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Chapter 32 Chapter 3102 Sneaking into the Black Alliance again

Chapter 1550 Chapter 02 Sneaking into the Black Alliance again

What is the direction of the development of life? Using more and more negative entropy? Yes, this is an evolutionary direction, but it is only one of many criteria.

From another aspect, life needs to have a broader observation ability in time and space. Instead of simply going farther and farther on the energy-consuming route

Two hundred million years ago, dinosaurs made great progress in energy consumption, but they stopped affecting the earth's environment and instead accepted environmental modification. They were affected by the weather and were eventually defeated.

The Kuiper Belt of the solar system, a "star acre" of star fields, has been able to maintain a standard equivalent, ensuring the basic existence of human beings in space. (One star acre is a space range of 3 light seconds in diameter, and a standard equivalent human being passes through

Morality, intelligence, body, art, labor, orthodox education, human beings after experiencing the standard natural human cycle)

But compared to Wei Keng, most of the Xingtian Cenozoic are still very primitive at present. This primitiveness lies in the fact that the refined farming of "vacuum micro" is not enough.

The traditional star field is a crystal composed of 150,000 atoms, distributed one hundred meters apart. It obtains negative entropy from the universe and is directly connected to the fluctuations of human quantum consciousness in the universe.

But for Wei Keng, currently only a single proton is needed to stabilize the "quantum fluctuation" and convert the energy level drop of high-energy particles into sufficient information enthalpy.

Throughout the universe, this pattern of satellites can be spread out in the vast vacuum far away from the periphery of the star.

Such a "generational" jump in technology is similar to the progress in neural efficiency between vertebrates and mollusks and arthropods.

Wei Keng shook his head: The star field model is not permanent. If one day, a natural or man-made disaster occurs, such as a supernova explosion, or the merger of the Milky Way and the Fairy System, resulting in star turbulence, which will destroy large areas of countryside, it will end up with the extinction of the dinosaurs.

The same end. Therefore, completing life information more efficiently is the right choice to advance with the way of heaven.

Bai Linglu spat: "Have you set the margin on the scale where the Milky Way and the Fairy Galaxy collide?"

However - in this way, Wei Keng has become an existence that does not rely on the traditional star field to maintain itself, and can "eat stars by stars, and eat black holes by black holes."

Wei Keng's own expansion speed in "reclaiming fields for his own use" in the star sea is actually an order of magnitude faster than that of other children on the star field. He is truly expanding in the plane at sub-light speed.

When life goes from being based on the smallest to taking steps towards the grand, you are already an "adult" who can cross dimensions with just one foot.

…Wei Keng’s consciousness has evolved so much that other people in the current main world cannot imagine it.

According to pure mathematical theory, a drop of three-dimensional "oil" can be spread infinitely on the infinitely vast "water surface" of the Pacific Ocean. Now that the high-dimensional Shangwei Keng has separated a tiny bit of itself, it can also spread the universe.

In the eyes of humans, the spectrum of hydrogen atoms 40 billion light-years away is roughly the same as the spectrum of hydrogen atoms on Earth. This is a smooth vacuum field in the eyes of life on the plane. There is no "color", "smell", "cold" or "heat".


But in Wei Keng's eyes, this vacuum field is uneven and has color.

In the main world, Wei Keng began to analyze every fluctuation change in the vacuum plane field, and then he was able to identify the "color" of the newly fluctuated particles.

In terms of specific applications, Wei Keng can see that the "quantum field" near the Earth and other large planets is colorful, which is related to the constant transfer of information to and from the crossing facilities in the main world.

Right now, Wei Keng is perfecting a "high-precision positioning" lookout system in terms of dimensions.

When the Lord Gods tried to drift away, they didn't know that a dark "pit" was staring at them.

In 3985, Hoshida Kamui Keng told the Sun Dyson ring Bai Linglu: "Stand for the last shift. Let us finish the old things left in the dimension in our era."

Bai Linglu nodded: "Well, next, let the last fire in the main world be given to the children we cultivate."

In the year 3993, Wei Keng hacked into the tunnel system at the center of the earth, and the final mission began.

Compared with the simple tunnel center in Puhai District where Wei Keng came from, it is much less lively here.

All areas are linked to the World Wide Web dimensional bubble, where construction is very prosperous, a large amount of information remains stable, and it jumps towards the sub-plane.

The node that Wei Keng arrived at was only an open node built over the past fifty years, where the Xinghai Pastoral and the new generation of the inner circle of the solar system communicated.

At the same time, this place is also open to residents of other dimensions - Narrator: The inner circle of the solar system is not open to other areas. Their population is a minority compared to the outer circle of the solar system. At present, only by recruiting groups in other dimensions in the name of openness can we jointly compete.


However, this alliance in the inner circle of the solar system is very tolerant of "powers from other dimensions". Narrator: A group that once had hegemonic ideas can change its hegemony in cultural expression. That is because it is faced with the challenge of another emerging group and must not

Pretend to be a "joint brother" without being hypocritical.

Although the inner circle of the solar system is still exporting culture to the pastoralists and elaborating on "one earth", this kind of duplicitous behavior can no longer deceive people.

Because there are a few rebellious young people who were born in rural areas, and after being deceived by them, they all felt like "21st generation Eastern immigrants".

…There is an interesting historical experience here…

Wei Keng, a veteran of history: Those Chinese speculators in the 21st century have no idea about the essence of the struggle for the rights of "minorities" under the Mediterranean cultural system. The so-called struggle for the rights of "minorities" is actually for the rebels among the majority.

They work hard.

The white left supports minorities not because they are loving and tolerant, but because they want to rely on the power of minorities to obtain the freedom they need.

At that time, Western countries, under the glory of a series of freedoms, were essentially countries with very strict religious laws.

The suppression of conservative dogma directly extends to daily details. Underage drinking is never allowed, and abortion is not allowed. You can get a glimpse of the leopard. Its religious culture puts shackles on all aspects and uses ethics to eat people. Bai Zuo seems crazy to outsiders.

But in fact, they are gaming the same legal system.

The white left and the ethnic minorities can be seen as a deal. The white left uses the legitimate banner of "minorities" to unite with the minority cannon fodder to challenge the Islamic law, negotiate with its conservative mainstream, and force the mainstream to make concessions, which can make itself more free.

One point. Because even if the mainstream faction suppresses them, they must first suppress those "foreign races"

Most of the Chinese who have gone abroad are just smart people who think they are smart. They do not understand the nature of the "white left" at all. They act according to the so-called "truth, goodness and beauty" standards, but they actually have no "social emotional intelligence"!

As a minority, first you have to stick together, refuse to integrate into the mainstream culture, become a social conflict, and use it as a "bargain". Then only those white people will recognize this "minority culture". Support the "special rights" of the minority and use it as a "bargain".

Join the cause of fighting for their own freedom to break through the teachings...

Tukang ridiculed: When you came up as Chinese, you claimed to integrate into the mainstream and did not adhere to your own traditions. The white left saw that you did not allow them to "leverage" the value of the teachings, so of course they would not help you. On the other hand, the conservatives relied on squeezing the aliens.

Stay united. If you have yellow skin and dark eyes, you are an obvious alien. No matter how hard you try to blend in, you still can't change your bad English and yellow skin.

Therefore, in the 21st century, anti-Semitism is absolutely politically incorrect, and anti-Chinese is an unspoken political correctness.

…Behind all social movements is a naked struggle for power…

Xinghai Tianyuan's non-textbook "Unofficial History Commentary" has this sentence in its interpretation of the history of modern times: History tells us that when our own power is prosperous and competitive with its opponents, we should not talk about "selection of good birds"

"Rest on the wood", as a betrayer, you get past it, and instead of getting trust, you are assigned to the cesspool.

In the Xinghai Pastoral, from the late 1930s to the early 1940s, the prodigal sons who were born in the countryside, after twenty years of wandering, happened to see the new generation who had suffered a loss when they came back. They turned to this book and saw this

This sentence is regarded as a classic. I beat my chest and beat my chest: I had seen this sentence earlier, and I ran over to join in the fun. The fun belongs to them, so why should I move myself and imagine that I can change the world with them.

And what kind of "freedom" did the leaders of the current "changes" in the inner circle of the solar system rely on to deceive some of the new generation of Starfield in the early 1940s?

…The perspective returned to the World Wide Web, and Wei Keng sneaked into it, forging his identity as the will of the lower reaches of China in the time-shock plane, and saw the so-called "prosperous" cultural scene.

After entering from the gravity wellhead of Earth No. 033434, you can see that a large number of space bubbles are densely distributed along both sides of the dimensional gradient well like "stalls on the streets of the third world in the 21st century". There is no "urban management" to separate these space bubbles.


Large and small private "space bubbles" may even collide, causing the internal rules of different dimensions to break down.

By the way, due to the different rules of space bubble accommodation, each of these "temporary time travel recruitment" organizations has different painting styles. Some space bubbles have a "high martial arts" style of travel, while others have a "mechanical style".

High season"

As early as ten centuries ago, those who traveled through the main world at that time still faced this problem: because their power model in one plane did not conform to the physical rules of another plane, it could not be used universally. For example, the model of ancient martial arts was not suitable.


However, as the new generation of space bubble technology matures, it is reflected and projected together with the physical constants that adapt to the life in it! The mixed loading of powers from different planes has become a reality.

You can project "Transformers Fire" in the biochemical plane, and you can project ancient martial arts energy in the mecha plane.

Of course, the projection of this kind of distortion area constant is limited to operations on a plane where the time flow rate is more than three hundred times that of the main world. Once the time flow rate is one hundred times slower than the main world, there is no way to "cheat" like this. (Time

The slower the flow speed, the thicker the plane, and the more stable the physical constants)

Most of today's new generations don't know that behind the rapid development of this "space bubble projection physical rules" technology in recent decades, it was completed after the Lord God captured Xia Sheng's plane-traveling consciousness and conducted a cruel test of "Dimension Arrival"


That's right, the ignorant travelers from the Xia Sheng plane thought they had arrived in another world with their worries, and had silly and sweet adventures. In fact, it was the main gods of the main world who were conducting experiments.

…In the 40th century, the center of the earth shuttle platform, for the ancients in the 28th century, was a bizarre and dreamy world that could tamper with traditional physical rules...

"Come in, come in, we're recruiting mechanics. Candidates with arcane configurations will be given priority, and they are required to have intensive experience in a single plane!"

There is a movable billboard in the space, which can be large or small, suspended in front of every traveler in the space bubble, and the screen unfolds like a screen. This is more enthusiastic than the advertising interface surrounded by neon lights on the streets of the 21st century.


"It's time to travel, the diverse information world is recruiting!"

Just as the leader of the game guild announced, each team is recruiting strength. The bustling corridor is indeed quite lively. Wei Keng: "No wonder the new generation over there in the countryside can't stand the loneliness and come here to join in the fun."

Tukang Travels: You can see Taoist priests carrying fairy swords. You can also see magicians, exorcists and warriors.

Of course, there are also pure technological styles, warriors wearing space mechanical armor.

...Wei Keng seems to have returned to the era when the time and space liberals emerged after the Second Plane War...

However, it is just like a modern costume film, where everyone wears silk and satin, the clothes are brightly colored, and the buildings have exaggerated artistic carvings.

The current imitation of the time-travel atmosphere of the 30th century by the Dimensional Space Bubble is also an antique style. This style only enjoyed the simple pursuit of most of the time-travelers in the main world at that time, and had no practical development significance.

Now that the main gods have high-level monopoly pursuits, they hope that all other time-travelers' pursuits will still be the same as in the 30th century. As leaders, they can easily satisfy this "pursuit" and can monopolize high-level power.

Wei Keng in the 21st Century: "The so-called wisdom of the old era should be the "survival and development experience" applicable under the material conditions of the old era. For example, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the (Jingchu) ancients used bamboo cards and reeds to make inseparable

Metal hooks are fishing tools, after all, this is a way to survive when there is a lack of supplies. In the industrial era, the so-called costume films only used plastic and bronze to make various exaggerated headdresses for the beauties in palace costume dramas, declaring the so-called ancient culture, which is actually meaningless."

There is no doubt that the inner circle of the solar system is fighting a cultural war, which is like a seven-injury punch, and has reached the point where "the self is harmed first."

You must know that in the past, the main world area was isolated from other worlds, because it was recognized that the development level of other worlds was insufficient and there were many flaws. Therefore, be cautious when observing the outside world.

But now, with more and more new generations in the Xinghai Garden, the inner circle of the solar system is afraid of being marginalized, so it has begun to untie the constraints in the dimensions and engage in this kind of false prosperity.

And judging from the situation in the past ten years, travelers from the inner circle of the solar system have increasingly brought their descendants and disciples back to the neighboring planes of the main world, and have begun to create different time and space.

Exchange conference.

Nowadays, the inner circle of the solar system has lost its core values, and is trying to break down the pastoral values ​​of the Star Sea through the "diversified integration of various planes".

Wei Keng sighed: The more we move forward, the more unscrupulous the remnants of the old era will be to reverse course.

If there is no goal of common development and the ability to maintain eternal strength, the ultimate outcome of diversification is regionalization. This has happened countless times in the history of Mediterranean civilization.

The most complete historical data is that in the 21st century, Western civilization has lost its central position on the basis of "science" and "industry" and has lost its attraction to immigrants from the outside. After the failure of diversification, conflicts among various ethnic groups have increased.

Regional estrangement began in the homeland.

Wei Keng carried his sword on his back and chose a machine-made space bubble internal drive to find a job...

Entering the space bubble, Wei Keng looked at the view suddenly cleared of other career options, and listed a row of world choices for himself that combined "technology and cultivation". He breathed out: "The supreme ruler of the inner circle of the solar system should not

Knowing the history, they still do this because they intend to overdraw the true potential of the main world."

Wei Keng: "In other words, they (the Lord God) are also preparing to run away"...

…blend into the crowd and blend into this bizarre place,…

Such an inconspicuous scene happened at the recruitment meeting of a small time travel team in the dimension.

A time-travel organization similar to a family workshop in the 21st century began to review the recruitment of outside labor in their family business.

"Are you a machine builder?" The supervisor in a white space suit looked at Wei Keng with the "application" report.

Wei Keng, who goes by the pseudonym "Wike", took out his diploma. This is the industrial certificate of the Vega colony in the Chinese plane.

This certificate records that Wei Keng completed the construction of a "planetary orbit" artificial material ring on an asteroid.

Of course, after the asteroid is tested as a teaching aid, it will be melted under the action of massive "information enthalpy" and turn into a natural asteroid again for repeated use.

At this time, the large amount of information enthalpy accumulated by Tianyuan can completely support the lives of Tianyuan's new generation, and the quality of education is no less than that of the Sun Core Faction.

At present, the Sun Core has also recognized the value of pastoral assessment.

The officer glanced at Wei Keng's diploma from another dimension and said, "You graduated from the Luoshui Department of Shizhen Territory?"

Wei Keng: "Yes."

Supervisor: "Okay, it's up to you. When I develop business there, the focus is also on industrialization. You can just farm when the time comes."

However, Wiki passed the first written test of "recruitment", but was quickly stuck in the second interview.

Because the captain in charge of the time-travel screened out Wei's "Wiki" information here, and this time-travel consciousness was an acquaintance of Wei Keng.

Ji Xu looked at Wei Keng across from him and stared at Wei Keng for a while, because he felt that this guy's temperament looked familiar to him. He couldn't help but said to himself: "Is this guy's first time coming to the dimension plane?"

The supervisor said: "Yeah, just from the time earthquake area. Well, a supporter of pastoralism."

Ji Xu was obviously a little disgusted when he heard about the "Pastoral Faction". He waved his hand and was about to dump this person to another group, but the supervisor was unwilling.

Supervisor: "Aji, the plane you opened is the background of the sea of ​​stars? Now that you have all the people you want, is there any problem?"

Ji Xu's impatient narration: "The pastoral party plane has a restrictive concept like a Tianzi grid."

The female time and space adjutant on the side said: "Captain Ji Xu, after the end of the Sixth Plane War in the main world, the pastoral faction and the inner circle of the solar system, well, there are deviations and differences in concepts! But - although the political tendency is special, the excellent mechanical ability

We shouldn't miss it."

Ji Xu frowned, but ultimately did not agree.

Due to the so-called "truth" guidance of the Lord God of the Inner Ring of the Sun, all the Xia Sheng plane travelers who were captured by the Lord God now believe that it is the fault of the plane cancer. The Lord Gods began to take advantage of the new generation's fear of the "Wei Keng Consciousness Cluster"


Wei Keng's original personality is not divided, and the phenomenon of wireless growth is similar to other consciousness clusters today, just like other developed countries in the 21st century that still maintain the Eastern fear of "unification" of nationality.

The above is just one of the countless scenarios where Wei Keng's many fragments are mixed into the organization of the inner circle of the solar system.

After Wei Ke (Wei Keng) and Ji Xu passed each other, other Wei Keng clones still found a breakthrough in crossing.

...Dark Plane, in the plane elevator center...

Wei Keng's dimensional consciousness stared at the "Wanyuan" plane and sighed: "Qin Tianfang, Avalon in Western culture does not exist, and the "Peach Blossom Spring" in the East is not realistic - besides, you are trying to escape from the world.


..."Old Farmer Wei"'s shovel for plowing the land gradually moved toward the flowing water of "Someone Qin"...


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