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Chapter 5.30 In communication, the boundaries become increasingly clear.

 At 10 pm on November 7, 146 Pandora Calendar, the Tianshu Long Incident in Jianye came to an end.

In Xuanwu North Lake, after withstanding the bombardment of thousands of artillery shells, the notochord skeleton of the Tianshu dragon was exposed on the wetland beside the lake, comparable to that of a bus, and most of its flesh and blood had been stripped off.

In the smoke, there was still some squirming flesh and blood, half of which was stained with sticky oil and burning, and the other half was still crawling strangely.

At the bottom of the lake, which was not noticed at the scene, Wei Keng's remains were still entangled with the Tentacles' threads. These threads were penetrating into some of Wei Keng's remaining brain tissue, trying to decipher something.

Qiu Mengfei, who was responsible for observing the battlefield, once again landed on the flying beast.

He slowly walked up to the body of the dragon. When he got closer, the one-meter-diameter calcite eyelid structure on the remains of the dragon turned into a deep blue like a chameleon.

This made Qiu Mengfei's mechanical beast roar like exploding hair.

The giant dragon's eyes were observing Qiu Mengfei. Before Qiu Mengfei could move away, a thought and a picture flashed into Qiu Mengfei's mind.

This is the sixth level of spiritual language. After the Tianshu Long used part of the organic tissue of the remains of the 'True Shinsheng' body at the last moment, he briefly acquired an expression similar to the spiritual language.

Qiu Mengfei saw many intermittent scenes.

Among them, in the cement pool of Body No. 1, it seemed that some people came in and put something into the body of the Celestial Dragon. Then the egg was taken out before it could develop into a juvenile body, and then, these

The sneaky man took the egg away with him.

Then there is the sadness and anger of Tianshu Long.

The picture was intermittent, and then became blurry and unclear. The organic matter used to send spiritual language in the remains of the weapon that the Tianshu Long absorbed has been exhausted, so it cannot be used anymore.

And this very short message made Qiu Mengfei couldn't help but think about the truth again.

Qiu Mengfei: "Someone stole something important from Tianshu Long, which caused Tianshu Long to go berserk."

Next, Qiu Mengfei looked to the south, and obviously he located the suspect in the south.

The reason is also very simple: Zhenxin was driving the No. 2 Tianshu Long to fight individually after the Tianshu Long went berserk, which is very suspicious.

[You didn’t hit me, so why are you helping me? = It has nothing to do with you, so why are you fighting? 】

This logic was later also used by Jianye senior officials in their judgments on the unified cutting areas.

In the dimensional space bubble, as some reconnaissance creatures make observations, information is transmitted back to the space bubble.

The supervisors couldn't help being surprised, and then commented on him in a strange way: "No way, the plot has picked up again?"

In the old plot, the communication between Tianshu Long and Qiu Mengfei existed. And under the circumstances of Wei Keng being so violently disturbed, Qiu Mengfei was still able to hook up with Tianshu Long.

Bai Linglu: "The Tianshu Long has tried to integrate human thinking for a long time."

In other plots that cross the timeline, after the Tianshu Long fought successive battles with the Sulfur Iron Xuanwu, a large number of communities were captured. After most of the communities were weakened, as a node, it was attacked by the northern and southern human city-states, and was ultimately destroyed.

With no way out, it tried to communicate with Qiu Mengfei while becoming a prisoner.

But in the timeline where Wei Keng is now, although the sulfur-iron basalt has seriously damaged the body of the dragon, it has not attacked its community. The community of dragons whose only nodes have been hit is just in a state of disarray. In fact, there is no absolute

reasons to communicate with humans (Qiu Mengfei).

So what is the reason for returning to this plot?

Bai Linglu started the space-time computing machine, and after calculating the existing clues, he confirmed:

The factor "Wei Keng came to this world and gave birth to a human community" has a greater impact on the apostles of all parties and is far more important than previously inferred by the Space and Time Administration.

When the Wei Keng cluster first arrived, it might have been feared by the surrounding apostles.

As an apostle-level genetic community, the Tianshu Long is only restrained by the sulfur-iron basalt and unable to take action. In fact, it pays special attention to the human community.

The origins of some apostles are human experiments, and it is not surprising that when the apostles grow up, they will absorb some complex human thinking to judge the direction of the times.

This is the timeline where the Wei Keng cluster is currently leading the conquest.

An individual of the Wei Keng cluster (Zhen Xinzheng), through the breeding technology, drove an individual that originally belonged to the life radiation frequency band of the Tianshu Dragon, and fought against the main body of the Tianshu Dragon. This is compared with other threats in the "original plot"

, it should make Tianshu Long feel even more afraid.

Therefore, after defeating the interference of the Wei Keng community (Zhen Xinzheng), Tianshen Long immediately analyzed Wei Keng's thinking and made up his mind to find some collaborators in the human city-state to compete with the human community.

The power of change.

The perspective cuts to near the trench of the first island chain, where sulfur-iron basalt communities are entrenched.

Here are magical scenes:

Porous glass blocks are attached to the cliffs of the trench. The pores of these glass blocks emit a faint light. Sealed inside the glass are microorganisms that use carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and methane as energy circulation media to survive.

Such a creation looks like garbage thrown on the seabed in the human era, but it was built by the creatures living here.

The sulfur-iron basalt community has evolved here for decades and begun to conquer some things that did not exist in nature in the past.

Just as the celestial dragon can use the photochemical smog in the atmosphere to generate electric charges, the sulfur-iron basalt is also hoarding its own energy battery.

A kind of ammonite-like thing will sneak into the ocean trench and insert a pipe into the viscous lava of the deep-sea volcano to introduce calcium carbonate. When the introduced calcium carbonate enters the lava, it will release bubbles and expand, turning it into this kind of internal porous pumice.

Then the relatives of the sulfur-iron basalt dragged these pumice stones into the trench where the temperature changes periodically to collect the temperature difference energy.

The temperature difference on the seafloor allows the microorganisms in the pumice to accumulate enough organic matter bioenergy. When the descendants of the sulfur-iron basalt swim through these glass bubbles, they can always accelerate their division or growth.

Now Sulfur Iron Xuanwu has temporarily given up invading the Tianshu dragon community in the edge area of ​​the East China Sea continental shelf. It is definitely not waiting for the Tianshu dragons to recover, but is quietly hoarding its own strength.

On November 7th, Sulfur Iron Xuanwu determined in the main life frequency band of the world that the main node of the Tianshu Dragon community still failed to escape the control of the human city-state, and the community in the south (the command area) that emitted harsh fluctuations

The scope of influence is getting wider and wider.

In the deep sea trench, huge shadows opened their eyes from the depths, began to fill the internal cavity with gas, and floated towards the sea surface.

The old turtle was very quiet and thoughtful.

The Tianshu Long Incident in Jianye in early November caused far greater waves in the Yangtze River Basin than the people of Jianye had imagined.

The upper-class nobles, large and small businessmen, and middle- and lower-level officials in various city-states all had their confidence in Jianye shaken.

Compared with those trainers in Jianye City, they are too stable and will find trouble. The city-states attached to the Yangtze River Basin are full of a sense of crisis because they are always facing counterattacks from surrounding communities.

In the past, this sense of crisis could be exploited by the top leaders of these small and medium-sized city-states to drive the city as much as possible.

But now there's a change.

Jianye City has always been an unshakable security rear, and all the major city-states have actively united around it.

But when there is turbulence behind the stability, the centripetal force surrounding it is greatly reduced.

This can be referred to the United States in the early 21st century. At that time, the reason why liberal intellectuals from all over the world dared to boldly oppose the system in their own countries and "only criticize, not suggest, only disrupt, and do not cooperate" was because these liberal factions

The core has an ideal homeland of American lighthouse as its rear. In the eyes of these "academics without borders" scholars, there is no need to care about the homeland at all, because there is always a way out. This way out is "for better development,

After careful consideration, I chose to change my nationality.”

But later, in the United States, he was too quiet and restless, and felt that his own home should be lively and lively, so he started to mess around. There was fighting between the left and right, the proliferation of drugs, discrimination against ethnic groups, and then the education was cut off.

As soon as the elites immigrated here, they felt the class decline. Good guy, this time, the public intellectual factions in most countries were defeated. - Does that utopia, that refuge, even exist?

People in the 22nd century made bitter comments about the intellectuals of the last century: when there is another ship to jump from, they will ruthlessly destroy the ship under their feet, and then watch with pride, others on the mother ship

He looked like he was panicking to fix the leaks, enjoying this sense of superiority.

But when the ship on which they placed their hope caught fire and was no longer an ideal homeland, these 'superior people' began to have no choice but to stay on the mother ship that they had once disliked, but they could not let go of the chaos they had previously had on the mother ship.

Kick, step on the superior feeling! It will be particularly awkward.

And now, why are the top leaders of these small and medium-sized city-states in the Yangtze River Basin that rely on Jianye not like this? They are timid, but they still have to be tough in their attitude.

Second half of November.

When the Tongfu District continued to maintain trade with the city-states in the Yangtze River Basin, it encountered this cowardly but extremely self-emphasis on existence.

Take the city-states on the defense line in central Jiangxi as an example: the noble leaders here have an increasingly strong demand for trade in the conquered areas, such as food, tools, chemical raw materials, steam engines... Such trade is necessary to strengthen the territory's defense.

.After all, there are powerful biological nodes in the Jianye City area. If the biological nodes attack their own location...

However, these city-state aristocrats in Gan area showed unreasonable arrogance. They placed great emphasis on their independent ideology towards merchants from the commanding area who just wanted to do business.

These guys, who do nothing but receive tolls every time as a matter of course, keep emphasizing that they will never join the economy of the uncontrolled area and join forces.

This made the commercial and trade organizations in the conquered area feel very strange. They clearly had no plans for military operations against the human city-states in the Yangtze River Basin.

The latest military plan of the unified conquest area is to establish a firm position in the northwest direction, and to establish a firm position in the northwest direction, it seems that it will take tens to hundreds of years at least. Why is the other side acting like cutting off their seats and severing their robes?

And if we really want to cut ties, we should reduce communication.

Now these city-states in Gan area have not only increased their trade, but also put forward many additional requirements, so that the command area must supply them, as if not supplying them would be a disservice to them.

It was originally a fair trade, and there was even cooperation with concessions, but in the end it seemed like it was "owed to them" - this seemed to the staff in the commanding area: it didn't make sense.

The inexplicable hostility that the Tongfu District encountered in this area pales in comparison to Jianye City.

On November 10, exchange personnel from the Tongfa District arrived in Jianye to discuss their own personal losses in the Tianshulong disaster in Jianye City.

But after entering the hotel, I was left hanging out for two days.

However, on the third day, I met the negotiators from Jianye City and were asked: "Why are you hostile to the development of biotechnology in Jianye City?"

Such shamelessness made the people in the command area really see the limits of it.

Fortunately, "Zhen Xin Zheng" has fully prepared the information.

Zhenxinzheng has collected all the applications and acknowledgments submitted to Wei Renlu's research institute, neighborhood committee, and Jianye College.

Especially in the end, Zhenxin was asked to participate in the final technical debugging report. After three avoidances, he was still asked to join. These phone recordings were all recorded.

The evidence is as solid as a mountain, and the Tongfu District's conflict with various departments in Jianye is absolutely tenable in theory.

Of course, when faced with this evidence, Jianye, who was determined to throw the blame away, refused to admit it! Obviously, they decided shamelessly.

However, what Jianye doesn't know is what will they lose by shamelessly taking advantage this time?

November 12th.

During the tense negotiations between the Tongfu District and Jianye City, meetings were also arranged for non-diplomatic personnel from both sides.

Individual Wei Keng and Wei Renlu met again.

Wei Renlu saw the exact same Wei Keng, her eyes were stunned, and then she seemed to have eliminated her guilt and said to Wei Keng: "You are indeed exactly the same person."

Wei Keng, who was wearing a pilot uniform of the Southern Air Force, stared at him and said slowly: "In terms of will, each one of me is unified, but in terms of thinking, each one of me is independent. The one who passed away in your experimental plan

I cannot be resurrected."

Wei Renlu paused and said somewhat defensively: "You must have a lot of them, right?"

Wei Keng's eyes suddenly turned cold!

Of course, the purpose of this trip is not to make noise, but to go through the last procedure.

Wei Keng took out the notice in front of the table: "Because there are major risks in the laboratory plan led by you and you failed to inform us, which resulted in the death of our personnel. Now we will terminate our relationship with you in accordance with the agreement.

All cooperation.”

In short, it means that we will no longer cooperate with Wei Renlu in the field of colonial equipment technology. Moreover, we have very formally terminated the agreement with Jianye City.

In this world, communication is inevitable.

Zhen Xinzheng was the first to start the communication when he went north, but even if he didn't go north or ran away midway, he couldn't stop the communication.

When the Tongfa District develops colonial equipment technology, Jianye City will definitely send some public relations personnel to contact the technical personnel in the Tongfa District and then acquire the technology.

Moreover, it is difficult for the officials in the commanded area to clearly restrict such exchanges! The boundaries between espionage and academic exchanges and personal relationships cannot be defined.

Unless someone uses behaviors to calibrate, records with facts, and the boundaries of communication!

In the end, Zhenxinzheng chose to stay and fight in Jianye City, which was to break the disguise maintained by Jianye and establish boundaries for subsequent exchanges.

Wei Keng: If you kill me, I will kill your heart!

Now, the commanding area can exercise reasonable and well-founded restraint on all personnel within its own side!

The Tongfu District can use this as an example to persuade its own scientific and technical personnel to maintain a certain distance when communicating with Jianye personnel.

Therefore, even though Jianye is now keen to continue throwing dirty water, claiming that the Tianshulong turmoil was stimulated by the bad behavior of the "same-faced people" community in the south. It seems that public opinion within itself has the upper hand,

But the scientific community, political and business circles in the unified area will not be fooled by Jianye again.

At this time, in the trade hall on the other side, Zeng Jiaqian, who was fully in charge of commercial cooperation, cursed Jianye City for its shameless behavior.

Zeng Jiajian said sadly and angrily: "Our people, on your territory, are under your control, and we have no choice but to suffer casualties in the accidents caused by you. As a result, you still accuse us of being the cause of the accident!"

Zeng Jiakan’s words represent the current views of the Tongfu District’s external contact party on the construction of Yecheng.

Before this, who would have thought that this group of city-states that claimed to be the last hope of mankind would be so dirty and untrustworthy.

This chapter has been completed!
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