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Chapter 31.19 Wiping away the mortal world

After Li Xu returned home in splendid clothes, the Li family could not wait to enshrine Li Xu in the inner hall. Oh, in fact, a monument was carved for Li Xu in the private school.

As for the school where Li Chi first attended, when he revisited his hometown, it was like a high school in the ancient industrial era bragging about the top scorer in the college entrance examination. Of course, no one would be unhappy on this happy day.

Things. The young master of the Li family who asked Wei Keng to pick up the ball now looks like a peaceful brother and brother. They talk about how they studied hard together in the school and lamented Li Xu's extraordinary efforts. He felt ashamed of himself.


When Li Xu returned this time, when the Li family invited the surrounding wealthy families, everyone in this lively circle intentionally or unintentionally excluded the Sun family.

Li Xu didn't mention it on the table, but afterward, he opened up the Sun family's communication and helped the eldest son of the Sun family solve some business loan channel problems that he was having a headache about recently.

Li "Chuanlu" used practical actions to show the people in his hometown that he and the Sun family had no enmity, only the kindness of helping students.

…let go of the past and look to the future…

In the airship in the sky, Li Xu looked at the contrast between the rows of high-rise buildings in his hometown and the feng shui of the surrounding villages. While doing new city planning, he spoke politely to the new head of the Sun family, the eldest young master in the communication:

"Brother Shi is seeing a foreigner. This matter is nothing to me. It can't compare to the help the Sun family gave me in times of need in terms of studying."

The current head of the Sun family, the arrogant young master back then, has now become extremely "gentle and courteous". Faced with Li Chu's arrangements, he can't hold back a word and can only use the words "Brother Li is so righteous!"

Maintain the scene.

Li Chi, whose social status is constantly rising, is not obsessed with settling "old scores" by making "cold rice".

Instead, just like dealing with the weather, we began to redefine what happened in the past. In other words, being a "stronger party" does not mean how to retaliate against those who have offended oneself in the past, but can lead the development of the current "conflict" in a direction that is beneficial to oneself.

In the past, the Sun family wanted to reconcile with Li Xu, but Li Xu was unwilling. But now Li Xu takes the initiative to reconcile with the Sun family because the "leader" has changed.

Wei Keng, who carefully brushed away the "dust": I can't deny that this was the experience of Li Xu's past interactions with the Sun family in his early years.

The local melon seed-eating spectators had given up discussing the story of "Phoenix Man's entry into the grandson's family" because the topic was like the story of Xianglin's Wife, which had been told countless times before being amused.

Now, Li Chi has become a Jinshi in high school, which makes this matter continue to have the value of being a topic of discussion. However, as time has passed, the development of the topic may not be biased towards the "poor boy" back then.

People in this city may once again ridicule that the Sun family's lax goddaughter has missed out on Wenquxing.

But what good does this do to Li Chu? - It just emphasizes to the public once again that Li Chu had to rely on marrying into his wife and selling himself to study.

If some commentators try to go further and criticize from a higher perspective, they will point out that Li Chu was born in poverty and relied on lowly clinging to achieve what he is today.

Later, these poor people who failed in the imperial examination will sigh: they can't bend their waists and can't stretch their ambitions. (Subtext: Only by selling oneself to marry one's wife can one achieve anything.)

Rumors and rumors are like this, whoever stands tall will be crushed.

The same is true in the 21st century. When it was first founded, Yiyu gained sympathy from the whole world because of its weakness. However, seventy years later, the situation was reversed. However, it was unaware of the changes in the world and still wanted to take advantage of the "wind" of the year.

Today's "wave" ended up being slapped down. The same is true for the East. When the original little white rabbit turned into a steel-framed dragon, those poor brothers in those days, such as India, Africa, Latvia and other countries, had complicated thoughts.

However, Dongfang understands this kind of worldly affairs and carefully adjusts its diplomatic posture.

Returning to my current hometown, when people in the city talked about this topic, it was the Sun family that had a louder reputation and a higher standing. Li Chi's status was very humble, so the Li family's reputation was greatly damaged. But today, it is the Li family that has a higher reputation.

The position of the station is higher.

Therefore, when Li Xu came back this time, he really should have deliberately washed away the reputation of "clinging to others".

The best way is to reconcile with the Sun family. Li Xu instructs the Li family to help the Sun family when they encounter difficulties in their business and solve the Sun family's troubles.

This move was very clever. It allowed the Sun family themselves to interpret their relationship with Li Chi as "investing in a poor student" instead of recruiting someone to help cover up the family scandal.

In the same way, the Sun family now also wants to completely expose that matter. If that matter had turned into "investing in Wenquxing", the reputation would have been much better.

As for the Miss Sun who was married back then, the current head of the Sun family, the eldest son of the time, now also added an explanation: she was just a "concubine" who was given away by his discerning eyes and talents.

The Sun family shamelessly began to quibble: There is nothing to say about the romantic affair caused by giving away a concubine.

As for other aristocratic families, if they really want to reveal this scandal that has been turned over, then who has not had any scandals in their inner house? - As long as this page can be turned over, it is not a big deal.

After Li Xu got off the plane, he looked at the changes in the customs of his hometown, which were introduced warmly by the head of the Sun family and his companions. He couldn't help but laugh at himself: I came here just to calm things down.

Giving back to the Sun family at this moment is just a simple task, but it has already saved myself from the storm of possible "rumours".

The relationship between Li Xu and the Sun family in the past was a matter of great honor, such as "the rich family helped the poor family to educate themselves".

People in the city may still laugh at the Sun family for not recognizing the "quick son-in-law who rides on a dragon", but they will definitely not discuss the fact that Li Xu was a wife by marriage when he was studying.

Because after the son-in-law rose to prominence, he did not return to his hometown to settle a grudge, but chose to help his father-in-law's family. Such a "scripted" story was not in line with what the onlookers liked to hear.

When an event is no longer dramatic, spectators lose interest.

Wei Keng murmured: In a few decades, the narrative of this incident will become a moral model of "a poor scholar came to ask for help, and later became rich, and repaid him with a thousand gold coins." The pimp school in those days will

Paste such a short story in a glass case for future students to watch.

Li Xu only stayed for three days when he returned this time. He left after sorting out his local relations.

Of course, in dimensional space and time, a certain force left a large number of save points.

These archives, without the optimal solution to the identity of Li Zhu, will usher in a lot of plots. These plots will usher in many "interesting" time travels, and these time travel consciousnesses will solve things they feel uncomfortable with.

...The plane landed and then flew away again, which is so "cold and heartless" in the eyes of some people...

That was the case with the young lady from the Sun family. When the crowd gathered around Li Chu, she wanted to get in, but she was separated from them intentionally or unintentionally by all parties.

In her thirties, her beauty has declined. Three years ago, she had clearly seen that Zhao Jialang was a heartless man, but she also placed her unexplained thoughts on Li Xie.

Perhaps it was because Li Chu had a low profile at the time and had been raising her two daughters since then, as well as having money for daily living over the years. This caused her to have illusions in the emptiness of a long lack of love, and mistakenly thought that Li Chu

In fact, Chu has always been infatuated with her.

The young lady from the Sun family related her own experience to the love stories she had read since she was a child. "A scholar will eventually go home to welcome his wife and daughter after high school abroad."

She was alive because she kept her dream alive. But no one accompanied her to dream this dream.

The positions of the two parties are completely different. She still feels that she was a rich lady and could look down on the poor scholar.

After Li Xun became a Jinshi, her thoughts would pop up every time she returned to the city.

This time, after Li Xu communicated with the Sun family (to clean up the public opinion), she immediately thought that "Li Xu was trying to make her look bad", so she started dressing up with great interest.

Her behavior was immediately suppressed by the Sun family. When the eldest son of the Sun family saw his sister's "ignorance", he said: Only women and villains are difficult to raise.

From the perspective of Master Sun: Li Chi is kind and not mean, but that does not mean that he can jump up and slap his face. - From the perspective of the Sun family, the former legitimate daughter of the family is now a biting mad dog.

And if they don't trap this mad dog in a cage, they will expose the Li family.

Ms. Sun, who has been obsessed with love story books since she was a child, grew up in an environment where "people support" her. She always "pleases herself with honor" but is unwilling to "understand the difficulties of others." With such a personality, it is very easy for her to be "kind-hearted".

” is equivalent to “honest person”, and then defines “honest person” as “can be bullied”.

Such a savage temper never grows up, and it becomes "one's own dignity, others must pay attention to it, and maintaining the dignity of others becomes a "cancer" of over-care."

Although the Sun family is conservative and a bit conceited, they are not all as stupid as Miss Sun.

Therefore, Miss Sun was so excited that she wanted to jump out, but the strong women from the Sun family blocked the door and locked the door. This became a script for the oppression of women who pursue free love by feudal patriarchy.

It is said that after this incident, Miss Sun seemed to have lost all thoughts and began to go a little crazy.

According to some servants passing by, the crazy woman from the Sun family would say in the morning, "The Zhao family will marry me in an eight-carat sedan chair," and in the evening, she would say, "I am the wife of a Jinshi scholar."

In order not to embarrass her, the Sun family had no choice but to lock her up.

Afterwards, Li Xu heard this and thought about it. For the sake of her being Bu Ran and Wu Man's mother, he sent someone to anonymously send Miss Sun to a small island where she lived a dull life, and invested in the local island.

A bakery made her obsessed with obsession, allowing her to calm down in her ordinary life and see through the illusion.

...And among the top executives of Dongsheng, after Li Xu returned to his hometown to visit relatives, there was nothing that could be criticized...

Wei Keng: I am not the Duke of Zhou, but I am afraid of rumors and am always vigilant. If I want to climb high, I must learn from Wang Mang's humility before he usurped the throne.

When Li Xu came to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the entire Chinese Academy of Sciences was giving classes to Jinshi students, which was making final preparations for advancement.

Li Chi, who has already formed an elixir, does not need to be so prepared.

After Li Xu received the order in class, he continued to busy himself with various technical preparations.

Because after becoming a real person in the Danjie stage, there is a high probability that he will guard a place and become a city lord. Industry, military, and people's livelihood will all be taken care of at one hand.

The Jinshi of Kejia, who are guaranteed to be able to form elixirs, are the bureaucratic reserves trusted by the imperial court, and are destined to be sent out to become frontier officials.

At this time, Li Xu has already created an important plot in this flow of time and space.

When the human nature of Dongsheng's court was unable to cope with the changes in heaven, causing the displacement of those who could not adapt to heaven,

That is to say: most of the "graduates" who have adapted to the era of martial arts training cannot find suitable jobs. Li Xu seized the new space that "fits with the way of heaven" and stabilized this group that was originally going to "become chaos" and achieved new results.

"Humanitarian assistance".

At this time, on the ocean, after Li Xuan cleared away the banditry in the Eastern Ocean, he immediately began to plan to develop a large man-made city in the deep ocean area.

In the eyes of many aristocratic families, "founding a foundation" like Li Xu's is a very risky investment. However, "smart people" who only think about immediate profits do not know that all "great success" does not lie in the so-called "encounter."

Only when you are a "noble person" do you encounter a small opportunity to rise to prominence. What lies in conforming to the "natural timing" and being able to dominate the "harmony" of a party is luck.

How many "celebrity biographies" always introduce their thrilling "stumbles and climbs" and their "witty and clever" ways of turning disasters into good fortunes. However, they seldom emphasize that the reason why they became popular is because the time happened to be in the "winter-spring transition".

"between", the momentum of self-gathering is a compromise based on "the need for a stable foundation to reach the peak".

…Li Xu already has a planning document that “runs through the next fifty years”…

On the last day of Jinshi Academy, the spaceship has landed at the landing site outside the academy, and each student is about to go to secret places in various places to complete his mission, which is to retreat and become an elixir.

Li Zhu followed the common sense of the world and attended this last class reunion of alumni.

At the end of the show, Li Zhu quietly blended in with the crowd and left. After a few seconds, he flashed to the rooftop, looked at the starry sky, waited for the excitement below to end, and then flew the aircraft to leave on his own.

However, on the rooftop, the integrated metal floor suddenly turned into a mechanical door. This is the "Metal Transformation Technique" of "Lan Feng" (the name of the metal smelting plant), which can automatically turn any piece of metal into a mechanical door.

structure, and then, completely assembled

"Li Zhu." Tian Jin, who was dressed in blue, looked timid, but when he saw Wei Keng, he mustered up the courage to say hello.

Wei Keng paused and realized that she was interested in him. Although he had clearly stated that he had no intention of starting a family.

...Wei Keng's split body is very utilitarian in time and space missions: but the only reason is that he doesn't want to tarnish love. - This is not something he can let go like his brother Wei Qiang.

Li Xu lowered his head and thought about how to deal with it, but Tian Jin came up with an official document that the family wanted to cooperate in business and trade in the East China Sea, which Li Xu couldn't shirk.

After Tian Jin confirmed that Li Xu had accepted the "Order to Recruit Talents", he followed the trend and wanted to let Li Xu ride on the fighter plane together, but Li Xu ultimately refused on the grounds that he had to arrange things at home.

That night, after Wei Keng returned home, he connected the two girls' communicators.

In the boarding school, Buman was watching dramas with her best friends. When she heard her father's instructions, she quickly said "Yeah, um" and "I remember, I understand."

As for Bu Ran, he was wearing a nano gaming suit and was speeding through the express tunnel. When he came down, he saw his father in the projection with a stern face and repeatedly saying "I don't dare anymore". I look forward to the end of the communication soon.

Three days later, Li Xu got on the plane Tian Jin found and came to the processing industry department of Lanfeng Group.

In a vortex-shaped underground base, Li Xu visited the place as a business partner of the newly established Donghai Group. The aura of the earth combined with the popularity of the place formed a strange condensation, with fluorescent light spots forming swarms in the sky above the city.

The team flashes.

In Dongsheng, Lanfeng is not only a smelting factory, but also responsible for exporting a large number of cheap drones. Such cheap drones correspond to the spiritual insects of the Insect Cultivator in the ancient world of cultivation.

Compared with those very large battleships, these "swarms" are another equipment system.

Under today's laws of heaven and earth, Chong Xiu no longer raises spiritual insects, but the ability that Chong Xiu used to sense the "special spiritual energy" between spiritual insects still exists. These "special spiritual energy" are expressed in wisps and clusters.

The form is floating, but there will be "information resonance" between them. As long as you catch a wisp of high-energy aura at its core, all other auras with lower energy levels will obey its orders.

As a result, weapon refiners in modern industry use this "spiritual energy" for the informatization of ultra-small drones.

Li Xu: Special spiritual energy is equivalent to special materials, similar to gallium nitride materials and electronic radar technology in the 21st century.

At this time, in Li Xu's plan for the East China Sea, the production of unmanned inspection equipment is the top priority, and the mining and processing technology of the "spiritual energy" that plays a key role needs to be mastered, even if it is difficult and takes 10,000 years.

Engage.——Similar to the beginning of the 21st century, the material and technology of the Eastern electronics and semiconductor industry are backward, but they cannot stop working.

This is the purpose of Li Xu's business inspection at Lanfeng Group. Therefore, at Tian Jin's invitation, Li Xu had to come to socialize.

In the Lan Feng, the craftsmen here have demonstrated a complete "Gu Spirit" production process. They currently only regard Li Xu and the Donghai Mining Department behind him as a customer, and do not think that Li Xu's visit will cultivate people.

identify future competitors.

Just like the United States in the early 20th century, it was still preparing to build battleships for the Qing Dynasty through Bethlehem. It never imagined that a hundred years later, in order to block yellow-skinned battleships, aircraft technology would advance to the point of conducting a comprehensive technological blockade.

Li Xu was now going to buy a batch of "Gu Spirits" for research. At this time, Tian Jin jumped in line in front of the furnace to get a batch of the latest spiritual energy for Li Xu. She was not going to take any money.

When the furnace is turned on, the high-density spiritual energy is condensed in the container-type processing cabin and quickly miniaturized through a series of processes. This is how to preserve the style of cultivating immortals in the seemingly modern society.

The reason. This is similar to the aura, which is a key material in the 21st century, and can be miniaturized to the point where it can be stored in a personal storage bag.

Tian Jin handed over a spiritual energy storage container that looked like a "jade bottle" to Li Xu.

Li Zhu hesitated for a moment and asked: "This?" - He wanted to ask about the price, but was stared at and couldn't speak.

Seeing Li Xu's hesitation, the girl pouted: "Here it is, just keep it." Then she quietly watched Li Xu's reaction with her peripheral vision.

Tian Jin had a good impression of Li Xu when they were classmates together. Of course, it was a "good impression" without the element of "admiration". At that time, she didn't know that Li Xu's cultivation had reached the golden elixir.

However, after the scientific examination, she learned all this, and Li Zhu's help during the "accompanying the examination" made her once good impression turn into moved.

…The red thread is starting to pull…

The concept among the Dongsheng family is that a real person who has achieved the Golden Elixir has a lifespan of six hundred years, so there is indeed no need to stay together too early.

...The two of them were on the spaceship. They put on aviation robes and helmets. In the eyes of others, they were a good couple...

Tian Jin silently looked at Li Xu. She was quite satisfied with Li Xu's appearance, talent, and character.

In other words, when Wei Keng returned to his hometown several times and did practical things quietly in the laboratory, there were people around him who were watching and quietly making comments. Tian Jin was one of them.

Here, Li Xu, who was about to get off the spacecraft, seemed to have made an important decision. After taking a breath, he called out to Tian Jin.

Tian Jin was slightly startled. When she saw Wei Keng's serious gaze, her heart skipped a beat. She seemed to be waiting for something, but she only saw Wei Keng take out a piece of material and hand it to her.

Li Xu: "This is a piece of spiritual steel I just purchased. It should be useful to you."

This is a piece of nine-turn iron. Li Xu was originally going to make a key part for his personal mecha.

This material has already been listed in Li Xu's personal weapon refining plan. Although it is troublesome to change the plan, Wei Keng believes that "the transaction must be paid in time." If the debt is not repaid, it will become a debt of gratitude and it will be troublesome.


Li Zhu: I had to come because I really needed it, but my friend refused to pay the bill because I didn’t bring out what my friend needed.

Tian Jin looked at the piece of nine-turn iron provided by Wei Keng. If Wei Keng had given it to her beforehand, she would have been happy and extremely happy. If Wei Keng had given it to her after a while, she would have been very happy too.

The other person has himself in mind.

However, just as she had just given the "Gu Spirit", Li Xu took out the item hesitantly. This behavior made her silent, because it seemed like a transaction.

The girl could tell that this gift was not the gift Li Chu had prepared from the beginning.

Tian Jin finally took the piece of iron, but with a cold tone, he said, "You are very boring."

Li Zhu watched her leave without looking back, and took a deep breath: "I hurt her heart."

Tian Jin was very sad about Li Xu's "Be strong without desire". But she didn't know the reason why Wei Keng kept a distance from every strange woman.

In the journey of time and space, Bai Linglu has always been mean and insulting to Wei Keng's "heartbeat" in the plane for thousands of years: "Do you mean you like her? That's because you are greedy for her body, which is despicable."


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