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Chapter 5.15 Dragon Slaying Operation

 The dragon fights in the wild, its blood is black and yellow.

The scattered pieces of the Tianshu Dragon were all looking for a place to recuperate. At the same time, Wei Keng was in the ant hole, eating earth and drinking from the underworld.

The life-and-death battle between the Celestial Dragon and the Sulfur Iron Xuanwu in the Eastern Ocean happened much earlier than the original plot of Wu Weikeng.

First of all, the ecological replacement in the Ganjiang area was too rapid, which made the Tianshu Long himself eager to control the threat from the East China Sea. This sudden situation caused the old dragon that had lost its footing to be torn into many pieces early.

Then there was the carbon-based signal transmitting tower experiment in the control area, which inadvertently shocked the two major genetic communities, allowing the Tianshu Dragon to breathe again after being severely damaged.

This brings about a series of butterfly disturbance effects.

In the original plot, when the Tianshu Long was killed, the community that controlled the entire East Asian continental margin area was also greatly reduced. Now, although the Tianshu Dragon is broken into boiled fish, the sulfur-iron Xuanwu has given way.

Let the community be preserved.

On August 28, the largest of the four body parts of the Tianshu Long entered the lair in Bohai Bay to rest and recuperate from the battle.

In order to repair the trauma at the top of the community, the biological community in the entire Bohai Bay region began to expand crazily and absorb ecological energy.

Autumn has not yet completely entered, and the heat of the bright sun is still there.

The blood-red seeds swept wildly like a sandstorm near the Bohai Bay.

Seeds that fall on the ground, whether plants or animals nearby, will be parasitized. After these blood-red seeds are implanted into living things, within three days, all the organic matter of the parasitized person will be drained, forming a brown-red vine.

Wrap the victim.

After such seeds absorb nutrients, except for a small amount of energy used to sow more seeds for expansion, the rest of the energy is concentrated in the Bohai Sea area.

Yes, this crazy squeezing of the energy of all organic life in the area is just to restore the Celestial Killer Dragon.

day 30th

The general of the Yanjing Defense Line of the Five-Color Alliance looked at the depressed land after the "flower seeds from the other side" spread all over the sky through the thick glass window of the bunker-like building, and immediately realized the seriousness of the situation.

The general sent three waves of trainer teams to investigate, but only two waves of people came back.

According to their explanation, on the abandoned aircraft carrier on the northern coastline of the Bohai Sea, a huge sarcoma with a diameter of fifty meters was surging.

The general immediately reported to the general military department of the Taihang Tunnel Network.

Why report it? Because conventional weapons cannot destroy apostle-level existences, even severely injured apostles.

The Five-Color Alliance only has five city-state regions, but it can still maintain its power intact. The reason is that the Five-Color Alliance inherited the plutonium bomb, the highest force of human civilization before the Pandora era!

There are four heavy water reactors in the Taihang Mountain Tunnel Group, used to produce weapons-grade nuclear raw materials, as well as lithium-6 and deuterium raw materials left over from before the Pandora era.

When the Five Color Alliance determined that the source of life radiation in the Bohai area was the apostle Tianshu Long, the central command immediately authorized the use of super weapons.

The Five Color Alliance dispatched a combat force of hundreds of elite trainers on the ground to attack the apostle on Juehua Island from eight directions.

At the same time, six combat airships also set sail in the sky.

These six combat airships are all behemoths with a length of 210 meters and a diameter of 38 meters.

They were designed by all the scientists when the Five-Color Alliance was first established and based on the industrial situation after the Great Destruction. The whole is a hard-shell airship. The shell was made of aluminum alloy in the early years. As the ecology recovered, it was adopted

It's a fireproof wooden board. Oh, the silicon crystal content inside this board is high. It is a precious wood on the same level as golden nanmu. Before the Pandora era, it was impossible for the aviation industry to use this thing to replace aluminum alloy boards. But after the Great Disaster,

The power system has not recovered, and the ecology is extremely prosperous, so we adopted it.

The inflatable bag in the center is not made of polymer material, but alive! It is a creature in the form of a fish bladder. As the biomodification technology in the north develops year by year, it continues to grow, reaching a diameter of thirty or forty meters.

Eventually they were bred into airbags used to fill hydrogen gas in airships.

This airship, which shines with the color of tung oil in the sun, has a honeycomb mounted underneath. Inside the honeycomb is a flying mechanical beast weighing three hundred kilograms. There is a rope on the tail of the airship, and the rope is long and swaying in mid-air to facilitate these.

The mechanical beasts catch it while flying, and then pull it with the winch, making it easier for these mechanical beasts to climb back into the hive cabin of the airship.

Such a combined land and air combat team was well-equipped and had high morale. However, when approaching the coastline, it still suffered heavy losses due to the counterattack of the protective equipment.

Team No. 3 moves along the breakwater of the coastline before the Great Disaster.

Driving a jeep, they saw changes in the water areas on both sides.

In the sea water, a large number of tadpole-shaped fleshy bodies gathered near the breakwater. As these squirming tadpoles, which were as small as one millimeter and as large as hundreds of meters, gathered into a ball in the water body, they soon merged into

A fleshy monster.

These monsters include giant toads with octopus tentacles, spider crabs with scorpion tails and long legs, and wild boars with fan-shaped ribs that create beautiful umbrella lines. But in fact, these umbrella lines are jellyfish stings.


The No. 3 trainer team had to send a large number of mechanical beasts along both sides of the breakwater to fight hand-to-hand with these monsters that continuously jumped up from the sea to ensure that the main team moved forward.

Of course, the advance in the air was not easy either. During the process of approaching the coastline, three of the six airships were harassed by the air and forced to crash.

Among them, the Hebei 104 airship was the most tragic. Its front airbag was corroded by the acid from the aerial attacker and a large hole was leaked. A large amount of hydrogen leaked, causing it to lose its balance and fall headlong.

And in the process of falling down, sparks flew out somewhere, causing a fire to instantly ignite in the front.

The team of trainers twenty kilometers around saw a thrilling scene:

After the huge airship fell to the ground, it flickered with a weak electric charge and ignited a fire with a bang. The flames instantly rose two to three hundred meters high. It burned very quickly. After a minute, the flames slowed down, revealing jumping flames.


It has to be said that the army composed of trainers from the Five Color Alliance has certain beliefs.

After experiencing successive setbacks, they supported each other, and the weak teams continued to maintain their combat effectiveness by joining together.

Finally, on the morning of September 1st, we arrived at the predetermined area and formed a three-layer defense circle.

The trainers took control of the high ground and erected a five-meter-long steel launcher.

Then the three-meter-high missile was successfully installed with a "plutonium bomb" warhead. With the scream of the Sky Monkey, it flew towards the abandoned aircraft carrier on the west side of Juehua Island, 20 kilometers away.

These tens of seconds of waiting seemed very long. Finally, the sky brightened up, and the strong light made everything pale, and the nuclear strike was completed.

The pre-war technology mastered by the Five Color Alliance is one of the best. The inertial guidance system allows this short-range missile with a range of forty kilometers to have an accuracy of fifty meters!

In the perspective information sent back by the flying mechanical beast subsequently dispatched.

This nuclear bomb with an equivalent of 1,500 tons hit the tail of the abandoned aircraft carrier. The strong energy wiped out the entire island. If it is too exaggerated to say that the tail of the abandoned battleship was instantly vaporized, the energy was enough to soften it, and then

It was torn into countless pieces by the shock wave.

As for the parasitic tumor in the middle, it disappeared, and a large amount of pus that had been disinfected by neutrons surged out from the cracks in the hull.

In the face of weapons of this level like nuclear weapons, there is absolutely no concept of "it will only be effective if it hits a certain part".

The equivalent of several tons or tens of tons is often the most violent explosion that civilian areas may be exposed to. For example, illegal firecracker factories, gas pipeline explosions, etc.

Explosions generated in industrial areas often only weigh hundreds of tons.

For example, dust explosions in flour mills, dangerous goods piled up in port areas, fertilizer warehouses with worrying storage conditions, and transport ships.

The yield of a nuclear weapon is one thousand tons! It is a quantity that exceeds common sense of ordinary people.

When hit by a nuclear weapon, even if it hits a non-vital part, the energy conduction is enough to transfer the fatal energy to the vicinity of the vital area.

The nuclear bomb landed on the deck of the abandoned aircraft carrier. The shock generated by the hull at the moment of explosion was enough to shake off all organic matter attached to it.

Forty minutes after the nuclear strike.

The five-color federation's airship rushed to the top of the mushroom cloud and dropped fifteen tons of incendiary bombs on the wreckage of the ship, which seemed to still have flesh and blood crawling on it.

In the end, this node that caused crazy changes in the biological communities of the entire Bohai ecological region disappeared.

However, all this is not over,

Before the team of trainers from the Five Color Alliance, who had paid a heavy price, had time to express their victory, they discovered that the "porridge"-like clouds of tadpoles in the sea had not disintegrated, but were wandering southward along the shore and evacuating.

Four hours later, scientists in the Yanjing defense zone received bad news.

"The Tianshu Dragon community did not lose its node and fell into chaos. The node that was wiped out by the nuclear bomb was just a sub-node. Judging from the life fluctuations, the Tianshu Dragon still has nodes on the southern coast!

This is definitely not good news for the Five Color Alliance!

It is three crimes to kill a snake if you kill it, and let the tiger return to the mountains to harm your own family. Snakes, tigers and wolves are all vengeful.

The apostle-level life community is no exception! Although we don’t know what happened to Tianshu Long and it will be severely damaged, but the human city-states in the north are definitely on his mind.

The perspective returns to the south.

At the trainer's field by the river, two trainers formed a group, operating the air system and water system respectively, and prepared to fight with the other group.

Qiu Mengfei and Su Lingshuang (the chief exchange student of the Five Color Alliance) formed a team.

The two faced the opposite heavy armored rapid-fire cannon and war beast combination.

The battle started. Facing the anti-aircraft guns on the ground, Qiu Mengfei's six-winged, four-legged giant eagle first avoided the rapid-fire cannon's fire net in an extremely dexterous way, and then immediately dived down during the gap between reloading.

When the behemoth was fifty meters away, it sprayed a can of flames and then suddenly pulled up. The originally heavily armored behemoth rolled into the river in the flames and was judged to have lost combat effectiveness by the referee.

The mechanical shrimp controlled by Su Lingshuang (a bird-tailed mantis shrimp with a body length of two meters) relied on its abdominal muscles to explode, suddenly ejected twenty meters, and used its speed to pounce on the giant eagle that was swooping and strafing in the sky. This machine

A rotating steel piece pops out of the shrimp's limb. The way the steel piece spins is equivalent to the cards thrown out by a magician, but it depends on the size of the steel piece. If it has a handle, it can almost be used as a kitchen knife.

The whirling steel pieces also caused heavy damage to the target in the air, and the two successfully advanced.

This kind of competition is an exchange between the north and the south, and the significance of showing off skills is greater than the significance of actual combat. After all, in wild battles, there is rarely a fair one-on-one battle.

Qiu Mengfei and Su Lingshuang are matched up to compete against the veteran master trainer. This is also a "stage program" that the school deliberately lets them show off their abilities.

However, just after the game, Su Lingshuang received news from the rear, requesting to contact the new southbound team in three days to keep the three boxes.

The upper-level group of Jianye City, a champion and eight king-level trainers, are referring to a new message from the north on the top floor of Zifeng Building.

Song Heng (King of Heaven) raised the telegram in his hand: "The news was just sent this morning. The Five Color Alliance in the north is preparing to work with us to search for the severely damaged Tianshu Dragon and join forces to slay the dragon."

Jiang Xu (champion) looked at the black and white photos sent from the north. The photos showed the scene of the Celestial Dragon being attacked on the broken aircraft carrier, as well as the scene of a large number of monsters in the sea breaking down into tiny tadpoles and flowing out of the Bohai Bay. This made him

His eyes were locked.

A thirty-year-old lady wearing black lady's clothing, Qiuru: "The Five-Color Alliance has caused a big trouble, but we are all human beings, and we need to help. It's just that on our territory, we are considered as


Song Heng: "Don't worry, the three nuclear bombs used to kill the dragon were all delivered to us for use."

Xi Dong (King of Heaven): "Oh, are they willing to hand over nuclear weapons technology to us?"

Over the years, the north has been tight-lipped about nuclear technology. There is a nuclear power plant here in Jianye City, but it does not mean it has nuclear weapons.

What are needed for nuclear weapons, high-energy explosives, fluid equations! And lithium, deuterium compounds, etc.

The uranium used in nuclear power plants is 5%. Under uranium enrichment technology, 30% enriched uranium is the threshold, and the price between 30% and 90% is not three times but 30 times. And

It’s not enough to use weapons-grade materials as bullet cores.

The atomic bomb is only the most rudimentary one, weighing one ton. Not only is it difficult to throw such a rudimentary atomic bomb, but throwing it is equivalent to smashing a mirror.

Miniaturized nuclear weapons are all completed by fusion reactions.

After all, Jianye City's current industrial base is really not capable of developing nuclear weapons.

This time the Five-Color Alliance lowered its face and asked for cooperation, and Jianye City actually took advantage, because just before the Five-Color Alliance's letter came, another sign of the Celestial Dragon had appeared in the Yangtze River Estuary, so even if the Five-Color Alliance did not request cooperation, Jianye City would still

I will go to the Five Color Alliance.

Jiang Xu, who had been silent until now, stood up and said slowly: "The apostles are a danger to all mankind, regardless of north or south. Send them a reply. We have determined the southern node of the Tianshu Dragon in the ruins of the old Puhai city."

After determining the direction, the kings stopped discussing with each other.

A few minutes later, Jiang Xu thought of something and asked: "To the south, what's going on with the 28th Apostle (referring to the Wei Keng cluster)?"

Song Heng was stunned for a moment, pressed his eyebrows,

five kilometers away

In the school's personnel archives, messenger parrots began to chirp. The archivists who had been dozing here immediately woke up. After hearing the question, they flipped through the documents. However, after checking the situation, they paused, but they still reported the situation truthfully.


Over at Zifeng Building, Song Heng frowned.

Jiang Xu asked: "What's wrong?"

Song Heng unfolded the information from a few days ago: "The individual sent by the 28th Apostle from the south applied to venture into the unknown wilderness area of ​​Shanghuai. No one followed."

Jiang Xu looked at him and didn't say anything. He just stared at the south side of the national map and said slowly: "The recent shocking fluctuations from the south have made my friends and I feel uneasy."

This chapter has been completed!
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