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Chapter 8.08: Sect, noble family, splendid splendor

 There are noble families and sects in China.

Shiva has the productivity advantage of accumulated technology, because technology cannot be achieved by one generation, but needs to be relayed from generation to generation.

However, the selection of "technical users" should still involve all kinds of people. Therefore, in China, a society with traditional culture with oriental characteristics, there have been "sects" specially designed to win over elites who have been promoted from poor families.

In Dongtu,

The sect is an inheritance system left over from the classical era.

From the origin of hundreds of schools of thought in the pre-Qin Dynasty to the dominance of Confucianism in the Han Dynasty, hermits hid behind mountains and rivers, and the prototype of mountain gates appeared!

Scholars in the Wei and Jin Dynasties continued to ask questions, and the paths on Zhongnan Mountain were not eliminated.

After the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Sui and Tang Dynasties, the imperial court attached great importance to the hermits at Shanmen, and even the allusion of "Shortcut to the South" appeared.

Subsequently, the sect became increasingly stronger in the Five Dynasties, Ten Kingdoms, and Two Song Dynasties, and this model was passed down to the Age of Gewu. As researchers in China determined the objective existence of psychic energy, the sect became a social organization that gradually monopolized the development of psychic energy application models...


There is actually a huge difference between the contemporary psychic system and the fairy energy recorded in ancient books. All the existing ancient books only record some psychic phenomena in a few words, which are more mysterious than the other. The modern psychic system is just a matter of the past hundred years.

"The progress (microphysics) was developed through research. It is just that China attaches great importance to inheritance and is not separated.

The development of modern spiritual energy also tends to develop according to contemporary technology. "Dharma and side doors" are all determined according to contemporary standards.

The two major dharma in China are "Transformation of Spirits and True Qi", and because they originated in Kunlun and Huashan respectively, they are divided into the Kunlun School and the Huashan School.

The existence of the "god transformation" system is due to the combat needs of unmanned troops controlled by mental power.

Kunlun was the place where Wei Keng raised his sword. The second generation of psychic commanders who later took classes in the Western Regions naturally wanted to give their teachers a sufficiently dignified name.

Let’s talk about “Zhen Qi”.

According to the Taoist scriptures that can be tested, the Taoist masters discovered the induction of heaven and man in some innate actions. They also determined that famous mountains and rivers are good places for Taoism. In specific solar particle impacts, these magnetic field abnormal areas will appear.

"Jie Hongzi" was then adopted and cultivated by Eastern monks.

In modern times, dating back seventy-five years,

That is to say, when Ke Feijia invited his ancestor from the Zhengyi Sect and Luoshui paid to build a psychic research institute for the Huashan Taoist priests, the person in charge of the Wei family was still Wei Qiang: of course this site selection was

It is impossible to donate it to Longhu Mountain if it is at your doorstep.


So I chose Huashan Mountain in Xiyue, one of the dojos established by Kou Qianzhi, the founder of the Zhengyi Sect.

In the past few decades, Huashan Qizong has gone through ups and downs, from Luoshui, to Xi Jing Lian, Xia Lian, and restoration.

After several changes in the government, the Zhenqi inheritance system has not been affected in terms of the supply of resources and personnel. It has always been an unparalleled leader in China's spiritual energy system. After the restoration of the emperor of the Guan family, he praised Huashan very much. In addition to Feng Chan, the emperor Taishan means inviting Taoists from Huashan to preach.

Nowadays, in China, the royal families and military general families will send their children to Huashan for further study.

However, the real reason why Huashan Qizong is respected as one of the righteous dharma is due to the development of China's army-breaking golden armor technology in the past hundred years.

Back then, the "Army-Breaking Golden Armor" was 18 meters tall, holding a huge particle light blade, and rushed into the armored cluster to perform destructive output. With a complete quantum technology link, one person could destroy the army.

In other words, after seeing the armored groups of the Soviet Union, whether it was Shenzhou or Shengyang, the entire East was looking for super-heavy mechanized technology.

When Wei Keng planned the technology tree for the psionic commander, a large number of sensitive "Jiehongzi" components were mass-produced, which also opened the way for further upgrades of the Pojun Golden Armor.

However, the Shengyang scientists across the sea have never been able to improve the performance of the Ghost King's mecha. They can only pursue the pseudo-technology of the larger General's Executioner. However, that large robot uses the energy system of a floating battleship, which is expensive. , and the actual combat effect is equivalent to that of a large-scale figure.

Compared with Shengyang's technical route, the Pojun mecha developed specifically for martial arts energy has developed in another direction. It has not continued to grow in size and has remained at the level of a large unit of 540 tons. It has strengthened its electrical energy. Receiving capabilities are developing towards higher-end aspects.

After the integration of technology after the last world war, in addition to the cruel black technology such as "Yuan Shen Interlock", two key unique skills were also developed.

First: You can take off directly and glide for tens of kilometers. Of course, the flight altitude does not exceed the near-surface level (below a hundred meters). This is based on the deformation of the sea fortress in the later period of the rising sun.

"Shengyang's fortress can float in the air and turn into a 'big head'. So why can't China's "Army-breaking Golden Armor" rush to the deck of the battleship of Shengyang's villains and join in a gang fight?" said the veteran of intelligent warfare at the Gyeonggi Research Institute. Super expert Xiao Sheng thought.

Second: Expand the hyperspace jump field. With the armored force within thirty meters around it (probably almost an armored platoon), ignore the defense line, drop directly behind the enemy, and the center will blossom.

The tacticians of China feel that the elusive hyper-space technology of Europa in the "Big Eclipse" region is very valuable. After the World War, the Chinese families also made technological progress in the "if the enemy has it, I have it, if the enemy doesn't have it, I have it" technological progress.


Of course, whether it is operating the anti-gravity field to "walk in the wind" or allowing the mecha to maintain the stability of the internal space field in a shattering vacuum, precise control is required.

In the past, the Pojun Golden Armor was about "training the muscles, bones and skin externally" to compete with brute beasts like the Ghost King, but now it is about "training the muscles and skin internally."

The cockpit of a mecha is very different from what it was a few decades ago. The difference is equivalent to the difference between a second-generation jet aircraft and a fifth-generation aircraft.


During Wei Keng's era, two major laboratories, Hetu and Luoshu, completed the physical mapping of "Jie Hongzi". Western Economic Union Industries has made a series of progress in the research and development of "Jie Hongzi sensitive materials".

Although the structure of China went through a series of shocks, the research project continued to progress. In 2256, Luoshui Industry made a breakthrough of the times and created "Qihai" and "Waidan".

The "Qihai" is a precision device with a metal handle as the carrier and carbon tube as the control network. It is immersed in high-pressure supercritical liquid to allow tritium to penetrate into the interior, forming a controllable and continuous output of energy.

Each "acupoint" inside the Pojun mecha, that is, the control node, has such an energy storage structure, and this energy storage structure is eventually integrated into the cockpit.

Compared with "Qi Hai", "Waitan" is much smaller and is a personal portable energy storage structure. The materials are carbon molecules and rare earth microstructures.

The emergence of the first generation of Waidan made the Huashan Sect dozens of times more efficient in accumulating Qi than in the past.

In a specific artificial magnetic field training cabin (scientific name: Dongtian), contemporary warriors can absorb their true energy an order of magnitude faster than in the past.

In other words, this allows martial arts practitioners to make revolutionary breakthroughs in the traditional operation of the Great Zhoutian.

When today's martial arts practitioners move through a great cycle, they do not rush to gather it in the Dantian, but first store it in their own external elixirs.

After waiting for the Waidan to gather for several cycles, the density of the true energy inside it, that is, the amount of macromolecules, will be very dense and mild. At this time, when it gathers in the Dantian, it will be easier to brew a breath of the innate true energy.

In the martial arts world in the past, those who could reach the realm of innate masters were revered as great masters, with no more than five fingers in each era. However, there are 567 people recorded in the contemporary Shenzhou dynasty.

As for the part that is not included in the court records and is missing, there are not many.

Wu! He has always wanted to serve the king's family.

Wu Sheng is Guan Erye, not Lu Bu. The difference is that one only knows "Han Shoutinghou" his whole life, and the other is a family slave with three surnames who mistakenly recognizes his father.

Warriors must choose the best boss at once to be loyal to them. As for riding a donkey to find a horse and constantly changing jobs and bosses, they can only be the lowest level thugs.

The army of China has absorbed a large number of innate warriors, but outside of Kyushu, there are very few innate warriors.

For example, for the local vassal forces in the "Liyang" camp, unless their members go to the Central Plains to worship the sect, and then become innates and return to their place of origin, it is basically impossible to wait for the innate masters with innocent wealth to join them. This also makes the foreign vassals

Lack of "Army-breaking Golden Armor".

As for Europa, which is further away? There are absolutely no martial artists from the Shenzhou system.

What, too absolute? Some European storytellers believe that there are always exceptions, and exotic romance will attract martial artists to adventure in exotic lands! It can still be so romantic these days. Haha.


The research on Europa's super powers is based on modern science and starts from scratch!

What is starting from scratch? This is not only technical, but also cultural.

In the West, after superpowers were discovered, they were being studied without any social capital. Unlike the East, they have maintained inextricable ties with all levels of society since ancient times.

The Pojun Golden Armor is a magical weapon specially developed by the Chinese society for the warriors!

Official funds were allocated, and half of the leading rights in research were in the hands of the sects behind these innate warriors. The royal family of the imperial court respected them.

The "witch-burning" campaign in the West had just ended hundreds of years ago. How could a superpower organization have such social capital? Therefore, Europa did not have the power to mobilize society to allow superpowers to participate in such a game from a high-level perspective.

Mecha research and development.

They can only take the path of human-machine integration and do not have similar equipment.


Although the main function of the Xiantian True Qi is to dock with the mecha cabin, please note that the Xiantian True Qi is still a type of superpower. In addition to coaxing, the policies of various countries towards superpowers also suppress them.

A warrior who can do it without wearing a mecha on a daily basis, dodge the pistol fire from five steps away, and be the first to overturn the gun-wielding warrior with his external infuriating energy within five steps. These are supermen who cannot be underestimated, and they are under supervision in Europa.


So how could a martial arts master give up his status as a military commander in the East and go to the West to accept supervision?

This is equivalent to the fact that in the 21st century in the main world, Professor Qingbei sold his ancestral courtyard house and immigrated to the United States to wash dishes in Chinatown. Next door to his family was a street kid who sang hip-hop. The reason was that he wanted to experience free multiculturalism and love the land of freedom.


My brain is crazy.


Only with a prosperous Chinese civilization and advanced science can the extraordinary ability of martial arts be elevated to the level of "high, handsome and rich". As for seeking external recognition?

No matter how magical the Chinese martial arts imagined by Hollywood in the main world are, they all tell the story of defeating gangsters in the lower-class areas and becoming famous, and then being appreciated by white justice organizations.

Nowadays, there are many blond and blue-eyed foreigners in China who practice martial arts and reach the innate realm.

Some of them are of mixed race, and some are simply adopted sons or daughters adopted by the warriors when they were stationed overseas.

After these foreigners arrived at Xiantian, none of them had their elbows turned outward. They all carried the "Hua-Yi Debate" on their backs and claimed that they were from China.

Because everyone has brains, no matter how bad he is in China, he is still a general. How can he go to the barbarians and serve as sliced ​​"gas rice" on the experimental table?


"So, what is the situation in today's martial arts world!" Wei Keng saw the members wearing Taojia martial arts uniforms that were very powerful but not modern at the same time. He felt inexplicably as if he was in a world where modernity and classics blend.

When they were discussing the latest "Dongtian" cultivation, as well as the effects of "Waitan" on yang, firmness and softness.

The reborn Mr. Wei was determined to revise his world view.

After checking the system, I found that my Wei family still had great prestige in this martial arts world.

Bai Linglu: "The capital you left behind is really too thick."


Jie Hongzi's "Qi Hai" of the Pojun mecha, as well as the Waidan technology, although many patents were transferred to other families to share under the pressure of the Shenzhou court.

In recent years, "Fenghou Group Suhu Liangong" has developed more distinctive technical routes. For example, "Thunder Magic" is more suitable for conversion into electricity, "Hanshujue" for switching between hot and cold, and other products

But the earliest products in the Shenzhou Waidan series are still classics today.

Since Wei Keng's leading technical line at that time had always followed the stable approach of "storing the information of Jie Hongzi", Luoshui's external elixirs had always been mainly Zhongzhengpinghe, which was the first recommendation by famous teachers from various sects.


Surrounded by mountains and rivers, we can see the antique pavilions not far away.

Under such an artistic conception, Wei Keng strangely found a metaphor: "Famous Sword Villa?"

Qin Xiaohan: "Yes, Your Excellency, the first generation owner of the village. Because you are of great significance to the origin of contemporary martial arts, the portraits of you and Wei Qiang are hung in the Pavilion of the Patriarch of the Huashan School for enshrinement."

Then Qin Xiaohan added: "The swordsmanship you are practicing now is actually a product of Guan's Royal Technology when you traveled through time last time. Now it is just a side door!"

Wei Keng: "I am enshrined in the Pavilion of the Patriarch of the Huashan Sect? What about Kunlun?"

Qin Xiaohan: "Also, here in Huashan you are a layman, and here in Kunlun you are a master."

Contemporary Kunlun is better than Huashan. Because Kunlun is a cultivator!

He was born with true energy and followed the path of martial arts to lead the army. He started as a general of the Army Division (started as a lieutenant colonel). But if the "Transformation of Gods" is successful, not only the Army Division, but also the Navy and Air Force are rushing to get it.

.Now those entering the command cabin on the Qinglong battleship are all psychic commanders.

Psychics of the 'god transformation' series do not necessarily have to join the army. Each family also maintains a group of 'god transformation' people in key scientific and technological fields to ensure that science and technology are stable and orderly.


After a long time,

I felt that Wei Keng was holding something back under his "dazed" expression.

Bai Linglu asked: "What do you think is wrong? China's spiritual energy inheritance system is not good?"

Wei Keng raised his head and said: "When the mentality of 'everything is low-grade, only XX is high-grade' appears in certain areas of society, then the new route may be blocked."

Bai Linglu's eyes lit up and he asked with a smile: "Do you think there are newer modes of psychic energy?"

Wei Keng: "The better model I am talking about is different from what psychics think. Because personal needs and social needs are different."

After Wei Keng took a long breath, he further explained: "Let's put it this way, Bai Linglu, he writes for the purpose of 'the book has its own golden house, its own beauty is like jade'. And he reads for the purpose of 'for the hot soil to rise under his feet',

There is an essential difference between the two.

The latter will suffer personally, but if society does not tolerate the latter and allows the former to weave a splendid scene, then development will hit a dead end."


Today's Shenzhou Celestial Dynasty has been able to select a group of psychics at a certain proportion through screening and training.

Thanks to the fact that China's culture is more mature than Europa's civilization, society can effectively give up social space for it to participate in operation. However, there is no hope in comparing with others. Maturity requires self-examination.

Mr. Wei: Neither martial arts nor cultivation have fulfilled enough obligations in today's development.

These two types of psychics, who are now called the Dharma lineage, have received too many resources, but they have not made the progress to match their hard work and dedication.

Of course, this is due to the general background. At present, the entire world's ideological system has reached a deadlock! I have never thought of creating a force to break it.


Since he is regarded as the founder, Mr. Wei really wants to say this to the contemporary psychics in a harsh tone: How do you sleep? In your state, I think about the future every day.

Why didn't anyone come in?

If you act this way, sooner or later you will end up with a situation where "the building is in ruins and there is no way to save it"!

Mr. Wei feels a bit like the math teacher who used to nag him. As for which teacher, he can’t remember. But now he can understand the feelings of those teachers.

This chapter has been completed!
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