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Chapter 30 Chapter 2945 The expected and the unexpected

The sailing ship arrived at the western defense zone of the Wave Territory six days later. It seems to be an "isolated island", but it is actually connected by the continental shelf. When the tide falls every month, it will be connected with the mainland to form a peninsula.

At this time, dozens of lords' teams have gathered here.

There are 200 high-ranking knights in the kingdom. As for the total number of troops participating in the battle, there are 2,000 Dukes of Waves and 800 Dukes of Anreshi. As well as the troops of lords large and small, the total number reaches 5,000.—

—This does not include the ordinary "agricultural and industrial" logistics personnel who collect wood and smelt weapons locally.

With more than 10,000 people, it is boundless. In the agricultural era, if you could form more than 100,000 troops, you would be considered a great empire. At present, the human race is just a kingdom.

Most of the royal army camped according to the feudal hierarchy and lacked awareness of modern logistics management.

Tomorrow's territory is a modern force. Although there are only more than 200 people coming this time, they have brought a large amount of supplies. There are fifteen steam chariots alone. The related logistics are more complicated than those of other kingdoms with thousands of troops.

Tomorrow’s territory traversers must plan their roads well to avoid vehicles getting stuck in narrow intersections for repairs and blocking follow-up troops. At the same time, they must conduct traffic control at key intersections to ensure that the large troops can build camps before supplies arrive during the current safety stage.

There are a total of six positions and fortresses on the 120-kilometer total position. Tomorrow the troops will report to one of the fortresses.

As for Eryuan, he wanted to report to the king on behalf of the leader tomorrow. Eryuan, who originally disliked socializing, did not want to go.

Eyuan: The title assigned to me by the kingdom is low enough, so do I not have to bear the responsibilities of a noble?

According to the principle of "a vassal's vassal, not your vassal", the title of Eryuan can be vassalized and take orders from other great lords, so it does not directly belong to the king.

Eryuan has now gradually transferred its vassal responsibility to the Kingdom to the Wave Territory. This is because the economic ties between the Wave Territory and the Tomorrow Territory are deeper. - This is based on the strength of the Tomorrow Territory. Most of the small

Lords do not have the ability to make a fuss on the "vassal" level.

Narrator: Just like at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, only princes at the level of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao could choose whether to welcome (vassal of the Han) Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty. Well, at that time, Yuan Shao respected (vassal) the young emperor Liu Bian of the Han Dynasty.

Eryuan looked at the camp with the golden flag of the kingdom and whispered: Well, I should show some ambition.

Next, in the camp, the kingdom sent an envoy to issue an invitation letter clearly identifying himself, so he had to go out of etiquette.

In the central fortress, the king behaved very kindly, at least on the surface. He had heard about the orc invasion in the west, and at the same time expressed his appreciation for Eryuan's response to the wave's call to send troops for support after resisting the orcs.

Eryuan, who looked particularly young, also acted very moved by Wang's praise.

Eryuan's inner evaluation of his exaggerated performance: His performance was the same as that of a college student who has just graduated and is easy to get sick when he enters the job and is praised by his boss.

What about Eryuan? He responded politely to the words of encouragement but didn't mean it in real terms.

Wang looked at Eryuan with interest: "Eryuan, your deeds of destroying the orc teleportation array in the mountains have been widely spread throughout the kingdom."

Eyuan: "Yes, Your Majesty. That is what I should do as a citizen of the kingdom."

King: "I heard that your territory is doing trade with people from other worlds."

Eyuan: "Yes, Your Majesty, I signed a magic contract with the alien world over there. The contract was completed within the framework of the alliance (humans, elves, dwarves)."

The archmage next to the king said at this time: "How can you ensure that this contract does not harm the interests of the kingdom."

Eryuan looked at the mage and confirmed that he was a disciple of Mudilia. Eryuan looked at him with curious and strange eyes - as if to say, "Who do you think you are?"

The mage continued to ask: "I don't want to answer. Does that mean that the lord is unable to guarantee his loyalty to the kingdom in this regard?"

Eyuan paused for a few seconds and did not wait for the king to stop the mage, so he simply said unceremoniously: "At least, it is much more reliable than the safety guarantee provided by the mage tower to the southern part of the kingdom." - Kingdom Mage Group.

, there is not a single mage stationed south of the Southern Iron Stone Fortress.

The atmosphere suddenly became cold, and Eyuan's attitude was stern, and he asked the mages to collectively condense the wind and frost spells to suppress.

Eyuan seemed unable to understand the situation and continued to criticize: "When the orcs invaded, many people in the south were mostly displaced. But apart from sealing the alien nodes, did the mages of Kalal do anything else?"

At this time, the heir of the Botao family led Eyuan in: "That's enough, Master Eyuan!"

Seeing that Eyuan's attitude had not changed, he whispered with a hint of pleading: "You are in front of His Majesty, what you said is a bit too much." - Tomorrow Leader seems to be a vassal, but in fact it is Cao Cao's investment in Han Xiandi.

Eyuan turned to him and said slowly: "I came here this time for the new agreement, and we will fulfill it." - Since this Your Majesty is singing a double act with the mage, one is red and the other is white.

He also had a showdown with this foolish young heir of the Wave family. This time he came not for the kingdom, but for his family.

Eryuan glanced at the great mage behind Master Leng Touqing. As a standard unruly person, he was not to be reprimanded casually.

The young mage was swept away by this contemptuous gaze, his eyes turned cold, he raised his staff and threw a spell at Eryuan.

Good guy, now that you have taken action, Eryuan will not be polite and will go faster.

With a flash of light, he disappeared from the spot and jumped in front of the mage. He raised the staff, and a spike popped out from the tip of the staff, which directly touched the chin of the great mage. With a slight stroke, his beard was completely cut off - as a gesture of peace.

The Orc Sword Master can defeat the ranger he has attacked, and he can easily capture the crispy mage within five steps.

At this time, there were a lot of sounds of swords being drawn out. More than twenty knights around him rushed forward and formed a circle like elementary school students at a skewers stall after school.

Because the mage whose beard was cut was standing next to the king, Eryuan's action seemed to be cutting the mage's beard, but in fact, the white light reflected by the blade shone on the king's face.

Facing the knights rushing forward like tigers, Eyuan still sneered and smashed one of the mage's teeth on the spot. The crackling sound was heard by the king. At this time, there was silence in the camp.


With such a standard demonstration, if the knights really dared to make matters worse, Eryuan would really dare to kill the mage on the spot and spatter the king's blood.

Although Eryuan will not take the king's life, it will make the king lose his majesty.

Just like Zheng Zhuanggong shot down the authority of the Emperor of Zhou with one arrow, if the mage beside the king is killed and then evacuates leisurely, the king's authority will be over. For Eryuan, his "reputation" is originally regarded by the nobles in the kingdom.

If you pretend to be gentle and gentle now, you will be regarded as weak and simply open up.

Eryuan could break through the bottom line and attack the nobles of the kingdom directly, but the king could not protect him. Then the bad reputation turned into a "bad reputation".

The king was not nervous, and certainly not as leisurely as he was before watching the show. He waved the knight to retreat. He stretched out his hand, took hold of the tip of Eryuan's spear and pulled it out. The reason why he could pull it out was not because he was strong enough.

He is capable of breaking up the fight, but he is sure that Eryuan still cares about the kingdom's face and is willing to show off his face to break up the fight.

The king magnanimously said: "Mr. Eyuan, since you have given me the guarantee, you can believe it. However, Master Kais is your senior. You cannot do this."

Eyuan put away the blade and apologized to the king: "Yes, Your Majesty."

The mage on the side opened his mouth, which had a tooth poked out, and wanted to say something. The king smoothed things over and said, "Mage, your concern is understandable, but the way you teach the newcomers should be gentler."

…After walking out of the Kingdom’s camp, the surrounding knights automatically gave way. Whether they were dissatisfied or disgusted, they all recognized Eryuan’s strength…

After offending the kingdom's mages, the worst consequence is that no mage team is willing to assist Eryuan's troops.

Many lords have also drawn a clear line with Eryuan. But the Waves Territory cannot draw a line, because they invited Eryuan. Only now do the nobles of the Waves Territory know that the assistance and friendship from the Tomorrow Territory are not free.

Faced with this situation, when the Duke of Waves found Eyuan and assigned tasks to Tomorrow Leader, he asked them to defend the fortress.

This fortress is on the front line and is definitely vulnerable to attack. When the Botao family assigned this strategic node, they gave Eryuan a scroll to return to the city. The main idea is that if it is really difficult to defend, you can retreat.

On Highland Zero, Eryuan is reinforcing this small fortress with a height of 20 meters and a length of 500 meters.

Eryuan and the mage team reinforced some wall corners according to geometry, cut down the surrounding trees, and began to make fences. Within the fortress, they began to dig wells and store water and food.

Eyuan looked at the strategic map. This fortress node is currently safe.

However, Eryuan checked the growth rings of the surrounding trees and used phenology to determine that it would be the rainy season in two months. There must be a contraction of human troops. At that time, the risk of being attacked in this fortress area would be 100%.

More than ninety.

Eyuan looked at several small rivers around him: "At least, if the Naga commander on the other side is not stupid, he will attack me here, so if I am not stupid, I should manage this defense area well."

Within the brick fortress wall, Eyuan arranged for a full meal and then began to assign work to the farmers and his own soldiers.

In other noble lords, camp construction is done by farmers, and mages and knights do not interfere. But here in Eryuan, as long as there is no war at present, knights and mages have to contribute their own labor to ensure the pre-war period.

Get all the work done.

Eyuan personally arranged the team's work. As the leader, Eyuan made work forms every night and went directly to the canteen during the day to cook the work meals. As for other war-related work, Xia Sheng's time travelers were working on the details.

In the granary, Traveler 1 was shouting loudly: All lime bags should be changed every three days to ensure that the warehouse is dry, and a rod should be inserted into the granary every half hour to measure the temperature.

Armory, Time Traveler 2: Be careful to prevent the gunpowder from getting wet. I mixed the pressed tung oil with sawdust and added resin to ensure a burning consistency.

The civil engineering team outside the city worked intensively to sharpen the wood collected, dry it, and insert it upside down in front of the city wall to make an antler fence. After carefully inspecting the defense, Traveler 3 calculated the amount of work to be done, and then

The wall must be plastered with cement, and the entire wall must be filled with glass slag diagonally downward.

Because the people of Xia Sheng were studying the war cases and heard that Naga can swim on the wall and like to touch the wall with its belly?

…Static defense requires firepower configuration…

The land around the city was also marked with a scale. Circles of grids were drawn and the artillery was test-fired. Sliding tracks were left between each artillery position so that they could be maneuvered at any time.

In the sturdy fortress workshop, the craftsman alliance operates the iron-wrapping machine to create "magic" cannonballs, which are arranged on the shelves like gold coins. These copper-shelled cannonballs contain "wind runes" and the lead technology is "timing" and can be fired in the air.

Freely switch between explosion and near-ground explosion.

The nine steel cannons on the fortress have a caliber of only 80 millimeters, the chamber pressure is not high, and the muzzle velocity is 700 meters per second.

There is not enough time, and tomorrow's leaders on the front line have only produced more than a thousand metal artillery shells. But the real reserve is the stone artillery shells. The magician's fossil is the arcane magic of mud, which can easily make the rock look red but actually only has four.

In a furnace with a temperature of 500 degrees, the cannon shells are molded into shapes. This output is ten times that of the previous copper-cased cannonballs, and due to the simple raw materials, it can be produced even if the city is besieged.

Compared with iron cannonballs, rock cannonballs will break after being hit and cannot be reused by the enemy.

Different stone cannonballs have different effects. Ordinary limestone cannonballs will produce more fragments, but they will not be able to penetrate the city wall.

The granite cannon has stronger penetrating power, but its fragmentation damage is weak.

Of course, you can also play with more tricks.

The department responsible for manufacturing armaments tried to make the cannon shells with granite shells and limestone embedded inside. The top of the granite would break the armor, and the limestone would break and increase fragments.

Ji Xu (Xia Sheng's Traveler) tested it and found that this mixed stone shell is cheap and has the power to penetrate four centimeters of wood. Of course, the working time is twice as long as that of "simple stone" shells.

…The two months are over and the rainy season has arrived on time…

The clouds on the sky were getting thicker and thicker, and as lightning fell from the sky in the monsoon, news of the retreat of the Kingdom's troops from the front line also came. However, there were some that were expected, and some that were not.

Our own Xia Sheng commander Ji Xu said: "Abandon your illusions, we still have to fight."

At this time, the frontline investigation team was already using chemical test paper to detect an increase in nitrogen content in the nearby river water.

The "Nitrogen" indicator increased while the "Water Dissolved Oxygen" indicator decreased, which means that the phenomenon was caused by the death of seaweed in the river after the sea element summoned by Naga collapsed.

Therefore, although there is no representation on the map provided by the Kingdom's mages, the Tomorrow Territory has completed the judgment of the enemy's strength based on the various analysis data of these rivers.

The enemy forces in the upper reaches are divided into three major parts, and their strength may be between two to three thousand.

In the observation room in the center of the bastion, Ji Xu and two other modern military observers were captured by Eryuan and formed the backbone of the staff.

The work of these two commanders 007 now looks up from the piles of data tables.

From the rear, the magic communication window is opened in the command center. The communication box is a little different today because it is black and white.

Next, Eryuan received a piece of bad news: there was a time-space portal operation accident at the Sun Camp, and Binghe was lost in the void. He was only twelve years old.

The reason for being lost seems to be that the sunwell was suddenly locked by unknown forces in the void.

Since the traveler in the Sunwell has no actual body, he cannot operate the "Nuclear Element Furnace No. 15" (a substance used in arcane magic to dispel summoned objects, similar to those elves in the forest that can self-destruct).

Just after the super devil in the distant starry sky in this plane was about to successfully project the coordinates, Binghe stood up and carried out a space transfer with the coordinate mark. As a result, he disappeared into the teleportation array.

As a result, Eyuan was very silent after learning about it. This silence made people in Xia Sheng feel very uneasy.

…The only things that can stabilize a man are constant fertility and offspring…

In the observation of the Xia Sheng time traveler, the entire world is feudal, but Eryuan appears extremely "modern" here.

This kind of modernity is not about drinking coffee and wearing modern clothes, but about the service system.

For example, all cooperation projects are expressed in text tables. The title, content, which line, and which paragraph express what it means in a process-based manner. Then each paragraph of information is attached to an appendix. The appendix is ​​a fan chart, a bar chart,

And the phase distribution diagram calculated by calculus.

However, there are still very few people like Eryuan. Most of the natives in this plane have not thought about new wishes, but rather blindly followed the "alien trend" set off by a few people (Eryuan and the travelers).

The travelers who now come to the Xia Sheng plane cannot help but think about a question, that is, in this different world, are they really alive here, or are they just playing a game.

After many Xia Sheng travelers got in-depth contact with this plane and got used to the admiration and worship of the indigenous people, they would inevitably doubt themselves at night: I am here to spread modernization. But how can the spread of modern civilization

Could it be that easy? If it's really that easy, maybe there's something wrong there.

After the Binghe incident, the Taipei Space-Time Management Bureau has now determined that in order to completely stabilize this world, we can no longer use elemental bodies. Someone should use flesh and blood as an anchor in this world and settle here.

…The perspective returns to the front line where the war drama is about to take place.…

Just when the time traveler was worried about Eyuan, Eyuan, who had lost his son, knocked on the table. At this time, six other young people in the office stood up.

Eyuan said to Ji Xu and Robert: "The people on duty are here to work here today. You guys have a good rest."

After saying these words, Eyuan left, looking slightly tired from behind. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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