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Chapter 30 Chapter 2942 (Part 1) The branch of the dream comes out of the wall

Chapter 1475 Chapter 42 (Part 1) The branch of the dream comes out of the wall

In the Tai One Plane, the Xia Sheng people's flesh-forming research is also making progress. In addition to brain nerve tissue, they can already use plant tissue from the Tree of Life to form muscles and skin. To a certain extent, they can be regarded as a kind of tree.

Human beings are just more refined than the tree people summoned by the Druid.

This kind of "flesh and blood" research focuses on recognition. Although the time travelers can now gain the respect of the indigenous people of this world by spreading their labor knowledge, in the perception of the indigenous people, these outsiders are still outsiders.

After all, elemental creatures eat, drink, and sleep differently from creatures in this world, and there is always a gap. Only when both parties shake hands and can feel each other's pulse can they be integrated into this world.

After Eryuan connected this part of the information with himself on the dimension system, he sighed: "Just like Jieli and Binghe, I have become accustomed to being with them and formed a family."

Therefore, the biggest reason why humans and orcs cannot fuse is not their appearance, but their mutual habits. Both sides cannot eat from the same pot.

In this regard, Eryuan really dislikes the orcs facing the edge of the continent, because there is no way to eat in the same pot! Eyuan: "You can cook meat without bleeding foam. You can resist it with your intestines and stomach, but I can't.


In terms of dimensions, Wei Keng is very clear about the state of people on the earth when they were still in the initial time-traveling generation in the Taiyi plane.

Once they get rid of their "initial novelty" of this plane, they become more ambitious to conquer it.

Eyuan: "This is just like A He, after he is sure that something is harmless, he starts to boldly hide it."

For Taiyi plane travellers, in this timeline where there is a family in Eryuan, the plan for plane exploration is: ten years of exploration, twenty years of participating in the economic lifeline, thirty years of complete control, and finally the completion of the plane.


Wei Keng (Er Yuan) judged their thoughts based on the observation perspective of the indigenous people on this plane and combined with the experience of the veteran time-traveling civilization.

Wei Keng: "I can't change the inevitable growth of this plane civilization, but I can guide it more positively."

Wei Keng reviewed the history of dimension development in the main world: The route to deep cultivation of the planes was determined after the Second Plane War. Before the First Plane War, the major travel organizations aimed to occupy those planes with sufficient time margin.


Since there were few developable worlds at that time, when the timeline of developed mature planes slowed down, the time travelers of that generation were worried about running out of time and space resources. (There are quite a few children who want to grow up and worry about the passage of time.

Very slow error distress.)

However, after hundreds of years, it was discovered that there are quite a few high-speed planes that can be connected. Instead, a plane that can be connected to the main world for a long time is the hard currency like "gold" and "silver" in space and time.

In any time and space civilization, the initial deep cultivation of the first generation of time travelers is often non-utilitarian, just like raising a son. They only hope that he will do well in the future, and hope that he will have a bright future by opening up the plane.

...The Tai One dimension is also making a decision. They have begun to decide to reopen a timeline...

Dimensional Wei Keng has also set his sights on this new timeline, because in this time, the travelers from the Tai One Plane have gone a bit off.

The Crescent Island in the magic plane was originally the location of the Sun Well. The core magic source has evolved again. The polluted black magic source turned purple after the first purification five years ago. Now it has been tempered again.

According to the properties of the eight magical winds, they were tempered separately to form relatively clear magic pools of eight colors.

Between the eight magic pools, there are a large number of complex pipelines like chemical plants. These pipelines converge in the center, and a pyramid-like facility completes the final magic gathering. On the top of this pyramid, a huge energy ball gathers,

This energy ball is rapidly printing the magical machinery of cyberpunk

One-dimensional scientists from Taipei began to use their own ideas to verify the arcane experience of this world and produce it scientifically.

It is worth mentioning that the prototypes of the mass-produced magic machines on the energy balls on the pyramid are reliable products verified by the first generation of time travelers and local indigenous people in the Tomorrow Territory through simple production activities. Of course, since arcana is more

High-power construction techniques are more convenient than two-handed construction.

The ideas of some scientists (Yuan Chen) from the Taipei plane are already the same as the manufacturing ideas of the Burning Legion in this plane. (Wei Keng complained about this: 30 billion mad dogs have begun to emerge from the cage)

That is, the magic source has completed the artificial space distortion, and completed the high-phase magic furnace in the distorted space. In more than 6,000 pure energy energy zones, the assembly line mass-produces hundreds of thousands of parts, and then enters the Cyber ​​Building

Assemble it.

Taiyi Planar Scientist: This brand-new production model consumes less dimensional energy. It only needs to transmit key information from the main world to the key "negative entropy points" in the factory to ensure mass production of basic materials in this target plane.

There are all kinds of strange things in many mage towers. For example, a large mechanical puppet with a height of twenty meters. However, the technical design of the Taiyi Plane is even larger in this regard.

Narrator: This manufacturing and production model is very common in the personal mage towers of senior mages. It is called a dimensional factory. However, the scale is not so large. Only the powerful nomadic forces in the stars (the Burning Legion) can mass-produce like this.

…Dreams gradually mix into impure and impure time and space during the development process, like a branch of red apricot coming out of the wall to protect the generation...

The taiwan plane, the Earth's Gravity Well Control Center in the center of the Pacific Ocean, is currently used by the "temporary department" Space-Time Administration. It is a meeting hall for high-energy physicists to discuss their first development of the "plane".

Since their contact in the entire plane, the space-time flow rate on fifteen timelines has dropped from the original 1:10 to 1:8.

Narrator: Among them, the moment when Wei Keng chose to summon the Taiyi plane traveler on Xingyue Island was the fastest decline. Now the decline has decreased, but the trend has not changed. (Relatively speaking, the main world where Wei Keng is located and the Taiyi plane

The space-time ratio of the surface is 1:3)

The personnel of the Space and Time Administration of the Taipei dimension are now worried that the current main timelines of the magical world will eventually drop to 1:5, but they may drop to 1:2 within a hundred years.

Of course, the Taiyi Space-Time Management Bureau currently does not know the reason for the rapid decline of time and space, just like a child who does not know where the fruit in the refrigerator comes from.

Wei Keng from the dimension murmured: The first wave of sharp decline was because he projected the second-order traceability, and the Tai plane projected the consciousness of time travel, which led to the development of this small plane.

In the Taipei dimension, the "development faction" of the Space-Time Administration is now very excited about its rapid progress in the different world. (In addition to the development faction, there is also the observation faction)

But at this time, because the people in the Taiyi Space-Time Department came from all over the world, and the cultural systems of various regions around the world were different, the concepts were also different.

Narrator: Secularization can never be realized. Even in the main world, when it is the most secularized in the 21st century, Easterners are unwilling to place Confucius below Jesus and God Haotian in the left column of God. Diao Min:

I don’t care about my gods, but I don’t allow outsiders to use their gods to compete with me.

The era of great time travel is precisely an era that can accommodate many cultural settings.

At this time, Wei Keng was on the timeline of Tomorrow Leader and observed that the groups of travelers from the Taipei Plane have at least three different "cultural beliefs". They run their own worlds on different timelines.

Narrator: A plane that has been traveled through is just like a prism that refracts white light into seven colors. It can also separate different cultures from the plane of travel in different time and space.)

Compared with the "two rituals" of the great river system and the Mediterranean system of the main world, the future time and space of the Tai plane may be a "three-day volley".

...The Space-Time Management Conference of the Tai One Dimension now emphasizes "unity"...

Yuan Chun, the leader of the first generation of travelers from the Taiyi Time and Space Management Bureau, opened his own document report and began to report on the content of making the "cake" bigger.

Yuan Chun: The mechanized printing speed of the current land (Sunwell area) is three hundred times that of the normal handicraft area (Tomorrow collar) production line.

This first-generation leader made a plan: to use mechanical puppets to push the world flat, and submitted it to the space-time management department in the Pacific Center. At this time, this space-time management department was not only in the magic position of "positive displacement particles"

The projection has been completed, and the "anti-displacement particle" star technology world has been opened up. In short, according to this trend, Wei Keng will no longer be able to stay here in dozens of main world years.

Of course, this plan is just a gimmick to compete for funds. Most time and space managers in the Taiplane, such as Wei Tianming (ancient surname "Gui") and others still believe that war is not the mainstream of the times.

Since the Xia Sheng faction of the Tai One plane opposed the "mechanized push" plan of the radical faction at the meeting, this plan will not be adopted in the current main development timeline of plane travel.

But! Looking at the entire dimension, once a time-traveling civilization makes a plan, it is inevitable to make a "bold attempt" in a certain time and space, because time and space can accommodate infinite opportunities.

As a result, in the New Space-Time Management Bureau of the Tai Dimension, although Yuan Chun's "bragging" plan was rejected, he was left in the private small leadership meeting because some people were very impressed by his plan.


Attempts, breakthroughs, innovations, and conflicts in time and space probably arise from this.

…The center of time and space in the main world…

Kong Chuanxiao paused and felt the message from the "partial consciousness" spread out by herself in the dimension. She pointed the direction of observation in a certain direction of the positive displacement particle plane.

But after a while, Kong Chuanxiao found that she couldn't see clearly. After gritting her teeth, she decided to increase the projection of her "partial will" in that direction.

…time-space correspondence…

In the wave territory, the kingdom's genius mage Sirolina stared at the seagulls looking for opportunities on the waves. In a daze, this lady seemed to have thought of something.


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