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Chapter 31 Extra Volume 29 Chapter 01 (Part 2) Alternate Timeline,

A fence began to be built in the dimension, and the initial time and space was completely impenetrable. In the observation of the main world and the Tai plane, only the topological version of time and space that was initially traversed can be traversed.

For example, in the magic plane, the topological version of the world observed by the main world (the Zhiya plane outside the fence), Wei Keng completely concealed the traces of his dreams, and replaced the cause of the rise of the Tomorrow Leader with "Higher

The impact of "Goblin" traveling through time.

All of Er Yuan's life was replaced with another character. Even the traces of Jie Li and Bing He led by Brandt were hidden, creating a completely new timeline on the topological plane.

The Tomorrow Territory is called the Iron Territory, and the lords of the Iron Territory are from civilian backgrounds and joined the kingdom's battle against Naga...

595 years later, the Iron Lord "Yu Chen" completed the battle against Naga at the Duke of Waves and defeated Naga at this point in time.

…The world has changed, and the game has arrived…

In the southwest of the continent, a mountain appeared, and a sacred giant tree with a height of 500 meters appeared on the mountain. A large amount of golden light fell from the leaves. And on both sides, neat highlands with a height of 100 meters appeared.

The city wall stands on the high ground.

The elves are very curious about this miraculous phenomenon related to the World Tree that is similar to what is recorded in the classics.

The elves sent ranger teams to approach several times, but they were blocked by unknown forces near the sacred tree.

The 20-meter-tall tree man (defense tower) responsible for guarding the "sacred giant tree" raised large rocks and launched an indiscriminate attack on the native elves of this world.

Not only that, a team of (three hundred) tree men and druid casters wearing painted feathers walked down from the huge tree branches that looked like wings. These teams walking through the forest had no emotion and ignored them.

The requests of the local elves who wanted to come up and talk were severely expelled.

The "Treant" and the "Druid" moved all the way north and attacked the hostile people who approached. No one could get close.

In the north of the continent, which was originally a frozen snowfield, a large area of ​​corrosion has appeared.

An icy peak with a height of one thousand meters stands, accompanied by towering mountains with the same height of one hundred meters, and magic towers that are forty meters high, trapping ghosts.

Ghouls and death wizards emerge from the cursed temples and dark and evil crypt buildings. These dark creatures have claws dripping with black liquid and eyes jumping with phosphorous fire. They look at the world with an expression of indifference and ruthlessness.

He looked as if the destruction of the world had nothing to do with him.

About sixty days later, the black rotten land and green grass life on both sides of the continent began to spread along the ridges and rivers.

Like red and blue ink dripping in a water vat, it slowly penetrates and infiltrates the entire world. With the infiltration of this mysterious power, the porcupine people on the mainland, as well as centaurs and other monsters, received the spring of life and began to mutate.

Some ordinary items on his body began to shine with the light of runes, transforming into powerful magic props.

To the southeast of the kingdom, Naga has retreated into the sea. It may be that he has received a heavy blow from human troops and feels that the invasion of land is hopeless. It may also be that he senses something.

In the coral jungle where the waves beat, the high priest of Naga coiled his snake tail, sensed the two huge forces on the continent, and murmured in the ancient Elf language: "Have the gods arrived?"

The fluttering flames, flowing water, and dancing snowflakes mixed with the natural weather entered the entire continent, and the magic tide came.

…Dimensionally, Gao Dimensional Wei Keng is closely monitoring this timeline extending beyond the fence…

This is an overhead world, which is technically equivalent to creating a "heaven area" in the outer ring area of ​​the "Tai Plane". This all-heaven area blocks the exploration from the "main world space bubble" and prevents these space bubbles from being detected.

Learn key information.

…Just like machine guns that shined during World War I and tanks that appeared in World War II, the most distinctive “space-time weapons” of the Seventh Plane War appeared on the scene.

The perspective returns to the overhead plane. In the Steel Collar, Yu Chen, who is the replacement for the role of Eryuan in the original plane, is inspecting the steam tank repaired by the "Higher Goblins". On the tank, the dwarves are operating it. They have already been used in the Naga Battle.

Proven "Stun Cannon".

Since there was no longer any need to consider the issue of the dimensional variables' ability to accept the new world, Mr. Wei began to indulge.

“You don’t have to shoulder the nurturing work as a father,” “You don’t have to shoulder the integrity as a scholar-official,” and “You don’t have to shoulder the backbone as a king.” ——Wei Keng: Being free and free like this, well, I’m very happy.

The new steam tanks on the Iron Collar use stronger "rune burning". The ballistae's penetration is more powerful and equipped with more magic effects, and its mechanical power is also driven by more powerful magic spells.

When Yu Chen prepared his military forces, Sirolina appeared in Wei Keng's hall.

After the Battle of Naga and the battle to exterminate the orcs at the Minda River in the south, her visits to the Iron Territory became more frequent. There is no Jieli in this timeline.

Of course, she is still her, even if the way of "testing love" is still the same. In this alternate timeline, when Yu Cheng met her for the first time in Karar, she didn't care about Yu Chen.

After the close exchanges and contacts began, the Steel Territory gradually became the largest territory in the South.

Sirolina arrived again, wearing a silk magic robe and a pair of boots inlaid with gems, which made her particularly shining.

But at this time, Yu Chen's perspective was not focused on her, but on the black and white newspaper.

In the original timeline, the growth of the entire Tomorrow Territory was inseparable from the large number of cadres in "Xia Sheng" who enthusiastically invested in training from the alien plane. But now in this fictional historical line, those who play an important role in the rise of the territory are all loyal to

Yu Cheng's "knights", as well as the high goblins who surrendered to Yu Chen in terms of setting.

Even the identity and bloodline of Yu Chen (Wei Keng) who replaced Eryuan has changed in this plane.

In this alternate timeline, although Yu Chen was born into a family of swineherds in the Southern Territory when he was a boy, the latest bloodline investigation has shown that Grandpa Wei's bloodline has the bloodline of an ancient hero.

In short, the previous variable disturbance characteristics have been "reasonably" covered up.

Sirolina came here because of the sudden fusion of "life" and "darkness" on the continent. She hoped that Yu Cheng's Steel Territory and Wave Territory could retreat and advance together.

Looking at Sirolina who was full of interest, Yu Chen opened his mouth and wanted to persuade her not to let her family territory get involved in the conflicts of these "players", but knew that she could not give this extremely "assertive" female mage.

, describing some realities that were unpalatable to her.

In the initial timeline, the biggest gap between Eryuan and Sirolina was civilians and nobles. For Sirolina, family honor must be combined with another honor.

The biggest gap between Yu Cheng and Sirolina now is the difference between "wanting to be free to challenge fate" and "waiting to be favored by fate".

…In a game world, NPCs have to abandon their fantasy.…

With the emergence of transcendent miracles in the north and south, all kingdoms and races on the entire continent soon encountered an ultimatum from two forces. One side claimed to be a natural disaster, while the other side claimed to be a close guard.

Both sides sent heroes to various kingdoms to ask for cooperation.

Wei Keng knew that the heroes of the Guards and the Scourge would only cooperate in the early stage. Once the magical attributes are added up in the later stage, all the existing warrior systems in the entire continent would be ants.

For those with top-level heroic attributes, their naked armor has more than thirty times the attributes of ordinary warriors. They can easily slaughter hundreds of armies. After equipping various divine armors, such as "Huiyao",

, once a hero is equipped, enemy soldiers within a kilometer range will be burned by the hot metal sparks inexplicably coming out of their bodies.

We are in the early stages of the "game" now, and the attributes of the Guard and Scourge players have not yet grown up, so of course they are very polite.

There are some nobles in the human kingdom who consider themselves smart, and they also hope to control these "heroes from another world".

…Whether it is a close guard or a natural disaster, they have actually experienced countless worlds.…

Among them, in May of 596 in the Glorious Calendar, Earl Ironblade of the North immediately detained a visitor from the Frost Land.

As a result, this "player" completely turned into a death abomination in the lobby.

This abomination weighing two to three tons had rotten intestines protruding from the huge wound in its abdomen, penetrating the count's body like a flexible spear, and then its tooth-like ribs devoured sixty people before breaking through the city wall and rushing away.


Then a terrible plague broke out in this territory, and the knights all entered a period of weakness.

In the north, Zhang Yue returned to his human state in a small town after escaping from the spear jungle composed of the lord's soldiers.

He looked at the spear that fell from his body. The tip of the spear became rusty and old after it was separated from the body. This was the corruption effect of "hating" the body.

Zhang Yue cursed secretly: "Damn it, why do you always ask me to negotiate!"

Even though he was covered in rotten flesh just now and was very resistant to being beaten, he was still almost cut to pieces by the spears of the knights.

Since they were "attacked" during negotiations, and these kingdom knights were marked as neutral in their system, Zhang Yue still had no "in-game" experience points even if he killed many kingdom soldiers.

This made him very angry and secretly cursed the game system for bugs.

As someone who has played the game six times, he already understands the mechanics of the game. The Frozen Throne will award commander values ​​based on his military exploits.

This commander value can directly control the soldiers on the line. This is not reflected in the original game.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the horn spread throughout the entire continent, and the lines of the Guards and the Natural Disaster Soldiers began to collide along the road where the darkness and life force had previously expanded. From the perspective of overlooking the continent, it was like two tentacles of different colors intersecting with each other.


Zhang Yue gnawed on a big tree to restore blood. As the tree fibers merged into his skin, the wounds poked by the spears on his body were quickly smoothed out like pits washed away by water after rain.

Just as Zhang Yue, the "abomination", was licking his wounds, the natural disaster corps from the north sent out three armies, including thousands of ghouls on the lower leg, moving towards the territory of Earl Iron Blade like a sea of ​​moving carrion.


The tree men, bird druids, and ballistae in the south advanced simultaneously. Three hundred two-meter-tall tree men, ten ballistae, and twenty spellcasters. They passed through the orc territory.

...In pre-war diplomacy, certain templates on the Konoe side had an "image" advantage, and they were by no means disgusted by such a disgusting existence...

In the capital of the kingdom, two female mages became guests, one was good at fire and the other was good at ice.

They politely asked the kingdom to stand on the side of light. As for light, they are indeed very bright, the kind of "brightness" that can make people see and be carried away by the five senses. They wear gold crowns on their heads and white inlays on their feet.

The beautiful woman wearing jeweled boots makes people look like she belongs to the "just" camp.

Because they gave the magic props to the wizards of the kingdom as gifts, they received a response. In their system, it was determined that this was a friendly party - a friendly party, but not an ally, let alone a subordinate.

The politicians of the kingdom remain on the sidelines regarding natural disasters and the struggle of the Guards. Of course, these diplomats are willing to allow the Guards' regiments to pass through some territories of the Kingdom.

However, in further negotiations, some "scheming" nobles in the kingdom hope to form an alliance with the Guards Corps to eliminate some common enemies of both parties.

Of course, the kingdom's politicians underestimated their ability to maintain balance, and they didn't know that these "hero" template time travelers were willing to write blank checks in the early stages.

It is worth mentioning that the heroes promised the kingdom politicians that they "can control the Guards Corps", but in fact this was a false pretence. The heroes could only order the Guards Corps to detour an extra 100 kilometers along the way.

After coming out of the kingdom palace, the ice magician traveler of "Ice Girl" worriedly said to the "Fire Girl" traveler: "This mission is different from before. In the past, we were on regular maps such as Forgotten Canyon and Chenghai.

on, and why are you suddenly on such a real continent map now?"

The fire girl looked at the flames dancing in her palms and said, "Is there any difference? It's still as fragile as the game world."

The ice girl looked at this hopeless idiot companion and said slowly: "Remember, the system prompts that this is the final battle. This is a real world, different from the previous nightmare trial ground."

The fire girl paused for a moment, and the flames on her red robe dimmed a bit. She said reluctantly: "It should still be possible to resurrect. You see, we have a resurrection value."

The ice girl was stunned for a moment, then questioned this natural idiot: "What if the resurrection value is exhausted? What will happen?"

After a few seconds of silence, the ice girl walked away and said: "You'd better be serious, this battle is unusual."

Although the fire girl knew the seriousness, she was still unwilling to weaken her arrogance and replied: "I know, you are just worried that I will trick you! In this battle, it is not certain who will trick whom."

This chapter has been completed!
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