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Chapter 6.28 The moment of natural disaster!

 After the death wave in Yichang, the natural world of the earth was like a needle prick. On a planetary scale, the entire Pandora field twitched! This is the prelude to another "natural disaster of the rise of wisdom" on the earth. The crisis era of major communities around the world is about to begin.


However, let’s move the timeline to a few months ago for now.

Before this man-made natural disaster occurred, on the earth, well, to be precise, in East Asia, various human power groups were intertwined with each other, and were in a state of rotten soil in which thousands of buds were ready to bloom.


city-state human aspect,

In 157, on the eastern coast of Jianye, the Five-Color Alliance did not pay attention to the rapid growth of the locals in Yimeng, but they were particularly sensitive to the news of the unified expeditionary army's large-scale march to the west.

[These old forces are just like the bald men after World War II. They are very concerned about the various contests between the United States and the Soviet Union, and also pay attention to the general elections in the American political arena. As for the people who are devastated after the gold dollar notes are devalued right before their eyes, they don’t care at all. 】

When the newspaper of the Unification Army announced that it had taken over the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, the miracle (dam) of the previous civilization,

The giants of the Five Color Alliance are anxious. In their opinion, if this wonder of the old civilization is occupied, how much social, economic, cultural, and military bonus will it give to the commanded area?

The military of the Five Color Alliance, who believed that they had inherited the rule of the old era, immediately opened the map to study where the unified attack area had been.

Then in February, the military outpost of the Five Color Alliance detected the scene of the Chongqing symbiote community moving northward in a large scale and escaping towards the further west.


On February 23rd,

Xinzheng, a residence with a 60-kilometer-long concrete city wall, has a steel tower every 600 meters on the city wall with wires and searchlights. Of course, when there is no large-scale genetic invasion approaching, these are usually

Off state to save valuable energy.

In the most central area of ​​the city, there are a large number of buildings from the old era. One of them, a fifteen-story building due to the north, is a military building. The red badge on it has "eight" and "one" stacked up and down.

In this military building, Su Qianqing, who arrived in a mechanical flying dragon, looked at the photos taken at the forward outpost. There were a large number of hot carbon gas vehicles in the symbiote evacuation team.

He couldn't help but want to ask Zeng Lin, but Zeng Lin was not here for the time being, so he could only analyze it by himself.

This kind of unified standard and simple gas engine has the style of industrial products from the Tongfa District. If it were built by the symbiotic human community in Chongqing, it would have a sense of beauty in the arc, but it would not be uniform in standard.


Su Qianqing had a bad guess: "Did the Western Expedition Strategy of the Commanded Areas unite alien allies?!" Thinking of this, he punched the table hard and whispered: "Intolerable."

He looked at the map. If the symbionts moved to the north, the conquering area would be in the south.

Then the Five Color Alliance's power in the Yellow River Basin will be at risk of being strategically attacked by the two parties.


On April 20, Su Qianqing persuaded the committee of the Five Color Alliance to strategically strengthen the western direction.

However, the committee also put forward conditions. Su Qianqing must find out the information about the Tongfa District's march on the Yangtze River. Otherwise, the parliament cannot trust the military's capabilities.

April 21st.

Su Lingshuang came to Yumen Military Base to select people to carry out the mission.

In the military base of the old era, the general's daughter was selecting military personnel one by one.

As the commander, she turned her back to a row of fifteen mechanical flying dragons in the warehouse and looked at the young men lined up in front of her.

She lectured with a frosty face: "This operation is for the Yellow River!"

The soldiers in front of him raised their guns to their chests and responded in unison: "For the Yellow River!"

In this old base, the banners on the mottled walls and the badges on the Maisui Tower Square bring everyone's hearts together. This is the supreme name of the old era.

As if sensing human will, the flying dragons restrained by armor in the mechanical warehouse also moved accordingly.

However, these flying dragons have strange impulses behind their mechanical masks.

Today's Tianshu dragon community is in the craziest and most extreme state.

This is a plot that has never happened in tens of thousands of timelines. Now, as Wei Keng presses harder and harder, many hidden dangers are about to boil over

In the south, Long Mengfei (formerly Qiu Mengfei) lay in the colonial costume system and looked at the earth. At this time, he had half-fused with the Tianshu Long.

At the beginning of this year, he and other teams achieved a super tacit understanding! This means that their ideas can flash around each other.

Oh, on the Yellow River, the fighter plane piloted by Qiu Mengfei and the fighter plane flown by another teammate, Sun Wanneng, flew toward each other on the river, passing each other half a meter apart.

This is an extremely difficult and extremely dangerous aerial stunt that requires a tacit understanding between fingers.

However, this tacit understanding is not the tacit understanding of cooperation that arises from the exchange of large amounts of information between individuals like Wei Keng, but the emergence of a public consciousness in Long Mengfei's team. This public consciousness can help them make precise responses, and they

Just trust the "body feeling".

Long Mengfei is the leader in the team because he is still the strongest in various trainings. From another perspective, he fits best with the "public consciousness".

[In short, a will of the insect swarm has emerged, and guys like Long Mengfei, who are individuals of the insect swarm, currently do not realize that they have become part of the insect swarm because of the exquisite manipulation capabilities provided by this public consciousness to their bodies.

Even in order to obtain better results and a more important position in the team, he spontaneously doubled up with him. The specific plot of the saboteurs who appeared in Chongqing City was roughly the same. 】

The old node group of Tianshu Long is so crazy about infiltrating human groups because it can't wait any longer.

With the north and south separated, Tianshu Long will soon fall into a struggle for dominance.

At eight o'clock in the morning on May 13, while the ship on the river was slowly landing with its wings spread and whistling, Long Mengfei stared at the north. He felt something, and suddenly raised his altitude to overlook the earth.

Hovering high in the sky, Long Mengfei covered his arms dumbly, as if something had separated from his body.

This is the rebellion that comes from the new consciousness of the Northern Tianshu Long.


May 13th is the time for the Tongfa District to garrison troops in Yichang.

In the Yumen Air Force Base of the Five Color Alliance, fifteen mechanical flying dragons flew towards the west.

This team led by Su Lingshuang was used to monitor the marching direction of the conquering army. Now she has successfully flown in the northwest direction.

When the huge mechanical flying dragon descended, Su Lingshuang let out a breath and ordered her men to start building the camp together.

"Huh?" Su Lingshuang, who was about to leave Feilong, felt something strange under the seat and couldn't help but froze.

She noticed that the mechanical dragons under her seat were feeling hungry. Like giraffes, the mechanical dragons stretched their necks to chew leaves.

Su Lingshuang paused and ignored this, but what she didn't know was that at this time, a large number of squirming bodies appeared in the mechanical flying dragon's body.


And hundreds of kilometers away, the Taihang Mountain base of Yecheng was built, at three o'clock in the afternoon.

In the No. 4 main pool, the spherical container that restrained the Celestial Dragon's eggs seemed to have matured suddenly, with a large number of tentacles appearing in just a few hours. These tentacles were spread all over the test area like probes.

At 15:23, firefighters tried to enter Pool No. 4 to kill the excess tentacles.

In the partition room next to Pool No. 4, they had just turned the "steering wheel-shaped" metal gate lock and opened the gate. But before they could enter, the quiet tentacles in Pool No. 4 suddenly came to life like a crocodile attack.

, like a disgusting black tide gushing out of the gate. Firefighters quickly closed the gate, and the gate crushed a large number of tentacles, and the broken tentacles immediately turned into flexible snakes and began to bite people in the partition room.

Firefighters finally saved a life after emergency spraying of concentrated alkaline water on each other. However, two people were still seriously injured.

This kind of injury must be transported fifty kilometers away and restored using the blood pack medical technology supported by the commanding area.


After the first attempt to disinfect the No. 4 pool failed, at four o'clock in the afternoon, multiple sets of indicators broke through the critical level.

The biochemistry experts at the base all had sweat droplets forming on their eye lenses.

Beep, ding, ding, ding, the phone is ringing.

The biochemist picked up the phone.

The general on the other end of the phone asked: "How's the situation?"

The biochemistry expert responded harshly: "It's out of control."


The perspective returned to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. On the 14th and 15th, Su Lingshuang's mechanical flying dragon team continuously scouted the periphery, getting closer and closer, and finally violated a string of the unified army.

The command zone dispatched three fighter jets and multiple Lugia formations to expel them.

However, on the morning of the 17th, Su Lingshuang approached the sky above Yichang again, trying to get closer to understand what was going on. This time the commanding area seemed to be really angry.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Su Lingshuang's camp was surrounded by a mechanical regiment of the Imperial Army.

On the high ground, twenty millimeter-caliber rapid-fire machine guns were set up.

Under this severe situation, Su Lingshuang paused and ordered his troops to wait where they were.

At night, a motorcycle team arrived. Zeng Shuyou, wearing a blue canvas-covered semi-colonial uniform and a red five-star on her head, stood outside the camp.

Su Lingshuang walked out under the cover of the soldiers behind her.

Zeng Shuyou glanced at her, and her first reaction was "Not as tall as me!", and her second reaction was "Small breasts."

Zeng Shuxie opened the document and handed it to Su Lingshuang.

Su Lingshuang opened it and saw that it was a declaration of armed eviction.

Zeng Shushe: "We are conducting a 'super energy level physics experiment'. If you don't want to die in an ugly way, get out of here as soon as possible." Zeng Shushe, who was harshly attacked by Wei Keng, was quite rude to this woman who repeatedly caused trouble for her.

Su Lingshuang looked at the group of mecha infantry behind Zeng Shuxie. She endured it and said slowly: "We'll leave right away."

Zeng Shushe: "If you come back again, we will launch missiles. Again, this is the last warning."


Two hours later,

Su Lingshuang and others left the camp on the mechanical flying dragon.

After flying north for an hour, Su Lingshuang suddenly picked up the communicator and said to the team: "Land."

The team members were stunned: "Sir, below us is an unknown community area."

Su Lingshuang: "Yes, change to the earth state, and we will lurk back at night."

The team members were stunned.

Su Lingshuang: "We must find out the information about the command area this time."

She sent new latitude and longitude coordinates. (Probably in the direction of Badong.)


After the mechanical flying dragon landed, the flying dragon began to deform. The bones of its wings penetrated the ribs of the flying dragon, and then combined to form strong running legs.

This is the last skill of the mechanical flying dragon, transformation. This form switching is theoretically two-way, it can be transformed into the ground state, and it can also be transformed back into the flying dragon state. However, when changing back, it needs to be slowly transformed in the laboratory.


Only this time today, during the transformation,

The soldiers obviously discovered that the mechanical flying dragon seemed to have some tentacles protruding from the inside, and was subsequently swallowed by the mechanical flying dragon.

Su Lingshuang stared at the mechanical flying dragon, as if she realized something, but after hesitation, she decided to continue with the original plan.


On the 24th, Su Lingshuang's team arrived at their destination, which was a hidden military observation post on the edge of a cliff, and then began latent observation.

But at 4 p.m., an accident happened.

The mechanical flying dragon that originally had only a "minor problem" completely lost control.

Su Lingshuang jumped on the out-of-control flying dragon No. 1, raised her knife and cut off the tentacles entangled with the soldier. But the soldier had already been penetrated through the chest and was shaking to death.

And the out-of-control flying dragon had a large number of tentacles on its body, which were scattered on the surrounding walls, and a large amount of organic matter was immediately digested.

A terrifying scene appeared. Wherever the flying dragon splashed onto the trees, grass, or trees, a large number of tiny, growing flesh worms immediately appeared. If you look closely, you will see that they were swallowed up by the beings that turned into starfish (echinoderms).

The life frequency band converged to the center, and this mechanical flying dragon grew a large number of sprouts while rolling on the ground.

Su Lingshuang's heart was shaken, but she still maintained her calmness and ordered the soldiers to inject forced tranquilizers into several other mechanical dragons, while she picked up a gun and swiped at this mechanical dragon.

In the end, the mechanical flying dragon fell off the cliff under the impact of bullets.

But the nightmare is not over.

The tranquilizer had no effect, and in the next few hours, all the mechanical flying dragons lost control one after another.

To make matters worse, the mechanical flying dragon that fell into the river, after devouring a large amount of organic matter, turned into a mess of meatballs mixed with starfish, octopus, and snails. This unbeatable monster climbed up along the cliff,

Weird and twisted limbs surrounded him in all directions outside the high wall.

At nine o'clock in the evening, after fighting and retreating, three outer walls were lost and many soldiers were sacrificed.

A horrifying scene appeared that made Su Lingshuang almost despair. The carbon-based monster of the Tianshu Long absorbed organic matter in the water. Its tentacles opened like a python, revealing an inner cavity full of barbs like a vampire squid. It would be injured.

The soldier swallowed it, shuddered, and spat out the bloody skeleton.

Then this extremely soft thing began to ignore the terrain, and like an alien monster, it extended along the pipes, got into the building, and killed the soldiers in each room.

For life in this kind of aquatic physiological state, the best way to deal with it is industrial salt. If you sprinkle it in large quantities, it will cause electrolyte imbalance and death.

But this isn't a Hollywood movie, and this restraint just happens to be on hand.

Su Lingshuang could only hide in the confinement room of this military outpost, closing all the passages.

One hour, two hours, three hours. The night ended with the screams of the soldiers. When it was dawn outside, the light shone in from the window glass above.

Su Lingshuang, who had been hiding all night, slowly stood up.

However, just as she was about to raise her hand to look at her watch, she suddenly froze. She felt something very slimy wrap around her feet, then go up her exposed calves, pass through her crotch, and wrap around her waist.

Then it climbed up along the chest.

Finally she saw this tentacle hovering in front of her,

The ugly tentacles were dripping with stringy mucus, and opened like a facehugger, taking on the shape of a huge starfish. As if mocking, it was approaching her face little by little.

Su Lingshuang looked at this thing with dull eyes,

At this last moment, suddenly.

This starfish thing seemed to have been shocked by electricity. It softened with a snap, and then twitched and quickly slipped from Su Lingshuang's body. When the sticky thing slid quickly from the above-mentioned parts, Su Lingshuang felt a chill. It was too late to be surprised.

What was going on? She also felt dizzy.

But the desire to survive broke out, and she quickly picked up the knife and chopped off the twitching tentacle on the ground. The tentacle quickly twisted and twitched, and there were a large number of small holes on the body that sprayed liquid, and a large number of granulations were dividing, but as soon as they differentiated, they died instantly.

.These things that metabolize extremely quickly seem to have encountered severe poison.

A minute later, it was over.

Su Lingshuang wanted to stand up, but with a crash, she fell down. She was horrified to realize that in just a moment, her body was so weak. Moreover, she was incontinent.

A minute later, she crawled out of the room and saw an incredible scene. In addition to a large number of soldiers' bones, there was a fleshy film-like substance everywhere. In other words, the mechanical flying dragon turned this place into a weird fleshy substance in one night.

Cave. But now, these pieces of flesh are drooping down, exuding a stench, and showing no sign of life.

She raised her wrist to face the light and looked at her watch. It was now 8:03 AM. The third minute after the dead wave ended downstream.

This chapter has been completed!
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