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Chapter 7.17 Many Balances

 Maintaining local security is the responsibility of a lord. Wei Keng: "I will be responsible for settling the things I caused."

Generally speaking, the northern territory is very safe. At least at the time of Karet's cheap man, the northern territory was very safe. The scope of human activities was limited and did not affect other forces.

After November, the cold weather will take care of possible large groups of invaders, unless it is a natural disaster of the undead. Oh, even if this problem occurs, it is usually the work of the temple, and most local lords can just shout "Come on" from behind.

But this year is slightly different. With the three dams impounding water upstream, the climate environment in the mountainous area has changed, and even the animals in this ecology have become manic. In addition, the residents of various regions have gained a solid foundation.

cotton-padded clothes and iron tools, travel activities have become more numerous and extensive.

Therefore, Wei Keng understands why the goddess of sprouts no longer blesses new farmland after it is reclaimed. Human actions have changed the ecological system.

Of course, Wei Keng knew that he would make the goddess angry, but he still followed his own plan, did what he had to do, and remedied what needed to be done.

Wei Keng built an ecological cement channel for natural ecology in the area where the dam waters are separated. The cement channel is divided into a spacious road at the top, and pipeline roads below for small animals to shuttle.

This is not to please the goddess. Having offended a woman, a little concession is useless.


Mr. Wei's understanding of the way of heaven is: the balance of all things. But it does not have to adhere to the only balance according to one standard. It can dynamically change from one balance to another.

Mr. Wei Keng from the Pandora plane clearly arranged the ecology of millions of square kilometers and allowed the existence of species.

In Supervisor Bai's verbal description: Wei Keng is a "hard worker" (her report: strong-willed) who will never become docile because of praise, nor will he change his ways because of suppression.

The long-term default rules of certain planes largely allow ordinary travelers to compromise, get used to them, and finally adapt. But Mr. Wei, he can always twist some things back.


No, after Wei Keng repeatedly inspected the upstream ecological chain in the Austrian territory, he decided to suppress the natural world.

Carret began to put forward a theory to the arcane mages in the territory: a sustainable development system should be established to allow human industrial activities, agricultural activities and nature to maintain a stable, coexisting and mutually beneficial state.

In the magic projection, Caret emphasized: Maintaining a certain amount of natural forest in the upper reaches of the territory will bring various benefits to the territory's production, and use natural mechanisms to prevent wind, fix sand, and regulate the weather.

On the other hand, since locust eggs are often bred near water, maintaining large ecological systems such as forest birds, mice, foxes, and wild wolves in mountain forests can curb the possible explosion of insects from the source.

When locusts lay eggs, they may be dropped by foxes, kittens, and mice. This will reduce the number of negative insecticides from the necromancy system.

Caret has consciously designated patches of natural reserve land throughout the Northern Territory.

For this reason, Carret admitted that the party that controls the industrial production chain is not omnipotent. If human mechanical operation is allowed to replace everything, it will consume a lot of resources and capabilities in certain directions, and at the same time, it will create new problems, which will make things worse.

The problem is complicated. The gain outweighs the loss.

This type of knowledge is instilled in the mages as basic industrial knowledge in the process of popularization of education.

Industrialization must leave room for all parties involved in the conflict. Even if the other party does not understand "one's mercy", one must abide by objective rules.


The weak must abide by the rules to prevent being suppressed by the strong and cannot do as they please, while the strong set the rules to ensure balance and cannot do as they please. But how to balance them requires each one to adapt and communicate with each other.

Wei Keng: "At this time, you need to be f*cking patient."

In the early winter of 1977, the northern arcanic territories were filled with mutual incomprehension between the new industry and the natural law faction.

Some wild creatures that used to only harass the village gathered together and began to cause trouble for the increasingly ambitious Karite.

They cannot destroy the dams. All dams are gravity dams, and there are power grids where necessary. However, the main control nodes of the dams are concrete fortress-like human villages, where machinery and supplies are parked.

Natural forces began to block it.

Furbolgs and tree people with purple vines besieged the humans in the stronghold.

As the beeping steam trains passed through the sites of these upstream dam conflicts, the industrial territories began to suppress the disturbances of the jungle factions.


On November 23, a vicious conflict occurred at Bingsong Lake in the northwest corner of the Northern Territory.

Groups of soldiers wearing rubber boots got out of the car carrying muskets. Of course, there were also artillery pieces pushed down.

Neat queues formed in the jungle.

With the loud singing and the raising of the flag, the soldiers raised their muskets with indicator lights embedded in them. As the morale boosted by the singing, the indicator lights on the musket barrels turned green.

This means that the enchantment effect brought by chanting takes effect, the soldiers' mental power matches the gun barrel to a certain extent, and the gunpowder tunnel can be blocked by the mental power, reducing the damage caused by the spread of fire elements.

For a similar application, you can refer to the war drum singing of the beastmen on the southern continent to guide the spiritual power of the tribal warriors, making the metal blade of the weapon smoother and sharper. Of course, there is no digital mark, it is purely based on the experience of the shamans



"Fifty meters ahead, develop bombs, release!" the sergeant shouted the order, and at the same time waved the small flag. As the flag waved, the wind direction in front became the shooter's tailwind, which eliminated the smoothbore firearms to a certain extent.

There is no rifling and large dispersion.

In the queue, about every five people, there was one person holding a firearm and firing first. The bullets fired from the rows of guns hit the front of the queue, exploding the clouds of mist.

Although this idle shooting has no killing effect, it is a necessary step in the infantry drill written by Wei Keng. The luminous smoke emitted by the bullet spreads to a hundred meters away, and will adhere to those moving targets that hide their aura, with the effect of developing shadows.

The function of dust is to prevent ghost wolves and high-level thieves from raiding the front line.

Why don't the musketeers in Reiter use rifled guns? Or is it because of the energy level rules of this world? Metal rifling is a very unstable structure. Strong rifling may only be fired a few times before it will be quickly distorted by heat. Finally, in the barrel

Resistance is formed in the bullet, causing the bullet to get stuck.


After the developing rounds were fired, all targets were marked, and the second wave of volleys began.

After the roaring trembling sound, the recoil force was not only transmitted to the shoulders, but also acted on the mental restraint of the musketeers, roaring in the minds of the musketeers. Each soldier suffered a brief dizziness for a few tenths of a second.

But as the crisp gong sounded, the sound of alarm poured in from the heads of the musketeers like spring water.

Every musketeer immediately lifted his stun state and began to obey the order to retreat. Let the second row continue to fire. After the second row opened fire, the musketeers who were shocked by the energy of the gunpowder and were mentally shaken by the energy of the gunpowder were knocked awake by the gong.

Pull back and get on the third row.

The suppression corps maintained continuous fire.

Dozens of jungle monsters fell to the blockage of the warhead, and encountered a small mechanical trap in the last twenty meters.

These jungle beasts touched the metal lines on the ground. After feeling the vibration, these metal lines immediately entangled the beasts' running thighs.

This kind of wire is much better than barbed wire. It is concealed and light. It can be thrown on the ground at any time without affecting one's own side. It is a zero-level spell that uses the variable properties of memory metal. As for the trigger, it only needs a sound wave band to cause it to encounter

It curls quickly when touched.

The running beast suddenly lost its balance and fell to the ground with a thud.

Bullets may not have a cavity effect when hitting heavily armored units, but most of these beastmen have no armor, and very few even wear extra leather armor. They use flesh and blood to bear the puncture damage.


Half an hour later, a large amount of anesthetic was sprinkled on the open space.

The roaring beasts were captured and imprisoned in cages.

Carret had a headache about how to deal with this matter. They attacked villages and towns and injured many people. So there must be an explanation, but killing them all would destroy the balance.

On the cement city wall, the urban villagers held maces and two-handed swords passed down from their ancestors. They have been holding on to their strongholds and watching this gunpowder-smelling battle. When they saw the victory, they cheered for the arrival of the lord.

In the eyes of these simple free people, they did not know that the kingdom had taken back the hereditary territory of Karet. They only recognized that "the one who leads the troops to protect the territory now is the son of the old lord", which was already a kind of legitimacy.

The village soldiers in the town wearing leather armor and holding light crossbows paid homage to Karet, and then they envied the majesty of the mighty musketeers in battle. Of course, they also looked forward to the lord doing justice for their side.

I just want to see how these beasts that bite people in my village die.

The folk customs in the North are strong and strong. They can be loyal to people in a simple way, and they can also express their dissatisfaction in a simple way.

Don't try to educate them on complex concepts now. These balancing concepts are only for industrial cities and downstream agricultural areas to benefit.

As frontiersmen, the industrial and agricultural feedback they can receive at this stage is limited, and there is essentially no need to abide by the concept of balanced development.

So, now, it must be handled properly.


Finally, Wei Keng thought of a way to deal with stray cats and dogs.

Wei Keng: "My enemies have all been castrated."

In the short term, it will not affect the ecological balance. In the long term, it will gradually reduce the conflicts between the changed natural ecology and people. The most important thing is to shock the jungle and let them talk.


In the open space, boil the water, then bring the alcohol cotton cloth, and tie the beasts one by one on the stone platform. Then the craftsmen who have worked in the breeding farm will touch the eggs familiarly, and then tie them with ropes (to prevent blood loss,

), and then picked up the gouging knife. Then he handed it to the medical doctors next to him to sew the sutures and wrap it with gauze.

The mountain residents were very, very satisfied with this result. Of course, women would not let women watch such a scene, and they would generally pay great attention to things like scissors after returning home.


The beastmen with drooping heads were sent to the upper reaches for resettlement. Karet was ready to continue investigating.

After wandering in the dense winter forest for half a month, the Jiejiang Corps found the culprit of the conflict.

December 4th, in the sugar maple forest,

As a large net caught the giant eagle flying in the sky, after the giant eagle fell, a druid with antlers was trapped in it.

After the troops tied him up, Wei Keng communicated with him mentally.

Karet patted the Druid on the head with his hand: "Hey, as an instigator, do you think this conflict is enough?"

The druid looked at the human in front of him: "My lord, you have made a mistake against the forest."

Carret clapped his hands and nodded to admit: "Yes, our project has indeed had some adverse effects on the natural ecology, but after a comprehensive balance, we will still choose to implement our plan. Because our people need

Water source.”

Druid: "The forest needs peace."

Karit: "Well, but the forest should also think about its new position. On the contrary, I am actively thinking about the benefits of the existence of the forest to us, and trying hard to give the forest a position. Don't you think that when you think about the problem?

Is it very monotonous?”

Karet turned on the magic projection and sent a map. The map marked the current stage of the process. The industrial territory must determine the forest to be retained, and prevent forest fragmentation, leaving ecological channels for the migration of beasts.

Karet: "Now I default that you can communicate, and I will let you go back. But please know this! When we implement our plan, we are prepared to face the worst possibility. If you are not prepared to communicate with us,

Discuss new ways of harmonious coexistence, then we will conflict with each other to the limit of what one can bear."


Let’s put aside the conflict with the Druid for now.

When the team returned, Carret inspected several settlements in the mountainous countryside that had migrated to the dam area.

Wei Keng decided to recruit young people from this area to enter the mechanical school starting today. The only thing is to let them test the flying helicopter control skills. In the future, they will patrol the forest and prepare for the big fight.

Of course! In terms of ecology, we must also consider the space reserved for in-depth cooperation with druids. In some hilly areas within your own jurisdiction, logging should be prohibited to ensure that the ecology is also restored.

A place of work for druids willing to cooperate with industry.

Industrial zones and ecological zones should not be clearly divided and can be intertwined just because human forces and natural forces occupy each side.


The "Jiejiang" Corps returned for repairs, and the "Breaking Earth" Corps, which had changed defenses, was left behind by Karet, who asked them to stay for two months to spend the winter. After the garrison, they would be allowed to carry out repairs in the city behind.

As for whether the druids will launch an attack in the spring?

When Karet communicated with the Druid forces, he made such a promise: "Spring is the season for forest recovery and the production of various creatures. We will not cross the line!" This seems to be a promise, but in fact it is a threat.

"If conflict is provoked in the spring, the damage to the forest will be even greater."


After leaving the "Breaking Ground" Legion, Carret led the Jiejiang Legion back to the temporary base of Ogg Town.

Accompanying him were the knights beside him, fifteen people in total.

Although Carret provided muscle and bone flexibility exercises similar to radio exercises, as well as various techniques for athletes to lift weights and run to exert strength, as well as plenty of medicines. However, under Reit's leadership, the knights around Carret still used

Mainly small and medium-sized nobles.

This may be because their own class has good strength and bloodline, and the loyalty mentality in the aristocratic culture makes them willing to use Karit as the core.

Regarding this point, Karet cannot break through it for the time being. Compared with knights, civilians are more suitable for climbing the arcane ladder.

This group of knights are not very old. They can be said to be about the same age as Carret. They are just the age to serve as knights' attendants.

To add, they are all men. There are female knights in the north, and the nobles are also very careful to ask questions. But Master Wei accepts their reports and provides resources, but he does not arrange close work.

The reason is the charm effect. Although Mr. Wei doesn't care about it, it's better to do less than to do more. Wei Keng sincerely avoids the confusing effect, which is the effect that makes people mindless.


The small town of Aoge was an agricultural town a few years ago and was the training ground of the "Jiejiang" Corps. It is very close to the mountains and forests in the northeast and has waterways connecting to the south. It is an extremely important strategic location.

The lord here is a die-hard loyal to the Aige royal family. After the previous king went to the Northern Continent to meet Archmage Ruixi but failed, he requested to garrison the city. When Karet's father was having fun, he also spoke uprightly. It is said that Karet

The reason why he was able to leave the main castle at the age of eight, as the de facto heir, was also the result of the strong support of this lord.

Carret respected the old nobleman very much. He dug rivers and built roads in his territory, and also arranged an airship aviation port to become a major transportation route. And his son was his captain of the bodyguard.

Karet came to this old uncle and first understood the situation. Then he took his son and other attendant knights and flew towards the Xiange leader in an airship. He should deal with the man from the royal capital.


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