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Chapter 8.05 The most important thing is 'together'

 After repeated investigations into the surrounding time and space teleportation by China's top officials yielded no results, Wei Keng had been untied and allowed to move freely in Xianhe Station.

Before unbundling, within the entire Crane Station, a large number of preparatory plan materials related to the failure of the "Regenerative Body" project were deleted from the system, while the paper materials were transported away, locked into the archives, and permanently sealed.

Of course, Wei Keng also has a clear understanding of the thoughts of these contemporary people in power and knows his own value in their eyes.


During the phone call with Wei Qiong, the contemporary head of the Wei family, Wei Keng received a lot of warm greetings.

November 11

Wei Qiong: Wei Xin, you are in good condition. Have you chosen psychic power and infuriating energy? Or do you want them all?

November 21

Wei Qiong: Have you received the psychic amplifier equipment? The Qi Waidan is still being customized.

December 4

Wei Qiong: Great, your spiritual power has reached level C, but it needs to be stable. Once it is confirmed in half a month, we will arrange for you to return to Kyushu.

The above are just a few of the messages, but in fact, Wei Qiong exchanges messages with Wei Keng every day. It makes Wei Keng feel warmer...

Of course, this method of brushing the favorability level is still a bit too crafty.

Wei Keng complained: "Continuously sending encouragement on the screen halfway across the world, tsk, I'm still afraid of accidents."

The most important thing in resurrecting old celebrities is to lean towards oneself. Just like the piece of jade with the inscription "Ordered by Heaven, Longevity and Longevity", the first thing is to be "Ordained by Heaven".

Therefore, Wei Keng must acquire the concept of "amnesia" and become Wei Xin.


During this half month, the improvement of super powers was put on the back burner by Wei Keng, who acted harmlessly and reassured the people around him.

Wei Keng: When others are afraid of you, you call others "comrade" and you give so-called "suggestions", but they are actually orders. Soviet-style cold jokes appear.

After walking out of the half-meter-thick alloy protective cabin, Wei Keng, who had lost his memory, was very talkative and read books and newspapers in the laboratory. The staff also smiled and said thank you when they left. Everything was very friendly. And this kind of

Affinity is not only superficial, but also implemented in small matters.

In the sunroom, when discussing vegetable planting, how to control the light and how to adjust the temperature are all discussed in a clear and logical way.

I personally changed the manure treatment system and enhanced the three links of retting, so that the organic fertilizer can be recycled. And on this basis, I built a chicken house, adding fifteen more chickens to the small room of tens of square meters.

Laying hens. When the extreme daylight arrives, the penguins passing by are outside through the glass and see the birds of the warm continent for the first time.

As for his psychic powers, Wei Keng did not show them in front of other people in the living area.

Even when it comes to tasks like cutting glass, Wei Keng would smile and say to others, "I can do it on my own," and move the others away before using his super powers to do the chores.

Compared with the first time he came to this time and space, he was criticized by the Taoist priest of Zhengyi Sect as having a restless mind. Now Wei Keng restrains and refines his "wandering thoughts" and achieves "the Tao is not exposed externally".

But in the test area,

Wei Keng's psychic abilities have allowed him to quickly master almost all of today's "psionic" related tools.

The time earthquake plane is a plane dominated by technology, but if you dig deeper into the technology, the psychic system is very complicated.

There are two ways of using the mainstream of spiritual energy (the main method) and thirty-five special ways of using it (the side method).


These special uses (side doors) include:

1. Space-time coordinates.

After the war decades ago, the superpowers in the Americas were able to use the time and space belt to travel back in time. Now, after the equipment is perfected, they can travel in time and space. The perfect equipment here is a special time-space individual mechanical armor, a A qualified chrono-space warrior can move 150 meters in one second. The top chrono-space warrior can complete a kilometer of displacement in 0.03 seconds.

The armor Wei Keng is currently operating can achieve ten consecutive displacements within five seconds, which is at the level of an air-twisting plane swordsman.

2. Mind and will control.

Direct control of mind and will, which is a super power level, above level B. The Soviet Union once had a plan to mass-produce clones of level A mind will, allowing the clones to overload and consume their brains to form a psychic army. But it soon appeared The super power went out of control and had to be suppressed.

Now basically, it is used for equal "mental information transmission".

The spiritual information that Wei Keng can now transmit is similar to the third-level spiritual language of the Pandora plane. Shape, color, and the proportion and properties of the target liquid and solid.

[The above two items, whether it is jump combat or spiritual language, Master Wei is professional, and is derived from the huge knowledge system of the two planes. This makes Master Wei more efficient under the limited psychic scale. High, much stronger than the current side sect inheritance in China.】

3. The force field is isolated and the vector changes.

This is the major superpower attribute of the two top superpowers in the famous Omega Project. It can isolate the earth's gravitational field, allowing huge aircraft carriers to escape the buoyancy of sea level and be dismantled under the gravitational drop.

Regarding this most violent super power with pure destructive power, Wei Keng currently knows a little bit about it: that is, sending a compression force field and throwing it into the building to accelerate the air to escape and form a pressure wave. Wei Keng's actual power is far less than that of a single soldier. Cloud bombs are non-lethal effects, but they can also be effective at special times.

4. Energy state preservation.

That is to say, last time, Natasha Su's awakened ability, and then the Shenzhou Lan Shadow Guard and the British snipers were all users of this ability.

They applied all the energy in the sniper rifle to the bullet, and even gave heat energy to the bullet, forming a weak iron curtain effect and penetrating the steel plate.

This ability is relatively "not strong" for Wei Keng (it's as good as Lan Yingwei's sniper level), but it allows his mechanical armor to strengthen its energy peak in a very short time, making it bulletproof and explosion-proof.

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For Wei Keng: the new equipment related to superpowers in the past few decades are just like the various products developed by the network economy in response to the ever-evolving needs of society.

Bai Linglu followed Wei Keng's meaning and explained: Yes, if the social economy is not good, the daily consumption of the lower class has been shrinking for decades. But super energy belongs to the upper class structure and has an advantage in wealth distribution, so the products developed for them, There are so many tricks.

December 30th.

With the completion of Wei Keng's series of tests, Xiameng's upper management approved the return of "Wei Xin" to mainland China.

The technicians at the Xianhe platform recalled the time when Wei Keng's regenerated body was awakened, from the initial uneasiness, to "taking huge risks" to open the alloy cabin, to getting along with each other and gradually becoming harmonious.

After such an experience, now that it has ended, I feel a little disappointed.

Everyone has to admit that Crane Station is lucky. It is also about the unblocking of super powers. According to the recently declassified information, the super power laboratory built by Shengyang in Yokohama fifteen years ago lost control of the super powers sealed inside. In just a few years Within hours, the superpowers of time and space destroyed three Sunrise mechanized infantry.

But at Xianhe Station, although everyone saw "Wei Xin"'s use of psychic powers on the test field, he followed the principle of "cultivating the Tao is to cultivate the mind", so it was rare for others to see super powers in daily life.

In the later stage, there was a dedicated person at Xianhe Station to make dumplings with Wei Keng. Wei Keng could obviously use super-power to roll the fillings, but he had to wrap more than a thousand dumplings by hand. Two hours later, the others finished the rationed portions. After taking one portion and leaving, Wei Keng began to use his super power to speed up and solve most of the remaining materials in the way he wanted.

I have to say that Mr. Wei was very good at controlling the temperature of the oil and adjusting the soup. The dumplings made later were more delicious than the dumplings made at the beginning.

The well-fried pig skin is cooked in the stock until it becomes soft. Insert bamboo shoot cores and carrots into each pig skin, and then cut them neatly. Put one in each dumpling filling. This "Kung Fu dish" is made of sea cucumber. smell.

When the dumplings were cooked, the people making them asked in annoyance: "Why didn't you make them in the first place?"

Wei Keng answered naturally: "Because we agreed to make dumplings together. 'Together' is the most important. Other operations, like the ingredients of the dish, cannot overwhelm the original flavor."


In the last month of his stay at the institute, Wei Siliang, the person in charge of monitoring "Wei Xin's" condition, wrote in his diary: "Although he suffered from so-called amnesia, I can understand why someone would follow him in that era."


January 5, 2271 in the Qin Tong calendar.

The polar day was coming to an end, and Wei Keng left the Antarctic Crane Station. In this physical world where Einstein's four fundamental forces are unified, various black technologies have developed to the ultra-future era.

Wei Keng left the Xianhe Station and took off in a "Xianhe" class aerial mecha.

This is based on the idea of ​​​​the rising Tengu, which can transform in the air. However, compared with the Tengu technology more than fifty years ago, the tonnage of the new generation of aerial mecha has reached 70 tons. In this way, the aerial platform can not only carry two The old-fashioned Tengu with a ten-millimeter caliber magnetic cannon is a new aerial vehicle that can hold various heavy-weight high-speed missiles and particle weapons. Of course, Wei Keng's vehicle has now been disarmed and is accompanied by air escort fighters. fly.

Under the current technology, the seventy-ton fighter body has brought a serious test to the deformed take-off and landing performance. The technology of nano-force field to strengthen the structure has reached its peak, and the development of this kind of air combat mecha has come to an end. Now in the air The Overlord is the super-heavy battleship unit.

Four hours later, Wei Keng's mecha landed on the landing platform at the stern of the 40,000-ton maritime battleship.

Wei Keng got off the plane and looked at the two-meter-thick electromagnetic external armor on the side of the ship again. The modules were the size of the Eight Immortals Table and contained rows of coils.

Through super visual inspection, Wei Keng can defend against the damage caused by most mobile cruise missiles. As for larger cruise missiles, such as the Soviet Union's granite missile with a 500 kilogram warhead and a weight of seven tons in the ancient history of the main world, that is Those that lack mobility can be directly intercepted by the close-range anti-particle cannon on the warship. This warship has 21 active defense systems based on particle cannons and missiles.

Of course, no matter how strong the armor is on the side, the upper deck is still a defensive weak point. This is how Hood was shot into his soul. So how to protect the "cover door" above?

Wei Keng's eyes looked upward as if looking at a woman's legs, and his perspective came to the nano tower at the top of the ship tower. This tower can deploy a nano protective shield to prevent being struck by initiation.

The battleship's main weapon is an electromagnetic gun with a hexagonal cross-section, a width of 500mm, and a flat internal caliber. The flatness of the muzzle means that the supersonic gliding warhead launched can achieve ultra-long-range strikes.

Standing at the waiting position on the platform, Wei Keng scanned the warships with his detection super power and clicked on the traversal system to directly check the contemporary naval technology tree.

At present, Edenia is still insisting on aircraft carrier technology, while Shenzhou has reached the peak of battleship technology.

The advantage of aircraft carriers in the main world is based on the advantage of "sea surface information search". As for the advantage of long-range attack, it disappeared with the advent of the missile era. In the second half of the 21st century, as long as the enemy fleet can be discovered first on the sea, Ballistic missiles can launch attacks faster than carrier-based aircraft formations.

In the black technology planes of time and space, the battleships directly pointed out the electromagnetic gun technology, and at the same time pointed out the vertical take-off and landing large fighter technology system; while the aircraft carrier fleet pointed out the technology of black hole force fields to interfere with firepower. Then the two sides They also created a "fission generator" shield against each other.

Aircraft carriers and battleships, neither one can eliminate the other!

But for China, since it occupies a large number of islands in the Western Pacific and the coastline of the Indian Ocean, ground attacks are very important! In theory, bombarding with artillery at sea is much safer than sending planes to bomb deep inland.

With the blessing of black technology, air defense is also impeccable. There is a missile position hidden in a certain ravine, which can shoot down Suzaku attack aircraft that penetrate deeply.


The United States of Eden is on the west side of the Pacific Ocean, where there is a large area of ​​open sea. To compete for sea control, it is necessary to ensure that the first three rounds of attack waves are strong enough. As for the aircraft being beaten by anti-aircraft fire, then the entire fleet will be at full speed.

Escape with all your might.

In terms of price, although aircraft carriers are relatively cheaper than battleships, after all, priority is given to ensuring speed, so there is no need for such expensive electromagnetic armor systems.

[The construction period of Su-Shanghai Lianggong’s latest battleship is twice that of European and American aircraft carriers of the same tonnage. The price is expected to be about 1.5 times. Of course, many raw materials are difficult to convert, such as some special rare earths, which are much cheaper in the East than in the West. 】

However, the supporting equipment for aircraft carriers is very expensive, and it is still necessary to build a large number of 10,000-ton frigates to deploy three-dimensional protection to protect the aircraft carrier.

What's more, Edenia needs to maintain a two-ocean fleet. The two oceans here cannot be solved by Panama. An aircraft carrier that is conducive to the struggle for sea control in the Pacific is not conducive to homeland defense in the relatively narrow North Atlantic.

The European Union absorbed Soviet military technology and built a dreadnought suitable for Europe.

To this end, Gaul provided the electromagnetic gun, Germany provided the power system, Italy developed the laser and missile close-in defense system, and Swedish Aviation provided the "Viking Fortress" transforming fighter jet. After a difficult run-in, this European industrial cooperation was finally successful.


The ship-based cannon designed by the Gauls can also shoot for a thousand kilometers. This means that as long as Europe travels out of the English Channel and enters the Atlantic Ocean slightly, it can attack Eden without engaging in a fleet battle.

Industrial areas in western Asia.

Even if the Edenia aircraft carrier controls sea power in the Pacific, it will be meaningless in the Atlantic. It is necessary to develop a battleship system that is sufficiently resistant to defeat and advance to the midline of the Atlantic for fleet decisive battles.


The cost of long-distance delivery across the ocean gives North America a natural advantage in local defense. However, the nature of the two oceans is different. Sea powers in Europe and Asia may rise at the same time. When Edenia maintains its ocean output strategy, there is a natural cost disadvantage.

Wei Keng stared at the top of the angular central building of the battleship codenamed Emperor Guangwu. A faint blue light was unfolding, receiving power transmission from the relay energy satellite.

[In addition to the sea fleet, there are also floating fleets, but the floating fleet is limited by the energy supply of ground base stations, and the energy transmission systems of various countries cannot support the arrogant air fleet. 】

Wei Keng: "Countries have different national conditions, so there are still differences in military technology."

Half an hour later, Wei Keng, who had been blowing wind on the deck for a long time, was called into the battleship.

Wei Keng passed through a corridor filled with blue light, changed out of his mechanical armor at the end of the corridor, and then entered the cabin illuminated by white light. After being scanned by the red detection light, he changed into a dress: white

The inner clothes are covered with a blue gown. The hair is not long enough to be tied into a bun, but then a gauze hat (men's style during the Sui and Tang Dynasties) was added.

After the liquid nano-compartment was opened, Wei Keng walked into the core area of ​​the battleship and met the man who wanted to summon him, Wei Qiong.

Mr. Wei grinned,

After seeing "Wei Xin", this man in his thirties clapped his hands and walked forward, making Mr. Wei feel at home.

This chapter has been completed!
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