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Chapter 7.11 The Road to the Royal Capital

 The wind has been blowing for 3576 years.

After discussion in the Aig Imperial Capital, they finally gave the charter for the northern territory, which meant that the royal family would take back ownership of the northern territory, and then recall Karet to the imperial capital to teach him until he reached adulthood before making any arrangements.

The reason for the Royal Family of the Imperial Capital may simply be that Karet is too young to be able to grasp the infiltration influence of many factions on the Northern Territory. They want to take charge of this land until he reaches adulthood.

In fact, the royal family of the imperial capital compromised with the powerful ministers.

The decision-making in the imperial capital suddenly poured cold water on the prosperous cause in the north, eliminating many of the legitimacy of Karit's actions in the territory.

When the envoys from the Royal Capital of Egg arrived in the Fresh Song Territory, Lord Karet's legitimacy disappeared.

Although this turmoil will not interrupt the cooperation between Karet's industrial lords and the small and medium-sized lords for the time being, as time goes by, the lack of authority and the desire of these small and medium-sized lords to take advantage will develop.

In order not to have the effect of "a tree falling down and the hozens scattering", Carret had to respond to the Imperial Capital's decision by saying "I am not happy".

Wei Keng has now been promoted to the seventh ring, and is far stronger than most seventh ring mages. He has at least six kinds of seventh ring spells engraved on his mental power, but this identity cannot be exposed now.

The 16-year-old Seventh Ring Master looked like he was carrying a heavy burden.

In this world of extraordinary power, any existence of a god's companion, before it has completely grown into a demigod, will attract the covetous attention of those who have not yet become gods, but are crazy and courageous.

So on the surface, Karet is a second-level mage with a mentor who is a high-level arcanist.

Wei Keng wrote in the system memo: The identity of a second-level mage can make barons and lords respect each other, and viscount-level lords treat each other with courtesy. However, it is not possible to effectively rule such a large territory. But hundreds of them,

What about the industrial group led by thousands of mage apprentices?

It seemed that Wei Keng's sudden shock was too much.

The system prompts: "Did you ignore the charm value given to you? You can use the eloquence skill." Wei Keng: "I don't have the habit of instigating others."


Before the Imperial Capital escort team arrives.

Caret readjusted on the territory.

All the lords were entertained with a banquet without wine, only boiled water and fruit plates.

A lot of business has been finalized: all water canals will deliver water in all seasons, and the supply of chemical fertilizers will have clear prices. At the same time, the industrial loan details have also been clearly determined.

Carret: I have the ability to borrow money from you and will pay it back on time. I also have the ability to protect the supply chain and will strictly follow the time stipulated in the terms.

Since they are no longer their lords, they might as well discuss business.

The newly opened land by the Industrial Party was except for the reclaimed land within five kilometers near the canal. Most of the newly opened land was the land reclaimed by these lords, and even crossed the boundaries of their own territories.

Carret made it clear directly: the acquisition of grain output from these newly reclaimed lands must be coordinated by his family, otherwise, water and fertilizers will be tightened. This made these lords nervous, and they had been watching the "Imperial Capital vs. Northern Territory"

They were "operating", and now they suddenly felt that the pressure was being shared on themselves.

Therefore, at the meeting, some lords immediately began to crumble, declaring: "We support Carret's succession as lord." The subtext was that if Carret needed them to protest against the imperial capital's order, they would stand together.

Of course, such a "support" statement will not make Wei Keng relax his attitude. Now he does not want to win over these losers at all, but rather pushes the losers out and endures the wind and rain.

Mr. Wei has no intention of completely falling out with the Imperial Capital: Then what's the use of their verbal support.

Only Mr. Wei has directly turned against the Imperial Capital: their support is only useful, but now he has no chance of winning against the Imperial Capital. How many of them are really die-hard?

Mr. Wei's history knowledge is so-so, but I remember that this is how Zhang Xun was deceived.


Wei Keng had no intention of continuing to maintain any meaningful alliance with these nobles.

In particular, you have to pay for the daily costs of this covenant.

Rather than letting them sit back and watch the situation, playing both sides of the situation, it is better to shrink the strategy and let these guys on both sides bear the cost of such an order from the imperial capital.

As for whether they will turn around and fight back? Uncle Wei, who owes money, wishes they would not be moral first.

Wei Keng's basic base for his own people is the Industrial Party, which currently has many Austrian apprentices, seven industrial parks, and large agricultural mechanized farming areas that have been opened on both sides of the canal.

This is something I can hold on to! Even if the empire continues to send new lords, I can't take it away.

The personnel and core resources of the industrial zone are in the hands of the organization and the technical class (currently only Caret).

What's more important is that the empire can legally deprive a lord of his territory, but cannot confiscate the wealth of arcane mages!

Regarding arcane mages, according to the traditional practice of the royal capital, the lords can only raise taxes and use the price of raw materials to purchase magic items.

The Egg Empire has an empire in its name, but it is different from the real empire.

Only the dynasty of the First Empress of Qin in China can be considered an empire, and imperial power is executed by officials who are ordered to do so. As for other local forces, they have to lie down when facing the executive officers, otherwise they will rebel and wait to be executed by the Nine Tribes.

As for the kingdom! That is the restriction of the big lord to the small lord. The big lord bestows glory on the small lord. The small lord has the obligation to turn over finances and taxes and provide troops. After meeting these two obligations, the big lord cannot send people to kill the small lord.

The tax officer of a lord. The tax officer of a big lord is not a "court official". He has no authority to change the tax amount of a small lord at will!

Because to change the tax is equivalent to changing the obligations. To change the obligations, the big lord can only talk to the small lords personally and talk to the small lords with the attitude of a big family.

As tax officials who were not within the feudal system, they were not qualified to cross ranks and punish the nobles who were dependent on the king.


In Egg's system, arcanists are also allowed to build factories and cities in the deserted areas of the kingdom. Compared with the nobles, the residences created by these arcane mages are not hereditary.

Therefore, Karite's limited militia, which is still in its infancy, cannot fight against the feudal system, but it can take advantage of the system's loopholes. Egg's system cannot mobilize all its strength to suppress you.

In this case, the regulations of the imperial capital are not all bad for Wei Keng. Carret's hereditary territory has been deprived, and theoretically he no longer has the obligation to worship the great lord.

There is no obligation to the family territory, but there is still a royal status. When tax officials come to collect taxes, they may have to bow first.

As for Karet delaying taxes or bargaining over magic taxes, claiming that this is property created by his mentor? The tax collector can only be cautious when dealing with a high-level arcanist, and can only take the meaning back.

However, the royal capital has very few means that it can use both publicly and privately.

Karet has his own organization of arcanists. He is not some down-and-out nobleman who was forced into debt by a businessman with a contract. He even has money to maintain an army!

Since then, the only way the Royal Capital has restricted the industrial city (Arcane Territory) built by Carret is through the identity of the patriarch of the imperial royal family. The status of feudal relationship is used to demand Carret's obligations to the family and the empire.

, to provide wealth to the family as much as possible.

As for what is the extent of this ‘within one’s ability’?

If the royal family demands too much from a high-level mage's apprentice, the arcane mages in the kingdom will feel bad about such a case.

Arcane magic pursues the truth. The territory of arcane mages has priority in supplying magic items to the empire, and provides the obligation of the mages (employment relationship).

But there is no obligation to serve the imperial rule. Even if Karet has a noble status, as long as it is a hereditary territory, the kingdom's tax collection will be paid by the arcane territory, which makes the arcane mages feel that the boundaries have been violated.

So to sum up, the dual identity of the Kariteo mage and the royal family will cause quite a headache for the Aige royal family and the powerful factions in the imperial capital in the future.


Karit looked at the small and medium-sized nobles in the territory with a smile, thinking about looking at a batch of green leeks.

Drawing a clear boundary with them is a stop-loss strategy to prevent continued "blood loss".

After Wei Keng drew the line on the account, he directly gave him a date and took out the fertilizer stamp, water stamp, and grain stamp.

The kind-hearted Master Carret will not treat these former followers badly. The nobles who owe him a lot will exchange the IOUs for this year's quarter and then send them back. As for those who still want it in the future, then just follow the instructions honestly.

business contract.

At the end of the meeting, Wei Keng picked up the boiled water and said to the nobles: "Let's drink a drink. Although I will not be your lord in a few months, I hope our friendship will always last."

The nobles of all sizes raised their glasses insincerely, looking at the young Master Carret in front of him with pure hair, bright smile, and rosy cheeks (Mr. Wei blushed), they toasted unevenly: "May friendship last forever!


Mr. Wei had an interesting way of reading and writing attitudes using his mind-peeping spell. When he saw someone sincerely wishing him "an untimely death" from the bottom of his heart, the smile on Mr. Wei's face became even sweeter.


After sorting out things in the territory, we were ready to respond to the summons from the Imperial Capital.

The messenger sent by the imperial capital is waiting at Xiange Leader. If he refuses to pay attention to the king's order, it means that he has given up his identity as the Aige royal family and becomes a free mage who pursues the truth, but this is a loss.

There is no need to keep some things, but there is no need to throw them away, because they can be used to argue and exchange for benefits. As a person with Eastern thinking, Wei Keng is like an old man who collects rags, cans, and scraps of paper. Maybe he keeps them.

It will be useful in the future.

Now that you’ve decided to go, it’s hard work.

Karet is going to bring a few steam tanks there. The tanks are steam-powered and can automatically cock the bowstring to charge the siege crossbow.

The large crossbow arrows used by tanks are made of light metal on the inside and wrapped with special organic matter on the outside. They are loaded with sixty-seven runes, which can cause the aluminum shell metal to instantly react with oxidants, forming a searing replacement reaction.

Thermite reaction in this world cannot concentrate heat to weld steel due to tunneling and diffusion, but it is also created. With a slight modification, it can already be as lethal as the four-ring plastic energy spell (heat radiation)

The maximum charge of this thing can hurt five-color dragons. Well, the upper dragon has high resistance, so it may be a bit difficult, but most of the sub-dragons who come to the city to fight the autumn wind will die.

Such a tank should be priced at several thousand gold coins. It is comparable to the price of a dwarf's mechanical "Dragon-Slaying Crossbow". This price should be very cheap for those in the royal capital.

According to the routine of 4S stores in modern times, the maintenance, ammunition, and accessories of these steam vehicles are the major issues.

In fact, the factory price of Wei Keng's naked bike is 128 gold coins. The most expensive rune cylinder deducts the research and development costs, and all forging processes consume 14 gold coins. With various standardized forgings of the transmission structure, the price has dropped significantly. Mr. Wei's

The production efficiency is higher than that of dwarves.


In July, after Carret's creaking fleet of twenty steam cars was ready to go,

Waiting again, the imperial capital sent new escorts.

Two intermediate mages were sent from the magic tower, as well as eight knights, one of whom was a great knight.

On the cement street, when he saw this group of brightly dressed people, Carrette took his first look at the leading knight. This body of sinewy flesh was very much a 'heroic unit'. The warhammer hanging on the war horse had a regular shape.

Blue enchantment line.

Wei Keng had no doubt that this soldier with a solid war hammer could smash the tracks of his five-ton steam tank into pieces with just a few strokes, just like smashing a wooden door.

In this world, high-level warriors smashing unenchanted steel plates are just like breaking down plywood.

Carrette, who was currently debugging his strength, determined that he was within ten meters and could not move even one move.

Of course, as a master, Wei Keng's high-level teleportation technique (seventh ring) can retreat as quickly as a swordsman in the air-twisting plane.

The Nord Knight was looking at Wei Keng, who was wearing a helmet and a ceramic shell corset.

When this group of people arrived at the industrial area, they saw a large number of mechanical vehicles on the street, and they had been looking at the strange things here.

When they came to the strange Offa Tower they thought was actually an industrial building,

The high knight met Karet with the royal ceremony.

Because the gods responded to the prayers in the temple: there were many surprises along the way.

After meeting Carret, the great knight Nord hoped to set off immediately and traveled through the starry night to the Loken Fortress, a hundred kilometers away in the south. There was a teleportation array (eight-ring spell) built by the Egg Empire at a cost of a lot of resources. Return


For this purpose, they rode thirty horses at high speed. The biggest bottom line in the knight's heart was to equip Wei Keng with a carriage, taking into account the noble young master's delicate temperament.

Carret's next plan is to completely disrupt the Knight Commander's plan.

Wei Keng led an engineering team of thirty people and eight siege tanks, lined up closely on the roadside. He had no intention of taking the teleportation array.


"The sun is shining in the sky, the flowers are smiling at me, the little bird is talking about Zaozaozao, why are you carrying a pack of explosives? I'm going to blow up the school. The teacher doesn't know. As soon as I pull the string, I run away..."

"Dang, dang, dang..." Wei Keng hummed a tune, pulled out the wrench from the sheath on the side of the tank, and knocked on the outer shell, beating the rhythm.

While greeting the people around him, "Let's go~" in a cheerful tone, the Nord Knight's somewhat extraordinary impression of Carret that he had just established returned to the image of a "noble young man traveling".

The steam engine started clicking, starting what would be a long journey for the capital.

Wei Keng leaned against the armor of the tank. A hammock was installed on the armor shell, which turned the tank's bumps on the road into a pleasant sway.

The Nord knight who was following the protection on horseback seemed to think that Wei Keng had gone too far, so he couldn't help but ride his horse to remind him: "Prince Karite, your trip is being watched by interested parties from all sides, please pay attention."

Wei Keng is secretly controlling a magic puppet to carry various siren spells and cruise around. Hearing the Nord Knight's words: "Well, someone will hire a dragon to assassinate me?"

Nord said seriously: "Your Majesty, please don't joke."

Wei Keng took a breath and said: "The road leading to Boggart (the imperial capital) must be open and honest. I don't want to be treated as a consignment. I will often take this road in the future. If I am treated as a valuable item, then

There will always be people who take desperate risks. But I will run over them, and no one will be blind in the future."

Nord: "I admire your intentions, but you still lack the strength to avoid being coveted by others."

Wei Keng: "Thank you for your advice, I will try my best."

When he said this, Wei Keng looked in the east direction, where his high-level magic warning came.


Wei Keng clapped his hands. In the eyes of the escort team, this was a very dandy and wanton gesture.

Wei Keng: "All turrets are ready, with the east direction as the reference, 13.33, elevation angle 24.44, kinetic energy release third gear."

After Wei Keng's parameter command was given, the tank's turret began to rotate. Then, its steam cylinder slot loosened, and the cylinder pressure slowly released, stretched, and drove the large runner, while the mechanical runner clicked.

Start winding the bow.

As all this was completed, a warhead as long as a person's thigh and the size of a forearm was placed in the slot on the launch rail.

As the bow strings fired, ten tanks' mechanical siege crossbows launched long warheads.


In Wei Keng's eyes, the map was guiding at this time. The warhead had an initial velocity of 70 meters, and the range was exactly 500 meters.

Before the warhead fell in the air, the tail of the warhead sprayed out the high-pressure steam stored in it like a whistle. Wei Keng snapped his fingers, and the explosion began above the bushes.

Tunneling effect control allows for more flexible applications of blasting. Under the control of agent technology, the explosives carried inside these warheads spread more evenly, that is, the detonation speed is reduced, but the burning temperature spreads wider, probably

A range of fifty meters.

The entire sky above the woods instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The knights of the distant team looked at this "meaningless" scene of throwing powerful and expensive enchanted crossbows, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed, and were somewhat alienated by Wei Keng, a nobleman's fancy.

But after the first few seconds of disdain, the two arcane mages suddenly realized something! The exploding sea of ​​fire seemed to have hit something.

Something that was obviously not a deer, wolf, or leopard emerged from the burning flames.

This chapter has been completed!
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