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Chapter 7.44 The Rise of “Industry”

 According to the historical development view of the main world, all wars after the industrial age will not be deflected by the objective will of individuals.

Therefore, after decades of connivance, it is impossible for the older generation of politicians such as King Nishizaya to try to put the brakes on the conflict through persuasion.

The conflicts between the two regions have grown from two or three hot-spot issues to tens of thousands.

Even though Danny already knew some information about the northern industrial territory, the people around him were already gearing up to take action against the north.


In this process, the old gods seemed not to be directly involved.

But when Danny made up his mind to gather military power and put pressure on the north, an oracle came down from the temple in the royal capital and chose to support the young prince.

As God's will came down, the priests in every small town in the southern territory suddenly understood God's meaning (actually: they didn't understand).

His Highness the Prince's choice has been blessed by God.


When Wei Keng in the north saw this, he took a deep breath and looked at the Temple of Justice built by Xian Ge, which was built on land donated by the territory.

He murmured: "You're going too far, right?"

In fact, Wei Keng was making an emotional judgment. He knew rationally that God was at work here, and he could not judge the current purpose.

(Following reason can make you go in the right direction, and sometimes mobilizing your emotions can make you passionate.)

Wei Keng commented on the fate of the temple: As a very important party, no matter whether it is planning in advance or expressing its position afterward, as long as the position is made clear, it will never be able to escape its involvement.

This principle is: in the recent history of the main world, superpowers instigated regional conflicts, used intelligence agencies to subvert the regimes of small countries seemingly without any evidence, and then claimed that they had nothing to do with it. When conflicts occurred, they immediately changed their "values"

Choose a side from the angle.

Although the "Justice" temple in Xiange territory does not explicitly accuse "industry" of being evil, in the conflict, since it supports the enemy, it is against it.

Faced with such a situation of bullying his superiors, Wei Keng also adopted an "objective and fair" perspective and expressed "understanding" of the god's attitude.

Just the day after the temple expressed its stance.

The Northern Governance Center established the "Industrial Bank", which extracted all the materials from the grain storage warehouses that were originally blessed by the "Temple of Justice" and transferred them to the industrial warehouses.

Hundreds of large trucks were working day and night to transport the food blessed by the temple to the newly built industrial warehouse.

The reason is not that the "Temple of Justice" is bad, but in view of: providing better financial services to the people in various industrial areas, making diversified adjustments, and steadily expanding "fair" and "just" services.

Before the priests of the Temple of Justice came to the door, the personnel of the Industrial Committee came to the door, claiming that it was by no means "to prevent the preaching of justice, but for the best operation of the industry and to open up a better path for the temples to participate in social cooperation in the future."

[Bai Linglu: "Who did you learn this official accent from?" Wei Keng: "Not from en... (Wei Keng saw Bai Linglu's eyes and swallowed it), and changed his words: "Don't the people on earth not

Should everyone know how to do it?”]

When the financial system is separated from the God of Justice, it won't matter for a few months, but over time, as it is no longer an important part of the operation of industrial society, the power of faith will be redistributed.

The God of Justice still has no new will for such behavior in the Industrial Dominion, but the priests are very angry.

The reason for the anger was that the priests in the industrial territory felt the weakening of divine magic. These priests were transferred back to the royal capital in the south.

Wei Keng: "Oh, this means 'let's see'."


In the mage tower, Wei Keng looked at the reflection of the northern industrial zone in the etheric world.

Far more exaggerated than reality, the reflections of layer upon layer of cement buildings and the densely shuttling pipelines are proliferating in the etheric world. The existing industrial facilities in the real world are not enough to be one thousandth of the scene in the etheric world.

The workers who have passed away in the past twenty years are still working in this area. Although their total number is still small, there are extremely many in this etheric world.

Before the divine kingdom of "industry" was established, these mortal souls who unknowingly believed in "industry" were still temporarily staying here.

On the Xuanao Alliance side and in the cities on the southern coastline, there are also reflections of the etheric world.

The reflective world of science is a group of bizarre buildings.

Each building is symmetrical from top to bottom, just like a mirror. The upper part of the building looks up at the endless starry sky, with stars and clouds at your fingertips, while the lower part is immersed in the deep and bottomless sea, with countless luminous fish.

Swimming in front of the glass window.

And all the scientific discoveries on the planet are in the rooms of the building. In other words, every time a new scientific discovery occurs, one of these buildings will grow taller, wider, and have one more building.



The mechanical reflection world on the southern continent.

On land, there are mechanical legs crawling, or mobile mechanical mazes supported by rolling tracks.

The people (souls) of the entire town live on this machine, collecting fuel for it as the machine moves, dealing with rust, and replacing parts.

In the ocean, there are large floating ships with towering chimneys. In the same way, the people on the ship also accompany the mechanical ships in sailing, fishing, planting, and processing boilers.

In the sky, there are hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of hot air balloon air bags combined together to hoist floating residences - each sky town also has thousands of people, who are inspected in each hot air bag every day.

The rope is secure and the ice on the canvas wings is cleared at the same time.


‘Technology’, ‘industry’, ‘machinery’, the agents have not yet become gods and do not have a kingdom of God, but they are already performing their divine duties.

This is equivalent to a young person who already has a job but has not yet bought a house. A large amount of luggage can only be placed in the warehouse next to the office.

And the possessions laid out in this way can also show everyone's preferences.

Just like the decorations in a bachelor's dormitory, the ones filled with books may be for preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, while the ones filled with figurines are from well-off families. The ones with photographic equipment and SLR lenses stored in the box must be very fond of traveling.

This reflection of the etheric world is the scene in the Kingdom of God in the future.

Judging from this reflection, ‘technology’, ‘industry’ and ‘machinery’ have a profound influence on each other.

For example, in the building of science and technology, many scientific laboratories come from the verification produced by "industry".

The population of each mechanical town in "Machinery" corresponds to the situation in the industrial city. Of course, Wei Keng's industrial park compound is designed for cooperation. The reflected world of "Machinery" gives people the impression that they must rely on the "huge

"Man-made artifacts" can create a sense of isolation in the world.

From the perspective of the amount of information,

At present, "industry" has the largest reflection in the etheric world. Even "science" has created the Internet.

The current Internet is just an empty pool, and netizens are the source of water that can fill the Internet. Currently, "industry" does not release water at the source. If "science" only connects the non-industrial population, it will only gather the power of chaos. Yes,

Only the network environment of industrial society is orderly.

When Wei Keng looked at the reflection of the "industry" he created in the etheric world, the system performed a neutral calculation.

After systematic calculations, the reflection of "industrial" is now almost 85% of the reflection of "scientific" and "mechanical" combined.

After getting this answer, Wei Keng's reaction was not that "I am so strong", but that he was surprised that "science" was only 60% of his own!

Bai Linglu responded: "This result is almost certain that 'science' must have deviated from the direction in some actions."

Wei Keng: "Is it a stone hammer?" - referring to the "scientific" malfeasance in the southern rebellion.

After the data flashed in Bai Linglu's pupils, he said to Wei Keng: "A large number of suspicious points have been found, although a key evidence chain cannot be formed yet."

When Bai Linglu said this, there was no regret that "the evidence has not been found yet" on his expression. Instead, he looked forward to it. Because Bai Linglu knew that the partner in front of him had already dug up everything about "science".

You fell into a trap and trapped that guy to death. As long as "science" is truly derelict in its duties, it will never survive the trap.

Wei Keng looked at the various "suspicious points" provided by Bai Linglu, nodded, and sighed.

Bai Linglu: "What's wrong? You won't be soft-hearted, will you?"

Wei Keng: "Why don't today's young people take the right path? I think back to when I joined the time and space exploration. Although there were people fishing for money, there was no intrigue."

Hearing Wei Keng's "self-effrontation", Bai Linglu rolled his eyes.

However, Bai Linglu still answered: "Before the First Plane War, there were a large number of high-risk areas in the space-time area. Space-time explorers are all devotees, with a spirit of sincere cooperation.

After the Second Plane War, with the increase in safe zones, the number of 'stable and decent' jobs such as garrisoning areas in time and space increased, and this led to the current right and wrong."


Why did Sainz panic about Wei Keng's excellence? Bai Linglu also felt strange at first.

After contacting colleagues in other time and space regions, Bai Linglu couldn't help but feel sympathy for "Sainz".

That is, the Mediterranean system traversal group was defeated, and a large number of former "father" level traversers panicked about the unstable future.

In the Second Plane War, the reason for the defeat of the Mediterranean system was largely due to the fact that their personnel were more solidified than those of the Great River system.

Many ‘heroes’ came from the safe plane. So much so that the number of heroes promoted in the “safe zone” is greater than the number of heroes promoted in the “dangerous exploration zone”.

This is equivalent to the fact that it is easier for officials to be promoted from "civilian positions" in the army than to be promoted to the front line at the grassroots level.


Sainz is the code within the code! His promotion in the Time and Space Administration was entirely due to his growth in the arcane plane, and this arcane plane was the safe area played by the "Caesar". The second plane war was fought

It was so intense, and he was always at the rear.

Compared with those time-travelers who are fighting each other to the death on the front line, Sainz has never seen the world.

And the origin of his self-proclaimed "Lord of Time and Space". Well, that is, the qualification of a time traveler. It is also completely obvious that this is the nepotism of Western family lineage, brought to the Mediterranean system of time travel department.

There is also nepotism here in the Great River System, but at any rate, a grassroots assessment must be maintained!

That is to say, the time traveler must do a farming task in a certain world. It will never be directly designated as the origin of the Son of God (goddess) in a world like the Mediterranean system. (Mediterranean system, there is a large proportion of female time travellers)


And the Second Plane War is over, and the good days of these back-travelers of the Mediterranean civilization are over.

Monat Caesar, the quota that was originally to be designated in this plane, was directly intervened by Qin Tianfang. Two of the original three quotas were deleted, leaving only one Sainz. The remaining two, one by

Caesar selected the "transcendent", one of whom was Wei Keng.

When the comfortable office tasks (plane stationed tasks) were laid off, people were panicked.

The substitutes have shown stronger abilities. The remaining one is afraid that he will be further laid off!

Wei Keng became the "European Qingtian native".

"European Qingtian people" is an allusion from modern times. In Qingtian County, the place where Liu Bowen was born, locals immigrated to Europe on a large scale from the 20th to the 21st century. Because they are too hard-working and capable, in the business class of small commodity wholesale, who "get up early and work hard to make small money"

It made a large number of small businessmen in Europe vomit blood. As a result, they gained a lot of ill will in Europe.

When Wei Keng first came, Sainz was very polite to Wei Keng. In terms of divine matching, it is true that "science" comes before "industry", and "industry" accumulates for "machinery".

But Wei Keng is really very capable.

Bai Linglu looked at Wei Keng and commented silently in his heart: "If you are able to fish, you are really good at fishing, but if you are able to do it, you are really capable."


3602, the end of the year.

The atmosphere became more and more anxious, and Aignet's already prone conflicts finally came to a head.

This year, in September, the rain given by the Storm God was very uneven. The rain was concentrated in the southern part of the Aige Kingdom, and the precipitation in the entire north decreased.

In other words, the industrial leaders did not receive the regular annual "favor". This can be said to be a warning from the gods to the northern industrial leaders.

But this "warning" seemed to come from the gods, ushering in the "man can conquer nature" in the northern industrial territory.

The useless dams built by the Industrial Party upstream came into play at this time, and a large amount of water was transferred directly to the north. However, this reduced the river water flowing into the south.

Agricultural production on the old side of Aige is short of water. In other words, the price of irrigation water sold this year has increased significantly.

Yes, the precipitation falls to the south, but there is a shortage of water in the south! This shows that the water conservancy infrastructure in the south is seriously lacking. In the past, large water conservancy facilities built in the northern industrial areas were used to cope with the problem by water diversion.

God just sends more rain to the south. When it reaches a certain amount, it becomes flooded.

As for why there was no water shortage a few decades ago? That's because agriculture in the south was not so developed. Nowadays, a large number of machines are cultivating dozens of times more land than in the past, and the resources required have also increased.

The old power nobles have been fighting for the past twenty years, relying entirely on God's good weather.

Wei Keng has been waiting for God to turn his back on him, and he has been keeping large-scale water conservancy projects as a necessary "card". On the contrary, there is no disaster.

Mr. Wei: "As a descendant of Yan and Huang, water control is engraved in our DNA."

All dams have strengthening rune arrays, that is, the steel bars are penetrated by arcane energy lines, which can be strengthened dozens of times instantly. Therefore, even if there is an earthquake or natural disaster, the dam will still stand. This is why no god has not used it."

The reason why "earthquake" came to test.

Although evil gods can directly send down miracles and destroy the entire dam rune, doing so would be against the rules. The gods' temples in the mortal world will also be destroyed, one for each.

"Science", "Industry" and "Machine" also have powerful gods.

And what are the plans of these gods now? We cannot judge from the superficial performance of his followers in the mortal world. Gods are gods, and believers are believers. Most of the believers are blind believers and pan-believers. But gods are absolutely rational and cannot be underestimated.

"Justice" should be able to see the outcome of the war, but it is still pushing Wei Keng in the forward direction. The supervisors cautiously speculated that they may be trying to eliminate the "residues" within themselves through war and keep pace with the times.



There is a huge water shortage in the south, and the "industry" has not completely ignored it due to the principle of limited and responsible governance. (Ansa's industry has a different attitude.)

The northern commercial and purchasing department recommended crops similar to potato and cassava combinations to its southern partners, which consume less water - and directly signed future purchase agreements.

Wei Keng emphasized his position here: "The right or wrong of industry lies in the assessment of industrial development, not in external definitions."

It's just Wei Keng's behavior of insisting on his "bottom line". In the eyes of those temple forces who try to monopolize "justice", this is a plea for mercy towards "justice".

This logic is like Thanksgiving: you are good to him, and he is grateful to the Lord he believes in. And when you do good things to him, he thinks that you are atonement, and he will do everything possible to find evidence (a tube of washing powder) to prove that you have done something good to him before.


Therefore, at this time, when the believers who stood in the temple of the old era came up with a remedial plan from the industrial leaders, they believed even more firmly: as executors of "justice", they must be completely "just" and save those in the north who have not completely fallen into evil.


Bai Linglu explained: "Mortals in this plane are all diodes at their root, and there is no room for two kinds of 'justice'. Justice is not absolute, but it is absolutely unjust. There is an essential nature with the diversity of consciousness on the other side of the earth.

The gap - in terms of the biology of this plane, the physical body of this plane is the same as that of humans, but the evolution of consciousness (soul) is too far apart."


On February 4, 3603, the Southern Capital and the North delivered a new batch of relief grains. What is particularly noteworthy is that the amount of refined grains and pharmaceuticals distributed this year was 30% more than in the past. This increase in aid was the result of the manpower deployment of Karite Dashan.

There is no poison in a decision made by public opinion.

Karit: "The original amount of assistance is not much, so it is nothing to increase it by 30%. I am giving my nephew in the south a last chance. I am also giving the last bit of face to the gods behind this world's temple." (Bai Linglu knows that this is Wei.

Keng, a cautious guy, is the last test of the order gods in this world.)

But the knights under Danny seemed to have won an initial victory. The North's concession was interpreted as hitting Carret's weakness, so why not continue to fight?

Therefore, these feudal aristocrats did not give in when things got better, but accelerated the pace of preparing for military attacks.

Four hundred thousand troops have been armed.

Such mobilization can only be accomplished by calling at local temples.

Narrator: The church's mobilization ability is a blind spot in the understanding of secular civilizations such as the East in the main world. - The mobilization ability of the Crusades is equivalent to the Eastern squires in the Ming and Qing Dynasties who could call up the squires in the south of the Yangtze River to go to the northwest to fight Ge Erdan.

, this could only be achieved by the classical dynasty of the Western Han Dynasty.

From the Enlightenment Age of the Overworld to the early modern era, all foreign military operations of Western civilization were driven by believers.

This chapter has been completed!
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