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Chapter 7.42 Error, correction.

 July 14th to 18th, Fengfuli year 3599.

The battle that lasted for four days in the south of the Aige Kingdom finally ended with the victory of the kingdom's knights, but the brutality of this battle shocked all parties on the mainland.

In order to encircle and suppress these undead rebels, the knights of the kingdom paid a heavy price. Among the most elite Imperial Griffin Regiment, 134 people were swallowed by the ghost hot air balloon. Even friendly forces penetrated the ghost hot air balloon at the fastest speed, except for the decay.

The smell of corpses and ashes from burning were found, but nothing was found.

When the Earthly Dragon formation commanded by Prince Danny attacked the undead army camp, it was blocked by a mysterious machine and one third of it was injured.

When the huge chain saws of those strange machines suddenly swung down with negative dark energy, as soon as they came into contact with the Earthly Dragon's armor, they were like cutting open a can with a kitchen knife. Then a clip suddenly popped out from under the rusty cover of the strange machines, and along with it

The ejection ejected bone residue and pinched out the internal organs of the Earthly Dragon. The scene was very bloody.


The negative energy level of these strange machines has reached the fifth ring. At this energy level, although there is no feeling of molten heat, the steel has "melted" and the lattice structure of the metal has been loosened, just like milk skin.


42 Earth Dragon Knights died in the battle. But the Kingdom's troops finally broke through the steel defense line of the Undead Corps.

However, among the ordinary pikemen, the undead musketeers caused four thousand casualties. Burning phosphorus fire, corrosive sulfuric acid, or maggots. When these injuries with different effects broke out on the victims, they almost died.

The frontal troops collapsed, and thanks to large-scale magical purification, the front was stabilized.

In the end, the rebels were completely undead in the encirclement battle, unfolded dark purple and green magic arrays, and performed the final sacrifice. Countless drill bits filled with blood poured out from the ground, attacking the human dragon formations and smashing them to pieces.

It fell into the bellies of more than a hundred dragons.

But the last magic of the undead did not save the defeat.

As the leaders of the resistance army were sniped by arcane beams one after another, the undead army eventually collapsed and disintegrated due to the exhaustion of the negative spiritual energy that maintained it.

But this time it was a real encirclement and annihilation, and no undead branch was left to break through.

The Egg Empire ended the mechanical rebellion in the south after paying a heavy price.

The Duke of the Golden Blade died in this battle. The cause of death was that in order to protect Danny, he drove the Thunder Lizard into a mysterious machine and was swallowed by the black flames after the mysterious machine exploded.

After the rebellion in the south ended, detailed news spread to the north, and there seemed to be no disturbance. It was just that the apprentices in the north discovered that their arcane rune cards had been purchased by merchants and the prices had been reduced.

However, the price reduction was temporary; within a few months, the price of these runes increased again.

The market for apprentice runes in various parts of the continent has actually not shrunk, but has become larger. The rebels took these runes and made weapons to demonstrate to the small forces in various regions on the entire continent what "the times have changed."


Currently, in the Fengfu Continent, only the "General Industrial Plan" under Carret's command includes strengthening the management of the vast rural areas outside the big cities.

In other areas on the mainland, there is no direct governance capability for areas far away from cities, including areas outside the big cities of the Xuan'ao Alliance, and rural areas are alienated from central rule.

The same is true in the overworld in modern times. If governance is not good, there will always be things like illegal guns, controlled knives, and illegal associations.

The small local lords soon began to upgrade their weapons and used these homemade weapons in battles in the countryside.

The armed fighting on the entire continent has thus entered a new era.


Regarding this battle of repression and counter-repression in the South,

After Wei Keng received the final detailed information, he fell into silence.

It’s not that I feel sorry for the resurrection of the Aige Dynasty. Mr. Wei likes to eat melons, but he doesn’t expect to have big melons every day.

It’s not that I was shocked by the death of the Duke of Golden Blade. If this old guy dies, the balance of Aigne will definitely be broken, and the Northern Territory will also be involved. But it’s not a big deal.

Wei Keng's mood swings were due to the rebel army's line.

Although Wei Keng proved in his historical evolution model that “without strong will to advance”, all historical events will eventually deteriorate.

However, the deterioration of the rebels, from victims to perpetrators quickly, and then to extremes, still left Wei Keng speechless.

While this great uprising lacks "forward movers", it also has a large number of "backward movers."


This is equivalent to the fact that when encountering unfair events in modern times, most people want an open and fair solution, but a small number of people on the Internet can take advantage of these events to deviate from the rhythm. Wei Keng, as a mediator

Ren Zhizi, as a member of the vast majority, found that in the trend of his own composition, he could only watch the trend being maliciously deflected by the "backers".

For example, every time we fight against the popular culture of island countries, radical incidents will always occur, and Jingri will seize the reason and make "reasonable" evaluations from "another angle".

When domestic brands, such as mobile phones and electric vehicles, want to promote their products, there are always "guys who have been criticized" who appear to make the trend irrational and give their opponents the opportunity to "reasonably criticize".

We are opposed to allowing pets to occupy public spaces. There are things that "maliciously attack search and rescue dogs", providing an entry point for multi-angle communication.


Industry can crush apparent enemies.

But as history progresses, you will always encounter something that wants to join you, and then seems to follow your trend, deliberately creating evil and evil, leaving behind things for other competitors to criticize.

The industrialization of the arcane world,

There will also be people with ulterior motives who make comments like this: I have also experienced industrial development and understand everything, but I always feel that there is a lack of xxx, maybe I only focus on xxx, and there is no real xxxx.

The devil mixed in the order likes to use this trick.

Initially, most of the rebels in the south just wanted to push their own car on the road of pursuing justice.

But the devil who lured the rebels to sign the contract accuses you of not being a good car from the perspective of a hitchhiker.

In this mechanical rebellion, the devils who caused trouble seemed to be on the same track as the insurrectionists, but in fact they had no intention of helping the insurrectionists push the carts. They just wanted to turn the insurrectionists into cars, then reverse them and drive them into the abyss.



Wei Keng shook his head and ended his thinking in this regard.

Continuing with the analysis on the other side: the problems revealed by this uprising.

First of all, when this great uprising finally deteriorated into madness, the power it displayed came from "industry". This is the dark side of "industry".

If a large amount of rune sealing cards hadn't flowed into the south, farmers would still be using manure forks. If a large amount of machinery hadn't flowed into the south and been viciously used by capitalists, it would have been impossible for such destructive machines to be produced on the battlefield.

Although Wei Keng did not cause any malicious damage, this was a mistake as an industrial priest.


As for "science", is it a mistake? Or is it "malicious connivance"?

Among the three major clergy, science should be the pioneer to break through the fog of darkness and superstition, industry should be the backbone to draw the vast number of people into progressive collaboration, and machinery is the accumulation of production and the embodied totem of civilization and progress.

There is a division of labor between the three parties. But in this incident, the "scientific" priesthood did not play a role in the first place.

When the resistance army grew to a large scale, the thinking concept still stayed on the small-scale peasant economy, and still stayed on the expectation of the traditional justice god!

When the temple of the God of Justice turned sideways and sided with the nobles, and the resistance army urgently needed a new belief, or a banner to rally, "science" did not appear.

If Wei Keng was negligent in his "industrial" development, then Sainz was blatantly derelict in his "scientific" development.

If Sainz really did this deliberately, then there would be another bumpy road of his own creation on his way to truly integrating his godhead.


Continuing to look back, we found that during the "Great Siege" when the rebels were suppressed by the kingdom,

The arcane radiator used by the Royal Army to curb the "food-making technique" in the city now has enough evidence to prove that it came from the Xuanao Alliance.

The principle is to stabilize carbon dioxide and hinder certain creation techniques by controlling the chemistry of the area.

On the entire continent, only the industrial areas in the north and the Arcane Alliance in Xuan'ao City can produce this kind of large-scale arcane equipment.

The Industrial Party's side is for agricultural use, such as allowing 100% of the atmospheric charge in storms to participate in nitrogen fixation and conversion. Currently, the Industrial Party's technology is actually one generation behind the Alliance of Truth. After such large equipment is exported, it still requires after-sales maintenance by the manufacturer. As for the

The maintenance-free fool-proof equipment used by the Royal Army is in short supply in United Industries' own market. It needs to import it from the Truth Alliance, so it is impossible to sell this type of equipment.

Following the subsequent "clue investigation" (occult exploration techniques), it has been determined that the arcane equipment used to suppress the southern uprising was produced by the arcane organization in the "Place of Whispers" in the southeastern part of the Truth Alliance.

In other words, the reason why the rebels were short of food and finally had to choose to make a contract with the devil was because of the intervention of "external forces".


Of course, Mr. Wei currently has no clear evidence to testify against Sainz! In other words, the information Wei Keng has is not strong enough to overthrow Sainz.

(This kind of silence often makes the plotter feel that he is perfect.)

For example, in recent times, a certain lung disease appeared around the world. At that time, countries had no evidence, but they all had suspicions about a country with the largest number of biochemical laboratories in the world.

銆愯よ瑑鍗丸 hook鄄勮佷ggong鍙嬬粰鴴戞帹 drilling鄮殑杩珺公app锛屽挭鍜阒呰合紒鐪熺壣涔韚ソ鐢锛屽紑杞︺佺锵铓嶉兘鱱Umbrella chain 楄毲扉涔︽姦鍙戞椂邂达纴杩欓噷鍙捙浠ヤ笅杞銆

Bai Linglu has already started investigating this matter. She is much more active than Mr. Wei in this regard. Moreover, her motive for catching Sainz is to obtain leadership among the three major priests.

Bai Linglu: "As for the evidence, it's easy to check. As long as you find this machine, analyze the information residue, you can find its production channel, and then find the person, and give it shelter in the name of Godhead, it will be enough to dig out the cause and effect."

Mr. Wei: "You don't have to do this. You have these evidences in your hands and can just argue with each other in the end."

Bai Linglu paused and wanted to say something. Finally, he whispered "Yeah". Bai Linglu knew that Wei Keng endured this question because he, the supervisors, had cards in their hands.


Despite Wei Keng's will, things continued to develop after the southern counter-insurgency war ended.

August 4th

Prince Danny returned to the royal capital with the troops who went south to suppress the rebellion. He was wearing a black robe. This is the mourning dress of this world, not plain clothes.

He buried Duke Golden Blade's body in the Golden Blade family cemetery, brought the Duke's relics to the royal capital, and delivered them to the temple.

The old man's death made him very sad.

This war gave him a belief that the origin of the tragedy must be ended.


Danny, wearing armor, came to the main hall and explained the experience of this bloody battle to the king, his grandfather.

When the king comforted him and asked him what reward he wanted.

The prince said sadly: "Your Majesty, I don't need any reward. I just hope that the loyal and brave warriors can rest in peace. And this disaster comes from greed. Our greed for machinery has made us forget our own people. I I hope that every year on this day, the empire will stop all machinery so that the heroic spirits on this land can spend a quiet day."

The king looked at his grandson and didn't know how to respond. After a long time, he said: "Danny, I understand how you feel. Just have a good rest."


The occurrence of historical events is the result of the participation and fermentation of many factors.

The fate of the capital city of Aige is arranged by the gods.

Therefore, when a mortal is in a crucial position, whether he wants to be a villain or not does not depend on himself, but on "fate". The arrangement of "fate" will cause some mortals to become villains inexplicably.

[Of course, some of the 'Middle Man's' have so many cards in their hands that they can't be classified as villains no matter what. But for the gods of order, this divine choice is just lying there, not making strides towards the path of righteousness.

, so I have to urge you]

Prince Danny, heir to the Xingche family, put forward an "objective" view on industrialization. His attitude immediately aroused many reactions.

In the capital of Egg, the anti-industrial forces are strong!

Most of the people in the territory of the old forces did not receive the dividends of industrialization. The dividends were eaten up by the royal family and the big nobles. The arcane mages in the royal capital, as well as the small and medium-sized nobles, were very dissatisfied. It was just because they could not openly oppose the royal family.

For reasons, these contradictions were suppressed.

Now that the heir to the royal family has proposed anti-industrialization (actually Danny did not propose it, but the crafty machinery left a bad impression on him), this wave started almost instantly.

With the circulation of newspapers in the capital of Aige and the performance of minstrels at the opera house, a wave of sound emerged.

The nobles of the royal capital raised a new voice, wanting to tax products from the northern industrial territories to make up for the damage caused by the rebellion in the southern territories.


One-third of the nobles who are now in power in the royal capital are from the new generation. They don't care whether the agreement signed between the royal capital and the northern industrial territory meant that they had taken advantage of it.

They don’t even understand the “power balance back then” and the “power balance today”.

All they know now is that when they are sick, they have to find a place where they don't feel pain to get injections and medicine. They still regard the Northern Territory as their vassal.


Under the integrated infrastructure system composed of complex systems such as the Meridian Railway and the energy network, information from various places will quickly converge.

The sudden sound in King Aige's capital quickly spread to the northern territories, followed by a corresponding trend.

The new generation of politics in King Aige are dissatisfied, and the new generation in the Industrial Party are also dissatisfied!

All the agreements between the United Industries and the Royal Capital are old agreements from twenty years ago.

The current population in the northern industrial territory is 1.8 times that of other areas in Aige. The local basic agricultural output value alone is three times that of other areas in Aige. Not to mention the industrial output value, which is almost dozens of times.

As for the military, although there has been no war for more than ten years, military exercises have been developed year-round and the technology is advanced. It has the confidence to face any force in the mainland. Even if the opponent masters a large number of "battle destruction spells".

Now King Aige appears out of nowhere and wants to collect taxes from the northern territories? I really don’t know how high the world is.

These new generations are eager to immediately cut off the aid to the Aige Capital and then end the "market subsidies for industrial product exports".

However, all these ambivalent emotions were once again suppressed by the leaders of the Northern Territory.

In August 1999, Carret, as the Grand Duke of the Northern Song Dynasty, expressed his private condolences for the death of the Southern Golden Blade Duke. He also made a promise to the royal capital to further "control mechanical safety" and implement "

"Machine Operator" grade assessment system. (Just like taking a driver's license test, you need to have a certificate)

In terms of production and sales, we will stop providing machinery to unlicensed parties.


When faced with the aggressive questioning from the central administrative staff of the industrial zone,

Having just finished the arcane experiment, Carret (wei Keng's split), wearing white work clothes, slowly explained: "When conflicts arise, all parties often have cognitive errors. Let's first put forward the things we should improve.

We should correct the mistakes first. After we deal with them, we can face the conflicts calmly. Don't worry, no one can escape the problems. The competition is who is willing to solve his own problems first."

The administrative staff criticized King Aige with dissatisfaction, and Wei Keng smiled inwardly: "As a mortal, I can't help but compete with others. Of course, I also want to compete with others, but I have to take responsibility for it afterwards. This can't be the case.


Wei Keng followed the United Industry executives' criticism of the royal capital and went one step further: "Including the Xingche family, the entire Aige aristocratic system has problems. Now they blame us for the problem, but their problems are actually bigger.


Now, I definitely don't want to admit the charges they gave me.

At the same time, when denying the charges they give you, you cannot argue with "guilty" or "not guilty." Please note that when your opponents give you judgment or multiple-choice questions, they are already covering up and distorting your claims.

Even if you win the debate and prove that "you have absolutely no responsibility and you are perfect", it is still a failure because of the lost humility. There is no perfection in this world. When the word "absolutely nothing" is said, it is a failure.

I have embarked on a stubborn path.

We must focus on the standpoint of "will similar incidents happen in the future?" and ask ourselves "whether we can respond better next time."

[When fighting with gods, you must have your own opinion. As the main traveler in the second plane war in the main world, he is completely different from those who pack up. Wei Kengtou is very iron.]


Regarding how to deal with the dark side of "industry", Wei Keng came up with his own prescription.

For example: All mechanical operations must be graded and certified before you can purchase machinery.

This is not a problem for "industry" with strong social mobilization power.

Although in industrial areas, there are tractors in almost every farmland and grain mills in every town, under industrial management, rural operators have undergone strict training under the supervision of the management officer. In Caret

When industrialization first started, the responsibility for 'safety production' rested with everyone.

After this policy is issued, these rural workers will review it again, take the exam, and get a certificate.

But what about the rest of Aigue?

Wei Keng: In the arcane world, machines manufactured by "industry" cannot be spread at will.

This chapter has been completed!
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