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Chapter 1.18 Blood Fight

Since then, the total number of Wei Keng people who have arrived in this plane is 1,567, of whom 1,559 are still alive, and eight people have died in the early disaster.

Therefore, taking this as a warning, the guards in the cluster began to fully mobilize, that is, everyone was preparing for victory every minute. They used all available resources and prepared all possible means.

In the water source area, during the confrontation between the Wei Keng group and the beast herd, several flame piles kept burning, and dry ropes baked from the edges of the flames were also continuously produced, and some burning small charcoal was placed in a bamboo tube with the outer shell of the bamboo tube

It was wrapped with straw rope and sent to other teams to provide a source of fire.

Moreover, the system finally sent support to me.

First, the map system was delivered. The earth's landform map data was combined with the information seen by the observers in the Wei Keng cluster on the high ground using the three-point method. The repair was completed. A team of 150 people from Wei Keng's group had already moved towards the high ground on the side.

Detour around the area.

Moreover, Wei Keng's self-aiming system was also installed on the 600 individuals responsible for shooting.

For example, when you raise a crossbow or a pistol, a red circle area will appear in the view, which represents the area where the warhead can attack. As for why it is a red circle and not a red dot? Because the body is currently very panicked and cannot accurately feel the weapon.

situation, as well as the influence of external wind fields. At the same time, the system cannot make more accurate judgments based on personal feelings. It can only mark probability circles based on the viewing angle and arm.

Why did it take an hour to be installed? That’s because it takes several minutes to measure the perception of each Wei Keng, and with hundreds or even thousands of Wei Keng, no matter how small a problem becomes, it becomes another big problem.


But all this caught up with Wei Keng's preparations before launching the battle.

As the sun gradually set toward the west, the guards on multiple highlands completed terrain statistics and current wind direction data, and decided to launch an active attack at 3:33 pm.

Every Wei Keng was very nervous, but through the stylized communication among themselves, they knew the necessity of this kind of proactive attack.

Instead of waiting to be fucked by these beasts at night, it is better to seize the opportunity and take the initiative to fight after the conditions are almost ready.

Among Wei Keng's current supplies, in addition to weapons and ammunition, there are other supplies. Gold is not important at the moment. Compressed biscuits are very important, as well as iron kettles. All Wei Keng stuffed his stomach with precious compressed dry food.

After that, I took a pot of cold water and started waiting for the countdown to happen.

The war begins with ranged attacks.

The maximum distance at which a submachine gun can maintain effective lethality is about 150 meters. Considering the resilience of the opponent's large species, this distance is actually only 20 meters. In this early harassment battle, Wei Keng did not use a gun.

Instead, he took out small jars of burned loess. This one only weighed about 200 grams and was about the size of a fist. There was a large piece of red hot charcoal inside.

Then Wei Keng tied it up with a straw rope and placed it in a simple bamboo basket. Fifty Wei Keng carried such bamboo baskets on their backs, trotted three hundred meters, and started to swing the rope within fifty meters of the group of beasts.


This thing has a range of 80 meters. According to common sense, it is not accurate. However, in Wei Keng's vision, there is a red parabola mark. The parabola is constantly changing during the swing of the sling. The size and weight of the small hard mud can are outside the standard.

The up and down fluctuations, wind direction parameters, and the system have also been corrected and reflected in the trajectory. Wei Keng only needs to seize the appropriate opportunity to let go!

As clusters of flames rose from the Wei Keng position, the beasts in the jungle also started to stir. However, the first wave of strikes created huge chaos, and 80% of the clay pots hit these beasts accurately.

On his body, the impact of the sling was powerful, and its kinetic energy was comparable to that of a crossbow. However, because it required a lot of space to swing, it was impossible to form a dense formation, and it was impossible to aim accurately, so it was eliminated.

But now this flaw is gone. When the beast is hit, even if it is a large species like a war elephant, you can see that the flesh on its body is dented. Of course, it will rebound.

The buttocks became swollen after being violently whipped with the Septwolves belt.

And those small species like wolf dogs were smashed to the ground and rolled over.

In addition to kinetic energy, the charcoal fire also created a second shock and burning pain. For a while, it was difficult to stand in this spark-filled area.

After the throwing was completed, the group of creatures reacted in a swarm and began to chase. Wei Keng, however, immediately ran away. As for the clay pot and bamboo basket, they were all lost, and they were not worth anything anyway.

The wolf behind was chasing very quickly, but it still took a while to reach the distance of fifty meters, and the current Wei Keng was not fighting alone. The Wei Keng thrown in front withdrew, and twenty Wei Keng holding submachine guns rushed forward.

If you come to support, this bullet may be difficult to deal with large animals, but it is enough to kill them with speed.

In fact! Wei Keng, who was holding a submachine gun, had a crosshair mark in his vision. He fired in bursts. Even if he was chasing a large animal such as a wild boar, he would aim at the vital point and take away one of them with three rapid fire shots.

Following that, Wei Keng, who was running to smash fire cans, smashed up several clusters of life clusters in this area that were not even in formation in the first place.

Then a neat sound came from the grass.

One-two-one, one-two-one, move forward, one-two-one, one-two-one,... These slogans were weak at first, but then they became louder and louder, perhaps because they lost some of the people who were unwilling to express themselves.

If you are shy, maybe you need to be brave now.

The frontal formation of the Wei Keng cluster began the attack. The Wei Keng in this formation did not move in an orderly manner, mainly because the ground was uneven, but everyone always maintained the battle line.

Wei Keng, who was at the front, wore two sets of bulletproof suits, and had a shield made of bamboo tied to his arm. He was holding a spear with a bamboo handle and a saber with a spear blade in both hands.

This front-row unit is mainly used to defend against biological attacks that weigh about the same as itself, and can only reach the tiger level at the highest level, so that the crossbowmen in the back row can uninterruptedly step on the crossbows and shoot in three stages. As for things weighing more than one ton, that's not the case.

If you do it yourself, but the first wave is a hundred meters away, you should shoot to destroy everything.

As for the rear of the queue, there are three rows of crossbowmen for three-stage shooting. On both sides of the queue, individuals holding submachine guns form a group of four to protect the two wings of the 100-meter queue. Oh, it just forms a cross.


In the system's crosshairs and ballistic markings, Wei Keng can achieve an 80% hit rate with a sling, and the crossbow, which is easier to operate, can be said to be a headshot when shooting.

Swish, swish, the crossbow was inserted directly into the monster's eye socket. Basically, the battle was solved with one arrow, and the health bar was cleared directly.

Among most species in the entire community, only a few monsters smaller than wolves can escape the fire net. This kind of pig suddenly advanced to the last level and was intercepted by Wei Keng holding a bamboo pole. Their impact was too fast.

, after hitting the sharp edge of the spear, it was a bit difficult to throw it off.

In a normal battle, viewed from a high altitude, the one-kilometer-long battle line with sixteen combat arrays are advancing forward like moving embankments. In this way, relying on one's own formation advancement method that can suddenly fire a large amount of firepower, there is no need for a quick charge.

Control your steps to stabilize the front line, and observe the possibility of the opponent attacking the cluster at any time and starting a gathering, and strike beforehand.

If the direction of its impact is determined, other fronts will move closer to encircle its left and right wings, and at the same time, reserve forces will be deployed to fill the gap left by the encirclement on the entire front.

As the front line slowly approaches, each crazy beast is stabbed to death. Victory will undoubtedly be won by Wei Keng.

However, in this war, Wei Keng only tried to predict as much as possible, but was not omniscient and omnipotent, so there was a loophole on the entire front.

In the eastern third of the entire front, we encountered a troublesome giant beast.

The total weight is six tons. This thing has the structure of a centaur. The chassis has four hooves like a horse. The front upper body has three pairs of arms like a naga. One of the arms is primate hands, and the other is the last pair.

The long ones are the catching limbs of the mantis. The shortest pair are the claws of the crab.

The most important thing is, does this thing have armor? Although it is armor made of unknown plant fibers and tiles, it has good protection against bows and arrows.

Although as the front advanced, its eyes had been smashed by Wei Keng's long-range attacks, but when a Wei Keng came close and tried to attack its unarmored joints, its mantis' pincers clamped on the spot faster than bullets.

Keep this Wei Keng, accurate and fast, let Wei Keng know that this thing has another set of perception capabilities besides eyes.

At this time, the system explained in the communication group: "This is the node organism of the genetic community in this area. It is the top existence in the life radiation system in this area. It should have sensed you individually through the process of its own life radiation."

Positioning based on the life radiation coming from the air.”

Wei Keng didn't have time to listen to the system's hindsight. The bones of Wei Keng's thigh were exposed when he was caught by the mantis's catching limb. Other Wei Keng wanted to save him, so they were ready to rush up and break the catching limb with a submachine gun, and then drag the wounded person away.

Come down. For Wei Keng, even if his leg is broken, it is still necessary to survive, and he can also use his hands to polish tools and contribute to the group.

But the giant beast did not give this chance. The clamps on the shortest arms clamped Wei Keng's head. With a piercing click, Wei Keng's head was crushed, and Wei Keng, who had lost his head, even twitched.

few seconds.

This made hundreds of guards on the front line see this scene with their eyes cracked.

Although the sounds of bows and arrows and gunshots were heard continuously, and the armor of the giant beast could be seen penetrated many times, some sharp-eyed Wei Keng discovered that the flesh and blood of this thing was twisting like a bug and repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This made Wei Keng feel that he lacked big snipers, rocket launchers, and cluster grenades when he came to this world for the first time. Of course, it would be better to have a recoilless cannon.


Wei Keng, the leader of the second group, shouted this word tremblingly, clearly feeling that he was unlikely to survive. He took a deep breath, suddenly calmed down, and ordered to himself next to him: "Give me fire cover." Then he shouted to the surrounding people.

He shouted: "If you still have the guts, come with me and get closer to the destruction."

Indeed, in the face of such a thing that does not rely on visual organs and has strong cell vitality and no vital points like planarians, it is impossible to use long-range strikes to continuously wear down the blood. Even Wei Keng can completely predict that this thing will die as long as it comes into contact with it.

Corpses, devouring organic matter, and recovering blood volume faster than the damage caused by these projectiles and arrows.

This is the node creature.

When the Pandora field first arrived, the carbon-based life information tunneling phenomenon was terrifyingly intense.

Back then, it was possible to "turn people and any animals into skeleton-shaped plants" within a few hours, or a large number of carbon-based bacterial colonies converged on strong-willed humans, and the organic matter directly created another identical person to replace them.

The original one returns to the human world.

After spreading around the world, the phenomenon of the dissipation and gathering of life information that was scary at first has expanded with the scope, and the dilution is not so drastic. However, this kind of supernatural can still be seen on the node organisms of a regional biome.

Phenomenon. This node creature is related to the life activities of all creatures in the area. Part of the life activities of all creatures will be fed back to the node. Therefore, as long as the attack intensity does not exceed a certain upper limit, its life recovery speed can make the attacker desperate.


And node creatures have a certain amount of wisdom.

The giant beast discovered that its tile armor had been smashed, and immediately stretched out its hand, grabbed a handful of the shattered tile armor, and threw it towards the guards who were trying to get closer.

Although warned by the system's danger mark in advance, all three Wei Keng avoided their vital points. However, other parts of the Wei Keng were hit with blood. One of the Wei Keng was struck by a piece of rubble on his forehead and was knocked dizzy.

Yes, two seconds later the mantis clamped his calf again.

"My ancestors, you've made a mistake," a Wei Keng said with the quintessence of Chinese culture. He rushed forward and rolled onto the armpit. He took a submachine gun and fired at the armpit of the weird limb. The kinetic energy of the rapid-fire bullets was at the close range.

It was completely released at a distance, beating the limb link to a bloody pulp, and finally half-cut off the forelimb.

The elbow and armpit are blind spots. When an arm is cut off, the monster will have an additional blind spot for movement.

When the enemy is not invincible, it is a morale booster for the bleeding and struggling party.

"453, pay attention, it picked up stones in its hand!" Click, click, click, guns started to hit.

"The sixth group, take the wounded and evacuate." The other groups quickly dragged Wei Keng down with his broken leg.

At the same time, three more defenders, under the cover of the fire team, "slided" directly to the elbows and armpits. Of course, the probability of a successful sliding tackle was three-fifths, and two more were caught by the giant beast's remaining pliers.

It stopped, but unlike the head that was crushed by the forceps before, the forceps were interrupted just as they moved, and the two wounded men were dragged aside.

During the fire blocking process.

A small team on the left and right sides of the giant beast inserted steel pipe spears into the ground, with the sharp edges pointing upwards, forming an obstacle zone. The gap between the spears was 0.5 meters, which was definitely enough for people to pass through.

, but it is definitely unfriendly to the giant beast.

In the end, the giant beast fell on these spears, with four or five metal barbs inserted all over its body as it rolled. Blood flowed out like a fountain.

Wei Keng finally caused this thing to suffer truly irreparable wounds. The next step was to stab it with clusters of bamboo points, pricking it into a hedgehog. Then he piled charcoal fire, threw dry firewood, and

It adds attribute damage.

The healing power of the node creatures was finally unable to withstand such repeated attacks, and the life breath finally began to weaken.

The participating creatures seemed to feel that the central node of life exchange had disappeared, and began to disperse, retreating towards the west of the lake.

However, they will not end well. Before the war started, Wei Keng detoured a large group. Now he received the signal and started setting fire at the upwind of the escape route of these beasts. The spread of the flames was very slow, but the smoke was

It flooded over quickly like water.

This chapter has been completed!
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