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Chapter 4.47 End of the Second Plane War

  In the starry sky battle in the original timeline of the Space Twist Plane, the first person to be killed by the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army was Si Yaojianjun, who was in the center of the space shrinkage storm.

After all, the battleships that followed her could not stop the massive "array marks" within a few light seconds from being introduced into an increasingly compressed space. All objects entering the formation seemed to be trapped deep in the mantle and were under pressure. As the interior of the battleship

Due to the loss of space resistance, these ship hulls were crushed the moment they entered the ninth layer area, and the scene where every warehouse was flattened was like a fossil in the stratum.

The battleship Si Yao was on became the last one. She controlled the treasure and tried hard to cut through the space and escape from the area where the flow of the space field became more and more violent. However, she took two steps back and was dragged into the third place.

Twelve floors.

At this time, swordsmanship is useless! Under the crushing situation of space field energy, survival only depends on whether you can calculate a breakthrough point that is enough to cut through with the power of a mere treasure.

In the end, in the endless compression of the space storm, as the energy of the ship was exhausted, helplessness appeared in her eyes after fighting for a lifetime, and she uttered her last words: "The era of sword breaking."

Si Yao’s sword that was constantly cutting through the air stopped leaping forward. The spaceship he was on spread like a drop of oil to the water surface, and instantly turned into a "two-dimensional" spreading metallic oil flower.

 Near the white dwarf, Mingya on the Tianrou planet battleship was originally watching her master perform sword skills.

  Her big shining eyes were full of hope when she saw the master's sword stabbing directly towards the center, just like a princess looking forward to a warrior defeating the devil.

 But in an instant, the sword light disappeared, and her eyes instantly lost their luster.

 A few seconds later, she murmured: "Impossible, impossible..."

This is war. The beautiful emotions derived from the flowers and the moon are compared with the resistance emotions born from oppression for a long time and the continuous accumulation of struggle efforts. Just like the traditional swordsmanship system compared with the current industrial accumulation guided by space science. Beautiful,

Graceful, broad, and correct.


Si Yao was the first to perish, but he perished as an orthodox sword master. The other sword masters did not have such a chance.

On the Tianjue Formation's side, one warhead after another destroyed the battleship corps with great efficiency. Before the battleship was destroyed, the five sword masters jumped from the battleship they were stationed in and fled in embarrassment.

The disciples and the battleship where they were left behind were beaten into powder by Tianjue warheads.

 And the crew members in these battleships, at the most critical moment, discovered that the highest officer had lost contact with them, and they collapsed at the last moment of death.

This scene can be seen through Wei Keng’s spatial sensing.

Faced with such a scene, it is like seeing a small animal killed with a hammer. Whenever carbon-based life is squeezed into powder by an unstoppable force, my heart can't help but twitch!

 This is the desperate battle. Once activated, it will be difficult to save people!

Although Wei Keng's current technology can fish out one or two people at the last moment, this requires consuming the amount of time extracted from the star and performing space-time stasis in the destruction chamber.

 But how many can be saved? There are definitely some that cannot be saved. Before the war starts, what should be thought about, what should be hesitated, what should be prepared in the heart has already been completed.

 After the war started, they tried to temporarily create luck from above. This was not a kindness, but a humiliation to the people who had been preparing for a life-and-death battle for a long time.

Wei Keng's logic did not allow him to save himself, but when faced with the tragedy, even though there was a reason for death, his heart still trembled. It seemed that he could personally feel the disappearance of those lives.

Bai Hengqian noticed Wei Keng's pale face. She shook her head at first, but after a few minutes she realized something and connected to the Pandora plane. After checking some data from Bai Linglu, she asked Wei Keng

Asked: "Are you feeling a little uncomfortable when you see the life on the other side dying?"

Wei Keng paused: "Nothing, the information from my perspective has a strong impact."

Bai Hengqian suggested: "Turn off your Pandora's regular space bubble (Wei Keng's portable water fountain)."


 At present, due to the needs of the battle, the space bubble of Wei Keng has been expanded by the Dahe Space-Time System Space-Time Center to 6,000 times its previous size!

This five-star space bubble, which originally belonged to the satellite, was requisitioned by the system and invested with the energy collected by the Dyson ring over the past thirty years. It has been built into a small world comparable to Ceres.

Such large-scale space facilities will be returned to Weikeng after the war according to the expropriation and return principle. If this were implemented according to the previous principle, the amount of compensation would be extremely exaggerated.

This is equivalent to "the demolition compensation policy should compensate as much as possible" hundreds of years ago, but when the value of the compensation is "equivalent to an aircraft carrier battle group", it is a bit too much for the original rule makers to bear.

If you acquiesce to this, it will be equivalent to tacitly creating a huge gap between the rich and the poor among travelers.

But speaking from a case-by-case basis, Wei Keng is worthy of such compensation. Throughout the Second Plane War, Wei Keng served as the mainstay.

 Any initial capital that is filled with human lives through war, if a truly public ownership system can be maintained and fairly distributed to the next generation, then there will be no problem.

 But the problem is that after returning to the public, there is no recognized system for “fair distribution”.

If the central government is allowed to collect the capital that has been filled with human lives into the public treasury in the name of publicization, and then hand it over to individuals for privatization in the name of "better management", this will cause problems!

 Bai Hengqian and many other veteran time travellers, in the case of Wei Keng, are currently firmly demanding that the Space-Time Center fulfill its promise to return the space world expropriated during the war to its original owner.


 And now there is another thing that makes Bai Hengqian feel that these veteran time travelers on our side absolutely cannot hand over their personal assets in this way!

The space bubble can be used as a simulator of plane rules. When the particle phenomenon under the physical rules of another plane is projected over, although most of it will be annihilated, it can still produce a weak linkage phenomenon. Such an effect can explore the surrounding planes.


There is currently a case of a linkage phenomenon, that is, when a large number of lives are dying in the void plane, Wei Keng has very strong empathy and seems to be able to feel the phenomenon of life dying.

If it were an ordinary supervisor, he would ignore this! Because Wei Keng's current mood swings during the war may just be mixed with personal subjective factors, such as the psychological reasons why the gentleman is far away from the kitchen.

 However, Bai Hengqian had just been to the space bubble in Pandora's plane and saw Wei Keng in the same situation in that plane, and instantly connected the two points.

She immediately guessed that Wei Keng was strongly impacted by the phenomenon of life decay in this plane, precisely because of the physical rules projected by the space bubble. This allowed Wei Keng to react to the sudden decline of consciousness in carbon-based life on this plane.

, very sharp.


Sure enough, after a few seconds, Wei Keng turned off the projection of the Pandora plane, and the color returned to his face.

However, Mr. Wei found that he could no longer feel the scene of the moment of separation of flesh and blood in the space war. He was confused as to why he was suddenly so cold-blooded, so he then opened the space bubble that was comparable to a small world. Mr. Wei was determined: "The real warrior

, we have to face the blood!" Then his face turned pale again.

Wei Keng's repeated actions were equivalent to conducting a reference test, and Bai Hengqian knew it well.

 The space bubble helps the consciousness of the traveler to synchronize across planes. In short, Wei Keng's "empathy and compassion" in the Pandora plane cannot be applied in the cold historical process of the void plane.

While thinking deeply about Wei Keng's situation, Bai Hengqian suddenly felt that Mi Jia was looking at her. When it comes to understanding people's hearts, a woman's opponent is a woman.

Facing these azure eyes, Bai Hengqian spread her hands, trying to avoid the topic.

Mi Jia's eyes turned to the battle area, and he narrated inexplicably like a tour guide: "In the large plane traced back to the void twisting plane, there is a phenomenon of direct twisting of space (space ability) by the consciousness of life. According to the existing data, it is speculated that it is also

There should also be a carbon-based life information sequence backup power (similar to Pandora’s abnormal life power).”

Bai Hengqian remained silent,

The supervisor added to the information in his mind: "By conducting regular perturbation experiments in small world-class space bubbles, planes adjacent to the dimensional distance can be detected." This is highly confidential.

She didn’t know how much the advanced travelers from the Mediterranean system knew, but she couldn’t talk to Mi Jia to prevent key information from being tricked out.

On the other hand, Wei Keng, who was not interested in learning more about this aspect, mistakenly thought that Mi Jia was sending an "invitation to explore the large plane area" to him.

Sui Weikeng responded in a stupid manner: "About exploration matters, you (Mi Jia) can have a detailed chat with our supervisor."

“Oh~” Mi Jia turned around, looked at Wei Keng, and said meaningfully: “Shou Heng, you are really simple.”

As if he couldn't resist Mi Jia's charming eyes, Wei Keng avoided it and turned to Bai Hengqian and said: "Within five years, I will end my mission in this plane. I hope to have a holiday."

Bai Hengqian said to Mi Jia: "Let's go to the dimensional space to talk. As the defeated party, you have to look like the defeated party."


 The Second Plane War, calculated according to the time of the main world,

 Started in the second half of the 27th century and lasted until 2710.

 Counting from 2685, when the mobilization orders from both sides were issued, the two sides have been fighting for twenty-five years.

The Great River System summarizes the entire Second Plane War: The Space Twist Plane is the earliest of the thirty-seven great battles in the space-time zone, and it is also the last to end. It is the one with the largest investment of troops, and it is also the one with the largest investment of troops.

The most decisive one for the entire space-time war.

Moreover, this war has extremely high intentions, with both sides confronting each other with the wheel of history and historical accidents as their banners. In the second plane war, there can be no more than two and a half battles with high intentions.

 A high-intent time-space confrontation means that time-travelers with clearer wills will be born in each other's teams.

The original Mediterranean time-travelers who were faced with a "historical accident" had to admit their failure. But after surrendering, they still made a request. That is, they wanted to know the time-travelers who first insisted on "historical necessity"

During the entire transformation process that spanned 150 years, what ultimate trick did the leader (Wei Keng) make in this world, which caused most of the time and space to disappear instantly?

Only one hundred thousandth of the time, the Mediterranean travelers tried out Wei Keng’s Immortal Killing Sword Formation!

In the rest of the timeline, as the space users of the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army further evolved, they also improved the space array technology system and assumed the main force of historical changes. Wei Keng's armed system was directly hidden in the fog of history.

Wei Keng's sword formation system is said to be indestructible without the Four Sword Masters! In the dozens of timelines, there were no four sword masters at all, and Wei Keng defeated them one by one.

 The question arises, that is, after the current Mediterranean space-time ability users completely surrendered, they want to know the situation of Wei Keng's sword formation system.

 It means that even if you fail, you must fail clearly! Don’t give up.


 Main world, moon, space city No. 8 of Guanghan Palace.

 This condition put forward by the Mediterranean Space Travelers after they admitted their defeat was discussed in the main world's Great River Spacetime Center.

 Qin Tianfang, the current supreme space-time president of the Great River System, believes that this condition can be agreed to.

 In the suspended heaven hall built on the moon, small projections surround the large projection for meetings.

Qin Tianfang: "In War Zone No. 1, the specific technical accumulation level of our core time travellers was classified as top secret during the war, and very few people knew about it. But after the war, we convinced our former opponents, and we should be able to announce the answer."

 But before he could finish his words, he was met with a rhetorical question.

Wei Qiang (Wei Keng's younger brother): "Who wants to know the specific answer? Is it the current Caesar in the Mediterranean or our king?"

 The hall became quiet, and everyone watched the situation.

 Qin Tianfang: "Shangqing Wei Qiang, this matter will not cause any loss to Wei Qiang's time and space positioning."

Wei Qiang: "For now, the war zone locators in the air-twisted plane cannot see any losses. But the current opening up will really benefit some people!"

  Qin Tianfang: "Shangqing Wei Qiang, there is something wrong with your words."

 Wei Qiang: "Your Majesty, Qin Tianfang! (emphasis in the tone) Oh, is your arrangement a kindness to the king? (sarcasm)"

 The atmosphere in the Moon Conference Hall was stagnant.

 But someone soon smoothed things over, thinking that this motion could be voted on by a show of hands and soliciting opinions from the front.


 Some things cannot be said, but Wei Qiang directly pointed out the core issue.

 In the Second Plane War, it seemed that our own group won. However, with the expansion of space technology, gravity wells have been built on other large planets.

 Such a victory result can only be regulated for middle and low-level traversers, and the Mediterranean Caesar class will not be affected at all.

 As the highest center, the Caesars of the Mediterranean system must acquiesce in the result.

 Therefore, some battle information needs to be made public to facilitate persuasion!

But here comes the problem. Qin Tianfang believes that this decision is "the magnanimity of a winner", but from another perspective, it is a proper leak of information about one's own people!

Now, there is not much valuable information in the eyes of high-level time travellers, but they are very concerned about information about people who may be "same level" time travellers. This kind of attention does not necessarily mean that they will be hostile to them today, but what about the future?

?There was the first plane war and the second plane war, so will the third and fourth time happen?

 Wei Qiang felt very sad when he mentioned the word "king".

 In this war, Qin Tianfang successfully used the technical system to become a "king".

Wei Keng, because he was in an area that was not suitable for verifying the "constant life consciousness" during the war, fought hard and arduously, and missed the opportunity to become the king. But now, he was not engaged in a bloody battle, but had the right to speak.

Disposal by one party!?

So will such a space-time group face restructuring?

 The word "Jun's favor" is very heartbreaking! For low-level time travellers, Qin Tianfang's rewards and punishments are indeed equivalent to Jun's favor.

 But if the entire system is going to be like this, do the ministers know that what they serve in the future is not the core idea of ​​the group, but the private thoughts of a few individuals? Then they can make their own plans.


 After the meeting, Luo Hongxing found Wei Qiang, but hesitated again and again and finally did not say the words "You shouldn't say that"!

 How to say "because you shouldn't say that".

The Great River Space-Time Group won the second plane war and defeated its opponents for more than a century, but the crisis of disintegration has also arrived.

This chapter has been completed!
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