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Chapter 7.33 The pursuit of “industry”

 The wind has been blowing for 3583 years,

After confirming the heir, the Kingdom of Aige re-ennobled Karet as a Duke, and then sent an envoy from the kingdom to give the order.

This is to appease, and at the same time, he wants to use Karet to balance the situation in the capital.

Wei Keng did not choose to "categorically refuse" the arrangement of the royal capital, but he did not respond because he didn't care much in the first place. If he made a "violent response", it would show that he cared a lot. Wei Keng

I was inspecting railway construction in the southeastern mountainous area, so I used this as an excuse not to follow the envoys from the royal capital and perform any feudal rituals.

After waiting for two days, the envoy from the royal capital recalled the rumors that Karet had returned to the royal capital twice when he was young. He determined that Karet was not familiar with etiquette, so he handed over the letter of appointment and returned.

As a veteran time-traveler, Wei Keng keeps in mind: it is none of his own business and he does not interfere with other people's affairs.

System evaluation: Don’t talk about the natives, we can’t defeat you.


After 83 years, in the Northern Territory, more and more industrial development dividends have stayed in the control area and no longer tilted towards the old power area where the royal capital is located.

The grain output in the Northern Territory has increased significantly for several consecutive years. In 1987, it successfully exceeded 70 million tons. The steam engine reduced a lot of physical work and greatly increased the surplus of grain. The output of refined grain chemicals also reached

Seven million.

The forest's oil fruit production increased, and the number of jungle druids who came to work in the human fruit forest area increased to 3,000.

Marine farming has also taken on new tricks, and the production capacity of vital raw materials, which is enough to support the blowout of mid-level arcane mages in the industrial territory, has also exceeded 6,000 tons.


As for this, the Northern Industrial Territory has adopted a relatively mild exploitation system for the lower-class spiritual sea people to replace its cruel slavery.

They built gentle nests on the seabed and distributed food with a certain life information content on land to help these low-intelligence sea people in the ocean lay eggs.

The reward is to stay in the nest and donate a certain amount of 'life quality' after spawning, after recuperating. Oh, this can be blood, or fish oil. This resource model is more efficient than slaughtering.

There is four orders of magnitude less negative information accumulation.

Are there any fish that take the bait in such a sweatshop? Yes - entire families of the middle and lower class sea people come to buy nests.

If the Northern Industry had not accepted living bodies, these disadvantaged races in the Sea Tribe, which were originally food-oriented, would have directly sold some of the individuals in the race.

Because in the past, eggs were laid under natural conditions, there were too many natural enemies, and there were too many unstable factors such as natural disasters. The weak fish were the prey of various marine creatures in the primary growth stage. The survival rate was only 1%.


In order to increase the spawning rate and larval survival rate, it is reasonable to dedicate some life quality and even remove underdeveloped eggs and young fish during the feeding process.

Regarding this model spontaneously created by the sea mermaids and the Human Chamber of Commerce, Wei Keng's mouth twitched: Why the hell do I feel a little weird.

[Human beings belong to the upper-middle-class spiritual race, and there is still an objective gap between the middle- and low-class sea people. The sea people's spiritual intelligence can be communicated simply, but it is very low-level, and 90% of it is limited to the age of thirteen or fourteen. Industrial

Most of the labor links in the chain cannot be organized to participate, so if you want to bring them to the road of industrial development, you can only assign them to the lowest end of the chain.】


The development of the foreign trade economy in the Northern Industry Territory has allowed the social welfare system to cover young people from all walks of life.

However, the supply to the royal capital has not increased. In terms of financial support system, it has almost stopped at the level of industrial countries in the main world assisting poor countries.

As for the refreshing potion, after 3585, the supply to the kingdom will reach its maximum of 50,000 bottles per year.

But it also severely impacted a wave of pharmacy workshops of the same level in the kingdom, leaving those apprentice pharmacists with no room for profit.

In the industrial field, due to the increasing popularity of basic arcana among young people, the share allocated to each industrial zone has increased 20 times in just five years.


In 3587, the Northern Industrial Party, which kept a low profile and bided its time, quietly completed an epic project.

In the middle of the continent, a 1,000-kilometer railway stretches from north to south, starting from the Northern Industrial Territory, passing through the vast and sparsely populated east of the Aige Kingdom, connecting with the Xuao Kingdom in the south, and continuing towards the southern coastline.


Along the way, the northern industrial territory used more than a thousand large steam engines and a construction team of 60,000 people to break through 67 mountains and build 87 railway bridges.

Of course, for such a mutually beneficial economic channel, the Southern Truth Alliance also sent nearly 3,000 mages to participate in key projects such as surveying and mapping and mountain tunnels.

After this railway is opened to traffic, the basic arcane consumer goods in the north can be imported into the Xuanao Alliance, and the Xuanao Alliance will give back the arcana structures above the seventh-ring energy level.

The two sides are connected and highly complementary economically.


The Northern Industrial Party must humbly acknowledge the fact that the arcane R&D team of the Xuan Arca Alliance has a huge advantage in cutting-edge basic theories. They have the initiative to define cutting-edge physical theories. This gives them an advantage at the high end.

You can discover the scientific system in the main world, and I can also discover it. There is no difference between you discovering it first and me discovering it later.

But in this world, the numbers on the physical formulas that are not known to most people fluctuate. Only the party that discovers it first makes observations and propagates it, and then stabilizes the numerical value and sets it as a constant. This means "science"

Can monopolize accurate data on high-end technology.

In the 21st century, cross-generation technology can qualitatively suppress old technology.

For example, fifth-generation aircraft in the aviation field have made breakthroughs against traditional fighters, and hypersonic missiles have made breakthroughs in subsonic anti-missile systems such as Tomahawks. This is even more obvious in the Austrian world!

Northern industrial leaders currently lack core technological initiative.

When the second five-year plan of the Northern Industrial Territory was completed 85 years later, Wei Keng made the following summary: "Judging from the efficiency of our talent training, the first group of people to accept obligations will appear in about forty years."

By educating senior arcanists (seventh ring), the self-sufficiency rate for the high-end rune industry chain will reach 30%."

Note: The high-end runes in the Northern Territory are now made by Wei Keng himself, and Wei Keng has always ignored the weight of his own abilities in confrontation deductions.

For a long time, and even in the future, the science and technology line of the Xuanao Alliance will dominate! Because they control cutting-edge scientific theorems.

Theorems are determined by "science", but the standards for large-scale application are determined by "industry".

For an arcane system, when its runes begin to be standardized, it means that the application in this field begins to be industrialized.

Industry needs to recognize that it is a follower of science, but it must still have the courage to catch up with science.


After the second five-year plan, Caret launched major technology projects, corresponding to the current cutting-edge technology of the Xuanao Alliance and began to catch up.

In the multiverse plane where Arcana is located, any material can store a much higher amount of information than the earth.

When water on earth is boiled once, the difference between the two times is not obvious. If it is boiled dozens of times or hundreds of times, the nitrogen content of boiler water is only slightly higher. But the water in the boiler here can be accurately recorded

How many times has it been boiled?

However, the process of storing a large amount of information will lead to enrichment instability. Theoretically, when this instability, called "chaos", accumulates to a certain extent, an upper limit of enrichment will be formed.

The large-scale project established in the Northern Territory is in the field of high-environment energy level processing, step by step reducing the confusion of material, processing, and design information accumulation, so that the energy can be stacked higher.

For example, in the Northern Territory's large factory No. 239, advanced solar runes are used on huge carbon-silicon mirrors. The rune-bearing materials must be accurately burned at least 100,000 times. Only by gathering the completed quantum information structure can the solar energy be absorbed.

Perfect focus will prevent leakage and risk of information radiation.

For another example, the high-precision runes used to separate substances in the air chemical plant in Area 344 have also passed 77,777 high-energy repeated processes. The entire process requires senior rune masters to use spiritual guidance rules again and again.

As for this kind of industrial production, if it continues for a long enough time, will mechanical life be born? Or mechanical ascension. Oh, theoretically yes, but this will happen tens of thousands of years later.

The most complex thing with quantum information in this world is life. Life here is not limited to organic matter.

For example, the lava life on the volcanic continent to the east has also experienced repeated circulation of thermal energy tides for countless years, and gradually developed quantum consciousness, forming hot molten life.

In the Necromancer's research, the concept of "organic matter" is not limited to matter, but also includes the etheric realm.


In the multiverse, many arcane geniuses from various worlds (planets) have pondered the origin and creation of life.

In some worlds where arcane magic flourishes, the most famous one is the Chaos Experiment.

That is, putting methane, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide in a flask, subjecting it to high temperature and electric shock for several days, finally verified the birth of amino acids.

This experiment made arcane mages ambitious and thought that they had entered the realm of gods.

They thought that if they figured out this step, the next step would be to create macromolecule proteins, and then splice the genetic code to create life. Then they would go one step further and make the arcane method a ladder to step into the gods.

Oh, in fact, I think too much. Arcanists still lack a broad perspective of observation, and they can't figure out the situation.

When these "genius" arcanists conducted life experiments, they ignored one factor, that is, the planet under their feet was a life planet. The quantum accumulation effect of life on this planet itself had an impact on the experimental results.

The various arcane experiments conducted by arcane mages on their own planet are limited.

The main world has conducted comprehensive observations on thousands of planets in the arcane plane. Control experiments have been conducted on dead planets where no other life has existed for tens of millions of years.

It turned out that the laws of life that the arcane mages thought they had figured out could not be replicated on these dead planets!

On those planets where the etheric realm is too weak, all magical structures above the seventh ring cannot be stably preserved.

And even the weakest ether realm is the result of millions of years of development of life on these planets.

How was the etheric world born? After millions of years of material circulation in the biosphere, enough material on the surface of the star accumulated a huge quantum layer during the circulation process.


According to Wei Keng’s speculation!

After the original etheric realm is formed on a planet, it will have to be protected by gods for a hundred thousand years before it can form an etheric realm that allows low-level arcane masters to release arcane magic.

After determining that a world has the potential for development - that is, the etheric world begins to be stratified according to energy levels, various magic rings can be distinguished, and primitive consciousness appears to mobilize the gap in nature. In other words, after the birth of primitive elemental life.

Gods, the great quantum beings that exist in the universe, will project complex conscious life (human-like) on such a newborn planet.

These humanoid races rely on the quantum perception accumulated by their bloodline from generation to generation to use magic. This kind of knowledge is subconsciously used. Many early primitive species such as sea tribes and tree people, as well as some trolls, are born with magic.

When these early magic species formed settlements and began to summarize magic, the civilization on the planet had developed to a mature state.

Next, ten thousand years later, probably when a mediocre race like humans appears.

Human beings' understanding and application of natural phenomena have further moved away from the dependence on racial talent, and have been passed on through summary, recording, induction, and book records, and the arcane system has emerged.


So from this point of view, arcanists below the legendary level have just embarked on the road of cognition.

If you think that you have taken a long way on the road to truth and can no longer look up to God, that is the ignorance caused by complacency after just getting rid of blind faith.

Mr. Wei: We still have to look up to the gods.

On a civilized planet, the reason why arcanists can release magic from one to nine rings is the result of the gods' hard work on this planet.

If arcanists are thrown out of these civilized worlds by gods, it will become obscure to use mental power to mobilize magic power. They can really only rely on the application of mathematical, physical and chemical knowledge principles.

If an arcanist reaches the legendary realm, he can use his own spiritual power to grade various energies in the universe. To a certain extent, he can escape from the world of gods and pursue deeper truths.

However, the legend still cannot rely on its own mental power to cross the universe, otherwise it will be destroyed due to the increase in entropy. It needs to find a deep world in the ether to settle down.

Therefore, legends will not offend the gods. If the gods of a certain world collectively liquidate their household registration, it will be more difficult than working outside.


In 1988, Karit, who was already twenty-eight years old, looked the same as he had ten years ago. His vitality was still growing as vigorously as that of a teenager, and his life foundation was thicker than that of a pure-blooded elf.

But now the Industrial Party has become the overlord of the industrialization of a large number of basic industries on the continent.

In the industrial building, Wei Keng looked through the fifteen high-energy runes that were newly applied this year. These are the scientific research results sent by several truth research institutes of the Southern Xuanao Alliance.

After another three or four years of hard work, Wei Keng still lamented: "The United Industry is still unshakable because of the Ao Alliance's superiority in cutting-edge science."

But emotion is emotion, and we still have to pursue it.


The types of runes are not energy types such as wind energy, electric energy, water energy, and nuclear energy, but energy guidance modes.

For example, electrical conduction is a path that can stabilize the lossless transmission of high-energy electricity, which is the power rune. Heat energy is divided into thermal radiation, heat conduction, and heat exchange, which are controlled by multiple runes.

The mid- to low-level runes in the north are now widely used in various aspects.

For example, in the military, comprehensive military technological changes have now been carried out.

Muskets have gradually been reduced to reserve equipment. The new energy arm cannon, which can emit energy rays at the second-level energy level and can reach the fourth level when necessary, has gradually become popular among the non-commissioned officers.

All the non-commissioned officers who have stayed in the army for more than ten years in the north and are required to stay have passed the junior and senior rune examinations, so their knowledge level is sufficient.

Times have changed,

The Northern Territory now controls the largest army of junior spellcasters on the entire continent. However, after the battle of the Sea Tribe, this army never participated in any further war.

Not being warlike does not mean that you are not good at fighting.

Aiming at the world-class level of Wei Keng, it is certain that the Xuanao Alliance has now achieved a breakthrough in high-end technology.


Wei Keng asked his staff to conduct campaign estimates every year.

In the annual military promotion codenamed "Red Sun".

Among the imaginary enemies set up, there will be nearly a hundred large mechanized puppets and twenty large floating arcane airships.

These steel puppets look like Gundams, and the rapid-fire firepower of their cannons are five-ring spells. After being charged, they can easily cast eight-ring spells.

Moreover, the imaginary enemy forces, before the Northern Industrial Territory deploys mechanized troops, will often flexibly attack their own troop storage locations and use the three energy systems of "fire, thunder, and ice" at the campaign level to tactically clear the ground.

Each battle magic effect has a lethality within a range of 500 meters. It may be a flame storm like a cloud bomb; it may be a dense hailstone the size of a human head falling; or it may be an electric storm with a range of dozens of thunder and lightning.

This first wave of battle magic will cause great damage to the "Industrial" armored cluster.

In order to deal with the battle-level arcane attacks, Wei Keng has re-equipped the main armor with two hundred tons of steel to withstand the damage of the seven-ring and eight-ring evocation spells. At the same time, the infantry has been mechanized and the non-commissioned officers have been transformed into mechanical knights.

, can maneuver and disperse, and use information technology to flexibly gather and disperse to avoid the opponent's attack.

Mr. Wei also considered that the opponent's elite infiltration troops would use high-level enchantment spells (affecting the mind) to obtain information from the prisoners.

Therefore, in the Industrial Party, a confidentiality system is implemented, that is, only the first-level plans are known, so that it is not easy for coherent information to be leaked.


Even so, so many positive responses are still unsatisfactory in military promotion.

Regarding this military push, the cool people on the other side of the system have finally seen what it means to "prevent the slightest change and prevent the slightest change"

Military report: Once the Northern Territory conflicts with such an imaginary enemy, our losses in the first wave of battles will be as high as more than 30%, and pessimistic estimates can reach 70%.

In the beginning of the war, industry must be fully mobilized within two to three days, and ten times the strength must be mobilized from the rear to supplement battle losses, and fight a war of attrition against such an imaginary enemy.

The final result of the battle, even if the Industrial Party will win, will be extremely tragic.

Such a war result made the Industrial Party extremely cautious when dealing with the power of truth of the Austrian Alliance, even though it had an advantage in all apparent war potentials.

After opening up the railway with the Xuan'ao Alliance, they are more inclined to use the economy and productivity to seek a development model that is beneficial to themselves.


After completing the measurement of high-level runes, Wei Keng was invited to the Plane Trading Building.

Science, industry, and machinery began to meet again.

At this time, in the fan-shaped area behind everyone, behind Wei Keng were seven people, all of whom were heroes recruited by Grace.

Behind Sainz were fifty-seven people, all of whom were arcane mages.

Behind Shanzhen, there were eighty-seven people, and one-third of his seats were basically filled.

At this meeting, it was decided to carry out war, immigrate to the southern continent, and project the foundation of faith power.


Shan Zhen has obtained the rights to the largest chamber of commerce in the south, and in recent years, with the Wei Keng Industrial Territory, it has been able to provide upwards of 100,000 tons of steel every year.

Coupled with the industrial territory invested and constructed in the southern region, hundreds of thousands of tons of steel supported the expansion of the maritime fleet.

In Wei Keng's eyes, such expansion is absolutely crazy. Many transport ships are only ships with steel keels and wooden hulls. Without completing the container upgrade of the shipping industry, they directly put steel into the military to snatch it.

Colony - this is indeed the gameplay of "One Piece".

However, such expansion would be beneficial to all three parties: "science, industry, and machinery," so the plan was passed at this meeting.

Machinery is now the executor, and technology will provide technical support.

On behalf of northern industrial forces, Wei Keng came up with a list of supplies that he can currently provide.

Alcohol, gauze, gunpowder, fuel, primary rune machinery, medicines - and "vital" vitamin tablets, etc., can provide 200,000 tons in three months.

Sainz is satisfied with Wei Keng's list.

However, he said something that now seems strange: Carret, in fact, among the three of us, no one has done more than you.

Wei Keng paused and explained calmly: "Everyone performs his duties."

Sainz nodded, but said meaningfully: "Let me try it in the future, okay?"

This chapter has been completed!
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