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Chapter 7.51 Where are the sunspots on the sun?

 In the year 3604, on the streets of the royal capital, the belated movement of victory finally played.

The huge square fortress chariot drove into the square, and warriors carrying chain saws and shoulder cannons entered the Royal Capital Square one by one. The neat rhythm of steel steps appeared on the bluestone tiles fused with magic.

The sun shines on this advancing phalanx of steel cans, while both sides of the street are shrouded in darkness, because the shark-painted high-altitude airships in the sky deliberately block the sunlight and cast shadows on the houses on both sides of the street.


As for the BGM entering the city, it was: The Red Army is the most powerful!


Karet didn't want to be General He Jin, and he didn't want to be filial to his nephew using Frostmourne, so when he entered the royal capital, he ordered the 01 battle group to enter with him.

Of course, this is also a heavy blow to the royal capital, a stronghold of conservative thinking.

When the Qing Dynasty understood industrialization, their first impression was that the ships were strong and the guns were powerful.

On the tower of the royal city, the king silently watched the ceremony of entering the city with great force, and drew the curtains tightly with his own hands.


Carret saw Danny at the gate of the royal capital... At this moment, he opened the door to welcome guests, wearing a knight's armor and leading a guard of honor to take over the new master of the royal city.

When the chariot arrived at the entrance of the palace, from the observation position of the chariot, Karet half-leaned out of the hatch and looked at the magnificent palace. Then he looked with interest at his nephew who was leading the team and standing guard at the door.


Carrette could tell that the young man in front of him was helpless and reluctant, but he had to assume the posture of a knight.

Under Kari's particularly meaningful gaze, Danny straightened his back, but felt scared in his heart. Because this last knight's reserve was likely to be crushed. Just like what happened to the Kingdom's Earthly Dragon Knight a year ago.

It's like bombarding the mechanical fortress in the north.


But Carrette is not what Danny thought,

Instead, he got out of the car and looked back and forth at the young knight. After gently hammering his chest with his fist, he praised: "He looks really strong."

Then he pushed him and let him lead him into the palace.

Danny was a little surprised that this uncle, who had been told as a "political enemy" since he could remember, seemed so friendly.

In Master Wei's view, every brick has a purpose. After defeating the Royal Army, Wei Keng was already thinking about how to use it, um, how to plan a way out for his nephew.

[Twenty years ago, Roxanne arranged for Karit to be her best friend, but in the end, Karit used it to assign life-long affairs to the fans. Today, the God of Justice has chosen this challenger for himself, so why can’t he be his chosen one?

Where is the spokesperson of the times?]

Walking through the corridor, Carrette said to Danny like an elder brother: "Danny, you have received all the toys I gave you when you were a child."

Danny gently pulled his visor to restrain his emotions: "Yes, uncle, I like it very much. He is in my room now."

Carret opened an arcane book in front of him, and projections unfolded between the pages. On them were new mecha models, as well as ships and chariots.

Carrette said proudly: "Let me tell you, how can a boy not have mechanical models? I will send you a new batch next week."

Danny was about to say: "Uncle, I'm an adult." In the orthodox aristocratic world view, you can't play after the age of sixteen. He wanted to remind Carrette that he was not an unethical teenager.

However, Carret pointed at the projection and said: "Come here, let me show you my current collection." Rows of projections of mechanical armor were placed in front of him, and then he touched his fingers, and the armor became reality in the space fluctuations. Of course.

, after pulling it out and putting it back, it turned into a projection.

After showing off, he gave the arcane book directly to Danny.

During the conversation between the two, they seemed to have arrived at the palace atrium, where many nobles were already waiting.

In the center of the conference hall in the royal capital, there was a vacant seat for Karet. Danny wanted to go to the other side, but was grabbed by Karet and pulled to his side. He was asked to stand behind him.


A few minutes later.

In the main hall, many nobles were silenced by Carret's straight-to-the-point speech.

Carret took out his leather boots and knocked on the table and said: "Aige's royal family inheritance remains as usual, but I am not discussing inheritance rights with you today. I am discussing the conflicts of uneven development between various regions and their solutions."

The nobles looked at the old king quietly. They seemed to want to know whether an agreement had been reached within the Xingche family.

However, Carret's uncle, the current old king, held the scepter that he was about to hand over and stared at Carret.

Carret's interest became even higher: "Establishing a constitution is more important than confirming the heir. It always revolves around inheritance rights, which shows that you have never understood my will."

Carret clapped his hands, and as a row of suspended robots rose up, before the country bumpkins present could panic about what it was, a projection appeared in the hall, and then space magic used 3D printing to print out the sand table.

As a knight in the sky, Carret swept away casually. This force from across the air, accompanied by ripples in the air, pushed aside the nobles occupying the central field.

A large amount of data appeared on the projection sand table. These data were collected from surveys this year and comprehensively displayed the approximate population, road conditions, and products of the area.


Carret stared at these nobles: "Please note that we are discussing with you now. I can discuss with you all to leave room for you. Your titles and territories will not be taken away. If it is according to tradition, please refer to

The consequences of being on the wrong side in the Kingdom Succession War.”

Karet handed a detailed treaty to each noble!

Among them is the railway agreement, which allows industrial associations to build railways freely, and the area within one kilometer on both sides of the railway is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industrial Planning.

The trade agreement levied taxes on the local nobles on the road transportation system dominated by the industrialists.

[This is obviously a reference to the treaties signed by the great powers at the end of the Qing Dynasty. But unlike those treaties of the Qing Dynasty, Karite not only wanted power, but also fulfilled its responsibilities for local governance. ]

All nobles are faced with a double-choice question. Should they take the initiative to take the initiative as a leader, or should they hand over part of the autonomy of the noble territories.


The constitution was settled in this way. Then came the "household affairs".

Karit looked at the old king behind him: Oh, it was this uncle who defeated his father back then and sat in this position. But what about today?~

Carret snapped his fingers, and a chair flashed out from the space fluctuations, then he held Danny's shoulder with a hand and sat down.

Carrette started a showdown with his old uncle: "In the new era, young people who accept new things need to be kings. Oh, my dear old uncle, don't you think you should hand over the power to Danny and take care of him in old age?"

Wei Keng, who was "imposed by a yellow robe" in other planes, finally tried to add a "yellow robe" to others. When he saw the old king's gloomy eyes scanning him and Danny, Mr. Wei felt inexplicably He felt happy, and then he hugged Danny to his side. He added: "Danny, he is my most beloved. You used him against me last year, which really troubled me."

The old king's face was already gloomy and blue, and he looked suspiciously not only at Carret and Danny, but also at his daughter Xizeya. He very much suspected that this forced marriage was premeditated.

Danny was obviously confused by this development and didn't know what to do.

He never thought that as a loser, he could still be supported and understood. The grievances he had been suppressing were like a flood that broke a dike and was difficult to stop.

Carrette used the voice transmission technique to interrupt Danny's thoughts: "Sit up straight, young people should have youthful vigor. No matter how big a failure you encounter, you always have the capital to continue trying. The old man can't do it and fails. After one time, it is difficult to correct the inertial thinking and cannot be corrected. Don't be with people who are sluggish.

Last year, you failed under a new type of war and a new type of productivity! This failure can just break the barriers in your heart and the barriers in front of you. Just get up, walk around and take a look at places you didn't know before, and you will still be able to He is a good man."


Faced with such encouragement, it came from an elder who had once been regarded as his enemy, but now tolerated him regardless of past grudges. The young prince broke his guard.

Over the past year, he has been under tremendous pressure. His mother's silent sigh and his grandfather's obvious neglect have made Danny's once proud heart become depressed and dark.

But it was Carret, this strange uncle from the north, who shone like a ray of light on him, giving him a chance to come back.

In this way, Danny, who had always lacked the support of his father's love, now faced Carrette's approval and buried his head silently in his heart.

Karet got a "good baby who listens to daddy".

After the Northern War, Carret's Charisma attribute reached an astonishing level of 46 points. Now he used the foreshadowing brought by Danny's low period of the year to persuade him at this suitable entry point, and suddenly his little nephew

The favorability reached 100%.

It's just that Wei Keng hasn't made much use of Karite's high charm when carrying out industrial development.

Because when issuing instructions and goals to personnel in various industrial departments, Wei Keng's operation always paid out real money, guaranteed benefits, and then explained the benefits and benefits.

Only today do we treat these nobles with both kindness and power.

This time at the meeting in the King's Hall, Karet was leading the whole process, suppressing everyone's opposition, and winning the victory with the support of the original backbone of the opposition.

Karite even captured the entire Xingche family.

The old king looked at everyone present, as if he understood something (but in fact he understood nothing), and admitted coldly: "Yes, I am old, and it is time to leave it to the young people."


In the year 3604, Danny went north with the 01 Chapter. As the legal heir of the kingdom designated by Karet, the various factions in the kingdom also acquiesced to this arrangement!

Danny was alone at this time and was no longer the symbol that the old group had pushed to the fore in the past. It was obviously in the interests of the industrialists that such a person could proactively accept new changes.

Danny entered the north to completely cut off his ties with the old forces.

Carret's stay in the royal capital further weakened the strength of the old forces.

In July, as Danny just walked away,

Karet started a new city planning in the royal capital. "Harmoniously" he asked the old nobles in the city to give up the land they occupied and began to build a public transportation system.

Then, he went to a place where middle- and lower-class civilians gathered in the city and investigated the living conditions here.


Again, this is why the Great River Crossers now identify the personnel requirements for many exploration areas as male.

In these slums in underdeveloped areas of the humanities, the disadvantage of being a woman is huge. No matter you are a princess or some other status, you will always receive bad looks. As long as the ladies of the Great River System still don’t give up

If you are beautiful, you can only stay in the safer position of supervisor.

But if you don’t investigate the poorest places, you can’t promote changes in the most basic places. Taking the upper-level route does not necessarily mean failure, but you must know the situation at the lower levels.


After Carret completed the survey of the small and medium-sized citizens of the kingdom, he immediately began to plan a series of light industrial factory production areas centered on them.

Steam trains carried goods and equipment from the north to the south, factories began to be built, and training classes began.

Karet is preparing to see a brand new royal capital when his nephew comes back in five years.


Of course, Wei Keng was also bored at this time.

Feng Fu lasted for 3605 years, and after completing many light industry goals such as textiles, cloth, and household vehicles in the royal capital,

Wei Keng asked the system: "Well, when will they come to mess with me?"

Bai Linglu: "Are you waiting for your sentence?" The supervisor also felt that his partner had been a little bored recently, and he started sorting out "arcane techniques" out of boredom.

Wei Keng: "Yeah, I've done what I need to do now, and it's just the right time to leave. If I continue to wait, I'll start doing new things again, and then they suddenly take me away, which will be very uncomfortable."

Bai Linglu made a form for Wei Keng: "Your charm has reached the upper limit of a mortal, but because you still have a powerful influence on the world, the excess charm has been turned into a halo."

With a radiant aura, your words will always be considered first and can become the basis for subsequent judgments.

Aura of Wisdom: After you propose a plan, your partner's thinking will speed up by 3% when thinking about this type of plan. This state can continue when they contact you every day.

Aura of Heroism Because you uphold justice and fulfill your promise to everyone that "labor can bring wealth", the people you call will have more courage and be immune to 5% of the fear and confusion effects.

Trust Halo The promise you give is equivalent to gold. When facing you, dissatisfaction and resentment will temporarily subside. All people who listen to your promise will have a 30% increase in durability. This durability can eliminate hunger, disease, and anger.

, thirty percent of the sadness effect.

There are fifteen halos in total.

Bai Linglu looked at Wei Keng: "Your current aura effect can, to a large extent, exempt you from the influence of the curse in many aspects."

Wei Keng: "Um, aren't they coming?"

Bai Linglu shook his head with a half-smile: "Oh, are you just bored, or do you think Sainz (situation) is not desperate enough?"

Wei Keng paused: "Then I'll wait a little longer, pick up some other hobbies, and wait slowly."


Wei Keng uses the "versatile" ability brought by his identity in this world (allowing him to travel back in time and space alone, diversified evolution), and the identity of the god's agent after elaborating on "industry".

"Arcane technology" developed out of interest.

In the next year of Fengfu Continent, Wei Keng's hundreds of clones used hundreds of times the time lever of his "multi-talented ability" to mobilize the projection of information from the etheric realm into reality, creating a productivity comparable to half a country.

.Completed the scientific strategic development plan implemented by multiple scientific research teams for generations.

Although the arcane technology created in this way is not as heaven-defying as the sword formation that can overturn the entire world in the later stages of the air-twisting plane,

But, it is definitely the accumulation of arcane technology trees that can support the prosperity of a planet. ~ As for other arcane mages, even if they reach legend, it will take hundreds of years of accumulation to develop. But now, Wei Keng

With the "remaining" time and available resources, I followed my own interests and followed my interests.

Do you want to say that this is the result of resources and capabilities? It is not necessarily true that farming depends not only on good land, but also on people.


Not to mention that in this arcane world, one can divide himself into hundreds of selves, act with a unified goal, and have no major quarrels or disputes. What a special soul he belongs to.

Even according to the standard of "consciousness" of a traveler in the main world, Wei Keng is also superb!

There is no concept of genius among the group of travelers in the main world.

These days, it can directly create an exclusive timeline for you, and at the same time use information enthalpy to spoil your small world. It can even directly interfere with reality to help you build abilities.

Talents that were once envied by people in the "Hollywood culture" of modern times no longer need to be envied by contemporary young people in the main world.

The contemporary young people in the main world are not competing for talent, but for "favour of destiny". That is to say, when they are in an alien plane, they are protected by seniors who are well aware of the development of the entire situation!


After the Battle of the Space Twist Plane, another Caesar Mijia once summarized the characteristics of high-level traversers:

Can generate many creative ideas for novel knowledge, and has enough self-will to promote exploration and innovation.

These promotions can continue regardless of the externally defined "value" and only because of the "eagerness" of self-awareness!

Although most of the many directions will be defined as "waste technology trees" by the world, there will always be some directions that have value that the predecessors were not aware of!

The time when Mi Jia summarized all this was just after her meeting with Wei Keng.


From the current view of Bai Linglu's team, the longer Wei Keng stays in this world, the more value he will create. It can be said that this is the peak of Wei Keng's work efficiency just after he started.

It is similar to the time when the running-in period has just ended after 80 years of fishing in the empty plane. No matter how good the food is in the early stage, the technology tree will explode in the later stage.

However, Wei Keng is determined to "stop service" for this plane when payment is due.

This chapter has been completed!
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