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Chapter 3202 Calculating the general ledger

Since the first time traveling through the main world in the 26th century, all the excitement and hustle and bustle of the developed planes are facing the ultimate test.

It is worth mentioning that during the start of the Star Sea War, the "fertile soil degree" suddenly increased, and using other newly discovered space-time civilizations as a reference system, the main world's own space-time flow rate began to slow down.

In the main world, the accuracy of observing new space and time has suddenly increased significantly.

For example, there are many places in the Xia Sheng plane close to the historical line. Originally, the speed of space-time flow was similar to that of the main world, and the main world could not be observed. But now, these planes are like the stones on the bottom of the lake exposed due to the drop of the water level after pumping water. They appear in the visible world.

In the field of view observed by the main world

Of course, in the main world now, the main task is no longer to observe those newly discovered planes with interest.

Just like an adult would not act coquettishly just for eating sweets. The Hoshida sect consciousness in the main world only needs to regard its own world as maintaining a quantitative dimensional channel, and the main task of civilization on its plane returns to "cultivating intelligent consciousness"

Farming route

Over the past fourteen hundred years, the main world has created civilizations on some planes.

This has led to the emergence of magnificent creations that travel through the system (various systems, spaces) in the "dimensional mezzanine" of these timelines, and the plots of large swaths of planes have been accurately divided into "leek fields".

But it is undeniable that some of the "interests" of the main world over the past 1,400 years have also preserved in many planes the "immortal emperor, the difference between immortals and mortals."

In 3992, after Xinghai Pastoral blocked the dimensional passages of Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus, they issued a "recall order" to the dimensions: all dimensional shuttle personnel returned to the main world and stopped crossing now. We repeated the same thing again and stopped crossing immediately.


...Zruo plane, a large plane transformed by the immortals of the main world...

After Saturn deployed the planet's nano-layer and "crouched in defense", he was originally responsible for the mobile combat Phoenix Regiment in Saturn's orbit, and the leader Sun Jia also resigned due to this.

While the defense war in the solar system is getting better, he is now on a relaxing vacation.

And before Saturn was blocked, he entered the dimension. But by coincidence, the "Xianxia" he chose to travel through was forcibly deflected to the Zhuruo territory.

"Zhuruo" territory refers to a war zone within a war zone in dimension.

At this time, he was born in the spiritual world, which is close to the area of ​​​​the Milky Way star chart.

The main world assigned him the status of a celestial being based on his military exploits. He was born as a descendant of the gods and "knows good and evil, right and wrong."

After he was born, he looked seriously at the "Tianming Shrine" where he was. Suddenly, he found that some of the functions of his portable system suddenly disappeared, and some warnings appeared. He felt in a dark place,

Things have changed in the main world.

Then he heard the "recall order" from the Xinghai Pastoral Faction through the system's "Dimensional Information Transmitting and Receiving" tool. He was stunned for a while and muttered: 'Is the war over?'

In an instant, part of his consciousness "diverged", and part of it stayed in the "Cloud Sales Plane", where he continued to struggle with the battle with the "Pastoral Sect".

Sun Jia in "Tenming Shrine": "No, the war is not over yet." On this fork in time and space, he decided to fight to the end.

Since the dimensional economy has developed over the past few hundred years, Sun Jia feels that his advantage here has not faded away, and he will not be suppressed by the "starry sky network" like he was in the main world's solar system. Therefore, as a heavenly being, he now

Decided to be more aggressive.

When he was a young boy, oh, when he was still a fairy-like Shota, he told the elders of his shrine one thing: "The root cause of this catastrophe is brewing in the mortal world."

The gods in Zhuruo, after counting with their fingers, found that there was indeed something wrong with the calculation.

The elders of the heavenly beings attach great importance to Sun Jia, a junior with Su Hui. They are wary of such "nursery rhymes" and "proverbs", but they really can't imagine that the "ant"-like mortal world can develop in thousands of years.

There is no possibility of overthrowing the world of heaven and humans.

After all, the method of "chasing the stars and grabbing the moon" can only be obtained after experiencing three disasters and nine tribulations.

In the various planes, the true immortals still follow the inertia as usual and regard mortals as nothing.

Relying on the gods with supernatural powers: "No matter how the grass changes, it can't compare with the real gold."

As a person who predicted the catastrophe, Sun Jia himself actually lacked attention to the great power of "mortals".

…The “field” in the sea of ​​stars is quietly expanding,…

Just six hundred years after Sun Jia was born, on his planet, a three-headed dragon of a natural alien species appeared in the East Star Sea (the nebula in the inner disk of the Milky Way) and broke into many prosperous small worlds of the planet.

A large number of people with insufficient cultivation on these small world planets have stepped into the starry sky through spaceships, asking for "starlight energy" without restraint. Therefore, according to the calculations of the immortals, the mortals here deserve such a disaster.

When a large number of humans were swallowed into the dragon's belly, Sun Jia appeared and recovered the alien species.

As an immortal, Sun Jia left while kneeling in worship for saving the people. His appearance was of course a "gift" to the mortals, and that spiritual beast, well, due to its expensive bloodline, had some origins as a five-clawed golden dragon. More importantly,

Yes, the spiritual intelligence of this beast comes from the soul of the "spiritual enlightenment beast" in the main world.

Little did he know that while Sun Jia was doing all this, there was a pair of eyes watching his actions.

If so, if Sun Jia had killed the demon, the result might be better, but he was taking a trick.

Tu Kang's Wei Keng: All are ants under the way of heaven, but the way of heaven is not represented by people like you.

...you are not worthy...

The pastoralists have formulated new rules in the dimension: when a traveler reaches a plane, he must fulfill the basic obligations of learning and constructing this plane.

Take the Zhuruo planes as an example. The rules of immortality here can be ignored by those who travel through them.

However, we must not promote self-interested "advancement" in the name of "immortal rules".

Sun Jia traveled through the gravity well of Saturn, and the "quantum noise" on his body was marked by the ring on the main world of Saturn. Therefore, he was locked when he came here.

No one knows what all travelers who have traveled through the inner circle of the solar system after 3997 did in other worlds as they did in the past.

The merits and demerits of the time-travelers are clearly recorded in the "book".

…Three hundred years after the once young and talented Sun Jia recovered the alien dragon…

Hoshida moved from the edge (cantilever) of the universe (Galaxy) to the center.

It's like a big net in all directions, from the edge of the fish pond to the center. If it is organized properly, Hoshida will catch all the "untied" fairy beasts in the galaxy.

As a landowner, when Li Zhu met Sun Jia for the first time, he fired a sword through dozens of "holes" (the area of ​​influence of gravitational wormholes).

From Sun Jia's perspective, the huge sword light coming down from the Tianhe instantly killed his evil dragon that he had raised for three hundred years. The ocean planet the size of Jupiter where the evil dragon was located was also boiled by the gamma ray flow.

When Sun Jia saw his "pet" being killed, his reaction was the same as a primary school student's reaction when his gaming phone was destroyed.

A roar, "Um, cell phone", oh, that was Wei Keng's imagination. Sun Jia's roar came out as: "Jiao Fei" (the name of the three-headed dragon.) Then this guy rushed out of the cave, exposed.

Wei Keng, who was in the starry sky, looked at Sun Jia with a sneer, and a comment flashed in his heart: "You have a plan."

If Sun Jia had really lost his mind, he would not have shouted so loudly that the other elders of his clan could hear him.

Li Zhu set up his sword again on the array of thousands of stars in the starry sky, and sarcastically sarcastically said to Sun Jia among the heavenly people: "It's useless for anyone to come at this time. You have violated the 26th century (

The rules of equality and mutual assistance for life on the plane set by the Pastoral Time Travel Era) should be captured and brought back for trial."

Wei Keng's leisurely voice echoed throughout the whole world.

At this time, Taoist Whirlpool, the highest-ranking person on this plane, opened his eyes.

He saw the familiar aura on Wei Keng's body, which was the Yang spirit that came a thousand years ago. However, the past had always been obscure, and it was not until Sun Jia appeared that it showed its edge.

As Li Xu locked the looming sword light around the surroundings. With his luck trembling, he counted with his fingers. Amidst the many secrets, he raised his head with difficulty and said in shock: Could it be! He is the master of killing!

The main killing!?

In many planes, even if Wei Keng is his enemy, the main gods of the Black Alliance will not label Wei Keng as the "chief killer".

Because Wei Keng's earthly nature is very nurturing, and when Wei Keng becomes murderous, it can only mean that the moment of the "earth-overthrowing murderous intention" has just arrived.

Li Xu, who had set up his sword formation, faced the famous Beimang Clan in the galaxy (the ethnic group Sun Jia descended from), just like a young man holding a long stick facing a field of rapeseed flowers.

The voice of the unruly people: You are all chickens and dogs.

Sun Jia, who was suppressed by the elders of the Beimang God Clan, looked at Li Xu very rationally: Your Majesty, since my grandson has come to my clan, he is a member of my clan and must not be handed over.

Wei Keng stared at this plane guy, and after calculating a round of cause and effect, he suddenly laughed: Over the years, the entanglement between the time traveler and the plane immortals has been very complicated.

This elder is a time traveler. From ancient inheritance, he knows the importance of the so-called "extraterritorial luck" to the clan. Well, he is also a "traveler".

Although Sun Jia did not say that he was a time traveler, his own consciousness was transcendent and different, which was visible.

And didn't these gods deliberately lead the "sons of heaven" to come, so as to seize the so-called destiny?

Li Zhu also figured out that in order to cope with the catastrophe, the Beimang Protoss took the initiative to use a large number of local mortal consciousness in this world as sacrifices in the six paths of reincarnation. After they were sacrificed to the Asura Path and the Animal Path, they could exchange for a

The arrival of the son of destiny.

Wei Keng, who had a small notebook of records in the dimension, looked at Sun Jia from the Beimang Protoss who was now hanging around, and shook his head: Compared with the real conspirators in this ruined plane, you (Sun Jia) are really "smart" at the moment.

It's too tender.

As a result, Li Xu became even more determined to pull Sun Jia out. The place where he was reincarnated was a cesspool.

Travelers with high-quality consciousness in the main world cannot be allowed to fall into it, otherwise more terrible evil will be fostered.

"But," Li Xu thought for a while and decided to come up with an education plan.

Facing the Beimang Protoss' argument, Li Zhu withdrew his sword formation slightly: If that's the case, let's wait for another six thousand years!

Wei Keng left in a hurry, and the Beimang God Clan and the entire fairy world thought that this was the Supreme Lord's concession. However, the Taoist Lord in this big world understood that "karma" has not been resolved, but has become even greater.

The Taoist ancestor of Whirlpool really understands the existence of the "main world". The group of top beings in the main world who are in charge of thousands of time and space. Any ray of complete consciousness falling into the "primordial universe" is the power that can change the direction of the road.

If Li Zhu could take Sun Jia away right away, then in this vast world, immortals would still be immortals and demons would still be demons. But if we had to wait six thousand years!

Wu Guang looked carefully at Li Zhu holding the sword and the star field in the sky, and suddenly found that the world he was in was filled with "the progress of proving the Tao with force"

...Six thousand years later, in the Kernel Wonderland where the Beimang God Clan is located, the psychic holy peach matured again...

On the galactic disk of the entire world, tens of millions of civilizations are shining, and the star field has expanded to every corner of the cantilever, forming a large plate.

The large plate of this ring began to focus on the center. The scene at that moment in the "Gupan" generation has been reproduced.

The concentrated power of the traceability system: in terms of energy level, it happens to be higher than those primitive lives (the so-called ancient immortal species) bred in the center of the galactic core.

Accompanied by the divine light of gamma rays, the Beimang God Clan and other celestial being groups, as well as their "cave heaven", were all wiped out by this brilliant sword.

The power of proving the Tao with force shocked the entire Zhuruo plane, and the Taoist masters of the Zhuruo world quickly used their great supernatural powers to isolate it before the evolution of the "Dao" of this world spread to other worlds.

Narrator: The evolution of the avenue promoted by Wei Keng is to complete the rules of this world and make "the process of consciousness leveraging information physics more complex". But for the immortals in this universe, this is the disaster of their fall.

Diao Min: Their consciousness in the main world is at the level of a middle-aged person, but now they can become immortals and ancestors in this world. Haha, as for the consciousness of all living beings, in the main world it is at the level of Cambrian single-celled species.

Peel away the illusion of the entire world and flatten this fairy-tale universe.

In the end, the Taoist ancestors of this big world united with many Taoist ancestors, and issued a decree in desperation, indicating that "Tukang can take away the consciousness of the main world."

…After clearing the various planes, Wei Keng opened the dimensional channel…

When Sun Jia saw Wei Keng's time mark of 3221 years in this plane, he was stunned: "Your Excellency, you have been in this world a long time ago" (At that time, Wei Keng was tunneling through the great black hole of the dark plane creation

This dimensional territory is the origin of various planes)

Wei Keng: "I have been here a long time ago."

Sun Jia: "Didn't you make any mistakes when you first came to this kind of plane?" He knew Wei Keng's history and did not believe that Wei Keng had not indulged in his early days.

Wei Keng slightly recalled: "The pastoral era, it was an era of five principles, four virtues, and three loves. I am a middle-aged person with poor self-control. Of course, I have been educated by teachers and family members, and I have realized my mistakes.


Wei Keng smiled at him and told him not to think that he could successfully criticize him morally.

The thick-skinned Wei Keng: I am the "lower limit of morality in the old times". I am a low-quality and rough person. I will abide by the law in the main world and not fight, and abide by morality and not curse others. But I am by no means a "sage".

Wei Keng took out his belt, um, put on the jade belt on his immortal clothes, and signaled Sun Jia to have a good attitude and to be lenient if he confessed.

Sun Jia gritted his teeth and didn't say a word, but the system behind him took action. He sent a letter with densely written names called "The Immortal and Demonic Record". There were six thousand consciousnesses from the core area of ​​the main world on this Immortal and Demonic Record.

Wei Keng looked at the people on the list and felt a little stunned by some of the names. Then he shook his head. There were names dropped by Jing Guyu, Qin Xiaohan, and other acquaintances.

Sun Jia, who didn't know that the system had knelt down first, still resisted stubbornly. He mocked: "In my world, there are fifty great roads and small roads in the heavens. There are a total of 12 of us (the main world) who join the Tao here.

They are hidden in luck, can you really win them all?"

Wei Keng did not respond directly: "After you return to Earth, you will get the justice you deserve. Don't worry, you will not be persecuted. You need to receive labor education until you are perfect in moral, intellectual, physical, artistic, and labor."

Sun Jia, who was full of resentment, met Wei Keng's indifferent attitude, and the unknown fire rose again.

Wei Keng looked at him: "You always live in this kind of plane for a long time. Back to the earth thousands of years ago, when human life was only a short hundred years, well, you might not be able to adapt."

At the end, Wei Keng put on his belt again, and at the same time added a sentence to Sun Jia, who was so angry that he had a heart attack: "Be a good person and stop being obsessed with the difference between immortals and mortals. Otherwise, I will slap you once when you see her."

This chapter has been completed!
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