: major ideological differences. These ideological differences are often played by wealthy feudal family owners in the region. The purpose is to consolidate the authoritative interests in their own region. They are a class that resists integration.

Eyuan recalled the experience of the 21st century: using huge sums of money to buy the superstructure has no effect, all that is waiting is betrayal.

Eryuan has accurately divided the mountains and forests into modern administrative districts and used industrialized transportation, which has always benefited the fusion faction among the elves.

As long as they are willing to go out of the mountains and forests to find work, ordinary elves will have a better life than their kin who stay in the mountains and forests.

The Tomorrow Leader must restrain "big humanism" and promote people who promote integration and exchange internally into the system, so that "elves" and "dwarves" can be prevented from rioting and resisting.

It can be seen from the people who came to attend the wedding that Eyuan is deliberately suppressing the conservative nobles in his and Jieli's territory, allowing them to enclose their territory for themselves.

... After settling the elves, Eryuan will face the variables of this world...

Compared with the nine-square grid division of consciousness by the Black Alliance at this time, Eryuan was cautious about his contact with the "New Generation" (Xia Sheng Civilization).

Eyuan: The "absolute goodness" and "absolute evil" of any visitor do not exist for variables. If you are "weak and greedy" (fearing power and not being moral), you will not get fairness and justice. But you firmly believe in justice and

Be positive, then even if you seem weak at the beginning, the communicating party will not dare to despise you, because they are afraid of future consequences. Cultivate Mingzheng internally, this is the so-called victory over the court.

Eryuan took the Pegasus again and arrived at Jingyue Lake. From a distance of six kilometers, he saw that the once green and dark land had now turned into a cyber machine island with blue light.

Eryuan stared at the "all-terrain planet development vehicle with multiple mechanical legs" appearing in the teleportation array, and breathed out: "It seems they are having a lot of fun now."

The current traveler of that plane should be in a very proud state.

Wei Keng understands this kind of pride very well. It stems from the self-confidence of civilization in its rising period. When productivity develops rapidly, it will be very open-minded and willing to show everything.

At this time, Wei Keng, oh, no, Eyuan, as a "foreigner", must cherish the civilization of this period. Because now is the best period for cooperation.

Eryuan came here this time, not because he knows that they are facing some problems at this stage, and he can negotiate with the price.

Eryuan looked at the abandoned machines on the hillside and shook his head at their recklessness.

Now this elemental island after the nuclear explosion has become a testing ground for scientists of the Xia Sheng civilization. All kinds of machinery are being tested in this world that is completely different from their own.

The conditions of the vehicles included a Type 59 tank that was stuck in a lake, and some fighter jets similar to the Flanker series that crash-landed on a hillside and were unable to move.

This time the Taiyi plane traveled through, the elites from various countries were sent.

In short, it is not just the Xia Sheng civilization, but also other civilizations on the earth over there. Because other civilizations on the earth over there also have dimensional detection projects, they have these tanks and cannons.

Those scientists don't seem to understand that they are squandering precious magical energy in this world. The physical rules of this plane do not support the durability of modern machinery. Without dense runes to strengthen the structure of mechanical parts, whether it is an aircraft or

The tank breaks down in less than an hour.

At the beginning, these scientists thought it was just a matter of materials, and they still focused on strengthening the materials. It was not until they determined that elements such as rare earths in the materials had transmuted that they realized that the materials on this plane were naturally unstable.

A large number of pilots are lost in this world. Thanks to the fact that all pilots are summoned beings, their thoughts and consciousness can return after death.

Such a blow made those who traveled through the Tai dimension begin to be modest and cautious, and put away their ambitions for this mysterious world.

In addition to the internal worries of mechanical failure, Taiyi travelers also encountered the "bad problem" of external invasion.

Due to his extensive use of "phase energy", the surrounding space is unstable. The energy leaked from the earth will cause space to tear, and some demons will pass through.

As for why these creatures are defined as "demons", the phenomenon of plane information reflection also appeared in the inspiration of some creators in the history of Xia Sheng. It appeared in literary works hundreds of years ago.

So these monsters that are eight meters tall, swinging their big tails, spreading their big claws, having horns on their heads, and holding huge metal sickles are demons.

Travelers from the Xia Sheng plane were firing at these strange alien creatures whose scales were flashing with black light. Clusters of bullets were like slingshots hitting brown bears. Not only did they not cause any damage, they angered the monsters and raised them two or three times.

Exaggerated metal weapons weighing tons chopped vehicles and vehicles into pieces.

Such monsters once made the shuttle armies of modern civilization very troubled. In the end, in order to temporarily drive back these monsters, they also prepared to activate nuclear weapons. Of course, they gave up under the warning of scientists, because nuclear weapons may make the uncontrollability of space even greater.

At this time, Eryuan came and brought a series of key information, which made Taiyi's earth side put aside its arrogance of claiming to be "scientific" and its impetuous eagerness for success, and began to seek truth from facts.

...Tai Yiyi, facing the research of time travel, is like a reckless young man using his strength indiscriminately...

On the other side of the Spirit Island space gate is the Pacific Ocean Seabed Research Center of the Tai One Plane. Here, information enthalpy processing that is "enormous" for human civilization of the Tai Plane at this time is being processed.

The world is paying attention to the "alien" information transmitted by quantum black holes, and many space-time exploration project teams established to follow the trend have begun to hesitate about "whether to invest further."

The space-time departments of the states in the solar system in the taiwan plane suffered a lot after the geocentric quantum teleportation. For a while, they hesitated to invest in the follow-up exploration. However, in the Pacific Deep Sea Base, the original scientific research leader Zhou You said: "Everyone, we should believe

, where there are trees and grass, there must be water (similar to how a car must find its way to a mountain). We originally contacted the person from that plane, found him, and renewed our previous cooperation."

It seemed to confirm Zhou You's statement, and the message was sent back from the plane.

Eryuan published a report on "Material Property Stability and Application of Rune Technology" based on the format of Xia Sheng Civilization's paper, and handed it over to the Taipei Space Time Department.

After careful study, the head of Xia Sheng's space and time department sighed: If this world really had the conditions to replicate mechanical technology, it would not be like being in the Middle Ages for thousands of years.

After Eryuan dropped the nuclear bomb, he returned to his old place and once again signaled his willingness to cooperate with Xia Sheng Civilization, the two sides hit it off and "reunited".

In the year 582 of the Holy Shield Calendar, the source of magic on the island has been surrounded by mechanical cubes full of technology...

The former sun wellhead is now surrounded by the cement structure of the nuclear reactor.

In the summoning formation set up in this energy center, Dr. Fang Mi, who was the first to study this plane, was lecturing the first batch of travelers who had just arrived: "Everyone, you are all carefully selected by the International Space-Time Association.

This place will be measured with your feet and eyes, go explore and discover.

"Yes! Promise to complete the mission," the soldiers saluted.

However, the excavator three hundred steps away broke down again, and the machine made a "framed" coughing sound.

Narrator: When new things first appear, the simpler the call, the easier it is to create a consensus, while the slightly more complicated explanation is likely to lead to different interpretations by ordinary people who have just come into contact with the new world.

Therefore, although the travelers who have come from Xia Sheng have encountered various complex problems, they still define all the forces in this world as "waiting to be liberated." Although their performance in contact with Eryuan is enlightened enough, but

Their attitude towards feudal lords seemed a bit "arrogant" towards Eryuan.

As a veteran with time-travel consciousness, Wei Keng: As a leader, you should be somewhat patient with the little pride of the younger generations.…

Looking back before the first plane war, Wei Keng was so proud as a traveler on the last train of the pastoral era.

…If you are not a parent, you don’t know how parents feel…

In the cyber-enabled skyscraper after the nuclear explosion, Eryuan walked into the presence of scientists from various countries who had traveled through the Tai dimension, took out his ppt, and began to introduce his plan.

Eryuan skillfully used the laser pointer and introduced it like a modern person: how to scientifically and sustainably utilize the abundant magic sources on the island. This should start from the two aspects of "technical streamlining" and "environmental protection".

Ever since, Eryuan began to instruct the traversers in mechanical manufacturing. First, they eliminated the complex transmission structure and adopted "artificial muscles" that were more suitable for this plane.

These muscles are created using the "stretchable and contractible" phase physical properties of the metal crystals in this plane. This is often used by magicians to create large war puppets in this plane.

As for the mechanical power system, the gas engine design has also been cancelled. Instead, "water" is used as the "fluid power heart", which can directly allow the water flow to rotate quickly and automatically, driving the turbine transmission structure to output mechanical energy. Why is it called the "power heart"

, because this large group of water is soft and is not an engine made of hard materials.

So this engine looks like a drum filled with water. After it is charged like a battery, and then a rune is inserted, the drum can drive the blades for power output.

After receiving the assistance of the "locals", the Xia Sheng people improved a new type of engine, allowing large machines to move on the island again.

The Xia Sheng plane travelers looked ashamed when they saw such "engine innovation". They felt that they should be more realistic than the feudal lords of the magic plane.

The time-travelers led by Xia Sheng held a meeting that night. Faced with the use of materials in "mechanical technology" by magicians in this world, we have confirmed that we are lagging behind them in this large-scale technological and scientific system.

——The meeting quickly conveyed the spirit to the entire group.

After reconstructing the combat machinery brought by Xia Sheng, Eryuan established a "Magic Energy Monument" to monitor the "space-time rift" on the island and the distribution of teleporting species within a hundred light years around it.

Eryuan subtly conveyed to this group of travelers the theory that "the negative entropy of life originates from the negative entropy of the environment, and life requires a civilized entropic environment."

The traveler of Xia Sheng Civilization seemed to suddenly remember something, and immediately took out the "Luoshu River Map, Innate Bagua" and matched it with the theory of solar terms of heaven and earth.

…The core cultural source of Chinese civilization is the unity of heaven and man. Human beings are born in heaven and earth. The small circumference of the human body corresponds to the great circumference of heaven and earth...

The Huangdi Neijing summarizes life in 24 words. The twelve qi circulate between heaven and earth at twelve o'clock, and they are in harmony with each other at the twelve o'clock, which together constitute the twelve levels of "qi" of human beings. The ancients believed that the breath of heaven and earth is cyclical, and the breath of human beings is also cyclic.


What is the breath of heaven and earth? The Yellow Emperor ordered Ling Lun to make music. Ling Lun listened to the cry of the phoenix in Jiegu in the Kunlun Mountains and determined the twelve rhythms of the phoenix. The phoenix singing was the six rhythms: Huangzhong, Taicu, Guxi, Ruibin,

Yi Ze, no shot; Huang Ming is six Lu: Lin Zhong, Nan Lu, Ying Zhong, Da Lu, Jia Zhong, Zhong Lu.

Specifically, a quiet secret room is dug in the Kunlun Mountains, and twelve long and short bamboo tubes are inserted into the ground. A bamboo film is pasted inside the tubes, and pure plant ashes are sprinkled on the film. These grounding tubes are placed in different time periods in different worlds. , will cause different pipes to blow out fly ash. These are the twelve earthly energies. Later they evolved into the twenty-four solar terms.

The sound produced by the twelve pipes corresponds to the Errhythms of the Music Sutra (lost). At the same time, it corresponds to the various muscles and meridians of the body.

…Master Wei’s scientific system developed to the end, and the result was that it was traced back to the ancient experience system.…

Since the "chaos creatures" that appear in the middle of the phase summons frequently appear from the cracks in space, the time travelers started infrastructure construction according to the suggestions of the local magician (Eryuan) and established a magic confinement array. At the same time, in terms of the details of the array, Constructed the magic of pipeline regulating restlessness.

Eryuan: In order to facilitate the understanding of Xia Sheng people, all directions on the island are divided into "Qian (), Kan (), Gen (), Zhen (), Xun (), Li (), Kun (), Dui () "Codenamed to partition, that is, in this plane, data deductions were once again established on the topography of the heaven and earth, stars and continental oceans, to assist in sorting out the chaotic magic energy on the island, allowing orderly energy feedback to be scattered into the heaven and earth, forming a healthy "Phase Cycle."

In short, there are demons traveling across the Sun Island because of the rampage of magic power, which caused the "phase energy" to reach a critical point in space and break through, causing mutant species from other planets that are a hundred light years away to travel over.

In fact, the pit of "out of control magic power" was created by Eryuan himself, and Wei Keng coaxed the children from another dimension to accompany him to fill the pit with guilt.

Six months later, when the first phase of the project was completed, there were no large-scale demons above level D on Sun Island, and the magic energy in some storage wells also gradually changed from black to purple. Of course, it was completely friendly. The phase energy of life is blue.

Old game, hero of national destruction

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