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Chapter 6.11 The great principle of tempering the dilemma, precedes the explicit independent action

 In July of the 151st year of the Pandora Calendar, the Trainers Association signed a resolution and approved the plan to send a fleet to inspect the eastern "Da Yuan" Island.

According to Jianye's information, they lost the last human city-state stronghold on Damuan Island as early as sixty years ago, and it completely turned into an ecological no-man's land.

Before the ecological explosion, this was a prosperous area with a population of 23 million.

Over the past hundred years, in the back and forth collision of the sea and land biospheres, this place has become a hotbed for the mutation of various monsters.

Although there are all kinds of weirdos, most of them are difficult to stabilize. The only dominant species recorded decades ago was a certain amphibian sawtooth frog with dense pustules on its skin, some green, some blue.

When the main ship sailed from Chongming Island, Qiu Mengfei, who was drafted on board, looked at the junction of sea and land, where the turbidity and the dark blue meet, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of being cleansed in his soul.

On the deck behind him is a group of mechanized Destroyer Dragon clones controlled by the colonial suit body.

Qiu Mengfei is now the leader of the first driving team.

The first day of October in the year 151 of the Pandora calendar.

The Tonglu District also held a working meeting as usual. In front of the long table painted with camphor oil and tung oil, the forty-six regular affairs leaders of the Tonglu District discussed recent events.

Of course, the diplomatic documents from Jianye on jointly responding to the wave of genetic invasion were also included in the discussion.

It's just that there are a lot of "shared resources" above, and the condescending tone that "the Tongfu District has not fulfilled its responsibilities" makes the people in the Tongfu District very dissatisfied.

In the conquered area, the localists seemed to be accustomed to Jianye's condescending style and did not make any radical comments at this meeting.

The crew, who had never been affected by the Jianye city-state center from beginning to end, took the lead in taking issue with this issue.

Su Kuoqiang: "Fuck! Are they asking for help?"

Luo Ting: "That's right, it seems like we owe them something." These crew members now looked at Jianye as if they were Soviet revisionists and American emperors in their world.

Of course, the silence of the local faction in the conquered area is because they are not prepared to pay attention to Jianye's rude request, compared with the sailor faction who wants the foreign affairs department to directly fight back. Everyone ends up with the same goal.

Hasty suggestions for venting emotions are not constructive in diplomacy.

After Sun Xiangyang stabilized the order of the meeting, he asked Wei Keng, who was organizing the meeting materials.

Wei Keng raised his head from the case book, looked at Sun Xiangyang's determined gaze, and began to speak: "We have nothing to rush. The Jianye side has obviously lost its people and it is difficult to lead the team, so we want to rush

I have completed a few things to calm people's hearts. After the Tianshu Long Incident in Pandora in 146, the public opinions in various city-states in the Yangtze River Basin under the Jianye order were inevitably a bit harsh.

So when they convened the council this year, they wanted to gather a unified voice and achieve one or two major events, so that more than 150 city-states could cheer up their dull minds and feel the spiritual flame of the light of Jianye civilization. Public opinion

It will definitely change.”

Sun Xiangyang couldn't laugh or cry: "So that's what they did?" Sun Xiangyang knocked on the document sent by Jianye.

Wei Keng nodded.

Sun Xiangyang: "Then they are here to scold you!"

Wei Keng: "Hey? Don't mention it, Chief Sun. The more our opponents react in all kinds of crazy ways, the more we have to stay calm. If you are from Jianye, I can guess right from the beginning."

Sun Xiangyang tapped the table with his pen, and followed the rhythm of the tapping to describe his dissatisfaction with the Jianye people: "They don't do anything, and they blame others when things happen."

Wei Keng: "Yes, but if they still have a banquet after the building collapses, what does it have to do with us? (Jianye) diplomacy made such ridiculous remarks, which shows that they really can't find a serious issue to unify their internal differences. That's right.

It's hard enough for them. Whether they are the boss of the Yangtze River Basin or the last refuge of mankind in the apocalypse, those people cannot lose face here."

Sun Xiangyang said in a joking tone: "You mean, you still have to give them face?"

Wei Keng nodded in response: "Yes, since they can't let go of face, let's use diplomatic rhetoric to maintain face. Don't come here because of them.

This is just like our country's aerospace industry. When it independently develops results under foreign blockades, it is often said when the outside world condescendingly holds the banner of "contributing to the scientific research development of all mankind" and requires the sharing of data:

'We have always adhered to an inclusive and open attitude in space development and welcome international public cooperation.'"

At this time, someone from the crew quickly interjected: "Is this how you cooperate with the American emperor?"

Wei Keng slapped his head and realized that the Five-Star Light over there in the Death Plane had not yet developed an independent space station. The example he just gave was inappropriate.

Wei Keng: "It is the default in the dialogue that cooperation is possible, but in terms of specific operations, given that the other party has failed to fulfill relevant cooperation responsibilities according to previous practices, and currently fails to take the initiative to assume relevant responsibilities, everything will have to wait."

Wei Keng: "This is what we have to do to fight against biological gene invasion. As for Jianye now wanting to cooperate, we have to see their sincerity! Talk to them Tai Chi and let them go through our process.


Sun Xiangyang shook his head slightly: "How could they follow our process?"

Wei Keng spread his hands and said, "If you tell us what you say, will we lose anything? Building Ye City won't save us any dignity, but what about other city-states?"

When this was said, everyone suddenly realized.

Wei Keng: "We implement the plan that puts us first! And we must clearly follow the progress schedule. What about Jianye? They talk a lot and emphasize that we are the main one! But in fact, they don't have a plan yet, and they still expect it.

'The Spring and Autumn Dream of pulling us to fulfill our responsibilities while they dominate' can become a reality."

Soon some local comrades muttered in disbelief: "Can Jianye really be so stupid?"

The stupidity here refers to the fact that Jianye would place its confidence in "leading and coordinating district control", which is an unreliable plan at first glance.

Wei Keng: "This is not stupidity, it's luck! It's gambling psychology! You know that the probability is extremely small, but you still imagine that you can win."

All the forces within Jianye are unwilling to squeeze out resources, so they tend to believe that they can obtain resources from the outside, especially when the commanding area does not deny the attitude of "cooperating within the framework".

After October 10th, the unification of the area responded positively to Jianye's topic about the invasion of gene waves, showing their intention to cooperate.

He also expressed that he would vigorously support the plan.

The command area is to deal with the direction of genetic invasion outside the human area, and has begun to gather strength. However, the specific plan has not yet been revealed.

However, the current specific strategy of the unification zone is still to move towards the northern inland area, and the forces in Chongqing have been regarded as the target to overthrow, rather than the direction of the East China Sea that Jianye is now urgently seeking.

In other words, Jianye was given a superficial face, but the overall plan was not affected. Everything was waiting for Jianye to show sincerity in cooperation before proceeding in accordance with the process.

But for Jianye City, there was a very vain encouragement.

October 23rd.

Jianye's fleet is now on Damuan Island and has established a landing point near Keelung District. Qiu Mengfei piloted his Tianshu Long fighter plane over the human ruins engulfed by vegetation and turned into Alishan.

At this time, he passed over the mountains and arrived at the side of Taiyuan Island facing the Pacific Ocean, and saw dense spots on the east coastline.

The biological community of sulfur-iron basalt is eating away at the ecological community in the area where the Celestial Dragon was once entrenched. The genetic community from the sea is eating away at the genetic community on the island.

As human beings, we should be neutral and objective when watching this battle.

But when Qiu Mengfei flew the mechanical fighter plane over the coastline, a sudden emotion emerged, and the negative emotions of the angry Sky Killer Dragon community were conveyed to his cockpit.

“Invaders territory defenders peaceful survival barbaric entry”…

Unknowingly, Qiu Mengfei used the above-mentioned subjective words when commenting on this war between biomes.

At twelve o'clock in the afternoon, the sixty-third flight around the island ended.

Qiu Mengfei's flying instrument spread out its four mechanical wings when landing, and slid smoothly onto the deck of the straight-through hull transformed from the freighter. After he got out of the mechanical flying dragon, the flying dragon automatically climbed into the corridor of the ship's hull, and started

Connect with life energy.

Before this mechanical creature has climbed into the hole reserved on the deck, you can see the mechanical tentacles with a diameter of 30 centimeters connected to the abdomen of the mechanical beast.

The abdomen of Tianshu Long was originally a mechanical cover, but now it opens automatically, revealing a chrysanthemum-like navel, which will be inserted by tentacles to directly supply energy.

Qiu Mengfei was preparing for his routine work and writing about the information he saw during this flight.

But I heard the other trainers who came here whispering about the upcoming return.

"Return? Return now?"

Qiu Mengfei immediately found the companions who were talking in the corridor and inquired. After getting some information, he walked towards the captain's room.

Qiu Mengfei met his mentor.

Li Xiaotian (the instructor) took off his glasses, looked at the disciple, and asked: "Why, aren't you going to rest after the flight?"

Qiu Mengfei: "Teacher, I heard that we will return home in a week."

Li Xiaotian: "What's wrong?"

Qiu Mengfei: "We have just built a stronghold."

Li Xiaotian: "You mean the camp on the Tamsui River? That is meant to be temporary."

Qiu Mengfei wanted to say more,

Li Xiaotian said slowly: "This voyage is hosted by the association. Now the main resource mobilization for building Ye City needs to be approved by the council."

Qiu Mengfei wanted to open her mouth.

Li Xiaotian: "The council does not believe that investing resources in Taiyuan Island is effective."

Qiu Mengfei: "But establishing an outpost here can effectively predict regional genetic invasion on the east coast in advance."

Li Xiaotian: "So, who is stationed at this outpost, and who is investing materials for this outpost?"

Qiu Mengfei became mute.

Li Xiaotian patted Qiu Mengfei on the shoulder and said slowly: "And now, the council has a new plan for joint defense with the south (unified expedition area). The new plan can greatly save resources."

Qiu Mengfei paused: "I heard about the council's attitude towards the south, and the possibility of cooperation is very low."

Li Xiaotian: "There is no clear denial from the South. They admit that preventing genetic invasion is the common interest of mankind."

After leaving the captain's room, Qiu Mengfei felt aggrieved for a while.

Jianye's top management ignored the edge of the continental shelf and will suffer big losses sooner or later. As for the control area, it is obviously a "deception" trick and is taking advantage of Jianye City!

According to the information just given by his family, the command area is currently stepping up its trade and delivery to various northern coastline city-states during the period of genetic invasion, and is preparing to suspend trade for a long time after this delivery.

Qiu Mengfei: After this suspension, when will it be reopened? (The commanding area) They deliberately kept silent. This shows no sincerity in uniting with us to fight against the natural ecology.

As soon as he opened the newspaper, he saw: the latest long speech issued by the control area to prevent genetic invasion.

Qiu Mengfei was irritated and drew a cross on it.

This made him think of Su Lingshuang. In his opinion, Su Lingshuang had a very "classic" judgment on the Tongfa District: they were just talking about the so-called restoration of mankind.

In November, at the highest military center of the Tongfa District.

The unified logging area is already taking action with the highest program of "preventing genetic invasion". In the entire unified logging area, hundreds of thousands of organization cadres and personnel have been ideologically mobilized.

Some people in Jianye are confused about whether the so-called "deterring invasion" in the commanding area is a lie?

This is because both conservatives and radicals in Jianye are self-centered, and the purpose in their thinking is to focus on whether the outside world can follow their baton to complete the plans they want. As for other people's goals and plans,

Jianye people don't care, don't care, don't respect.

The people of Jianye subconsciously believe that to prevent ecological invasion, they must focus on protecting the lower reaches of the Yangtze River where they are located.

However, the world of human civilization is not just Jianye.

Regarding big issues such as climate and ecology, the Tongfa District has always made promises and implemented them to its own audience!

A large map of Hunan was laid out in front of various agencies in the commanded area. Cadres in each department chewed candy cubes, drew pictures, and communicated plans with each other using the language of their minds and souls.

How will hundreds of jobs proceed as the front advances? This requires complex coordination.

Now the term "front" has appeared, which means that it is different from the past tactics of elite troops interspersed with attacks and then strengthening control along traffic nodes.

Mount Tai is overwhelming!

Thirty thousand troops were mobilized to push along the route. While pushing, two to three hundred plantations were opened behind and all important water source areas in the area were ecologically replaced.

In the military sandbox, Wei Keng pointed to Dongting Lake and said: "If you have to run over it all the way, the biological community you will crush will not even have time to feel the pain, and it will be wiped out."

in the master plan.

Xiangdi is also an area with dense waterways. This march of the Tongfa District is not only to maintain the railway transportation lines, but also to prepare to open up the canal transportation lines.

Special investigators (Huang Jingfei) went deep into Hunan and determined the current status of various rivers. In many places, freshwater barnacles are infested and require specialized river crushers to dredge them. As for Western Hunan, the stinging thorn canopy is expanding in area.

It is necessary to use incendiary bombs to contain and then strike simultaneously to avoid suppressing the biological community in the east and allowing the community in the west to have room for development.


When the commanding area was beginning its own course of action to deal with "genetic invasion",

The businessmen who came from Jianye to purchase mechanical parts finally understood the meaning behind the so-called "maintenance of human ecological interests" in Tongfa District.

These foreign affairs department personnel in Jianye finally understood that for several months, their subjective belief that the commanding area would cooperate with them in the East China Sea was completely imaginary.

The speech made at that time was actually propaganda for the unification zone to push back from the northwest to the inland. As for the crisis in the East China Sea that Jianye in the east was facing, the unification zone had never thought of making a big effort.

[You know, in the 21st century, whenever the West thinks through (Western oil paintings have a visual center point), they find a certain element in something and try to gain an advantage, while the diplomatic spokespersons in the East use ambiguity.

When I give feedback, I often don’t argue on the same thing, but pave the way for another matter.]

The people in Jianye City, the generations who grew up watching "pre-apocalyptic movie blockbusters", are really living in a cultural desert.

This chapter has been completed!
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