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Chapter 7.47 Battle of the Knights

 God will only send miracles in key decisive events. God will not waste His power on things where there is not even a slight chance.

What's more, on the planet Wind Touch, there is also a god standing behind Karit.

Wei Keng has prepared too many insurances, and there are large areas of defense in depth preparations behind each front.

Although the Northern Industrial Party did not form hundreds of thousands of troops, it still made arrangements for a general war to ensure smooth roads, train civilian drivers, and quickly build frontline factories and put them into production.

Even if God intervenes, the outcome of this battle cannot be changed by one or two miracles. At most, it will only cause some trouble.

God creates troubles for his believers, which is called "trials." It is out of character to create troubles for mortals who are not his believers like "flies around the ears."

In the decisive battle that began on September 20, United Industries moved first and last at four nodes simultaneously.

After the three emblem flags of "Industry, Technology, and Machinery" were planted on the broken walls of Braun City, Shaji City and Dragon Training City were also bombed by steam airships.

On the strategic map, the red group representing the north surged down from the breach like a flood, smashing the blue group representing the kingdom into pieces. Then multiple lines separated several large pieces of the blue group.

Surround it. Then quickly close it and "digest it"

On a planet with second-level faith power, God would not prepare for the inevitable historical destruction and issue several miracles in succession to save it from decay.

Oh, even if God really wants to do this, and the God of Knowledge doesn't intervene, Wei Keng can only use all his means to smash all the temples, leaving a mess and leaving.

In the No. 0 military base of Xian Geling, the unmanned combat system with the Giant Spirit God mecha as the command center has not been pulled out yet.

Wei Keng felt that that thing now relied too much on his own versatile abilities. It would be unethical to use it to bully the natives of this plane.

Well, Mr. Wei is here to guard against Sainz. Both sides are hanging on the wall. If there really is a conflict, Wei Keng: They will hurt each other!

In fact, Monat (the God of Knowledge) will definitely fight back when faced with unwarranted interference from other gods.

Monat's bottom line is lower than Wei Keng thought. If other gods try to perform miracles, he can ensure that the three time travelers are promoted to legends and will not be expelled. At the same time, he will also send more than a dozen legends to the three agents.

Be a subordinate.

Because "science, industry, and machinery" are suppressed for no reason, it also destroys the concept of "knowledge" and destroys its layout in this world.

Moreover, the Main World Space-Time Management Bureau has set up an observation point here. If the Management Bureau is caught here and fails to "responsible for the basic traveler", Monat will also be sanctioned by the World Wide Web, and the gravity well will "turn off the power and limit the power" to restrict him.

Recruit horse boys from the overworld.

In today's main world, although it is difficult for the Space and Time Management Bureau to sanction the "king-level" feudal officials who are entrenched in time and space, there is still competition among the "king-level".

At present, a large number of planes are being developed, and a large number of technologies are being applied, but the top travelers still dare not relax. Especially for those at the level of Shangqing who directly operate first-line dimensional technology, the king still has to be polite.

Return to the current war situation on the mainland.

After the unstoppable breakthrough of the four mechanical battle groups, they began to meet at the Ruixi River Plain at 6:44 pm on the 20th.

This is also the place where Karite took a steam train south to the royal capital when he was still a young boy.

After the four generals met, they held a brief meeting.

The main thing is to determine the command structure of the four battle groups and the communication system between them.

This is very critical. If a unit of the No. 11 Chapter suddenly needs firepower during combat, the nearest one is the long-range firepower of other Chapters. At this time, if it is reported to the immediate superior first, and then the superior contacts friendly forces for on-site confirmation. This

There will be delays in fighter jets!

After all, most of the time, lower-level troops only recognize their superiors, and must integrate orders to reduce the link of order transmission and repeated confirmation.

Each department must obey key orders from each superior department at any time. This is the basic practice of modern troops, but warlord troops cannot do this.

For example, the troops assembled by Prince Danny on the other side are still managed separately by various nobles. The army of hundreds of thousands is actually scattered. If one is crippled, one will be destroyed. There is absolutely no possibility of integrating the combat power.

After the integration of the command system,

The four ace corps were integrated into the First Army and began to advance.

On the Great Plains of Shiloh, as the floating delta wings left plastic energy roller structures on the road, the armored vehicles behind them slid quickly on this dirt road like a river racing boat.

The extremely tough plastic energy column allows hundreds of tons of armored vehicles to start a furious assault at a speed of fifty kilometers per hour.

There are thirty large airships with a length of one hundred meters in the sky. The propellers on the short flying wings on both sides rotate rapidly, pushing the huge airframe to follow.

Each airship carries dozens of infantrymen, as well as mechanical armor for five hundred soldiers, including a three-piece set of shoulder cannons, energy shields, and magnetic energy spears.

These equipment are prepared for the reserve forces.

The reserve force is now used to fill military vacancies at any time and to meet the security needs of the occupied areas.

United Industries' reserves are now on standby at the rear, ready to be parachuted to the front line by delta-wing aircraft.

Early morning on the 21st.

Thirty kilometers south of the Xuanguang Industrial Zone on the eastern front, the Kingdom's elite, the Earthly Dragon Knights, have arrived at the predetermined area. Compared with other noble armies still walking on the road, this Kingdom's army is worthy of its elite name.


Prince Danny looked at the brightly lit Xuanguang Industrial Zone on his dragon. In the center of the bustling city, ray lamps turned into light pillars and swayed in the atmosphere. In the south of the kingdom, there were starvation deaths every year. This made him

Very sad.

But the camp had just been stationed. News came from the magic communication network that made him silent! The Western Front had been lost.

The prince took out the map,

The Western Front is now like a rag, and the military power of the Northern Territory has poured southward along the breach like a tide.

As for where the influx is going?

The knights under the prince believe that the Industrial Party's troops may go directly south to attack the empty royal capital!

Thousands of years ago, when the ice troll tribe that domesticated mammoths in the north was still there, they did this every time they broke through the human defense line. The knights anxiously held the black chess pieces representing the industrial war group to simulate a bad situation.

Prince Danny's mind was also very messed up. He suppressed everyone's comments, calmed down, and stood up to seek God's revelation.

There are gods in this world. Gods are not just gentlemen who just watch the game and say nothing.

In all the major battles in human history, there have been many heroes who have experienced many things. These heroes have more or less received warnings from God before the decisive victory.

However, when Danny prayed devoutly for guidance, God failed to respond.

Because ~ Mr. Wei dug a hole specifically for the people of the old days. Now even these "diodes" can't avoid it with the help of God's wisdom.

If Wang ** flees now, he may be defeated immediately. But what about gathering? He will face a big siege. ~ What hint can God give?

At 7 a.m. on the 21st, the traffic officers responsible for directing the driving order of vehicles at night at various intersections in the Industrial City changed shifts.

The senior leaders of Xuanguang Industrial Zone, as well as the commanders of the 16th and 30th regiments stationed here, have been awake all night.

In order to improve wartime work efficiency, even the most basic clerks were given a daily quota of three tubes of "little freshness".

Twenty hours ago, when we received a reminder from the industrial center that Wang ** was about to turn to the east front, everyone was ordered to resolutely block it. The enemy must not be allowed to capture Xuanguang Industrial City until at least the 24th. In the worst-case scenario

, the cadres of the Industrial City are ready to relocate personnel and blow up industrial facilities.

The wartime command here immediately implemented wartime traffic control.

On the bridges and important intersections along the way, steam excavators dug out layers of barriers. The regiment's troops were on standby for reinforcements.

Such careful and meticulous preparations seemed to be facing an enemy that was as advanced and developed as oneself.

But during the actual implementation, after discussing the situation with the United Industry, the Military General Staff, and the two mechanical generals of the Eastern Front Defense Force, they suddenly felt that the preparations before the war were too rich, and the other side could afford it.

The mechanical general of Chapter 16, August (currently at the seventh level of mastery), was one of the early knights who served Karis.

[Wei Keng has never admitted the so-called "service". Wei Keng: "I have been educating those group of will-o'-the-wisp youths and providing various conditions to help them follow the right path."]

Now, when Prince Danny arrives with the kingdom's dragon army as a vanguard.

Based on the footage taken by the mechanical reconnaissance airship, Augustus felt: "The kingdom's elite troops are obviously out of touch with the main force in the rear, and the troops under his control can fight a wave."

Tiger, the mechanical commander of the 30th Chapter, also thought so, and when he made the call just now, he hoped to get August's support.

The two guys hit it off immediately, and then headed towards the Eastern Front Headquarters to ask Grace (Dragon Knight) to approve the feasibility of this plan.

At the headquarters, Grace agreed to their plan, but the two men fought over who would carry out the mission.

Just when the two of them decided to compete with each other through their motorcycle skills.

Grace stopped this mindless plan and let them decide by rolling the dice.

In the end, Augustus was given the important task of fighting against the Empire's most elite regiments.

Before the dewdrops were dried by the sun in the early morning, Danny, who had stayed up all night and was disturbed by a series of bad news from the rear, received a sudden war situation that made his heart burn.

His vanguard army encountered the mechanical army formation.

In the damp tent, Danny hurriedly rolled out of the hammock, and followed by a group of knights, donned armor and came to the front line.

Looking through the camp fence erected by the Kingdom's Arcane Mage using the "Stone Barrier Technique", the knights of the Royal Palace observed the steam tank slowly advancing toward them in the hazy mist ahead.

In Danny's farsightedness, the bodies of these steam tanks were all painted in yellow and green camouflage paint. On the square bodies, there were six turrets on the top and sides of the trapezoid.

Before he could continue to look, an inexplicable sound came from the sky, and groups of steam helicopters roared in.

This aroused the defense of the king's body, and an urgent bell rang. In the center of the king's body, dozens of vertical magic array beams shot into the sky. Each griffon was lifted up along with the airflow in the magic array.

Get into the sky and start lining up to fight the helicopters.

The air battle begins.

In order to offset the noise of the helicopter, the helicopter pilots wore soundproof helmets on their heads and communicated through electronic communication. However, even so, the long cry of the gryphon could still make the helicopter warriors feel a severe earthquake. This is already a sonic attack.


The griffin warriors who had experienced many battles began a strong charge, and when they were 120 meters away, they threw the "Magnetic Hammer".

This unified heavy hammer hit the group of helicopters, and the propeller blades of seven or eight helicopters suddenly fell off. The soldiers on the helicopters, in addition to feeling themselves spinning in the tsunami-like force field fluctuations, were even more concerned.

What happens is that the pipe connection breaks and the boiler pressure drops.

At the same time, the steam helicopters also displayed battle lights.

Encountering a sudden attack, the helicopter warriors immediately began to fight back.

A pressure relief valve of the steam engine boiler is opened, and the pipe of this pressure relief valve is connected to the "launch chamber".

The arrow was blown out of the launch tube by the steam released by "Stab".

In order to facilitate the continuity of bullet loading on the helicopter, three tubes are connected in parallel and rotate to fire.

When the mechanical air force of the United Industries approached the griffon eighty meters, they began to fire uniformly. The sharp arrows began to fire at the griffin at a rate of forty rounds per minute.

Except for the belly covered with leather armor, the gryphon's wings and feet were unarmored. Even if the leather armor could block metal arrows, it could not block the four rockets carried by the helicopters.

The sky suddenly exploded into a pot of porridge. In the first wave of confrontation, the Griffin Corps shot down six helicopters, and then the feathers of the Griffins were flying randomly in the sky.

The knights below could clearly see that some griffin knights were directly hit and lay on the backs of griffins, losing their ability to fight.

The gryphon knights who charged against the mysterious balloon a few years ago now encountered aerial warriors who were equally brave as them in charging in formation.

As the tanks' tracks accelerated, the battle line in the air became victorious.

This is because the turret of the tank can target the air. When the helicopter returned to the sky above its ground troops after the charge, the Griffin Knights were hit by beams of energy just as they wanted to pursue them!

The main weapon of the Industrial Party's "Heavy Knight" armored vehicle is an energy beam, and its auxiliary weapon is a steam cannon.

The addition of tank firepower made the knights of the Royal Army unable to sit still.

The Dixinglong Corps began to charge, trying to detour from the east side and attack the line troops behind the tanks.

August, who was on the industrial army's command vehicle, knew this. Since the other party used cavalry, he also had cavalry on his side.

"The cavalry company is ready!" He picked up the phone and gave an order to the boys under his command.

As the order was issued, one hundred and fifty motorcycles of the mechanical motorcycle company began to roar. These motorcyclists put on helmets, held up energy shields, and raised the "magnetic elastic rifles" that were still thick tubes at the moment.

A group of drone-mounted speakers inside the motorcycle cavalry began to play war music, and amidst the cavalry's war songs, the assault began."

Cavalry war song: "Prairie, Prairie"

In the fast-paced march, the motorcyclists reached a terrifying speed of 120 kilometers per hour.

In the disbelieving eyes of the Earth Dragon Knights, they saw the mechanical knights from the industrial area turning around to their flanks and starting to charge.

When both sides have magic shields, long-range magic arrows and rockets cannot cause fatal damage.

The dragon lance and the mechanical lance began to intersect with each other. The long enchanted metal rods faced each other tit for tat with the sharp thorns that suddenly emerged from the short and thick barrels like fire cans.

At the moment of the collision, some motorcycles overturned and flew sideways, while some dragon knights were directly picked off by the ejected lances.

What's more, the head of the Earthly Dragon was directly nailed with a bloody hole by the cavalry rifle.

When the mechanical knight maintains an impact formation to attack the flank of the dragon knight, it is often three against one, that is, one person's lance assassinates the dragon, one person's lance assassinates the knight, and another person is responsible for blocking.

The two armies staggered for five minutes. After the first wave of mechanical knights charged, the eighty-three knights stood out from the kingdom's heavy cavalry queue.

The king's one hundred and fifty-three dragon knight assault troops were almost completely lost in this impact. Only three great knights and eight veteran knights survived the impact. After the impact, the heavy motorcycles

The bent remains, as well as the Earthly Dragon whose heart and head were inserted directly, were everywhere.

This is an unprecedented loss for the Kingdom Knights since they formed an army. The knights in the Kingdom who have gone through strict training and examination never imagined that they would be beaten so badly by a knight who only knew three axes in these moves in the north.

According to the standards of the Royal Capital Knights, riding a motorcycle in these northern areas only counts as having passed the test in terms of physical fitness. In terms of combat skills, it can only be called a knight squire.

But Mr. Wei told them not to practice such complicated skills on the battlefield. The equipment iteration speed is very fast, just practice the most basic stabbing and driving control, and then adhere to team discipline.

Of course, Augustus, who encountered the combat power of the orthodox knights for the first time, was also shocked by the huge losses in this charge.

An entire cavalry company was lost by less than half in one charge! Egg's elite troops were so terrifying.

Augustus immediately sent an infantry column to provide advance support, trying to snatch back the injured knights.

These soldiers armed with chain saws and cannons on their shoulders had a fight with the epee troops coming from the Royal Capital Army. The industrial leaders had the advantage in equipment and the training had been going on for ten years. And the big players like the Royal Capital had

The swordsmen are also the best of the best. They have experienced many harsh battles in the Southern Undead Scourge, and have been awarded battle flags and blessed with a team aura.

After the two sides suffered casualties of 33 to 27, the two sides, unwilling to remain in a stalemate, completed collecting the wounded and retreated from each other.

The two sides reached an inexplicable agreement not to attack the person lying on the ground.

Chivalry can only be possessed by the elite troops of the royal capital. The troops of the industrial leaders must also reciprocate this quality.

On other fronts, those aristocratic warlord troops do not have this kind of quality, and of course the dirty mechanical knights don't care whether they have quality.

Half an hour later, a large number of quagmire spells appeared in front of Wang **, cutting off the battlefield between the two sides.

August's mechanical troops also blew the whistle and began to reverse and retreat. The first contact battle between the two sides ended hastily.

After touching each other, both sides had an understanding of each other's combat prowess.

Wang** decided to wait for reinforcements.

The mechanical generals on the Eastern Front are also preparing to wait for others.

Who will the next 72 hours of waiting be fatal to? For mortals, it is a gamble, but for the gods who have insight into every detail of this war, everything has been decided.

This chapter has been completed!
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