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Chapter 35 Chapter 3104 Red Dust Refining the Way

Chapter 1553 04 Red Dust Refining the Way

In Lijiazhuang, looking at the star Wei Keng (Li Goudan), looking at the halo floating in the sea of ​​consciousness, he said silently: "This is my "talent"."

As the plane of all sources, the powerful consciousness from the outside will inevitably cause "information fluctuations" in the plane of all sources when it arrives. In this way, after the information fluctuations reverberate, they will form "luck" here in the foreign consciousness, and "luck"

It will then be fed back to the entity that descends and travels through, forming a sense of Tao leading to the "origin", and this sense of Tao is talent.

In Wei Keng's own dimensional evaluation system, "talent" is a heaven-ordained model that adapts to the upward development of this dimension.

Of course, in a narrow sense, it means that at the starting point, the time traveler can walk on the golden finger of "Chasing the Source".

...As a middle-aged person, I have been very secretive, but I still cannot erase the traces of the "traveler"...

Since the founding of heaven in Gupan, the entire world has passed through many guilds, and the laws of heaven and earth have mutated several times.

In the ancient times, the rules for ascending to immortality have changed several times. After the merger of Hunyuan, the ethnic groups that are active in the world and snatch luck have also changed several times.

For example, at present, the method of "incarnation and re-creation" of Western gods was an unpopular path in the past, but now it is becoming popular.

On the planet where Wei Keng is located, oh, it is also called the small world. There are angels and churches in the west.

By the way, this belongs to Shinto, a lineage that corresponds to the Eastern Shinto that accumulates belief power. In addition to Shinto, there are also martial arts, immortal ways, and various miscellaneous sects that have emerged due to unexpected encounters. This is now entering the era of information technology on this planet. Miscellaneous sects

There is another name - supernatural power. (Without inheritance, it is inferior to having inheritance.)

All in all, today's galaxy (big world) is already very chaotic.

Of course, some basic rules have not changed, such as the phenomenon of universal interference. In a high-velocity plane with few consciousnesses, this so-called "law of cause and effect that is accurate to everyone" cannot be bypassed by any "strong consciousness". What's more,

Wei Keng's consciousness has a great cause and effect with this plane!

The cause and effect of opening the sky

Wei Keng wanted to block out the unblocked "talent", which was not the awakening of low-level bloodline and the "supernatural power" vision connected to the heaven and earth, but the highest "Tao foundation". That is, some kind of existence that contrasts with the evolution of the Tao.

In Wei Keng's sea of ​​consciousness, there is a primitive astrolabe.

Wei Keng can absorb energy from sunlight and then convert it into its own life force.

Now lying on the grain drying field, "Li Goudan" may appear to be slightly able to gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but in fact, behind this phenomenon is that "consciousness can slightly control the gravitational constant."

…The sunlight falls on the undulating lake, and the waves are sparkling, swimming with the rolling waves…

"Li Goudan, come here!" The young master over there called Wei Keng. Wei Keng finished sensing his body and went to the young master's side.

In the villa, Wei Keng has a famous name, called Li Xie, which means "蛯通草蜓". The meaning of this name is that he is as tenacious as an insect. Of course, no one in the villa wants to call Wei Keng by his famous name, because the pronunciation of "蛯" sounds like "poor".

, called Wei Keng by his nickname, "You are poor." The gentlemen in the villa could not hear the word "poor".

Wei Keng came to the polo field, where several young men were riding horses and playing with golf clubs (longer than golf clubs). At this time, a ball flew into the tree, and the eldest young man of the Li family, who was the leader, also

He didn't say anything, just held the long pole in his hand and pointed far away.

Wei Keng saw the ball hanging on the tree, and immediately ran over and started climbing the tree.

Wei Keng had long legs, a slender body, and was only ten years old, so he climbed up the tree very quickly and quickly hooked the ball down. The young masters started playing again, and the housekeeper who was watching the young master play nodded and took out

Five copper coins were awarded to Wei Keng.

Wei Keng, the ball boy, said pleasantly: "Thank you, Uncle Yu Qing!" The butler nodded and asked Wei Keng to wait.

Most of the work of picking up the ball outside the court is done by the young men in the nursing home. Only when the ball gets stuck in a tree or falls into a narrow bush, Li Chu crawls to pick it up.

Go up the tree and pick it up once, which is five coins. Of course, after serving the young masters to play ball, you will get another share of money.

A high-class sport like polo requires a lot of people to wait on it.

It is a very common expense for a young master to spend two thousand dollars to play a game of golf.

Wei Keng pinched the copper plates he had received. These copper plates were mechanically forged, shiny, and belonged to modern currency.

According to purchasing power, one copper plate can buy a large sesame seed cake as big as a basin. Five copper plates can buy a pound of pork, or a month's phone bill.

Due to the strong national power of the Eastern Holy Kingdom, copper plate level demarcation is a popular currency in the market.

In the surrounding small vassal countries, the ordinary people who work on the assembly lines of domestic foundries only earn a hundred copper coins a month.

...After playing ball, the young men will rush to the clan middle school, which requires a book boy to accompany them...

Well, Dongsheng Kingdom has entered the era of characteristic capitalism and has public schools.

But in those big cities, the public school environment is just like the environment of a hot-blooded college. There are a lot of people fighting. - The so-called supernatural plot is about these high school students picking up "qi objects" and then

An urban legend born out of reckless boxing on the streets.

As for the role of such public schools. Hey, every year when the Eastern Holy Kingdom goes to war with foreign countries, it recruits junior high school students according to the quota. These young people who fight bravely and fiercely in junior high school will naturally have a "spiritual injection stick" to clarify when they arrive in the army.

Law and discipline.

In a world where wealth and wealth are mixed, a good saying goes like this: "A good iron should not be nailed, and a good man should not be a soldier." In Li Goudan's society, there is also a nursery rhyme: "Mom remarries (without father), sends her to charity, and father remarries (

Stepmother (housekeeper), goes to junior high school."

Therefore, in the Eastern Holy Land, good education can only be found in private schools.

The teaching in the private school was not open to the public at first. It only taught Confucianism to aristocratic young masters, and it was not the turn of the reserve team of servants like Li Goudan to come.

But in the last war, as the art of making weapons in this small world (planet) entered the "information age", the battlefield was no longer a place for uneducated middle school boys who only had some prowess in physical skills to fill in the lines.

All private schools in various places were forced by the court to recruit ten times the number of civilian students.

However, the coercion of the court is like thunder from the sky, very little of it can fall to the ground. After lightning and thunder, the only thing that can arouse new shoots in the place is rain and dew.

Yamen across the Eastern Holy Kingdom can only use "encouragement" methods to implement policies.

The specific incentive policy is as follows: private schools can give ten to twenty extra points in the junior high school examination to those disciples from wealthy local families who pay money.

In fact, the local government does not buy into this policy. Do the local wealthy families care about the twenty minutes of extra points? Will the extra twenty minutes of extra points affect their control of local affairs? - But other local poor people,

Even if they get 20 extra points, those big companies still have to hand over important positions to disciples with "clean family backgrounds".

The important positions of the "Three Sis" (Sima, Sikong, and Situ) at the center of the Eastern Holy Kingdom are controlled by super powerful families. What the local wealthy families care about is whether the court can recruit poor families. Poor families are also families, and Lijiazhuang belongs to the "poor families".

So there are policies above and countermeasures below.

The poor people below dare not openly defy the national policy of the court. After all, although the probability of thunder falling is small, if you hold a metal object and stand out, the probability of being hacked and destroyed is not small. But as long as there are enough "snake skins", as a local snake,

They can still absorb all the rain and dew and moisturize their tail.

In the process of expanding enrollment in private schools, local wealthy families, in order to collect quotas, included the children of servants in nursing homes and maids' families in the list of expanded enrollment. On the one hand, they received political subsidies, but in fact they still had to accompany them.

The young master is reading.

So Li Xu can go to school now just because he occupies this quota. And this is the quota for school.

...Wei complained: Just be a dog accompanying students. How many people outside want to do it, but they still can't do it...

The urban families outside are not used to the chaotic Catholic schools, so they are asking people to send their children to the school in Lijiazhuang.

Of course, this is because Li Chu is smart enough and has an eye for "coming things". For example, when the young master in front of him played ball, he took the initiative to go up the tree to pick up the ball, just to fight for the opportunity. Then every time the young master played, he would name Li Chu to accompany him.

Wei Kengxin said: Damn, this is Gao Qiu.

In a local wealthy family like the Li family, a child who is often called by the master and the master must go to school.

The master's consideration: The children who play with the young master are too unlearned and unskilled, which will subtly affect the young masters in the clan and cannot create an atmosphere of learning.

…Ding ding ding dong, the dividing line of classroom bells.…

...Sitting in the classroom, Wei Keng entered the class mode again, looked at the chalk words on the blackboard, and said with emotion: "This school, tsk tsk, is no different from the one I know well."...

There are five young masters in the school. They all sit in the front row, and their positions remain unchanged. But those sitting in the back are all common people like myself.

This was also the case in the ancient industrial age of the earth. Teachers in primary and secondary schools were secretly snobbish and would assign homework and ask children to draw the logo of their own cars at home in order to understand the power of each parent. But here, private school teachers do not need to do this crooked thing.

Mind, because everything is on the surface.

The children in the 16th room of the Li family are divided into four classes. Each class has four rows, and the legitimate son sits in the front.

The entire school was very quiet. To be precise, only the five young masters were qualified to whisper to each other and show their liveliness in class. The common people sitting in the back row had to be very well-behaved.

Teacher: "I can't control the young master, so I can't control you?"

Therefore, the ordinary children in this school, not to mention talking in class, or even not sitting posture, will be taken out and punished, using the method of killing a chicken to scare the monkey to remind the young masters to study hard.

As for failure to hand in homework, the punishment is even more severe. The lightest person will slap the palm of his hand with a ruler, and the worst person will be expelled from the school and have to clean the toilet of the private school. In this school, the common people have to look at the teacher with trepidation, and they don't care at all.

Dare to speak loudly, and the lively atmosphere of the class is exclusive to the direct descendants of the Villa sitting in the front row.

As for Wei Keng, he was very smart. Not only did he study hard, but he also hugged the leg of the third young master of the Li family.

Wei Keng was responsible for carrying school bags after school and organizing books at school. Therefore, when the young men bought candied haws after school, Wei Keng could occasionally get one or two.

Li Goudan has a very clear positioning of himself. He is just a goblin on the roadside and may be stepped on at any time.

People in the temple want private schools to take on the obligation of education. But the poor families below only want book boys. As for listening to the uncles in the court? They are far away, so in order not to suffer a loss, they can only face the reality honestly.


After school, the young master handed over the homework book to Wei Keng. The meaning was obvious, what about homework? Can't you help the young master with it? The young master is actually the current manager, not to mention doing the homework for the young master costs one copper a day.

Woolen cloth.

It's just that the young master has done all the homework for the young master. If the young master does not do well in the exam and is checked by the private school teacher, the young master will not have much trouble, but the book boy accompanying him will be punished by a ruler.

Therefore, as a book boy, Li Chu helped with homework, but only helped with the tedious derivation steps.

As for the "key numbers" that need to be filled in for each step of the derivation, they are left blank and filled in by the young masters themselves, which is similar to turning the Jiangsu examination into a BJ examination. - Of course, this will still affect the performance of the young masters.

, but at least the young master has done his homework and is not ignorant.

In this case, the young master did not do well in the exam. When the private school teacher checked, he found that it was not that the young master could not do it, but that the young master was too slow in the steps of solving the problem, and his thinking was slow for a while. It was not that he was too playful and did not read a lot of books. Therefore,

Started to make up for the young master's problems alone (arranging question-sea tactics).

Therefore, the young master actually does not know that he will not be asked less questions. The questions he wants to throw directly to Li Goudan will eventually be filled in by the private school teacher.

Wei Keng, who has gone to school, knows this well. All after-school classes and cram schools are designed to supplement students' deficiencies.

Wei Keng is grasping a certain degree and understands all aspects of his masters better than the masters themselves. Just like Yan Song and Wei Zhongxian, greedy generations, all know what can be touched and what cannot be touched. As for the old man who takes over later

The greedy people don't care about it, so that they are all greedy in one fell swoop.

The third young master’s final results still stood out in the annual examination. Because Wei Keng helped the third young master with his homework, which gave the third young master time to play. When the other young masters and ladies saw this, they naturally couldn’t bear the loneliness.

As a result, these young ladies and young men would also hire ghostwriters to do their homework, and as a result, their own learning rhythm was disrupted.

After all, other ghostwriters don’t have the bottom line like Wei Keng when writing assignments. The result is~~~

Every time the third young master turns on a small stove, he has to learn better than other young masters and ladies.

After each exam, Li Zhen counted his coins and muttered: "As long as the third young master does better than the other young masters, I will be fine."

Teammates will be there soon)

...When Wei Keng was ten years old, he wrote on the wish paper burned at the New Year Festival: This world is actually very perverted, so you must live cautiously...

After the age of 12, Li Chi entered the developmental stage. It can be said that at this stage, he looked like he had just grown up. His body shape began to grow from 1.5 meters to 1.7 meters.

The blood in the whole body is very strong, just like a small stove. In the eyes of some old people, there is a vitality that can be seen steaming out of the body. (Aside: Some old people like to keep cats and dogs, maybe they like that kind of vitality.)

Wei Keng is very good at regulating his body. He practices Taoist samadhi, does not think about evil, does not eat pungent meat (here meat refers to pungent foods such as onions, garlic, and animal organs), and adjusts movement and stillness according to the time. Hmm

That is to go to bed on time, get up and exercise. Now I have pure Yang inside, full of vitality in the morning, but there is no leakage.

Under the fine tuning of "sports", Li Chi is now in a "flawless" state. He does not have acne.

Moreover, because my mind is entirely focused on learning "Yu Shu Ti", and my interest is in communicating with the sea of ​​stars and connecting the vitality in the body, my thoughts are pure during the day, and there are no distracting dreams in my sleep at night, so there is no lingering yang in the morning.

According to the practice method of this plane, Li Xu’s “physical education” based on the system of “morality, intelligence, body, art, and labor” is the orthodox Taoist method of self-cultivation.

Of course, in Taoist sects, when conducting this kind of "foundation-building" process of "controlling the mind" for young people, it is often necessary to prepare a pure place. Rather than living in the mortal world. Many disciples of sects worshiped the sect at a young age and were disciplined and disciplined.

After he was raised to the age of twenty, he was released into the mountains.

What is the difference between this place with strict "rules and regulations" and the world of mortals?

According to Wei Keng's current knowledge, the relationship between men and women in Lijiazhuang is actually very complex. Things often happen between the young nursing home and the manor maid at this age. It happens that the practitioner has cultivated the seven orifices in the early stage, has smart ears and eyes, and can hear many sounds.

Hearing through the wall, there are many things that can be seen from the trees, and it is very easy to be contaminated by these filth and filth.

At this time, Li Chu strictly avoided "puppy love" and avoided these rights and wrongs. In addition to showing off his "strong" body in daily physical education classes, he would return to his dormitory on time every day, plug his ears with sponge earplugs regularly, and treat others in other rooms.

Ignore the noise.

Cultivation does not require "absolute love and desire", but it requires cutting off the branches and leaving trunks of "desire". Just like a tree wants to grow straight and tall, those branches that provide nutrients must be cut off.

Wei Keng's "labor and education" includes "double cultivation of life and life", that is, cultivating one's life cannot go against one's nature. Without the drive of nature, the so-called pursuit of achievements will eventually lose motivation and stagnate. At the same time, one's nature should not be too complicated, as it will distract the energy of life-cultivation. Wei Keng

: As a Chinese, my energy is limited. I can’t study piano, painting, etiquette, and get excellent grades in mathematics, physics, and chemistry as a teenager. If I want to achieve my goals in life, I have to exercise restraint in my growth stage.

Live indulgently.

It has to be said that Wei Keng (Li Xu) considers himself to be a middle-class man, but according to this world, his bones, spiritual roots, and wisdom are all the same.

The power of the sun, which becomes more and more powerful every day, pours in from the center of the eyebrows, flows into the belly, and finally settles in the Dantian, and then enters the limbs and bones. In this way, it is a matter of course and a matter of course, it becomes a standard Sun body, which is untouchable by ghosts and gods.

However, after the get out of class bell every day, Li Xu quickly disappeared among the crowd. The astonishing growth of cultivators in this big world was "unexpected". Wei Keng, who considered himself "the middle man", did not rely on this and proudly stood up. wait.

At this time, this seemingly "ignorant" and peaceful state of mind, according to the standards of the "xinxing" column in the world of cultivation, belongs to the "innocent heart". Born in the world of mortals, it is like a green lotus that emerges from the mud and remains untainted.

…Ding ding dong, the school bell rang…

After physical education class, Li Zhu was doing exercises and counting numbers silently in his heart.

The power of the sun brings a steady stream of vitality, which is a benefit, but if it goes to the extreme, it will cause dryness.

Well, the specific point is that if a strong force is accumulated to the extreme but is always suppressed and used, then Gangyang will question the meaning of its own existence.

Therefore, excess energy must be adjusted to other links for conversion to form a dynamic.

Therefore, when Li Chi was fourteen years old, he began to practice martial arts concurrently. The martial arts practice here is not because he is good at martial arts, but because he has some spare capacity and needs to expend experience. It can be regarded as an additional "healthy" hobby.

Under the sunlight, Li Xu felt the vitality flowing in his body, and he knew in his heart: Today, he must train this extra blood essence into his bone marrow, otherwise, he will be upset tomorrow, and a week later

, you will have evil thoughts.

When the "heart" sets a goal, the "willpower" begins to guide the current "power" to work hard, and begins to learn "achievements"

Cultivation here at Wei Keng is just like some mobile games, all resources must be carefully allocated.

…The perspective is thousands of light years away.…

When Wei Keng arrives, the "innate Yang spirit" and "innate Yin spirit" overflow from the star.

At this time, the flares and sunspots on the surface of the star, under inexplicable guidance, turned into swimming stripes. - If a practitioner passes by this place, he will be horrified, because this is a "divination", which is different from the countryside.

The traditional method of divination is to burn turtle shells. Now this is directly accelerating the burning of stars and consuming their lifespan.

And with such a big movement, the cause and effect of divination is naturally different.

After the star sprays matter and swallows a planet, the sacrifice is completed, and the planet's iron and other materials begin to sputter on the surface of the star, forming strange patterns.

Daluo Jinxian, who presided over this divination, frowned more and more at this time, because the "yang spirit" and "yin spirit" energy overflowed, and the "son of luck" was selected in the way of heaven.

The Yin Ling side (the son of luck) has been determined. After being accepted by the Wanxiang Sect in this big world, his cultivation has improved rapidly, his mind is pure, and the immortal path is unimpeded.

It is worth mentioning that although the energy of Yin Spirit and Yang Spirit comes from the matter thrown out from this star, not every star has the opportunity to breed this kind of Qi of first-grade Dao pregnancy.

The Qi of first-grade Dao pregnancy is extremely rare in the great world of Yunkong (this galaxy).

Now, on the side of the "Yang Ling", which is far more powerful than the "Yin Ling", ten years have passed, and all parties have repeatedly deduced, but there is no news at all! This Luo Tianxian can be sure that there are no other cultivators in this world.

For the power to be equal to one's own, there is no hidden secret.

This sidereal divination ended soon. It was still just a calculation of how profound and long the "yin spirit"'s future fortune would be, but the "yang spirit" - the hexagram revealed, would eventually be earth-shattering, but before all this happened,

There was no movement at all.

"Yang Ling, what on earth did you choose over there?" Daluo Jinxian stared at the spotted stars and blurted out angrily.

…Explain the dividing line…

Although Yang Ling Qi belongs to the first-class spiritual beings in this big world, for the consciousness of Tu Kang, it is not enough to overwhelm the cause and effect of Kaitian. The big world of Yunkong is just one of the "three thousand worlds".

The Thousand Worlds are created by the opening of the sky! One of the highest spiritual beings that can be brought out to match the great world of Yunkong and the arrival of Tukang consciousness is the innate Yang spirit. It can even be said that the son of Kun Xiu's destiny selected by the "Yin spirit" is all

To match the luck of earth hyperactivity and heavy decline.

As for why it can’t be calculated now?

Because Wei Keng is not here to attend a banquet! He is here to cause trouble. In other words, he is here to cause trouble again!


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