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Chapter 7.02 Come Gently

 When intelligent creatures begin to cognize, they will have the concept of "rules", and when describing the "rules" of their own cognition, gods are born from this gathering of information.

There are countless worlds in the multiverse, and there are various races and civilizations in each plane.

No one god can dominate all planes, but all can create the world under their influence.

System: "The multiverse plane that life forms in this area consider themselves to be is limited to a universe where quantum information entropy increases slowly and physical rules are approximate.

That is to say, the arcane masters in this area are accustomed to only include the plane where primitive magic exists, and we (the main world) are outside the scope of their understanding. Perhaps it is the "physical premise" that they do not want to pay attention to.



"Primitive magic" does not exist in the main world. Although arcanists claim to have a high level of knowledge, they will not masochistically pursue knowledge in the "arcane desert" conditions of the main world.

Just like in ancient times, all countries claimed to develop high technology, but most of them were waiting to purchase part of the technology chain from countries that mastered high technology. No one asked for trouble and imagined being blocked and contained.

A complete industrial chain has been developed.

The so-called "original magic power" refers to the ability of "all things to store information" under the animistic theory of this plane.

This is a place where the physical conditions are very different from the main world.

The inequality of energy, the regular arrangement of matter, and the orderly distribution of magnetic fields in space are all information, and chaos is an increase in entropy!

The "information" in the arcane plane will not "increase entropy" and return to chaos as quickly as the main world.

For example: In the main world, human common sense is to forge a piece of iron today. After it cools down, it will be difficult to find out the information about the piece of iron before forging and the forging process by comparing it with other irons.

But in this kind of magical "multiverse", after you forge a piece of iron, the information of this forging will continue to be preserved in the quantum entanglement of all microscopic particles of the substance.

At this time, as an arcanist, you can pinch the piece of forged iron and inject your thoughts into the iron, and you can see the superimposed and interlaced traces during forging.

If the blacksmith has skills, he can make the forging marks form a non-conflicting superposition, so that the "metal stress" can be stored, and then the "stress" can be turned into a sharp edge on the sword blade and bounced to the opponent. Of course, it can also be made into a weapon that can

Weapons that store magical effects such as "fire" and "ice".


Clarence plane. This is a "middle plane". Of course, the plane understood by the arcane world is actually another planet discovered after quantum shuttle.

This world is composed of four continents, and only the main continent can provide human beings with the ability to develop civilization.

The area of ​​the arctic continent in the north is similar to that of the main continent, but it is cold all year round. Only in the summer months, patches of pasture will grow on the edge of the sea for the poor reindeer to eat. At other times, this land

They are all ruled by frost. And the residents living there are all extremely strong creatures.

The Purgatory continent to the east of the main continent has only one-tenth the area of ​​the main continent and is more like an island. There are countless volcanoes on it, erupting flames every day, and magma flows from the surface and then penetrates into

Underground. But this Prigot volcanic ash only covers this continent, and the heat is also limited to this area.

It is said that this continent used to be very big, but it angered the gods, and more than 90% of the land sank into the ocean. Now it is constantly cracking and flowing with flames. The scope is only 10% of the original size, and only some sinners are burning in this

suffer eternal torment in the world.

But according to information from explorers, there are more lava creatures on it, and demons seem to be rare. Maybe these explorers have never explored the center.

As for the main continent, the overall shape is like a pear, with the main mountains on the east side and the plains on the west side, so most rivers also run from east to west.

Hurricanes from the Western Ocean periodically make landfall in the south in March every year, then gradually move northward, ending in the north in September and returning to the ocean.

Typhoons and hurricanes on the earth are probabilistic. But the hurricanes here are very punctual, almost as accurate as the seasonal solar altitude angle.

Observers in the main world marveled: The path of the typhoon will not change, and the intensity of the wind and precipitation are quantified every year. This shows that the natural weather of the entire planet is so orderly. - The quantum entanglement behind the material world

There is a huge stabilizing valve at the level.

Mortals in this world are accustomed to this, and believe that if these quantities change, it is most likely that the gods have made adjustments.

The weather here is extremely favorable, and it also nourishes many countries on the continent.

The human world is concentrated on the plains in the western half of the main continent, and there is a small dwarf country in the eastern half. As for other places, if you can't meet anyone for miles across mountains and ridges, you are lucky; if you are trying to build a wall in one place,

, then congratulations, you may have mistakenly entered the territory set by an intelligent monster.


These days, advanced monsters will not run around just for a bite to eat. They will draw a circle in a place and wait for something moving to come in. Then they will use mental induction to make it crawl into their own cave and eat the meat.

Eaten with life energy, the soul is stored in the stone, waiting for some soul merchants to come and buy it.

Therefore, there is often a plot like this: many adventurers, after wandering for a long time without being able to get out, see a flash of light in the river, go over and pick up a gold coin. Soon they will be "lucky" to find the second one, and then...

I will be lucky enough to find the third one, and finally I will pass through the fog and come to a certain cave entrance in the mountains - well, then it will be gone.


To the south of the main continent is the Southern Continent. Its shape is a flat oval, and its total area is one-third of the main continent.

There are some settlements on the northern coast of the southern continent where humans and demihumans are mixed, but that's all. There are more pirates here.

As for the further south, due to the lack of moisture from seasonal hurricanes, many areas receive only 200 millimeters of precipitation per year. It is also very hot near the equator and is covered with all kinds of tall and tough thorns.

There, like multi-headed ogres who drank irradiated water, they sang and danced with their bare buttocks in hand, welcoming guests from far and wide to join their carnival - but they hope you'd better join their grill.

Oh, by the way, there are some weird organizations here. For example, in the main continent, every year there are bone-trembling undead wizards who are chased by the paladins of the gods of order. They board the ship to the south to join.

The "Hut of the Dead" organization, which "freely studies life", continues to study the mysteries of "life and death". Well, this place with simple folk customs may also be used as material for research.


The wind blows for 3556 years

All the arcane mages received an obvious oracle, that is, in the next three hundred years, the times will undergo drastic changes.

Although the arcane mages don't know exactly what the so-called big change is, according to what the oracle's issuer said, it can be known that this will be a revolution in knowledge and an era of glory for the arcane mages.

In the year 3560,

A baby was born in the Northern Egg Empire, the Lotry Territory, and the territory of the Grand Duke of Gillis.


When Master Wei came out of his mother's womb.

Surprisingly, I actually have the ability to think.

Then, in this state where it was difficult to open his eyes, an attribute table popped up in front of Mr. Wei.

Karet Chessing.

Race, human (note: the source of life remaining in your bloodline gives you a basic lifespan of three hundred years)

Strength 3 (Note: As a baby you can't even beat a cat.)

Physique 14 (Note: You will not get sick, and you will be full of energy if you bleed a little blood. Be prepared to be fed trace amounts of poison since childhood and train your poison resistance)

Sensitivity 6 (Note: Your little arms and legs haven’t grown yet, so you can’t change diapers by yourself)

Intelligence 13 (Note: With Su Hui, you can currently use your brain)

Perception 12 (Note: Although you can’t see with your eyes and can’t hear with your ears, you can already detect the good intentions and malice of the servants in your territory. Please make reasonable use of cries to warn against poisonous milk powder, snakes hidden in diapers, etc.


Charm 14 (Note: As the only one in charge of the Chexing family, even if your mother is just a maid, no one dares to show you sex in public. Well, you can be more arrogant, come on, kick your legs, and enjoy

Take a dip and show off your shooting ability)

After reading the attribute table, Wei Keng was stunned and cursed in his mind: "What the hell is this!"

Of course, then I felt a little panic around me, and suddenly realized, oh, I seemed to have been breathing with my mouth open and not crying.

As a newborn with the appearance of a middle-aged person, he cannot stand up and walk nine steps, pointing up to the sky and down to the ground, shouting: "I am the only one in heaven and on earth."

Then Karit Chexing burst into tears with a cry.


two years later

Karit (Master Wei) was lying on the crib, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

After two years here, all attributes have increased by one or two points.

In terms of charm, her pink and tender face looks very cute.

In terms of physical constitution, I stopped wetting the bed two months after I was born. The system gave me a method of vomiting and urination. As long as I practice it regularly every day and feed at a regular time, I can defecate accurately to the minute.

As for writing, I learned it all when I was bored in the crib. Mr. Wei couldn't help but be a little surprised by this, because he didn't learn English so fast in the main world. It can be seen that this intelligence bonus is really useful.

During this time, he also figured out his situation.

His cheap father was some kind of prince. He failed in his bid for the throne in the royal capital and was exiled to the north. But according to Wei Keng, this libertine who spent his days living in debauchery probably didn't take the country seriously either.

Why is he a swinger? After Karit (Wei Keng) was born, counting the third day, he felt this daddy coming. In two years, they met no more than ten times in total, and they all went out to have fun.

. As for the fact that he seems to be tinkering with something dangerous recently, Wei Keng always feels an evil aura when he sees him.

As for the current emperor of the Chexing family, he is his uncle and younger than his father.

In order to seize the throne, this guy married the Duke of Golden Blade in the south, so he was a strict henpecker. It is said that he took Duan Yu's father's script and created four cousins ​​for Wei Keng in a row. As for whether he can create a cousin to inherit the empire

, Well, it is said, just said, that the queen seems to be unable to give birth.

It is estimated that the Egg Empire will have a female emperor in a few decades.

What~ Can Wei Keng, with his identity, inherit the throne? Theoretically, he can, and when he was born, the imperial capital was eager to verify the purity of his bloodline. After the verification was completed, it was said that they would consider taking him back to the imperial capital.

However, Mr. Wei thinks it is impossible.

Politics is not only about legality, but also about rationality.

Now that the imperial court is dominated by the forces of the Golden Blade Duke, how could they give in when it comes to royal power? This world does not have the perfect patriarchal system like Zhu Yuanzhang's Emperor Ming's ancestral teachings.

Moreover, the old king of the previous generation had some illegitimate children, and these illegitimate children were much more talented than Caret's father, and they had obtained titles through military exploits.

As the current actual decision-maker of the empire, the Duke of Golden Blade can completely support the empress to ascend to the throne, and then let the empress marry her illegitimate sons to ensure the purity of the empire's bloodline and at the same time protect his position as a powerful minister.

Wei Keng speculated on the worst possibility: "I can't guarantee that my front legs will be taken away by the imperial royal family, and then I will be cursed and become an eunuch."

In recent times, Mr. Wei hated the uncertain paths of "young people should not be tied to learning" and "young people starting their own businesses". When faced with temptations, he was unable to achieve anything.

So, a year ago, when the empire came to hug Wei Keng, Wei Keng cried as soon as he moved to his home. He cried so heartbrokenly that he coughed up blood (Mr. Wei bit his tongue and bit out the result).


Narrator: The system had a debate with Wei Keng on this matter.

Because according to clear information, the Duke of Golden Blade actually wants to keep the throne in the orthodox bloodline of the Xingche family. The adoption of an illegitimate child cannot be justified in terms of nobles who attach great importance to inheritance. Moreover, he is one year old.

Children appear to be easy to control to the outside world.

But Wei Keng, the boss, firmly denied it and immediately expressed his unwillingness to gamble!

Qin Xiaohan tried his best to persuade: This is not a gamble, we have gods to provide you with novice protection. In the world of gods, gods can read everyone's information, including inner thoughts.

If you want to hide your thoughts, unless other gods intervene. And your own consciousness (Wei Keng) is linked to the sub-state godhead, and behind you are the gods from the main world. It is impossible for others to interfere.

But when it comes to this, Wei Keng still chooses to stay home.

Mr. Wei: You decide your own territory. Now when you hum, someone will bring you a urinal, and when you open your mouth, someone will come over to you. Why should you go to the imperial capital to be someone else's spare tire?

Wei Keng felt the urge to urinate again,

Operating the zero-level spell, dragging his butt with the mage's hand, Mr. Wei stood next to the cradle, took a look at the cat in the corner 1.5 meters away, spread his legs to reveal his water gun, and stabbed it towards the cat.

Spray a few drops on the cat's head. After the cat gets up and stands guard at the door, turn the "muzzle" to apply fertilizer to the flower pot next door.

After solving the problem, Wei Keng lay back on the bed and entered the dreamland. Oh, he had a sweet dream of rubbing fireballs.


Another year later, at the age of three, Carrette was already able to speak fluently.

He can also read and like to go into the study room. Although he has not yet revealed that he can use spells, he is still a very cute child.

In order to avoid being scolded if he said something nice, Wei Keng first took the initiative to go to the "Madam" to say hello, and then to his biological mother.

Although it makes the birth mother a little disappointed, if she shows that she is close to her birth mother and away from her wife, she may end up like "Liu Ruyi and her mother".

This Karet's biological mother is not a fuel-efficient lamp. In the first year of Wei Keng's birth, she saw that this woman who was born as a maid no longer avoided the lady, and acted too "neither humble nor overbearing".

The appearance of the trump card shocked Wei Keng.

The Grand Duke of this territory is not someone who cares about feelings. For many years, this "scumbag" has been able to ignore the lady's grievances and have fun, so it is naturally impossible for him to care about the death of the maid who "gave birth to a son".


The madam is by no means a good person, even though Carret goes to pay her respects every day as a filial son. This woman still smiles and feeds herself the pie, always mixed with the feces of her parrot.

Wei Keng speculated in his heart: He was treating himself as a cheap daddy's little paper man, poking and poking at him to vent his grievances.

Of course, Wei Keng had a smile on his face and seemed to bear these grievances without knowing anything.

Mr. Wei knew that after the lady vented her anger, she would not accumulate anger and think about giving poison to herself and her biological mother.


On his third birthday, after dealing with everything, Wei Keng hid in his house, read a book, and practiced zero-level spells one by one.

Due to the infinite format sequence linked in his consciousness, Mr. Wei has now added all eight major series of zero-level spells to the skill bar. - Now three years old, Wei Keng's intelligence is 16 points, and he can count six times in five seconds.

A system of three-dimensional third-order equations with digit solutions.

There are more and more pop-ups in the system, all of which are urging me to hurry up and take on the mission of Destiny Child.

Wei Keng stretched out his little hand, crossed out these pop-up windows in the air, and whispered: "Hey, there's no rush."

This chapter has been completed!
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