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Chapter 6.30 Arrival Frenzy

 At the end of 157, while the sulfur-iron basalt in the east was weakened by "scientific and sustainable" methods, on the west, the waterway into Bashu was also opened. Combined with the route from Yunnan to Shu, this area that had been cut off by human communities for several years began to

Completely eradicate the "mirage mother" community.

Before this thing destroyed the human settlements in the Bashu region, it was named the "Mother of Diseases" by local scientists. However, because the human settlements in the area were surrounded and destroyed by it, this naming message was not conveyed. Until today, the Tongfa Army re-entered

In this area, the name was picked up again after seeing the records left by people at that time on the walls of the ruined city.


Bashu was known as the land of abundance in the human era, but this was a scene of prosperity after humans completely controlled the local ecology.

The climate here is "wet and overcast with a lot of weather". People who are accustomed to the Jianghuai River's hot summers and cold winters, where the temperature and wind direction vary greatly, will feel stuffy when they come to Sichuan.

As the unified cutting area entered the Bashu Basin, Wei Keng and other personnel immediately felt that this basin was simply a big petri dish.

In an environment with no wind, high humidity, suitable temperature, and abundant water, a large number of plants here grow wildly.

After careful inspection, we found that the vegetation here is similar to a beast chess environment, with unique ecological rotations.

After herbaceous plants grow wildly in an area, they will be replaced by larger shrubs within a few years. After a few years of growth, large shrubs will be entangled with thorny creepers. After the entire area is covered by this poisonous ivy, the shrubs will

Then after the snow falls in winter, all the leaves of this shrub vine fall off, exposing the sun. In the next spring, when the climbing vine has not yet grown leaves, a large number of rapidly germinating herbaceous plants take the lead and seize the market for sunlight.

.Then there was a new round of replacement by shrubs and vines.

During this cycle of replacement, various beetles and small animals also migrate back and forth.

Of course, the more important thing is that this hundred-year rotation of vegetation has accumulated thick humus. Any piece of wasteland dug down will be filled with patches of "peat" that has not yet accumulated.

After the bulldozers in the clearing area pushed away the vines and vegetation on the road, they found that the layer of incompletely decayed vegetation covering the mottled roadbed was half a meter thick!

The existence of such a thick layer of humus is the basis for decomposers.

The decomposers here can only use part of the organic matter of withered vegetation and vines every year, and the remaining unused part is covered up, stops decomposing in the hypoxic environment, and becomes deep. But this is equivalent to a "deposit", even if

All the surface vegetation was burned, and the decomposers underneath the ashes still had the resources to continue their arrogance.


The community where these decomposers live is the mother of disease.

To be precise, they specialize in the subcategory of viruses where "mirage mother" proliferates.

Since Pandora appeared, all life has entered into a great evolution. Please note that it is life!

Viruses are semi-living, that is, they are living things only if they can replicate and reproduce within the host's body. If they break away from the host and stop the replication of organic matter, they are not living things.

Under normal circumstances, in the Pandora field, the metabolism of normal life has radioactive effects. Weak life forms such as bacteria will seek symbiosis under radiation, and viruses will not have the capital to be arrogant.

But there are exceptions in this world.

After the Pandora field covered Southeast Asia, the slime mold decomposers retained the ability of viruses when trying to kill animals such as worms.

They also remain decayed while growing, and will utilitarianally record some "DNA" protein structures that can kill animals. Then during catabolism, these viral structures will be dropped from the genetic structure, becoming "biological weapons" to attack large organisms.



The mother of diseases is entrenched in the puddles of the Bashu Basin. There are a lot of mud pits here. Any life near these mud pits will be infected by the virus inexplicably.

In such a vast land of abundance, apart from plants that grow periodically, there are only various small insects and short-lived small animals, and there are no large animals.


After the third day of the rule of war, the humans began to develop various infections, including blisters on the skin, or phlegm in the oral mucosa. After contracting these diseases, non-sanitary people in the rule area

Kang's comrades can only take the train to leave this area.

The losses of the three large-scale pioneering teams in the conquered area were very high. In April of the year 158 of the Pandora calendar,

Near the Dujiangyan station, Huang Jingfei was checking the Lugia system. This was already the third Lugia that had fallen this month.

In addition to Lugia's sudden death, there are also a large number of injuries every month, and Lugia must be boarded a ship and transported to the rear.

Similarly, many detective cats have also fallen ill and died, and the breeding mechas have been severely damaged. Humans have completely lost all power in the area except for machines.

In the Pandora era, although the damage and infectivity of the virus were reduced to very low levels, as long as you leave the Bashu Basin and return to the human community, the disease will be cured and you will also have corresponding antibodies.

However, if you enter the Bashu area again, you will be infected with new diseases.

The speed at which large organisms produce antibodies cannot be compared with the speed at which the mother of diseases creates viruses.

If humans try to continue fighting on the road of "fighting for antibodies" that has not been won in the era of species, then they are ignoring the fact that they have a brain.

Now Huang Daozhang is thinking of disinfecting again and killing the entire Chengdu-Chongqing Plain.

This is really disinfecting people for a while and feeling good for a while. Just like nuclear energy was just developed in the 20th century, the top superpowers at that time were also constantly developing. They wanted to open reservoirs, build nuclear-powered aircraft, and build nuclear-powered rockets. As long as they didn’t have If you see any disadvantages, you will continue to do them.

However, the Conqueror Zone forcibly stopped this trend. As a long-standing civilization, we need to restrain ourselves from the temptations of scientific and technological breakthroughs.

The Science Department of the Tongfa District has carefully demonstrated that the chemical band killing method is effective for organisms that are reacting with organic matter, but viruses are not completely biological. Without a host, there is no life activity. Chemical disinfecting is not effective for this protein molecule. Can its destructive power be achieved 100%?

The working philosophy of the Tongfa District (Weikeng) is very conservative. Anything that is not strictly verified is a small-step experiment.


In the temporary development combat department established in the Yucheng area, discussions began on the special situation of the Bashu area.

Note: The current leaders in meetings in the control zone are basically replaced by native humans of this world. At the grassroots level in the stable human development zone, all working people are also localized.

However, Wei Keng is basically responsible for file compilation and data analysis at the middle level. Now all high-level meetings in the Tongfa District are basically organized by Wei Keng.

Therefore, there are only two policies for reference before leaders.

The first is to continue to use traditional strategies to advance.

Mainly focusing on Wei Keng, we will restore roads, build plantations, and replace them with life radiation. At the same time, some lakes with excessive life radiation, the mother of diseases, will be treated, either by filling them in, or by introducing natural water systems to turn them into living water.

The second is to continue investing in basic scientific research.

After the arrival of the Pandora field, a new door to microphysics has appeared for human civilization. Now, after many experiments in Carbon Valley, scientists have summarized the physical rules under the Pandora field!

1: It has been confirmed that the Pandora field allows chemical reactions to be released in the information frequency band mode. There are the most chemical reactions of organic matter on the earth today, so the chemical energy frequency band related to carbon is the most.

[But there is the most oxygen in the world, so wouldn’t the frequency band emitted when a forest fire burns be able to burn all organic matter like a nuclear bomb? But in fact, such a phenomenon did not happen, which involves the second rule.]

2: The release threshold of the chemical reaction frequency band depends on the chain length of the compound! It is precisely organic matter that can form chemical chains with complex structures.

This is somewhat similar to a nuclear reaction. The larger the nucleus, the lower the threshold for atomic energy release.

Because the release rules of the chemical frequency band and the nuclear reaction rules are so consistent, Pandora physicists currently speculate that the strong and weak force model of the atomic nucleus in the physical field has changed, resulting in the properties that should appear in the atomic nucleus.

, appears in chemical energy.

However, based on the above theoretical discussion, the energy of chemical reactions of inorganic substances can also be released. However, the threshold for release is quite high.

Just like there is hydrogen in the ocean, but nuclear reactions are impossible.

Technology is to use artificial means to create suitable conditions. The logging area has completed a hundred times the aggregation of Pandora's field effect in the Carbon Valley, but this is definitely not approaching the theoretical upper limit. If a larger test site can be found, and more

Sufficient electric energy, then

Scientists at Pandora Carbon Valley have derived a formula.

Under certain conditions! The energy reaction threshold of pure carbon with oxygen can be reduced to less than 10,000 times! What does this mean? Oxygen and a piece of burnt charcoal are like a piece of sodium thrown on the cement floor under the scorching sun, burning on its own


According to the current basic rate of oxygen in the atmosphere, physicists have calculated that the threshold value of the release frequency band between oxygen and long hydrocarbon chains should be between 25,000 and 60,000.

After reaching this condition, humans will release the oxidation energy of kilotons of oxygen (for production technology, compounds such as ozone and sulfur trioxide are more suitable for weapons-grade production and transportation), what kind of effect will be achieved instantly?

Within ten minutes, within a very short period of time, organic matter within thousands of square kilometers will face extremely strong oxidation. At that time, all low-end species in the range, from plankton to single-celled organisms, as well as the fragile

Viruses must all die.

When studying physics, poking a stick into certain physical clouds will reveal huge holes.


If the theory is right! "Oxygen disinfecting" of hundreds of millions of degrees of electrical energy can cause the local nature to experience a man-made mass extinction.

No living thing in the contemporary era has evolved to adapt to the situation where the viscosity of the atmosphere has increased tenfold and the oxygen content has increased ninety times. Oh, then it is not the atmosphere of the Earth. The atmosphere of Venus welcomes you.

Theoretically, this would have a sufficient extermination effect on the mother of diseases, the slime mold that lives in anoxic lake water. However, a series of experiments are needed to verify this.

[Please note that the priority here is to cause damage to organic life with long chains. The oxidation effect of this scale, if intercepted by natural inorganic substances, may be diluted by natural water and atmosphere, and finally 90% of the damage will be caused by rocks.

It is blocked from biological corpses. Therefore, Mr. Wei is also cautious about the predicted effect of this weapon.】


Traditional industries will be promoted flatly, and high-tech will be harvested later.

You can now "want them all" in the two strategic directions to dominate the area.

In modern times, Japanese cartoons described this kind of "want it all" as "currently charging". This is because only powerful and wealthy individuals can be so entrenched. Furthermore, when understanding the national level, they will also resentfully think that "if I

What will happen if the country is so big and the population is so large?

But the fact is exactly the opposite. The fundamental reason behind all the basic production and high technology is not the arrogance of a big country's national power, but the accumulation of a big country's national power through its reserved character.

Wei Keng is a cunning person, but he also thinks like a citizen of a big country. He understands that the population and resources in today's commanded areas were not there at the beginning! They were all accumulated bit by bit.

Being able to take advantage of important strategic directions today is an advantage accumulated by being "implicit and cautious" in a large number of other secondary strategic directions in the past.

In terms of foreign strategy, there has been no direct military confrontation since 146 years after the conflict with the Jianye Five-Colored Alliance. It has always held on to the strength that can fight a war, but it has been accumulated but not used, and the war has not hindered development.

In internal development, various interest groups will think about fairness when they first show signs of development, so now they can mobilize the power of all provinces on major strategies!

Such as the dividends of the strategy of moving the administrative center northward after 153 years. This was achieved at the cost of abandoning the path of "taking advantage of Guangdong's economic and industrial conditions to implement secondary strategies" and adhering to the principle of "unification and conquest" as the main strategy.

If we think in Japanese style, no, it should be said that we are facing the above two scenarios with the thinking of a small country, 1: unable to restrain the pride of being powerful; 2: unable to restrain the lust after wealth. In this way, we constantly run rampant in a small rhythm,

Of course, we cannot stand up amid the great changes in history.


Hengyang, at the Supreme Meeting, after the Bashu side was connected, Huang Jingfei and other 43 site staff reported.

Sun Xiangyang: "According to the basic plan, can it be completed within five years? Restore 150 human settlements (in the Bashu Plain)."

Su Ho: "Industrial supply depends on the recovery status of the two trunk lines. The Chengdu-Chongqing line is still under exploration and cleaning, but the Yunnan-Chongqing line will be completed in two months."

Other departments have also reported on the industrial supply situation. Then, the only problem is personnel deployment. Restoring the self-sufficient operation of workers and farmers in the Bashu Basin and gradually adjusting and restoring the ecology will require at least 200,000 people.

At this moment, Wei Keng, who was sitting in the auditorium, suddenly raised something.

Wei Keng used the calmest tone: "I can carry out a new advent."

The venue suddenly became quiet.

A few seconds later, Sun Xiangyang set the tone: "This is a good thing! How many can come this time?"


Although people in the unified area feel that the number of guards around them is much smaller, whether at the top or middle levels, in fact, the number of guards in the industry is increasing. This trend, comrades here, although

I can’t say it, but I still have an unspeakable vigilance in my heart.

This is the inherent vigilance of human beings. When human beings face the development of increasingly larger and unchecked existences around them, they will feel a sense of uneasiness.

Wei Keng's arrival has no harm in all aspects, but the fact is the fact. Objectively speaking: if Wei Keng, a being with a unified will, suddenly stands on the opposite side of mankind one day, what will be the consequences?

Of course, for Wei Keng, "vigilance" is better than "reverence".

Although the surveillance system gave him the title of "Human Emperor", Wei Keng has no intention of becoming an emperor. As long as the people here are vigilant, there will always be seeds for independent advancement.


Wei Keng said to everyone: "I can descend a lot this time, but I want to know, how much I descend is most suitable for the development of current civilization?"

The second plane war has ended, and on the void plane, millions of guards are waiting to evacuate.

The energy test for the generation of organic matter in the Pandora field has also been completed on the Pandora plane. The information enthalpy consumed during delivery to the main world can be reduced to one hundred thousandth compared to when Wei Keng first arrived.

The scale that Master Wei can come to now is beyond imagination.

Wei Keng: "Comrades, for me, how much I can exist in this world depends on how many things I need to do in this world. If hundreds of thousands of people come and crowd into a cage, it will make me miserable.


This world is very vast, but I want to complete this cooperation with you in the rejuvenation of mankind. I don’t want civilization, a cause that can last for thousands of years, to lose the remaining energy to develop on my own because I tried too hard.

As a life, everyone will grow old, but civilization is a longer-lasting great cause. So please give me an indicator of how much is needed now."


Under Wei Keng's gaze, Sun Xiangyang discussed with people from various departments.

However, this issue that should have limited the upper limit of the amount of Wei Keng invested has turned into a heavy increase as each department emphasized the difficulties of the work.

Yes, for the unified control area as a whole, the number of Wei Keng cannot be too many, but for each department and each work, the speech of each department has gradually become: lack of people (difficulty in explaining), important people (see

Emphasis on the rationality of one's own department when others complain), robbing people (involution)...

After a few hours of statistics, various departments have to advance their plans for more than 20 years. They lack at least more than two million high-quality young and middle-aged labor force. Wen Neng can do experiments, and Wu Neng can carry dozens of kilograms of instruments upstairs.


After studying hard for a long time in school, how many East Asian women can hold paper materials as big as a computer case?

However, the weight of the smallest detachable subsystem of most large-scale instruments used by high-tech engineers is still designed based on the lifting capacity of prime-age men.

Not to mention that Sun Xiangyang's face turned dark, Wei Keng immediately shouted stop. Wei Keng began to beg for mercy from the department: "I can come to two million, but you really don't consider the possible social impact?"


At this time, Bai Linglu also added to the chaos in the monitoring space. He opened a pop-up window and sneered at Wei Keng at the venue: "What consequences can there be? For development and construction, the more fools like you there are.

The better.”


Wei Keng's personal demands for the social security department in the unified area were very simple, nothing more than the guarantee of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and the freedom of network communication.

When asked about marriage, Mr. Wei shook his head directly and waved his hands, saying that he didn't need it. Wei Keng: The figures he made were of higher quality than most girls in this plane.

Therefore, the young and middle-aged male labor force that does not require marriage, can self-regenerate, is not disabled, and has knowledge and physical strength, does not need to be matched with women to build families and maintain stability. This is a completely side-effect-free driving force for social development.

By the way, in East Asia in ancient times, this was how the male baby boomers of a certain generation were used.

This chapter has been completed!
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