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Chapter 3210 Abandoning the Cage

Su Tianji's war plane has never been able to complete effective changes, which shows that there is a very strong cage that locks the variables of this period of history.

Regardless of Xia Sheng or Yi Aosu, the party with the information advantage, in order to maintain its own advantage, will lead the "interpersonal relationships in society like a dark forest". That is, the weak will hurt each other. The blood that drips will be enjoyed by those who are behind the scenes.

The "weak" here are relative to each class. For example, the company executives of Xia Sheng are weak to the oligarchs. They monitor each other and report important information to the oligarchs on the board of directors. However, these executives are weak to the lower-level employees.

But they are strong people. They encourage lower-level employees to move closer to themselves and not to make small moves in secret.

Everyone is ignorantly operating on the social machine, allowing their actions to be controlled by the "joystick" of the social machine.

As the consciousness projection of the eighth main god, Su Tianji wants to integrate into this piece of history and warm up the place. However, the other main gods have made the social environment where he lives completely cold.

Su Tianji, who was temporarily dismissed from his position, looked at the ecological park outside the beach villa and the private helium airboat. These are the living facilities that ordinary people imagine to be the most representative of affluence, but he did not take a glance.

As a healthy adult with hands and feet, he does not need the maid service next to him. As a talented person who has gained self-confidence through hard work and study, he does not need people of lower social class than him to salute him when he goes out.

Su Tianji: What exactly do I need? - He was at a loss, but he thought of someone in the army who had the same idea as him.

People need to find a confidant in their life!

Xia Sheng's ruling class has already matched him with his "confidante" Rong Jixuan.

But Su Tianji, who has great ambitions, needs a "confidant" who also "hides a great goal" in his heart. This way it is not like carrying a lone lantern, constantly beating the wall in the dark, and returning to the original place.

The luminous wine was not poured into the cup. Su Tianji replaced it with boiled water. He didn't want to get drunk!

…The historical prison where Su Tianji lives is being destroyed by a welding gun…

After the initial confrontation between the armored forces and air forces of Iosu and Xia Sheng, although there was some back and forth at the beginning, a balance of power was eventually formed.

Both sides are still confronting each other on the front lines. As a large number of false targets reduce the combat effectiveness of precision strike weapons, tactical nuclear weapons regularly appear indiscriminately on the front lines to clean the battlefield. Of course, both sides have trench systems to defend against nuclear weapons.


In the past, the decision-makers of Iosu and Xia Sheng were quite skillful in managing such "war of attrition".

Even if the troops at the front continue to suffer from stress disorders in the trenches, they can be stabilized by injecting drugs and continue to be useful "cattle and horses". In the steel vehicles at the front, they can honestly obey the orders and attack, and arrive at the front line to target the opponent.

But this time, on the eve of the war, both Iosu and Xia Sheng purged their own military command levels at the same time, removing a large number of military personnel from combat positions and transferring them to the rear lines.

At the same time, the newly appointed military dispatcher was not qualified due to Germany's mismatch, which caused a chain reaction and caused a huge financial crisis for Iosu and Xia Sheng at the same time.

In this fiscal crisis, both sides increased their efforts to collect funds from the lower authorities, and "malignant" incidents occurred at the same time.

Xia Sheng's monopoly group and its affiliated business groups have eaten too much in the past hundred years. Now when the war breaks out, they are used to continuing to "eat more", regardless of the spread of hunger and cold, in the name of expropriation.

They started looting merchants in the southeast.

As for Iosu, the "republican elites" in the agricultural, industrial and mining areas of Africa and America suddenly found that their votes were snatched away by the "oligarchic elites" in the cities along the Atlantic coast.

If the above two types of crises occur in isolation in peacetime, they will be quickly publicized.

But just because it was "too easy to lose public relations", the new batch of "elites" have long been less vigilant than their predecessors. Therefore, unknowingly, the "fire" below gradually heated up to a critical value.

Diao Min: Historical experience shows that the resolution of social conflicts cannot depend on the elites themselves being enlightened, but on the new generation of elites losing their vigilance. Only when they lose control and lose themselves can the conflicts be resolved.

In the Rust Age, historical coincidences began to push forward, and an assassination occurred simultaneously in the East and West.

A politician elected by the urban oligarchic factions of Iosu was killed by a small plane that fell from the sky. No information could be found on this plane, but if you think about it in reverse, this can also explain who did it.

Yes. Because the person responsible for investigating this matter was appointed by the Republican elites.

In the east, a fire broke out in the most important Central Economic Building. In the building, there happened to be the "newly appointed member of the household department" who was in charge of the meeting. What was strange was that the escape helicopter on this building happened at this time.

There was an explosion, and the middle floor of the building was also locked, making it impossible to open it in a short time.

…The above-mentioned two major high-level incidents were immediately suppressed by the ruling classes in the East and the West…

"There is a traitor among us!" Those rulers of Iosu who were lying in the vat began to doubt themselves.

In the height of summer, the exchanges between the shrines housing the "saint's body" began to become more sophisticated.

The seeds of doubt have been sown, and cracks have emerged within the ruling establishment.

Dao Xun, who had dug such a big hole, leisurely watched the news broadcast on the TV screen with increasing caution, as well as the subtle concealment in his speeches.

Wei Keng commented easily and freely: "If Dou Jiande could take the initiative to take advantage of the internal conflicts of the Tang Dynasty, that is, the broken brotherhood between Jiancheng, Shimin, and Yuanji, then the new dynasty would not be the Tang Dynasty."

…the rock cracked…

In all past timelines, the Black Alliance's "historical plot control" over this plane has been very strong, which has allowed travelers from the neighboring Xia Sheng plane to see quite strong historical inertia.

Among all the reborn people of the Lord God Group, there is a "consultant" system to help everyone provide "early warning of right and wrong behavior."

For example, Guan Liyue, a reborn student from the Department of History, has a prop like a "diary" when he is walking on thin ice in his political strategy. Whenever he makes a plan, he writes down his opinions in this diary.

The diary paper will use "wrinkles" to reflect the bad luck of his decision.

Diao Min said in the narration: Oh, this diary, after Guan Liyue leaves in the future, will become a historical relic on this plane, recording the map and self-criticism of this person in power.

Back to the topic, on the timeline where Su Tianji has now made up his mind. On this day, the systems of all the reborn people were disconnected and they could no longer communicate with each other.

Because the infrastructure on the other side of the earth blocks the information enthalpy tunnel of the Lord God.

Regardless of East or West, the protagonists who built the cage used to rely on the "system" to coordinate with each other.

Now, the ruling group has begun to impose "mutual distrust" on the middle and lower classes, and the dark forest has begun to bite back.

Three months later, a coup occurred in Xia Sheng.

In the capital city, a security force launched a surprise attack and rushed to the home of the big boss of the urban faction. The younger brothers of this big boss faction who successfully escaped from the capital also began to organize their troops for a counterattack. - Diao Min: Okay.

Okay, I want to see a river of blood?

Almost at the same time, on the Iosu side, the tax police department and the military intelligence department were also firing at each other, and the two sides of the West fell into civil war.

When a ruling group experiences civil strife, the group's authority will be greatly weakened. However, complete civil strife still requires a process.

For example, in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, if there had not been the rebellion of Shi Changshi in the Han Dynasty, the surrounding local and state leaders would still not dare to move.

From another level, in the Xia Sheng plane, the framework built by the reborn people from the East and the West was to select the heroes to the center and to their own class. As a result, when they lost the ability to maintain stability, each of these heroes

Everyone found an opportunity, and the explosion began.

At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, the central government was very incompetent. As the great Sima Dong Xian (one of the parties involved in the habit of cutting sleeves), as the great Sikong who controlled the military and horses, he also controlled the jade seal of the Han Emperor's abdication. However, due to his incompetence, he was killed by Wang Zhengjun.

The look forced me to give up my righteousness and status obediently - this is internal decline.

But look at the group of people after the Yellow Turban Rebellion at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is definitely "the generals start from the ranks, and the prime ministers start from the subordinates". They brought an "implosion" to the Han court.

As Xia Sheng and Iosu suddenly self-destructed internally, the legions on the eastern and western fronts also stopped the war in unison.

The army commanders began to determine the bargaining chips they held, just like the princes who fought against Dong on the 18th Route and began to seek their own political status.

In the next four years, the Eight Kings Rebellion occurred in the East. Six legions within East Asia were involved in the storm.

In Iossu, there was an alliance of "two emperors co-governing" on both sides of the Atlantic.

The era of the Rust War is not over yet. However, history has gone out of its inertia. - The interference from the main world dimension has withdrawn, and the emerging travelers from the Tai dimension can now freely play on this basic stage.

…In the year 6847 of the ancient calendar, when the chaos in the Xia Sheng plane subsided…

As the highest military commander on the front line, Su Tianji completed the military integration of the entire Western Region and the Guanlong Group

He also married Rong Jixuan. This was a political marriage, but it was also love. He ended the chaos and will become an NPC in the next period of history.

Daoxun, on the other hand, went home to farm after finishing everything.

In Kangding Province, in the farmland with unique cement buildings on the plateau, Wei Keng stepped on the aluminum alloy scaffolding and looked at the crops hanging in the planting frame, looking leisurely and contented.

Once upon a time, the information operation capabilities that were exclusively used to control and command the army were now used to steadily inject nutrient solution to farm crops and adjust the light.

Outside the building, a plane jetting blue flames was slowly landing, breaking the leisurely scene of picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence.

Dao Xun, who was once a subordinate, and Su Tianji, who is now at the top, meet again.

Su Tianji felt very sorry for Wei Keng's turning swords into plowshares, because he once thought of using Dao Xun as his replacement and spent a lot of effort to train him.

But Wei Keng knew that after Su Tianji married Rong Jixuan, because it was a marriage between two military families, a huge and stable alliance of interests was formed. The so-called training of himself as a replacement was just a drawing.

The big pie. Taking the initiative to retire is a good ending. Otherwise, he would have blocked the way of people around Su Tianji and would have died without even knowing how he died.

Seeing his old boss, Wei Keng, who was standing in the farmland, gave a straight salute. Su Tianji looked at Wei Keng, who was wearing agricultural machinery uniforms, exhaled, and walked up to help Wei Keng straighten his clothes that looked askew.

Su Tianji: "Are you really not going to continue working with me?"

Wei Keng looked at the silk gown his old boss was wearing at this time and shook his head leisurely: "Sir, you know, I am just a middle-aged person. All my talents have been used to learn to fight with you wholeheartedly, instead of

If you want to engage in politics, I went to Xijing, and I can only hold you back."

Su Tianji said leisurely: "I am in the East Bohai area and I need a candidate for Fengjiang. Come and help me." He opened the current high-level personnel management position information, leaving a whole team space for Daoxun. However, like this

The staff is "vacant" and he can't last long now.

Wei Keng: "The war is over. There are many newcomers who are more talented than me. You can let other newcomers take on the important tasks." (Wei Keng could see that the position he gave himself was another easy one.

A place of right and wrong.)

Wei Keng clicked on his own interface. At this time, Wei Keng's research was on the space ecological warehouse. Obviously, after all this is over, Wei Keng will immigrate to Taibai Planet to establish an ecological warehouse.

Su Tianji sighed: "It's up to you." Then he looked at the bouncing boy outside the office and asked: "Your baby?"

Dao Xun nodded: "Yes, the son I raised."

Su Tianji stared at the boy. The artificial intelligence on the side had completed the investigation. This boy was called "Wei Baji". He was an orphan created by the war and was later adopted by Wei Keng.

Su Tianji secretly felt that this child would be a hero in the future, someone who could bring changes to his world. Well, like a young self who has not been suppressed.

But then, Su Tianji paused and shook off the idea.

…And in higher dimensions, Wei Keng and the No. 8 main god projected by Su Tianji are also having a conversation…

Wei Keng's dimensional consciousness looked at Main God No. 8 and said leisurely: "Very good, you can go down."

Lord No. 8, who was originally on guard in time and space, was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You let me go?"

Wei Keng: "When you take up the "rank", you must abide by the obligations. Otherwise, "Although I am uncomfortable, you are not worthy." But after you put down the "rank", you will have the freedom to develop your life and wisdom."

Lord No. 8, who completed the memory sealing, said with emotion at the last moment of integrating into this ancient timeline: "It takes perseverance to pick up, and courage to give up.

This chapter has been completed!
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