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Chapter 7.29 Gunfire

 In the year 3579, on June 2nd, on the Xinghui Peninsula, a wave of foamy waves surged up to the shore, and then the foam was left layer by layer, turning into a layer of white walls.

In the waves of the sea, two huge sea beasts rose up from the sea, and the waves were like submarines rushing out of the water. The iron chains wrapped around their bodies were covered with rough oysters.

From a distance, this thing looks like a super large plesiosaur. The tonnage is about a hundred tons, which is the tonnage of a blue whale. But unlike a whale, with the weight of a whale, it is just a ball of meat when it reaches land. This

After the thing arrived on land, its bones were strengthened by magic and could stand upright.

Due to its large size, its neck is covered with sharp thorns, making it look a bit like a subsaurus at first glance.

But this has nothing to do with dragons. The relationship between the two is like the difference between sloths and primates represented by humans. They just look similar.


Dragons are intelligent, and their inherited memories often make them proficient in magic.

This giant beast is obviously stupid and big, and there are some sea tribes driving it on its huge back. These sea tribes are like sucker fish, rooted on the neck of the huge sea beast, controlling it.

Let's call it a sea snake.

This is a war beast raised by the Sea Tribe. According to Miss Lanlong, there are only five Sea Tribes in the northern seas. Such behemoths have been sleeping all year round. Now that they have dispatched two of them, they have already exhausted all the current war preparations.

Called over.

Surrounding the big sea snake are a large number of sea guards half-floating in the water. Their upper bodies are covered with armor plates connected by shells. The weapons on their hands are also hung with algae brought from the sea.


The male guards of the Sea Tribe often look like muscular bodies, snake tails, and weird heads. Some are like humans, and some are like turtles. As for the women, they are more feminine.

They are Nagas. Nagas are a special group of animals in the ocean.

It was said in the information that the mermaids will enlighten the sea people, and the sea people will be infiltrated with humanoid information. Then they will become the nobles of their own clan.

According to the analysis of the main world, this kind of external infiltration information will interfere with the genes of marine organisms in a special way, causing them to generate brains similar to humans.

If the first generation of spiritually enlightened sea people mate with the stronger next generation of their own clan, they will naturally continue to become the lords and nobles of their own clan.

However, after infiltrating human genes, aesthetics will also change.

For example, if a crab becomes humanoid after enlightenment, it will not be interested in the enthusiastic female crab after it has wisdom.

Therefore, after spiritual enlightenment, there will often be interbreeding between the sea tribes that initiated each other's spiritual spirits.

For example, if a humanoid after the enlightenment of a shark falls in love with a humanoid after the enlightenment of a sea snake, they will form a hybrid.

This kind of love will not be understood by our own sea clan. The purpose of spiritual enlightenment is to make the clan appear wise people instead of traitors. If they cross each other, they will be excluded by the clan.

The sea tribe expelled by their own tribe will come to the Qiling Hall to pursue redemption, completely become the slaves of the mermaid, and give birth to the next generation with other sea tribes who are also their abandoned children.

After several generations of crossbreeding, the genes became a melting pot, and what finally stabilized was the naga, where the male was very burly, the female had multiple arms, and the regenerative power was very strong.

They are the most loyal servants of the mermaid sea clan. They are the hard-core ones.


After the sea people entered the land,

On the shore, the human villages and towns that had long been prepared for defense rang their bells, and a large number of humans fled in panic, leaving behind a lot of dried seafood and iron tools.

Ironware and porcelain are the things that the sea people value most.

To be honest, things like gold, silver, and jewelry are just like mud among marine people. A large number of shells will shed a large number of pearls every year. Gold mines are deposited on the natural ocean current seabed, and no fish is willing to pick them up.

The ironware entered the seabed with the sunken ship. If the sea tribe didn't discover it soon, they would attach gold foil to the surface to contain the corrosion and then turn it into their own treasure. Although porcelain will not corrode, it is very fragile.


The human beings retreated and the Sea Tribe's vanguard troops swam into the village. Soon, the Sea Tribe who were the first to enter the village became a bit slow and began to collect from every corner of the village.

Because the striker was so lazy,

A large number of sea tribes could not just soak in the sea water and came ashore one after another.

Since then, the whole picture of the sea tribe's great march after leaving the water can be observed.


The local knights were horrified when they saw the densely packed sea people landing on the coastline of dozens of kilometers. There were more than 200,000 people in total.

In the past few decades, only the largest invasions of the Sea Tribe can compare with the scale of today.

These local nobles vaguely remember that when the kingdom faced such a large-scale invasion of the Sea Tribe, it only defeated the Sea Tribe after retreating to the land. How can it be like today, when the Northern Territory actually tries to conquer the sea in areas and areas where the sea breeze blows?

The clans engage in a decisive battle.


The current knights in the Northern Territory squatted on the steam locomotive and spread out the map, receiving the information from the airship. While drawing the map, they made the following analysis of the current strength of the Sea Tribe.

A large number of sea people are actually magical creatures such as small fishmen. This is because the salmon in the ocean that originally devoured water plants suddenly mutated into combat creatures that grew into paws and held up bone spurs. They weighed between a dog and a cow.

time. They are cannon fodder for the invasion of the Sea Tribe, and they are used as food supply animals as they enter the land.

In all the past battles, the humans were always included in the Sea Clan's combat power system, but this time was the only exception.


At this time, twenty kilometers behind the coastline, the human corps was ready.

The number of mobilized militiamen exceeds 50,000. Of course, during the half-month training, they were still lacking in formation movements. Now they can only follow the square positions drawn with lime and perform simple position changes. They belong to the level of strong men. That is,

Because this is my hometown and I have money and food, I haven’t deserted yet.

The requirements of the Northern Army for these militiamen are to hold their positions, and when necessary, they can complete their gathering and move to other positions within half an hour.

As for the main force of the human legions, they are more than 2,000 regular legions brought from the Northern Territory and 6,000 reserve militia cadres.

On the flanks of the frontal front, fifty steam tanks have been activated, and behind the tanks is a musket phalanx composed of the former northern regular army and reserves. Compared with the local militia, these reserves are elite troops in this battle.

Under the leadership of regular sergeants, they sang war songs.

On the defensive front, whether they were reserves or local militia, each musketeer was using his pencil to follow the pattern on the barrel to carve the emblem of his regiment.

This kind of depiction has no objective physical effect, but it can allow the musketeers to focus on the barrel. To a certain extent, it can help these soldiers to resonate mentally with the muskets they live with day and night before the war, and reduce the loss of gunpowder tunneling.

The effect.

The reserve elites can currently make the bullet's energy level break through the second level, which is a speed of 350 meters per second.

As for those militiamen who have only been trained for a month, currently only a very small number of elites can make their guns break through the first energy level.

Of course, after the victory of this battle, most of the militiamen have experienced the dangerous impact of the battlefield, and their mental strength will generally be upgraded, almost reaching the level of breaking through.

(In this world where everything has information stored, ordinary people also have experience bars.)


The Sea Tribe also discovered the human defense front.

Of course, it was also the first time for the Sea Tribe to encounter a situation where humans attempted a decisive battle when their own side had just landed and was still at the peak of its power.

Then, the conch sounded, and a large number of sea anemone vanguard troops with crabs as mounts and magic tentacles on their backs began to lead a large number of murlocs and began to attack the human infantry line.


Seeing this situation, Carret asked his newly appointed Governor Robin to order the militiamen on the front to hold the line for half an hour.

Robin hadn't spoken yet, but the local veteran knight rushed to say: "Your Highness, please rest assured, this is just a test by the Sea Tribe, and no magic troops or siege turtles have been invested. The multiple barriers we have here are completely capable of

I can resist it."

Carret looked at the local nobleman who rushed to answer.

After capturing the Blue Dragon, many nobles of all sizes on the peninsula also turned their attention and began to look for partners.

However, they do have the capital to take refuge. Although the noble in front of them may have the stubbornness of a conservative noble, he has also made great achievements in the sea invasion campaign for decades.

Carrette emphasized: "For half an hour, what I want is a must! Anything may happen on the battlefield, such as a sudden summoning of a huge water element, or a weird curse. Any accident may destabilize the knight's morale.

Sir, what I want is a guarantee that cannot collapse no matter what. Robin——"

Luo Bing: "Here"

Carrette: "What guarantee will you give me!"

Robin: "The people are in position."

Carrette: "What should I do if the front is shaken?"

Luo Bing: "Transfer command, I will be at the front, while the supervising team will be at the back."

Carret turned to the noble again: "Your Excellency, Viscount, can you give me such a promise?"

The old knight drew his sword very resolutely: "I swear in the name of the Luo Xun family."


Carrette nodded and shouted to the surrounding officers: "In half an hour, all fighting fronts and all militiamen will record third-class merit, eh,~"

Carrette thought for a moment and decided to use a down-to-earth tone to appeal.

The loudspeakers began to play at various positions: "Brothers, hold on, each person has fifty kilograms of corn. The injured and their children will be sent to my canteen to provide food for three years. The fallen will be buried and the children will be taken care of."

Things. Brothers, kill these salted fishes."

When the loudspeaker reverberated the sound back and forth between the various barriers, it seemed to improve morale a little, but left the nobles speechless.

Carret is the highest noble in Aige, how come he is fraternal with the lower-level militiamen?

Such self-deprecation left many nobles at a loss as to what to do.


The first wave of war started soon. The militia captains from the north, beating gongs and speaking unskilled local dialects, picked out the militiamen from various defensive barriers and reported them one by one. Seeing the grinding

He also kicked him up and asked him to put on his helmet.

These reservists in the north are also the organizational managers who have emerged during the development of industrialization in recent years.

Such an organization also has precise statistics on units that are indispensable on the battlefield like the militia!

Each group has a number. In order to minimize the appearance of "smart people" hiding in small places and pretending to claim military merits, there will be rewards for reporting by default. Of course, if you are really not there and are intercepted by soldiers in other areas, you will need to issue a certificate.

That’s it.

The militia gunners quickly entered the barrier array. In the reserved observation port of the female wall, they looked nervously at the cold-blooded animals a few kilometers away. The sea people are very barbaric and do not have flags. Different ethnic groups have different flags.

Animal skull.

The defense line stationed by the militiamen was pushed out by steam bulldozers. It is a barrier, not a trench. This is to deal with the submergence of the tunnels by the water magic of the Sea Tribe.

The arrangement of the barriers is what the earth's guns and cannons were like after the Age of Enlightenment. They were built according to geometry, with every other section protruding to maximize firepower. The sunken area in the middle allows opponents to crowd together for massacre.


Half an hour later, the fishy smell that had just come ashore from the sea surged onto the front wall. The crabs were densely arranged on the beach, and the sound of the shells colliding with each other made people's teeth tingle.

However, the first wave of sea tribes quickly realized the defensive effects of geometrically arranged barriers after the enlightenment of the industrial age.

Aim, prepare for rapid fire, release.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang.

The musket began to fire a dense rain of bullets like a series of firecrackers.

The defensive firearms provided to the militiamen in the Northern Territory are muskets, but they are revolver-type and fire six rounds continuously.

The paper shell bullets, which are comparable to small steel rods, are stuffed into the revolver before firing. And due to the upper limit of the energy level, the bullets cannot break through the speed, so the closed and deflated characteristics of the main world revolver are nothing.

Therefore, during the firing process, a very dense rain of bullets was released in an instant.

Two-hundred-gram steel cone bullets with a speed of seventy meters per second continuously hit the shock wave composed of small Haizu of thirty to forty kilograms, forming an effective interception within a distance of fifty meters.

In order to deal with the possible crawling of the sea clan, there is a corrugated layout right in front of the position, which is very unfriendly to most sea clans whose chassis is too low.

Especially the crab got stuck when it crossed the ridge, and the short distance of fifty meters became a natural chasm.

The faces of the militiamen were scorched black by the fire elements dispersed by the muskets, but no one cared about the burning pain. Looking at the approaching sea tribe, these infantrymen, who were on the battlefield for the first time, all started operating in mechanical mode.

There were many mistakes that caused chaos, such as forgetting the cooling step of wiping the barrel with a wet rag, which caused the revolver to collapse. Therefore, the officers' yells and curses filled the entire position.


Blocked by the rain of bullets, the crabs threw away their broken limbs and finally approached within ten meters of the human front. The militiamen squatting on the barrier looked at the sea monsters wielding large pincers, and for the first time their morale wavered.

These local militiamen were farmers a month ago.

Of course, a warning to two or three positions came over the front radio: "If you flee, shoot them immediately!"

The sound of warnings and the sound of gunshots caused the militiamen on the front to return to their posts and fire. However, they soon discovered that the defensive position they were in was at a high point, and it was very difficult for the sea tribesmen to climb up and gnaw on the barriers.

The entire position is built according to wavy lines. The bulge in front of the front is an extremely high trapezoidal barrier. The recessed area of ​​the front is exactly where the two bulging barriers can block fire.

When the brainless sea people couldn't chew the raised barrier, they unconsciously went around the barrier and gathered in the depression reserved for the front line. The steam ejector and the oil barrel launched into the sky and exploded with a bang.

Finally, the concave areas of these fronts were burned into torches of death.

This kind of trap is very industrialized.


The sea anemone tentacles on the backs of crabs stacked up in front of the barrier stung some people, but the poisonous dose of one or two tentacles was not serious and only made the militiamen groan with swollen faces.

The barrier protection limited the damage of these poison ivy, but it also reminded the militia members of each group of the importance of pulling down the glass goggles and visors when the enemy approaches.


Just when the militiamen fought for twenty minutes.

Metal war drum music sounded behind the Sea Tribe - this style was completely different from that of Conch, this was a human troop.

At this time, on the rear side, the elite musketry infantry regiment of the Northern Territory had circled back and formed a skirmish array.

The black rubber boots were trampling, and there were shallow puddles of mud and water everywhere, making the sound of dense and orderly footsteps.

The military song codenamed Broken Mountain sounded loudly, and the fearless atmosphere shone.


Two hundred meters away from the watchtower behind the front line, the nobles of the Xingyue Peninsula watched the battle. They now looked at it with "uncertain" eyes.

Heatherlin put down the telescope and couldn't help feeling worried.

Heatherlin tried her best to remind her husband in a gentle tone: "Your Highness's regiment is elite, but now it is too lonely to go deep."

Robin looked at the front line and explained to his unhurried lover: "The distance reserved between our infantry and the enemy's main force is just right. The tank troops are holding the line in the middle. Even if they are surrounded by the enemy's light units, the armor can

Rush out."


The person in charge is Garder, a knight in the same class as Robin. Robin knows the tactics of his classmates.

He used a combination of infantry and tanks to advance and arrived at the Sea Tribe's first wave of right rear front.

Of course, this is three kilometers away from the Hai Clan's base camp on the back line. It seems that they took the initiative to send a small number of troops to the position where they would double-team.

It's just that as long as the troops are fast, it doesn't matter who will double-team who.


During this process, eight hundred people advanced neatly behind the tanks in a dense formation. Along the way, the steam machine guns on the tanks fired at a large number of small groups of Haizu troops. A whole tank of several hundred troops originally prepared to supplement the front line

The fishman soldiers were directly scattered by the tank's steam strafing.

In the process of advancing, everyone's bottles were filled with a large bottle of "manna" refined grain medicine, which is a substance with "extremely positive vitality".

This provides the trainee knights with half a month of nourishing medicine when they hit the bottleneck. Now it is supplied as a combat medicine to one regiment at a time. This is the heroic spirit after industrialization.

The "Breaking Earth" attack group quickly arrived at the back line of the first wave of the Sea Tribe, and then launched a skirmishing line three hundred meters away from the first wave of the Sea Tribe.

The phalanx of 800 people that was originally shrinking behind the tank suddenly spread out into a long line. This long line surrounded the thousands of Hai tribe's first wave troops who were fighting against the barrier from the side and back.

As the golden dome and black, blue and red chimney flags were hoisted, the elite musketeers began to raise their long muskets with silver patterns.

On the three-kilometer long front, guns were lined up neatly and began to output firepower. The crisp sound covered the waves in the distance.

This chapter has been completed!
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