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Chapter 7.05 Industrial Regulations

The industrialization process is a process of social collaboration.

In this process of social collaboration, some sacrifices will be made. In the history of the industrialization development of the earth, a large number of grassroots people have been sacrificed.

In the competition for mobilization power between the two wars, the grassroots level was squeezed to the limit and could no longer improve efficiency. However, in order to win the war and to dig deeper into efficiency than their opponents, middle management and upper-level capital holders made in-depth efforts.


But in this world! How can top-level arcane mages and ordinary workers at the bottom maintain a viable cooperative relationship?

Wei Keng: The "degree" between the relationships between various elements determines whether this arcane plane can create an "industrial society."


The biggest problem now is that just as the spirit can affect the main material world, arcana is created in this plane.

The negative accumulation of the spirit, when fed back into the material world, will cause strangeness and mystery.

When industrialization proceeds, there is exploitation, and exploitation leads to negative mental emotions.

In the face of exploitation and oppression, workers in this plane do not have to forcefully destroy machinery.

In the process of working all year round, they have accumulated negative emotions towards upstream and downstream work. It only takes an extreme event to arouse their grievances occasionally. There is a high probability that a "mysterious incident" will occur on this production line.

Once such weirdness is spread, it is like a breach in a dam. With the blessing of spreading from person to person, it becomes uncontrollable.


Therefore, in the past, arcanists who mastered technology did not employ people in order to eliminate unstable factors.

Those high-level mages who master the Seven Rings directly use structures to maintain the production line.

Well, some mid-level mages with a low moral limit, no no, I should say no moral lower limit, in order to maximize efficiency and break through the technical threshold, directly let the soulless suture monsters be consumed on the production line. (They will purchase corpses regularly.


As for mid-level arcanists, apprentices are directly used for scientific research.

The relationship between a regular mage and an apprentice can be that of a primary and secondary school teacher and a student, with guidance and care.

As for the informal mages, it is the relationship between some professors and graduate students in modern times. For the sake of his research, if you are exhausted at your post, he will not shed a tear, but will only complain in his heart: You can't use it.



The final addition is: In a world where gods control the rules, there is no such thing as a golden mean.

Arcane mages either abide by the commandments, or are found not to abide by the commandments, and are beaten and killed by the fanatical believers of the god of order, which completely destroys them.

After all, in the eyes of the mage, there is nothing more important than promotion. Obeying the order of the gods is to some extent a shackle in the "truth exploration process".

Gods are wise, but the mortals who rely on the gods have a narrow perspective. Moreover, for the sake of power, they will exclude unknown things and limit arcane laws.

If the benefits obtained by obeying the order will help to advance, then you will always abide by it. But if you are rejected by the order, then you still need to control it?

On the southern continent, arcane mages are the freest. It is said that it is common for arcane mages there to deal with forbidden mysteries. They can rub demons every year.


The topic returns to industry.

As a god, you have to lay down rules! Of course, if you make rules, you have to be familiar with them.

If the rules set conflict with each other, even those who were once gods will have to fall. For example, some of the Old Ones are the incarnations of gods that are not suitable for the times and have been sealed.

Based on the basic physical rules of this world, how should the conflicts between various levels of mortals be resolved in the process of industrial collaboration?

As an industrial god, he must find a way to eliminate "the negative mental impact of ordinary people participating in the industrialization process" in a broad sense. He cannot cover it up with the success of "individual cases".

Regarding this point: the system proposed an optimal path for Mr. Wei.

However, after Wei Keng read this "praise the God of All Machines" method, he was obviously a little repelled. Wei Keng: "I don't engage in pyramid schemes."

Faced with Wei Keng's attitude, the system also gave a clear response: "Then your path will be very difficult, and may even be so big that it is impossible to achieve."


The development of industrialization requires the concentration of resources.

That is to say, everyone involved in industrial production can recognize that collective resources are allocated by the core, and it is reasonable for them to not participate in the distribution.

The God of Knowledge database linked to Wei Keng's godhead, as well as his own database, began to deduce again.

Many unscrupulous methods have been deduced, such as games and various entertainments, to distract the attention of the middle and lower classes, and then they are no longer obsessed with distributing dominance with the middle and upper classes.

Wei Keng: Giving "pacifier fun" to the lower-level people, the upper-level people's model of controlling actual power is very unreasonable. Drawing pictures and so on is essentially to provide a basis for lies!


In the end, Wei Keng chose the most difficult and least likely method. He tried his best to adjust the distribution to be fair.

Wei Keng: "I know it is unrealistic for everyone to influence industrial decision-making. But the wealth and power produced by industry are actually returned to everyone in various forms, which is the sustainable way."

Wei Keng: According to the Eastern Industrial Development Model, everyone in the industrial chain must have a consensus!

Develop industry on the basis of this consensus, teach the "dragon-slaying art", and let the entire system self-examine contradictions in the development competition.

System: But this comes back to the original difficulty. In this plane, we can build a consensus between mortals and extraordinary beings. I really think too much.


Of course, the current Wei Keng is not an absolute idealist. He also defaults to the fact that the "implementation of ideas" depends on reality and decides to take it step by step.

But fundamentally we will never take the path of rapid progress.

The model of "driving people into factories and then hanging them for some low-level entertainment" was defined by Mr. Wei as a crooked way. At the end of the day, entertainment is the lowest-cost "chemical bliss" for the rulers.

Wei Keng: "If you engage in that thing, you can't guarantee that you will fall into the evil order and work for Bane (the god of tyranny)."

If you can't build a very large factory with tens of thousands of people now, then you can build a small factory with a few hundred people.

Don't rush to make cross-generational breakthroughs, first integrate the existing craftsman team, insert modern regulations one by one, and strengthen it.


The wind lasted for 3573 years.

In Xian Ge Ling, the air hammer began to fall heavily. With this "soulless" forging, some equipment was gradually forged into shape.

The efficiency of this forging is strictly determined by the impulse of a standard weight (483 grams) times 8.34 (the gravitational acceleration of this planet) times ten standard scales (about three meters).

The reason for determining this standard: Once this marked amount is exceeded, there will be abnormal energy overflow, and abnormal mechanical damage will occur to various operating parts that are not enchanted.

During the normal blacksmithing process, energy exceeding these impulses will reverberate in the blacksmith shop.

An experienced blacksmith will adapt to the impulse and integrate it into his own muscles. Of course, this type of blacksmith is a regular professional and is rare. However, if the energy overflowing from forging can be guided through mental power, it can be integrated into the interior of the iron to form

Runes! That’s a master-level blacksmith.

Even a mid-level lord could not hire a blacksmith like this!


Wei Keng: “All materials can be forged industrially, but things like runes must be guided by spirit!

Spirit is the only tool for forging runes, and this tool is connected to everyone's soul and cannot be standardized like mechanical parts."

Without spiritual runes to stabilize classical physics, there would be no "constant stability" in machinery.

Not only in the forging process, but also in other production and scientific research activities, the same problem exists.


So, musket?

In the scientific research center equipped in the factory, boxes with noble carvings were opened one after another.

13-year-old Carret put on a white appraisal gown and looked at the pattern seriously.

Wei Keng took out a gun barrel. This was the gun barrel in his family's treasure house. It was said that it came from the hands of the dwarves.

Wei Keng performed what was probably a first-level identification technique. He looked through the inside of the barrel and saw a large number of three-dimensional rune structures inside. These runes were formed based on forging lines. The forging lines were obviously struck manually.

, this is completely a handicraft.


People on the side could not help but marvel when they saw the light shining on Wei Keng's hand and the secret of forging inside the steel structure being illuminated.

Not in admiration of the gun barrel, but in admiration of the heir to the Xingche family for his amazing arcane talent.

He is only thirteen years old. Most of the mystics at this age who are on the path of pursuing truth are still apprentices, but this young seeker of knowledge is already able to use a variety of first-level spells at his fingertips.


The butler on the side said: "Master, this is Master Borest's work." As soon as he opened his mouth, Wei Keng interrupted: "Mr. Rosen, no one can question your erudition, but I want to read the introduction.

Before reading the book, carefully observe these works."

Butler Rosen is a living encyclopedia. He can memorize the origin of every item in the mansion's inventory.

Unfortunately, his supporting role for Wei Keng is not great. The system is more encyclopedic than him.

Of course, even if it is a system introduction, Mr. Wei rarely looks it up right away. He also reads it by himself! Because it is the first time to use his own thinking to look at it, and he can derive a variety of his own ideas.


The musket must be equipped with runes, and each part has a simple rune structure.

Otherwise, when the gunpowder burns in the barrel of the gun, the fire element will dissipate!

This is the quantum world. It is very common for energy to travel through matter in a quantum state.

After the gunpowder energy escapes from the barrel, only part of it will be converted into the kinetic energy of air expansion. Under the energy level constraint, most of it tunnels out of the gun bore and causes flame burns to the holder. Please note that it is a flame burn, not a gunpowder burn.

Burns occur because the elements are penetrating and penetrating the skin.

The restriction on the development of firearms and weapons in this world is that materials do not restrain enough energy, and the barrel and firing chamber must be enchanted.

Sometimes the means of restraining gunpowder energy does not necessarily only include runes. For example, it is better to use the bones of some mysterious creatures as the barrel of a gun than to forge it.


There are special cases like this in the system list:

In the southern continent, SH bandit leaders will hold single-shot muskets. These muskets specially reduce the charge and increase the mass of the projectiles, so that the range of the projectiles is only within twenty meters.

If a certain single-shot pirate musket is a common item used by a very cruel pirate who is famous at sea.

In addition, the pirate continued to use this firearm to kill his opponents and execute traitors during his lifetime. In the end, he himself died under this firearm, forming a legend.

Then this gun will form a spiritual force centered on the soul of the pirate leader that escaped when he died. This force will be immersed in the gun barrel material, and the ability to restrain the fire element from tunneling through the barrel will be stronger.

In this way, the amount of charge can be increased.

Over time, countless dead souls are entangled in such gun barrels.

The mysterious power accumulated on it will squeeze the energy of the gunpowder explosion. At the same time, the spiritual energy of the barrel will be contaminated by the bullet as it fires, forming the skill effect of "Wailing Souls".

However, such an item, while restraining the elemental power of gunpowder, will also affect those who come into contact, requiring them to have a sufficiently high "mental immunity" ability. Because it requires a high level of willpower from the user, this "Pirate King's Gun"

"They are often ominous things.


After the appraisal was completed, under the frown of the butler on the side, Wei Keng directly dismantled the firearm and sorted the parts one by one.

Then inspect each part one by one.

Wei Keng lamented: "Is energy dissipated?" This world is stuck in the basic physical rules of the cold weapon age.

If you become a god and establish rules, the form is basically to have the Industrial Temple consecrate key industrial materials in batches.

Wei Keng couldn't help but feel a little funny when he thought about the situation of his own temple system.

"Ring the bell once!

Push the lever to activate the piston and pump!

Ring the bell twice!

Press the button to start the engine, ignite the turbine and breathe life into it!

Ring the bell three times!

Sing in unison to praise the God of Keng!”

Wei Keng's sexual behavior was like a little coward's, but it finally came to an end because of the reminder from the butler beside him.

Mr. Wei's intelligence and agility are both so high, and he can still drool at the corner of his mouth while thinking about it. He is obviously thinking about something more complex than a mortal's ability, and he can't concentrate enough to care about himself.

Of course, the reason is that Wei Keng's character likes to stay in his comfort zone and be a mortal without any scruples.


Meanwhile, about five hundred kilometers to the southeast.

In the capital of the Egg Empire, inside the palace is probably a private meeting room.

The middle-aged Emperor, the Duke of the Golden Blade, and the knight captain of the paladin profession were seated here.

His Majesty the Emperor looked a little embarrassed after reading the information about the Northern Territory investigated by the Holy Warriors.

The brother in Rhett's territory was a life-and-death enemy when he was fighting for the throne, but after he sat on the throne, the constraints on the king's power were the church and other nobles.

Xingche Xigese, the throne he now holds has 50% of his power removed compared to the previous one.

And now, if his brother of the same blood is suppressed, it means that the royal family will be further affected.

But there is conclusive evidence in Rhett's territory that the lord there is about to change.

Emperor: "How is my little Carret?"

Knight Commander: "Your Majesty, your nephew has left the scope of evil rituals after 68 years. He is talented and intelligent and is favored by the gods."

This chapter has been completed!
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