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Chapter 34 Chapter 3032 After Dimension Bombing

In the year 3943 of the main world, the Earth's gravity point, the dimension entrance node of the Black Alliance, and the Haotian Palace.

The latest high-level meeting of time and space is being held.

This is the "Lord God" meeting, which is another small circle meeting where power resources are concentrated within the Black Alliance power hierarchy. At this meeting, current plane military aircraft are being discussed.

Conference Topic 1: Near the time earthquake territory, a large area of ​​the surrounded plane was annihilated directly by "unknown" technology.

Report from Lord No. 4: After these territorial areas were annihilated, our defensive areas in the dimension were opened, and high-value areas (planes with a time flow rate lower than 30:1) are under attack (these planes launch intruders)

historical revolution and thoroughly clean up leadershipism.)

Narrator: Because Wei Keng's action to clean up "leadership" is too rapid, it will more or less make people who are pretentious feel uncomfortable. Just like at the end of the 20th century, many educated people felt that in the 1970s, they were dismissed by a group of uneducated people.

People suppress people, which makes them intellectuals feel uncomfortable.

It is true that uneducated people do make wrong accusations, but people who uphold leadershipism do not sincerely spread knowledge on labor and production applications that are beneficial to the progress of the middle and lower classes. They just continue to spread the superiority of "city people's petty bourgeoisie culture."

As we approach the 40th century, the current Xinghai Pastoral School is also encountering similar "cultural contradictions."

The Black Alliance in the inner ring of the solar system is promoting the "nobility of planetary life". It is obvious that the "nostalgia of planetary paradise" is exactly the Grand View Garden that the peasant class on the star sea is not qualified to enter.

Therefore, instead of promoting the "cohesion of the inner circle of the solar system", the inner ring of the solar system is more of a pretentious show off. Similar to the 21st century, men wear gold watches and women buy designer bags. Their so-called taste

, it is more pretentious than practical.

And when every era increasingly defends the "pretentiousness" of the advantaged class, it will inevitably face a counterattack from the "burdened" class. Oh, this kind of counterattack is often called "trickling the people and acting as a monster."

The main god system can still gather some strength to counterattack in the dimension, and can also guide many "pretentious" time-travel consciousness to resist the "collective mediocrity" of the pastoral faction in the dimension.

Oh, by the way, these days, digging in the fields equals mediocrity.

At this time, moving bricks outside the solar system is also mediocre. Compared with the Dyson ring centralized work on the main world's sun, the threshold of Starfield is very low and the remuneration is low. Although the entire Starfield doctrine is praised, many hymns pity farmers and praise farming.

——But in fact, people who are engaged in star field cultivation will not be respected.

Under the Black Alliance, many people born in the inner ring of the solar system think so. You (farmers outside the solar system) just farm honestly. In the dimensional culture, you farmers don't pretend to know how to intervene.

Then a logic evolved: If you don’t farm well and intervene in "cultural communication" in a dimensional way, you are not simple enough and you are unruly.

As a result, it is conceivable that starting from the 26th century, the largest group of thieves, Wei Keng's consciousness group, began to rebel. In the inner ring of the solar system where the entire Black Alliance of Qi is located, those advanced consciousnesses cursed: All prosperous times in history

The destruction of the end all comes from this despicable group of consciousnesses. If there were not this cunning people who "can't do anything and are the first in rebellion", the inner universe would be led by leaders, and a flawless and glorious history could be created.

...The perspective returns to the present moment. At the Lord God Conference, the group of Lord God Consciousness is not so superficial...

Main God No. 4 looked at the starry dimensional map and looked at the advancing point of the front line. Many cold area planes where the obsession was stationed were extremely efficiently annihilated into an empty space, and he gave a technical explanation.

Main God No. 4: According to the current observation data, the sudden disappearance of these "cold areas" is not annihilation, but taking certain timelines as the central axis, the flow rate of the entire time stream suddenly accelerates millions of times. As a result, in an instant

It is no longer under our observation.

All the participants curled their lips when they heard this comment. Doesn't "accelerating the flow of time and space to millions of times" mean disappearing in a practical sense? There is no possibility of stationing consciousness through time.

The Lord God No. 15 made a more in-depth inquiry: The flow rate of a plane is determined by the "observer" of that plane (a consciousness in a general sense). Time accelerates a million times. Where did the original consciousness go? Is it a lake?

If there is a leak, will it all flow into the sea? If so, where is the sea?

Lord No. 4 did not answer, saying that he was still under observation.

Narrator: The top technical expert in the Pastoral School, Reaching for the Stars in the End, can answer that the consciousness in these ruins leaked into the sea is the Fertile Soil Area, and it fell into the minds of some fantasy writers there and became inspiration. In the Fertile Soil time flow, different times

The inspirations obtained by online writers are different, but generally speaking, the variables of "inspiration" in the minds of these fertile soil writers at different times are enough to constitute the variables of the ruined area.

Lord No. 6: We must quickly understand the opponent’s (Wei Keng’s) technology.

Narrator: This delusion is impossible, and it is impossible for the main gods to achieve the dreamers who carry inspiration in the Fertile Area.

Just like when the main world entered the colder plane area at the beginning of the first generation of time travellers, and encountered those mysterious sides, those mysterious sides were unable to catch up with the fertile main world at that time and directly intervene.

In the same way, the main world cannot catch up with the more popular dream areas, and in the ruins area, the "dream base points" are quite ordinary! Mixed in among all living things!

In short, nuclear weapons are extremely difficult to capture on the battlefield.

But that doesn’t stop the leaders of the Lord God Group from setting this goal now!

Chief God No. 1 refocused the meeting on the issue of "dimensional bombing" in the realm of inverse displacement particles. According to his experience, Tu Kang's "bombing" was followed by a "charge."

When the variables of the Hoshida faction do not have the cosmic settings of the game system structure such as "God's Gene" as a battlefield barrier, their leadership in the inner universe will be counterattacked by the reverberating consciousness instigated (liberated) by Wei Keng.

Lord God: This group of mud-legged (plane echo consciousness) rebel forces have pointed their sword at the highest value core area in the inner universe of the Lord God.

Lord No. 1 made this promise to his colleagues on the throne of Haotian Palace: We can talk to him about the conditions for a truce.

…Once upon a time, during the Fifth Plane War, the kings of the heavens also said so…

The perspective comes to the twenty-ninth ring of the solar system, in the countryside of the sea of ​​​​stars in the direction of Draco.

Here, after the "screw"-like Wei Keng completed the mapping of the "gravitational pendulum" in the black hole six hundred light-years away, he received a "call" from Xingtian's "Rural Street Office".

Well, it's a message from the coronal belt of Jupiter, the inner circle of the solar system.

Wei Keng, who was farming, collected his stream of consciousness scattered in "six hundred cubic astronomical units" and gnawed a "steamed bun". Well, this "steamed bun" is the enthalpy of information collected by a "star mu" Hoshida in one solar rotation cycle.

Measure the amount and walk towards the communication center. (Additional note: One star acre is the volume of an Earth-Moon system)

Wei Keng came to the country street office of the country boy. Well, it was a geometric space area of ​​standard polygon constructed of carbon molecules.

Xingtian's Wei Keng's stream of consciousness disappeared into "Xingtian's street office", and then saw Yu Xiaohan, the messenger of the inner ring of the solar system, staring at the "jewels and jewels" in the moment of light.

The jewels here are indeed the jewels of matter. A large number of light particle carriers of "artificial heavy nuclear elements" that are extremely difficult to see in Starfield are placed in the Starfield area where even carbon molecules are currently scarce. It means that Faraday has come to the countryside. In fact, Xiaoyu

When Han came all the way, he was surrounded by many Starfield consciousnesses, because everyone rarely saw light particles constructed of "heavy elements" (a starry sky vehicle that carries consciousness at sublight speed).

Of course, Wei Keng, a "precious driver" like this, is also very rare. But he is only rare and does not follow the microscopic view, because Mr. Wei is thin-skinned and does not want to "lose his status"

Because as one of the planners of Starfield, I know the future development trend of Starfield. It is feasible to synthesize heavy elements on a large scale in the future. There will be bread and milk.

Wei Keng thought to himself: "By the next century, when Emperor Yu's plan is completed, Xingtian's productivity will increase significantly."

Now that Yu Xiaohan saw Wei Keng looking at his "car" a few times, he stopped paying attention. The original way of opening the topic by "giving it to Wei Keng" failed.

Wei Keng looked at Yu Xiaohan and separated her from Qin Xiaohan in his impression.

Yu Xiaohan was stared at and asked uncertainly: "There shouldn't be any festivals between us, right?" The intellectual voice echoed in the universe.

Wei Keng said leisurely: "There is no private holiday, but you and I are in different camps now."

Yu Xiaohan was as depressed as flowers falling after rain: "So when will this division of camps end?"

Wei Keng looked at the huge sea of ​​​​stars and said slowly: "It can only end if one party completely gains the upper hand, and now, well, we still need to develop."

Yu Xiaohan was stunned, and suddenly she felt that this was the rhetoric of the 21st century.

In the 21st century, the Mediterranean civilization was eager for the end of history, while the Eastern River Civilization was waiting for the next era. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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