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Chapter 6.09 Dust on the Journey

 As the "manager" of the Pandora plane, Wei Keng should not have to worry about the plane of death. But as a cluster state, Master Wei has too much to worry about.

(Wei Keng still doesn’t know that Bai Linglu has achieved a major victory against the above. At this time, he has full power to decide on the development of Pandora.)

Mr. Wei: While doing your own job well, you should also think about cooperating with other people's jobs.

Wei Diaomin particularly despises the corporate culture of small Japanese companies, which forces everyone to do their own thing and push away responsibilities beyond the partitions of their desks.

After meeting his colleague Liu Su, Wei Keng began to exert a more serious positive influence on the plane of death.

Wei Keng decided to copy some papers from the main world database, revise them and send them over: "The focus of Pandora's plane is the ecological chain, so let's use the concept of ecological chain to describe the changes in global ecology in modern times."


The paper cited data from 455 observation stations in the unified logging area (overlapping with plantations) and established a model.

In the era of species, biological genes are stable, and the ecological energy flow pattern in various places is also fixed. This is similar to the industrial capital deployed by the great powers in their own localities before World War II. (Industrial capital relies on the location and is not mobile)

After the arrival of the Pandora era, the genetic information of species from all over the world converged. It is similar to the arrival of globalization now.

Key outline: The subjective factor of global integration is the stability of the global political landscape, while the objective factor is the development of global transportation technology.

As the cost of sea and land transportation decreases, it is inevitable that exchanges will occur between the major economies on the earth. As long as there is exchange, more funds will flow to each other, and in the process of fund gathering, it will occur in various economies around the world.

A new class of voice.

This is an external force. Because large economies have many internal trump cards, they can still adjust their internal balance in a world that has not seen major changes in a century, allowing the interactionists to retain their interests. But small economies cannot.

When the balance is reached, the result is that the interactionists will bring out all the benefits!

Therefore, in global integration, the strong will always be strong and the weak will become weaker.

This model is similar to the biological communities in various places in the Pandora region! The powerful biological communities continue to expand outward, while the weak genetic communities gradually lose their dominance of proteins and become subordinate.


Global integration breaks down the diversity of different places and unifies the global economic ecology.

In the unified economic ecology of the entire earth, the industrial chain is divided into upstream and downstream, so different ecological niches are formed just like nature.

Countries and regions with high levels of education and advanced production technologies will occupy high-end ecological niches in the global economy. On the contrary, countries and regions with poor basic education levels will inevitably occupy low-end ecological niches.

The ecological niche of the high-end industrial supply chain has high entry barriers and a certain degree of stability.

As a result, even if the late-developing countries improve their education, they will not be able to receive capital and technology. However, even if their education level has improved, it will be difficult to participate in the low-end industrial ecological niche. As a result, high-end talents are lost during the involution, while the middle and low-level people stay in the local area.

produce instability.

Mr. Wei has a deep understanding of this: As an individual, after more than ten or twenty years of study, if you are assigned to a simple repetitive work position and your most basic physical strength is squeezed, then you will definitely be in trouble.

However, under the extensive management of global capital harvesting, there are only so many jobs in the high-end manufacturing supply chain, and the United States and Europe can't even make enough for themselves - there are so many gentle vagrants on the street, and they still have to perform while playing the violin.

Only by relying on a higher level of governance and continuous investment in infrastructure construction can large countries have a solid foundation that can withstand more high-end technology industry chains.

For example: trillions of high-speed rail facilities support a large number of electrical supply chains; large dams increase power generation and support the supply chain of ultra-high voltage power grids; and the popularization of electric vehicles in cities supports the progress of battery-related industries.

Similarly, in the Pandora plane, the ruling area actively participates in the carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle, so that the environment can basically provide a wider range of human gene groups for survival. This is all to allow the foundation to accommodate humans who occupy the high levels of the food chain.


When operating a prosperous economic ecological chain, external entities want to come in for food, and their goals are still only high-end ecological niches.

For example, Transocean Capital is establishing an app food delivery company. They will definitely not send people to do the work of food delivery people, but will need financial management positions to directly control cash flow. Maximize profits through "excellent and efficient capital management"


The social circles that control resources in developed countries (that is, the circles that elites consider themselves to be) are just like the large dominant creatures such as Tyrannosaurus rex and saber-toothed tigers that have evolved in the history of nature. For bark, grass roots, snakes, insects, rats, and ants, these top prey

The patient will not ingest it directly.

And just like the reason why large predators are in dire straits in ecological history, the circles that control the main resources of developed countries under the capital system are facing a "food crisis."

All the current trump cards in Europe and the United States are like the sharp teeth and claws of a tiger, which are of no use against these mosquito-level bites. On the contrary, Latin America, South Asia, and Africa can occupy the low-end ecological niche of the manufacturing industry without excessively high per capita energy and

Material consumption has become particularly tenacious.

Wei Keng: "On the Pandora plane, the most effective strategy for the command zone to deal with the surrounding apostles, as well as the old forces such as Jianye and the Five Color Alliance, is not to attack their upper echelons. It is to moisten things silently and compete with them on the basis."

Regarding the case of nuclear bombing of the Destroyer Dragon, Mr. Wei also mentioned it in his report. However, he also gave an example of a series of nuclear bombing strategies by human regimes after the Great Destruction that had little effect.

As for the interpretation of the subsequent report, it will be written by Liu Sulai.

Liu Su: Our current correct strategy in this world (the plane of death) should be to objectively understand that we are at the middle level in the global ecology.

The short-term task is to guard the internal fundamentals and ensure the stability of the mid- to low-end manufacturing industry. This not only prevents external "behemoths" from breaking in and plundering, but also prevents internal "behemoths" from breeding.

The long-term task is to seize high-end manufacturing jobs and create high-quality jobs while internally strategizing to improve the level of education for all; externally, stabilize the environment in neighboring countries and regions, and transfer the vacant manufacturing jobs of non-skilled integrated labor to these reliable

on the region.

In terms of foreign strategy, there is no need to blindly follow developed countries governed by capital and become involved in global confrontation.

You only need to manage your own economic ecology well, protect your high-end ecological niche, and at the same time help the areas within your influence to establish a system and stabilize the mid- to low-end ecological niche."


As for "shared values" under capital governance, that is a bizarre theory and pure fart.

"Common values" was a theory that Western capital during that period tried to tame the global intellectual community. In reality, it turned you into a pig or sheep that could be slaughtered, but used the hypocritical concept to whitewash "we are one family."

Wei Keng, who has very eccentric ideas: Since they are "socialist", then they are "socialist" to the end.

When he hunts you, he talks about "social justice" to claim that "existence is reasonable." If he can tame you and make you obediently deliver meat to your door, he won't talk about "social justice" anymore.

To exert influence is not only to write this paper, but also to use practical actions to give a positive case to the observers of the plane of death.

Therefore, in the Pandora strategy, Wei Keng completely suppressed his personal emotional factors, that is, he did not engage in hard confrontation with established city-states such as Five Color Alliance and Jianye for the time being.

According to my personal distaste for Jianye City, I would like to attack the city tomorrow, but personal emotions should give way to strategy.

The current strength of the commanded area is that it can "confront hard and win", but it needs a more long-term, more feasible method for the "weak power" side to fight against these old forces. This

~It has more reference significance for the plane of death.

After Wei Keng handed over his paper, he was surprised to receive a call from an old friend.

Wei Keng looked at Luo Hongxing, who was wearing Shangqing's uniform on the interface, and was stunned, then smiled and said: "Hey, things have changed and people have changed, and you are also Shangqing."

In fact: when Wei Keng met Luo Hongxing for the first time, Luo Hongxing appeared in the name of a non-commissioned officer, but when they met now, Wei Keng thought that Luo Hongxing had been promoted to the rank of minister when he had been fishing for so many years.

Luo Hongxing smiled, but naturally did not resolve this small misunderstanding.

Luo Hongxing: "How is your condition here in the Pandora plane?"

Wei Keng: "Well, it's just so-so. It can't be said to be good, nor can it be said to be bad."

Luo Hongxing: "How is your mental state? I mean, do you feel like you can't hold on?"

Wei Keng: "Why do you ask?"

Luo Hongxing: "On the space twisting plane, your time clusters have reached 900,000. According to the principle that after consciousness diverges in time and space, the control of one's own thinking decreases. Your situation is worrying."

Wei Keng lowered his head and thought for a moment: "Oh, is it because the Space-Time Management Bureau dislikes me for being on the timeline of the Space Twist Plane, and I am getting lazy. Hey, as I said, there is a step-by-step process, there is no rush."

Luo Hongxing: "I'm not here to urge you on the mission. I'm not responsible for the success or failure of the battle in the void plane. I'm asking you, just to know how you feel!" He looked at Wei Keng seriously.

Wei Keng was stunned for two seconds under Luo Hongxing's gaze, and then smiled calmly: "Don't worry about me. I was raised in poverty and have a very strong vitality. Although there are many timelines, but

I can find my own place and live honestly. As for me doing tasks that make the supervisors anxious, there is nothing I can do about it. It is really difficult to change the world."

[As Bai Linglu determined, Wei Keng’s consciousness will not be split due to the timeline, and the single body will continue to decline endlessly until it collapses. After Wei Keng in the space twist plane drops to a threshold, the split of the time and space line will

Slowing down the division. But only when the world remains unchanged or collapses will Wei Keng's consciousness be damaged.】

Luo Hongxing nodded. He suddenly felt something. He opened his notebook and took a pen on it to try to record Wei Keng, a typical example that changed with the world.

Wei Keng: "What are you writing?"

Luo Hongxing: "Well, if I meet a young person in the future, I want to talk to him about what happened today, so I wrote down some thoughts as a motto."

"Ahem!" Wei Keng cleared his throat and said to Luo Hongxing: "Then you have to remember everything I said."

Under Luo Hongxing's gaze, Wei Keng solemnly said: "The journey is indeed a sea of ​​stars, but after arriving at the sea of ​​stars, there are still tiny dust and grains of sand. And after achieving greatness, if you don't care about the smallest things, there will be no next time.

The journey begins."

Pandora 150 years. Thanks to a new report made by Wei Keng,

The top leaders of the Tongfu re-determined the strategic direction in the meeting, abandoning the strategy of hard confrontation with the old human city-state system areas. This will reduce a lot of "uncertain factors" in the future, allowing planning to become more long-term.

Externally, whether it is soft or hard, our side can control the development of the situation.

The war with the Dian tribe in 149 tempered the ability of organization and coordination, and the ability to deal with problems.

After the war ended, these organizational capabilities were immediately transformed into the driving force for technological development.

After completing experiments on mycelial organisms, the experimental team led by Zeng Shuxie cultivated mycelium that can quickly digest celluloid. Moreover, the faster the electricity is applied to the mycelium, the faster the digestion speed. This process can be controlled by using a button.


Different from the main world, during the process of biological decomposition in Pandora, energy will be released in the form of life radiation, and such life radiation will be accepted by the corresponding "cells on the carbon network" and converted into electrical energy.

In short, Zeng Shuxie prepared a fuel cell that uses plastic as the energy block.

This kind of fuel cell was quickly used on Lugia and various small and medium-sized mechanical beasts.

The effect is very good. It can not only convert plastic into bioenergy to supply muscles, but also directly supply energy to muscles.

This is a removable "fat".

In terms of fuel, plastic blocks are more convenient to store and transport than liquid fuel, and unlike biomass raw materials, which are easily corroded, they can still be decomposed.

Plastic, like the wood fibers from the Peat Period hundreds of millions of years ago, decomposes very slowly.

A slight advancement in science and technology may not seem as exciting as "completely annihilating a certain enemy's main army in a battle", but the accumulation of bit by bit can eventually build up a crushing advantage.

Compared with the overall progress of the conquered areas, most of the other forces are still standing still. Or a small number of them are taking great steps, but they are very unstable.


Five Color Alliance.

In the tunnel of Taihang Mountain, dim light shines on the cave.

The dim lights are not due to a lack of electricity. This mountain base is supplied with electricity from a nuclear power plant. The dim lights are because the maintenance system of the power and other systems is insufficient. After the Great Destruction, they filled large areas with argon gas.

The "carbon filament lamp" lighting was not supplemented by incandescent lamps until recently when Yingkou on the Northern Sea welcomed the maritime trade team from the uncontrolled area.

Now in the central experimental base, behind the old green glass partition, scientific researchers in white coats are watching the biological organs clamped out of the pool by mechanical clamps and installed into the metal cavity in the mechanical beast. As the organs grow

After inserting it, the mechanical beast began to get excited.

Various test components were inserted into the body of the mechanical beast, and all the dial indicators showed normal. This was to detect whether the biological tissues of the mechanical beast were affected.

In the past few years, we have conducted some scientific and technological exchanges with the Tongfu District intermittently, which has given the technical staff of the Five Color Alliance "very important inspiration".

They strengthened the mechanical beast's ability to digest foreign substances. In this way, the impact of the implanted organ of the celestial dragon on the mechanical beast's body can be isolated, and the energy of the entire celestial dragon community can be used for free through this organ.

Behind the power of the Tianshu Dragon Apostles is a community. This community is like contributing the power of faith, supplying biological energy to the nodes. The group of people in the Five Color Alliance are like stealing the gods' tablets and using the energy of the Tianshu Dragon.

And doing so is extremely dangerous. First, they have not completely controlled the alien genome. Second, their mechanical device safety measures are seriously insufficient...

The experts of the Five Color Alliance said that they got inspiration from communication, just like civil science. They saw a few pieces of information and were proud of their own discoveries, but they did not accept the other party's system humbly. Instead, they directly tried boldly and wanted to quickly

Prove that you are a genius.

[In the 21st century, when Asan received the transfer of Russian tank technology, in order to increase the production of tank barrels, he deleted the technology without authorization and claimed that he had innovated. Innovation? Is it really so easy to innovate? Then popularize the education system, and then

Establishing an industrial system is not just a fool's errand.】

This is another plot that does not appear in other timelines.

In other timelines, when Jianye City collapsed, the Five-Color Alliance, as a refuge for mankind, absorbed the essence of human civilization in the south. But now a pit has been buried.

Three days later, that is, May 1, 150.

On the Founding Day of the Five-Color Alliance, many generals watched the technical gift presented by the Taihang Mountain Technical Department.

In the mountain peak, a group of mechanical flying dragons equipped with new biodynamic hearts were installed. The giant beasts with a wingspan of 60 meters and a weight of eight tons spread their wings and took off under the propulsion provided by the gunpowder jet from the tail.

When twelve large mechanical flying dragons surrounded the mountains, the people on the viewing platform applauded.

Su Lingshuang, who was wearing a camouflage military uniform and a beret, also looked up at her own behemoth-level units in the sky. While her face showed joy, she was also thinking about something.

Of course, she was not thinking about the hidden dangers of this technology, nor was she thinking about the mechanical aerial technology of "controlling the area". As for the "genuine" and used props, she was not even thinking about them.

What she was thinking about was Qiu Mengfei, that young man from the south.

In the past few months, she has been receiving letters from him.

In the letter, Qiu Mengfei revealed his identity as a pilot in the new Tianshu Long project system. He was flying a Tianshu Long split aircraft. It was much safer than the previous one.

But recently, his letters have become less and less frequent, so much so that there have been none for nearly a week.

For some reason, Su Lingshuang was a little agitated. The mechanical dragon flying in the sky now was the result of her past actions that she concealed from Qiu Mengfei.

"What would he think if he knew the truth?" Su Lingshuang was a little concerned.

This chapter has been completed!
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