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Chapter 32 Chapter 3030 The 'power' and 'resistance' of obsession

As the era came to the 40th century, the main world at this time entered the sea of ​​​​stars. In terms of dimensions, it involved the deep ruins. The Wei Keng Consciousness Group became more objective in its research on life in the generalized physical system.

In the sea of ​​stars, life is the existence that changes the negative entropy of the environment. In terms of dimensions, consciousness is the scalar that defines objective matter. Well, it has the attribute of "observer".

Therefore, at the moment, those consciousnesses in the dimension that are "observed" by the main world (after time-traveling) and reverberate are not actually completely regarded as the original time-travelers, but are more like a kind of "heredity" in the dimensional constant.

The information inheritance of life is very complex. And since there is such a "seed-like" system, there are differences in life phenomena in the dimension of "consciousness".

Yes, Wei Keng objectively admitted that he no longer belongs to the middle class in terms of plane.

When we come to this objective conclusion, we are making the final "fixes" for the main world's time travel system.

…the two indicators of “scale” and “quality” of consciousness are now understood in detail…

"Consciousness" is a dimensional life phenomenon that can promote "creation". The total amount of consciousness is related to the intensity of promotion.

For example, at the end of the 20th century, a large number of people who had not yet had time to reap the "spring" dividends, with the obsession of individual failure, traveled to the Ming Dynasty as a group, and could quickly promote the Ming Dynasty into modernization. - The ""of these obsessions"

"Quantity" is huge.

But just like Newton's second theorem, movement not only depends on "power" but also resistance. The same is true for consciousness. In different eras, it not only needs to look at power, but also the resistance that must be faced to break through in the era to which it belongs.

The above-mentioned obsessions that promoted the Ming Dynasty's trot to modernization will become "obstacles" far beyond normal history in the next era.

This is the reason why the Black Alliance of the main world has always had dozens of times the advantage in mobilizing "consciousness" but has never been able to defeat the Hoshida faction.

Even though those consciousnesses cultivated in the "Bonus Era" in the main world have an advantage in scale, once they pass the "Bonus" era, these super-scale "consciousnesses" will face huge resistance.

The Black Alliance mobilized dozens of times of "consciousness" advantages and could only dominate one era version. However, the unscrupulous people in each era quickly lost their sense of satisfaction and continued to pursue their dreams. They were unwilling to use An'an as a component, making the version iterate too quickly.


On the contrary, the consciousness under the dream system, even if the "quantity" of upward progress is insufficient in an era (in the dividend era, Wei Keng's aggressiveness was quite insufficient, and was complained by the generation of dividend clusters at that time), most of them are very

In the era of dividends, other consciousnesses can still advance firmly even when they are trapped by resistance.

The representative of this is Wei Keng, the "Middle Man", who can always find a "field" to plant.

This is why it is still difficult for the Black Alliance to understand the qualitative difference in "consciousness" even after being beaten by an insufficient number of "Kang system consciousness" and unable to take care of themselves.

…without understanding the “qualitative gap”, we try our best to fill the “quantitative gap”…

Take Luosuna as an example. Every time her consciousness echoes, the "quantity" is actually not bad. She can even better digest the bonuses given by the black system and have more exciting adventures.

But it won’t work if she is separated from the era. (She broke immediately if she was separated from the setting.)

Luosuna split into two personalities, the Ice Phoenix and the Fire Phoenix. In the "box" space-time zone set by the Black Alliance, their achievements are no less than those of the original body Luosuna. Even in the "counterattack"

When it comes to projects, they are all competing for the lead and are neck and neck.

The theorem of biological evolution, the potential of a species lies in its adaptability to various environments, rather than how many species it can evolve. - Specific types of birds have evolved on various small islands, and their development potential may not be greater.

Crows can be found in flocks on all continents.

On the planet Soroko, a revolution is beginning. The troops that were originally blocked and suppressed, from the top to the bottom, collectively escaped from prison overnight, and then successfully seized the weapons depot and began to form their own army.

After being imprisoned for four months, Su Ni planned a military coup and brought the persecuted General "Luo Luo" back to the command post.

General Luoluo, in the spacious and bright military command hall, looked at his subordinates who were united, as well as sensitive targets such as the "Broadcast Station" and "Parliament" of the Soroko Federation that had been marked with attack icons on the background screen.

, looking a little dazed for a moment.

The "revolutionary leader" who was placed in the highest command position of the rebellion looked confused when he looked at the captured land cruiser and the command system he was familiar with. Then, General Luo Luo saw the upper level of the entire planet.

When he designated himself as the worst offender among the "heinous crimes", he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

General Luo Luo was completely confused, and at this time, the upper levels were also shocked to the point of numbness, because in the past fifteen days, super nuclear explosions had occurred in all the oceans and land on the planet, and these explosion nodes were also the giant weapon arsenals.

This "leader" created by the current situation, after being alone for a while, came out and decided that since he was "on the verge of death", he might as well give it a good fight.

The changing situation has made the bureaucracy on this planet extremely chaotic. After all, after being a licker for hundreds of years, no one has thought of a way to stand up and slap the green tea girl in the face.

The top management of the planet were like frightened mice. Now they were restless. The big shots at the top who were happily hugging beautiful women suddenly began to forget about food and drink. They dragged their fat and bloated bodies to work and held urgent meetings to discuss and deal with this incident.

crisis caused.

Some of the top officials suggested that the rebels should be punished first, promising to "have a good talk" and wait until the situation was under control before dealing with the rebels seriously.

…The era of the Great Rebellion has arrived. This is also a fertile plane. Those writers whose dreams have solidified have important plot points...

One month after the nuclear explosion of the Titan Soldier, a border force called the "Legion of Truth" under the command of General Rollo seized the mechanized arsenal and advanced fiercely despite federal bombing.

Within three months, the number of its soldiers was greatly reduced, and General Rollo had assumed the status of a ruler, conducting more extensive recruitment in the occupied areas.

However, in the committee of the Truth Army, a group of serious people (part of Wei Keng) demanded that the "screening" of personnel in the team be strengthened.

Because at this time, Luo Luo's army, in the process of tit-for-tat against the superiors, appeared a lot of behavior that can be called "perverted" and "animal". This kind of "out of control" venting state is what many failed rebel armies in history


Wei Keng has a social investigation report. The truth corps under Luo Luo is currently in a chaotic state of mind of "seeing the doomsday, but not knowing how to solve the doomsday".

In this way, after the army obtained the right to occupy the city, it began to vent its desires without restraint and adopted a venting strategy of "not sealing the sword for several days" in the occupied area.

At the meeting, General Luo Luo initially did not approve of the strict treatment of criminal soldiers by the "realists" because there were too many soldiers who violated the ban, and he did not want to escalate the situation. Among the people in the army, in addition to some "realists"

” faction, and the “utilitarian” faction.

At the meeting, when Luo Luo saw the biochemical department's "waste utilization" plan for soldiers who violated military orders, he was moved, because such strict treatment could "do more good than harm."

Wei Keng: Well, in the eyes of people with a short-sighted perspective, the result is cold calculation if "the advantages outweigh the disadvantages".

Six days later, the Army of Truth activated multiple freezing chambers, which stored the prisoner bodies one by one.

In the past, these frozen warehouses were the warehouses of the biological experts of the Soroko civilization. Soroko technical experts would implant nano-liquids into the prisoners to transform their nerves during the freezing process.

Currently, this kind of freezing chamber sleep will cause a large amount of memory loss, so it has not been used as a civilian medical method.

But experts have found that new ideas can be better implanted in the nerves when stopped. Just like parts are more easily inserted into a vehicle that is stalled.

At this time, Su Ni's "punishment camp" was quite special among the Truth Army.

The "instructor" selected by Su Ni received the list and signed it with a pen to the prisoners one by one.

Then all the "instructors" were asked to watch them enter the thirty-meter diameter modification and be welded into the "can" power armor. - All "cans" have a redemption date, and this date will be decided by the "instructor".

All new "instructors" are selected from cans, and the "instructors" will have a path to become generals.

In other penal camps, this process is unmanned, that is, from beginning to end, there is nothing but a loudspeaker to welcome you to the "new prison."

Wen San, who inspected the punishment camp, lamented: "In this large interstellar society that values ​​efficiency, when the superiors make rules, the most neglected thing is the protection of human nature."

When any social system pursues efficiency, it must maintain its humanity. For example, no matter how strong the concrete formula is, it must incorporate sufficient steel bars.

If the upper level's arrangements for the lower level are just like the attitude of a pig farm when killing pigs on the assembly line, then the role of "human beings" in the system will become weaker and weaker.

Su Ni requires that all instructors must pay close attention to the transformation of their own members and check their soldiers' resume records in detail.

In grassroots management, asking managers to remember and familiarize themselves with those being managed is a "management cost" that many failed governments ignore. The elites in these failed governments only pay attention to standardized assessments such as "check-in" and try to

The lower level must be disciplined to remember the upper level.

Here at Su Ni, each instructor is only responsible for 300 people, and is required to pay attention to the physical health of these 300 people at all times, as well as their emotions in daily interactions.

Yes, those who have fallen to the bottom should still have a place in the memories of others while they are alive. This is the most basic humanitarianism.

In the punishment army controlled by Su Ni, the prisoners who have been successfully reformed will have an inner point of strength whether they hate, revere and obey the instructor. They will no longer simply vent their fear and helplessness to civilians as before.


On the electronic broadcast in the base, every evening after dinner.

The deep voice of the chief officer of the punishment camp (individual Wei Keng) echoed in the corridor: It is said that running water does not rot, and the same is true for human nature. If it is mechanically closed, it will be like retting. God knows what rancid things will appear. In steel

Underneath the shell, we need to understand each other's needs.

At a meeting of 10,000 prisoners, Chi De, who was in charge of the project, made a promise to the thousands of instructors and all prisoners: "In this camp, I can meet everyone's needs to keep healthy. This includes reading, reading newspapers, and

Physical training, I hope you can take care of yourself. Well, by the way, life is meaningful, both to you and to me."

…The brutal uprising war is still going on, about six months later…

In the punishment camp, thanks to Chi De's operation, soldiers are no longer tools that can be thrown away after use.

The troops under Chi De's charge showed a very tenacious fighting will. However, due to the process of "training instructors and team running-in", the Truth Army, which was in urgent need of additional soldiers, felt that the recruitment process was very slow.

Therefore, during the most severe period of the war, there was a dialogue between Red Germany's No. 6 Punishment Battalion and the highest level of the rebel army.

General: "Chide, you are being passive and sabotaging your work!"

Chi De: "Report, I am not passive and sabotaging my work."

General: "As a subordinate, you have the guts to talk back to me. Who taught you this?"

Chi De: "Sir, I did not talk back."

General: If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, you are talking back.

Wei Keng muttered: Although it is an uprising against the Feiyu Military Alliance colony, your management still has a strong colonial military flavor. You need a major purge.

…Narration: During the dimensional bombing, the last variables of this plane began to converge at the center of Wei Keng’s split body.…

In the base of the logistics city, Luosuna (Fire Phoenix), as a colonel in the resistance army, is watching this scene. Currently, her divine body has been broken, and she cannot return to the Feiyu Military Alliance and can only be forced to

Stay and get an education.

Now if the "residual consciousness" wants to survive the dimensional bombing, it must objectively understand the plot and let go of obsessions before it can travel back.

The whole nonsense about Red and the rebel generals.

As one of the instructors in the rebel army, Luosuna stared at the projection of this "general leader", her eyes getting colder and colder. She did not have this perspective before. Therefore, she did not know that her self-proclaimed "wise and decisive" in the past had other consequences.

How outrageous from one angle.”

Just when she became angry and wanted to wipe out this stupid general, Wei Keng patted her on the back and dispersed her "nameless fire".

Luosuna took a deep breath of anger: "Why?"

Wei Keng was helpless: "What's wrong?" He sighed in his heart: This sex is too strong, hey, what's wrong with Keng? Why do I like this smell?

Luosuna: "They offended you so much, but you still supported them. Let him stay in that position."

The key is that this rebellious general appears to be "incompetent". The entire truth army still maintains combat effectiveness to this day, and its reserve force is endless, supported entirely by Wei Keng.

Wei Keng said leisurely: "Wherever you are, you should be prepared to be offended. If conflicts arise, you have to stand in the center and find ways to coordinate."

Luosuna: "What if they are really stubborn?" She stared at Wei Keng.

Wei Keng: "That's true." Wei Keng looked at Luo Suna and smiled: "After falling a few times, you will always be smart and sensible."

Luosuna's expression changed. In her eyes, Wei Keng's "smart and sensible" attitude seemed to be warning her that if she was not smart and sensible, another Luosuna would take her place.

…The perspective comes to the side of Ice Element Luosuna...

On the Lanyan Star, Ice Element Luosuna was sitting in what looked like an ordinary restaurant, looking through the window at the suppression fleet rushing towards the Soroko planet group in space, and let out a long sigh.

Ice type Luosuna said silently in her heart: (Lan Yanxing) The war crisis is temporarily over.

Of course, she still couldn't understand Wei Keng. At this time, she turned to the chef and pointedly said: "Which side you stand on, that side will win." (sarcasm Wei Keng is playing a game.)

Wen San leisurely admitted: "You are right, if I stand there, I can win, but - who can give up the seat for me to stand?"

Wei Keng looked Luo Suna up and down: "Tell me, why do you let me stand on your side? With your legs, tsk tsk, actually the robot feels better." Such rude words made Luo Suna angry.

Luosuna suppressed her anger and asked: "Then what are the conditions for you to stand in line?" She covered her legs at this time.

Wen San did not answer directly, but took out a menu: "Today we will eat scrambled eggs with tomatoes. You can go buy vegetables. By the way, buy the ones from the No. 3 Agricultural Warehouse. The tomatoes there have enough sunlight and the amount of potassium fertilizer applied is not enough."

Two, the taste is good. Suitable for everyone’s taste.”

Wei Keng gave Luosuna an apron and told her to stop thinking about "how to be a goddess and live an honest life" - although this life is ordinary, it is the norm for most normal consciousness in the fertile soil.

This is the only way for the obsessional consciousness to jump out of this plane before it solidifies.

…Historical dividing line from a dimensional perspective…

Next, within the Sorok civilization, the civilization of the first planet will change...

Within ten years, the Army of Truth was not wiped out, but completed a series of staged battle victories.

In the first stage of the campaign, seventeen of the world's largest industrial zones were captured.

In the second stage of the campaign, capture the algae accumulation area in the center of the ocean basin. These algae gather in the center of the ocean basin with the ocean currents. Although they are not old enough to form oil, they can generate flammable ice, which is an important organic mineral.

within a hundred years

In the third stage of the campaign, the outer solar star system is defeated, the shipbuilding system is maintained in the Gobi desert, and a fifty-kilometer-level space battleship is allowed to enter space.

In the fourth stage of the campaign, control other stars within the gravitational area of ​​the star.

within four hundred years

The fifth stage of the campaign, the battle for hegemony within the asteroid, is very long because the "Truth Army" needs to build a fleet, integrate other planets of the same class including the 'Lanyan Star', and need to get rid of the shackles of biotechnology.

A revolutionary breakthrough was achieved.

In the 6th stage of the campaign, the asteroid belt was captured, the blockade of the outer planets began to be broken, and the construction of the Dyson ring began.

This "time and space story line" will have countless reading files, and many time and space traveling officers of the Hoshida faction will come to engage in a tug-of-war with the surrounded consciousness groups of the Black Alliance.

This path of confrontation between "evolution" and "anti-evolution" is all managed by Bai Linglu.

Dimensionally, Wei Keng told Bai Linglu, who was immersed in the dimension information enthalpy: Our attitude is liberation. In the struggle to clear the territory, we will fight for the reverberating consciousness on the opposite side to join (the evolved officers of the pastoral faction can choose to let the captured reverberating consciousness

join in)

Bai Linglu: Give them (obsession) a positive result, right?

Wei Keng nodded.

Bai Linglu seemed to be recalling the past, and said slowly: "Nothing has changed, you are still the same boy as before."

This chapter has been completed!
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