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Chapter 8.14 The hardship of poverty is worse than the harm of poor quality

 After Wei Keng completed testing all of China's modern military systems in Taiweiyuan, he did not become a rising star in China as some people thought.

Wei Keng just tried the water and then "retired" from the world.

The various forces in China were originally prepared to "prevent something." However, following the performance of "Wei Xin" that started and ended, some of the conversations in their study went nowhere.

What forces do the two keywords "what to guard against" and "study dialogue" refer to?

For example, the imperial court of the Guan family barely controlled the court.

When Wei Xin first entered Taiweiyuan to prepare for military exercises, the royal relatives of the Guan clan were very active in recruiting new members of the clan to watch the exercises. They tried to cultivate targeted personnel who could suppress "Wei Xin".

"The combination..

After the test results came out, Guanshi was in a cold sweat.

In particular, Wei Xin's familiarity in the psychic command cockpit during the August test gave Kunlun's psychic commanders a new understanding of talent.

If Wei Xin successfully transforms his ability into influence, it will have a huge impact on the established forces in China today.

[In the supervisor system, Yan Beixiang commented briskly: Wei Keng, who is "like a middle-aged man", is the "Tongtian" who has just ended and failed in the great revolution of Kongtuan. How can the level of slackness of the world's elites for decades be so great?

Can it be its edge?】

Today's China and the emperor's world can no longer withstand the new wave of common people.

It's okay that the regenerated Wei Keng's new individual "Wei Xin" is controllable, but if it is uncontrollable, it will be turned upside down. Just when they were worried about how to contain it, Wei Keng did not enter the ranks, and Guanshi and the others could relax for the time being.



On October 8, after taking a flight from Yandi back to Xijing, Wei Qiong had a long chat with Wei Xin who returned for an hour and a half.

In the building of Luoshui Industrial, Wei Qiong, who was in front of the tea table, understood Wei Xin's courage to retreat.

In the eyes of this contemporary head of the Wei family, Wei Xin's display of magical powers in the two major dharma can be called the manifestation of his ancestors!

Whether it is the operational level of the "Martial Arts" piloting mecha, or the tactical command ability of the disciples of "Sanyuan" Kunlun who have entered the world today, they will be very useful bargaining chips.

Wei Qiong realized that from the perspective of "war ability", he might have really resurrected his ancestor this time.

However, Wei Xinmu is so good at Lin that the Wei family cannot sustain it. No matter whether it is the Jin clan in Jibei or the clan in Donglin and Jiangnan, they will not allow new stars led by the northwest to appear in the military.


Wei Keng faced Wei Qiong, who began to speak half-heartedly to him, and gradually became distracted.

When Wei Keng saw his junior now, he couldn't help but think of the other two younger brothers he met back then, Wei Zhong and Wei Qing. These two brothers had already been buried before his second coming.

Wei Keng savored the memories of the past: Wei Qiong's chattering, or calculating manner was quite similar to how he sometimes looked. Things are different now, just because he came from the 27th century in the main world.

As a time traveler, you can transcend all kinds of shackles in this world. In the main world, it is not so extraordinary.

"Oh, they are all the same people." Wei Keng silently acknowledged Wei Qiong's nagging in front of him.


Although he has avoided the limelight for the time being, Wei Xin has obviously attracted the attention of all parties.

Now Wei Xin's every move is very important to some people. For example, whether he is "recruiting dead soldiers" or "hiding soldiers and armor", the Imperial City Department must find out.

For the Imperial City Secretary, this is not a good job: if for "safety" reasons, inspectors are dispatched to monitor the situation 24 hours a day. This kind of precaution against 'those who write anti-poetry' is the safest way.

The current powerful factions in China's world are powerful, but the methods used to deal with the common people must not be applied to "Wei Xin".

Not to mention how unfeasible it is to monitor innate-level experts, Luo Shui behind "Wei Xin" alone is beyond the control of any party. Nowadays, there is a certain tacit understanding among the world's elites in their fights.

At that time, Wei Keng offended all the famous families in China, but he acted openly and honestly. But later, the Xu family of Donglin secretly made small moves to collude with foreign enemies and killed Wei Keng, which was an outrage.

Here in China, most powerful clans that have been established for hundreds of years will not do anything out of the ordinary and cause unforeseen disasters to their own clan.

[Edenia, a country with a shallow foundation, often suffers from various misfortunes. For example, in the Pacific Ocean during the last World War, the Allied command post guarding Omega Yuriko had a shocking ending. The spirits of more than 600 people were disturbed.

, tens of billions of military equipment have been scrapped. To maliciously monitor a high-level psychic for no reason is to break ground.】

Therefore, for major aristocratic families, the best way to understand Wei Keng's current actions and behaviors is to invest in the projects Wei Keng is currently working on. As a shareholder, understand what Wei Keng is spending his energy on.

Their request to Wei Xin is simple: as long as he doesn't rebel, that's fine. As for burning money, just pretend that Uncle Wei is building a perpetual motion machine.

Wei Qiong told Wei Keng a very useful piece of information: After the storm, several groups in Su and Shanghai decided to provide additional funds for Wei Keng's scientific research projects.

These groups asked Wei Keng to prepare a scientific research project budget report.

During the conversation, Wei Qiong reminded: You can work harder in this regard! The harder you work, the more assured those people will be.

Wei Keng blinked and thought this was okay.


After leaving the Luoshui headquarters, Wei Keng bid farewell to Wei Qiong, but did not leave Xijing. Instead, he entered the Yufengchao and drove to the famous Gewu Academy in Xijing.

The Yufeng car is a flat-looking flying saucer. It is very light in weight, and its shell has a black technology style without metal. It is "beautiful" but has a somewhat gimmicky plastic feel.

Mr. Wei was driving this "individual skateboard" upgraded aircraft and looked at the square Xijing under his feet. He said to himself: "Can you just go ahead and do it?"

On the space-time system interface, Qin Xiaohan said: "Yes, in order to prevent you from re-entering the army, all parties are very supportive of your scientific research progress and are willing to invest real money."

Wei Keng couldn't help but sneer: "Oh, haven't they always said that they have no money?"

Qin Xiaohan didn't need to respond to this sentence. Wei Keng's sarcastic tone showed that everyone understood the truth behind it.

There is no money for scientific research funding, but in order to solve some big problems, problems that can be solved with money are not problems.


February 2274.

In a park in Xijing, Wei Keng, dressed in casual clothes, held a list, and in front of him were 45 men and women, roughly the number of a class.

Wei Keng made preliminary arrangements for the preliminary investigation of various urban areas in Xijing City on the electronic interface at the side. These were originally jobs for liberal arts students, but the Chinese clerks were busy with their official careers, and Wei Keng was about to start a big project.

Management had to be rebuilt from the ground up.

The classmates in front of me are young academics recruited by Wei Keng from the Liangzhou area. They are almost all from the middle class of the aristocratic family, and the clothes they wear are all brand styles worth hundreds of thousands. In today's situation where class differentiation is very serious, Scholarly

People with good family status are those who come and go.

The threshold for contemporary breakthrough science and technology projects is high-density investment and management, and it is no longer a matter of a few geniuses working alone.

This involves a lot of infrastructure construction and self-sufficient electricity construction. Even in order to save some money on eating meat, we have to deal with livestock farms.

Funds should be used wisely, rather than project executives flying in high-quality beef worth 5,000 yuan and a half kilogram per meal, as well as special office utensils such as teacups made in official kilns.

Wei Keng does not expect these technicians to be able to get rid of their special class mentality all of a sudden, but - to manage a large number of ordinary people, they must at least know their sufferings. Knowing what one thousand yuan means to the middle and lower classes, being capable

What things.


For large projects, the morale of the team must be taken into consideration, and to improve the morale of the team, we must pay attention to its food, clothing, housing, transportation, promotion, and writing, these details that are full of pressure in society.

After Wei Keng grouped the management staff into groups, he and a young man named Zhao and named Guantao rode an electric motorcycle into the city.

The two of them casually walked into a chain supermarket, and Wei Keng picked up a bag of instant food.

One of them was labeled as a biscuit that "contains a lot of protein." After opening it, Wei Keng frowned and looked at the small brown biscuit. He broke off a small piece and chewed it in his mouth, frowning.


He greeted Zhao who was standing beside him. Zhao rode his bicycle to the garden community five kilometers away next door and bought a bag of biscuits with furry animals on the labels.

Wei Keng asked him to open it and picked up one piece to taste.

Then he gave two biscuits to Zhao Guantao. The young man's face turned blue and white. Under Wei Keng's eyes, the young man could only endure Wei Keng's behavior of touching the biscuits with the hand that was holding the dog food.

, took the instant food and took a bite.

Wei Keng looked at his look and smiled: I don't want you to eat it. Just chew it up and spit it out. You have to smell both pieces.

After Zhao sniffed it, he immediately looked at the labels on the two packaging bags.

Wei Keng said calmly: "The content of MSG is about the same, and there is also some protein in it. In terms of taste, the two are almost the same raw material. As for the food for humans, is it really better than the food for animals?"

Wei Keng pointed to his heart: "Don't rely on your conscience in a place where you can't see it and no one checks it. Be more intuitive and look at costs and profits."

On the price tag, dog food is a bit more expensive than convenience food.

The face of Mr. Zhao, the Liangzhou Jiedushi's family, changed, and then he gritted his teeth and cursed: "These damn profiteers."

Wei Keng shook his head and said: "This sentence should be scolded by people who have no permanent property. Don't scold it from this perspective. If I were in this class, I might also choose such ingredients."

Zhao looked at Wei Keng with a puzzled expression.

Wei Keng whispered: "In ancient times, during disaster relief, rice porridge would be sprinkled with chaff, and even lime would be added to thicken it, because only in this way can the quantity be increased to satisfy the audience!"

Speaking of this, Wei Keng sighed.

Although no one can starve to death in this world, most people have no choice but to abuse themselves due to unfair distribution.

In modern times, if there were no debts, people with a monthly net income of more than 15,000 would not mind more expensive food prices. For example, a pork chop of 35 yuan, a variety of vegetables, and a dozen eggs,

A piece of fish, as well as various seasonings, will not cost more than 200 yuan in total.

But the monthly income is only 5,000 yuan, so you have to be careful. Instant noodles are a frequent visitor, and red sausage is also the norm. As for various drinks, cheap happy water is often placed on the counter.


Food is the most important thing for the people.

When the underlying food products are full of inferior products, of course, food manufacturers must be severely criticized for lowering costs and squeezing profits.

Of course, we need to start thinking deeply. When the bottom-level manufacturing plants are so involved in squeezing the cost of food, why is it that the market cannot afford high-cost food?

Except for children, most people's taste can tell the difference in meat quality. If you taste the taste in your mouth the next morning, you will know whether the "fresh soup" you ate yesterday was due to the seasoning.

Everyone knows that low prices are likely to be of poor quality, but low prices are still popular. This means that the market is sinking.

Correspondingly, in the upper-class market, luxury goods are sold in a big way, and the more expensive they are, the better, and the more they can be sold in expensive circles - this is consumption upgrade.

This is the classic example of the gap between rich and poor in modern times.

The poor are greedy for cheap, which does not mean they are willing to spend money. The rich are generous, and it does not mean they have a high ideological level.


The day's investigation was over. Mr. Wei took a notebook and hurriedly recorded many key points. As for what the modern era was like, Wei Keng, who had "studied it", already had a rough idea in his mind. Now the investigation is just more detailed.


As for Zhao Guantao, who was following Wei Keng, he was worried. He originally came to prepare for scientific research management, but he saw this for the first time from Wei Keng's perspective.

The scene in the anime where the princess tastes the so-called "common people's food" for the first time with twinkling eyes becomes fragmented under Mr. Wei's understatement of grassroots economic principles.

Feelings and other things can only be felt by people who don't worry about daily necessities. In a society that thinks about livelihood, there is only the concept of daily and monthly digital surplus.


In December 2273, Wei Keng built six new Eyes of the Earth in the original Western Region, no less than Jiayu Pass.

This project employed more than 200,000 recruited workers.

In order to ensure the project, Wei Xin monitored the details as much as possible, just like ordinary people in modern times stared at the decorators who decorated their own houses.

For example, Wei Keng knew the cost of "workers' wages" more clearly than the foreman of the construction team when reporting the costs. Then how much was recorded in their own bills for each batch of materials and losses in each process? They couldn't hide it from Mr. Wei.

Wei Keng said to these builders: I know how much money you make, and I also understand that you want to make money. But I don’t like it when you hide it from me and do little tricks.

Occasionally, psychics pass by Mr. Wei's construction site and discover: Good guy, every half hour, there is a psychic wave that scans the entire construction site.

Of course, workers don't have to worry too much as they work under Mr. Wei.

Since the land price was almost negative in the old agricultural area of ​​the Western Region, Wei Keng provided a loan to restore the greenhouse plantation that had been abandoned more than ten years ago.

At that time, these Wei Keng established the agricultural system in the Western Regions. After Xia Lian was split up, it was defeated by the Nanyang and other regional agricultural groups controlled by giants such as the Donglin Party, using a slightly lower cost advantage of 10% and vicious competition.


And after these traitors defeated the agricultural independence of western China and turned it into a cotton production area, food prices immediately began to rise.

Now Wei Xin has hired workers to resume production here and supply ingredients internally to the construction team here.

Mr. Wei Keng’s theory: “If you don’t pay attention to the food in the canteen, don’t expect the workers to pay attention to the quality of the project.”

In this low-level market where assembling meat and beans to make eggs is very popular, the pork around the scientific research center is really slaughtered pork, and the eggs are really eggs.

As for the market slaughter license and breeding license? What you eat at home will not flow into the market.

But even if this is the case, there is no way to get rid of all kinds of brats.

In Liangzhou's supervisory censorship platform, some local censors recognized this point and deliberately raised eyebrows, refusing to give up. They recognized that "with so many people eating, drinking, and drinking, it is necessary to drive the local economy, and we cannot digest it internally." To put it bluntly,

, just want to arrange suppliers and get benefits.

In response, Wei Keng made a bold move and went directly to the Liangzhou General Mansion to confirm that this was the "Kentun" project.

"Kentun" refers to military production activities for garrison purposes. Since ancient times, military properties have not been subject to civil administration.

[Wei Keng mentioned Kentun, and the top leaders in Shenzhou had some sense. In order not to cause trouble (the original intention was to keep Wei Keng away from the military), Wei Xin was immediately given the green light in this regard.]

In the end, the amount of more than 20 billion was suddenly reached to a scale of 100 billion.

Among them, the auxiliary supporting facilities are not to build new ones. Rather, they are to find depressed areas and use billions to revitalize them so that they can re-complete the supply chain and avoid the consumption of repeated construction.


In early 2274, six new Eyes of the Earth projects were completed.

Its underground scanning can cover nearly one million square kilometers of land in the west.

Scanning the earth from multiple angles allows scientists to observe some activities in the earth's crust in more detail.

The emergence of these data has made certain past crustal energy extraction projects with immature technologies feasible. This is something that European scientific organizations have enthusiastically demonstrated.

Of course, more importantly, the test found that in the area where the mantle, a metal element, occupies the majority, the basis for the large-scale refraction of macrons is found. This refraction can directly complete space oscillations near the deeper core of the earth through the focusing effect.

The above findings provide a theoretical basis for the emergence of a new technology.

On February 12, 1974, Wei Keng looked at the entire holographic mantle deep magnetic ocean map. He silently opened the physical formula for the unification of the four major forces in this plane, and then began to calculate a brand new theory.

Wei Keng: "These black technologies compared to the main world did not come to an end with the technological explosion in modern times. All subsequent basic physical explorations will lead to a technological tree that is completely different from the main world."

Wei Keng dipped his finger into the water in the cup and wrote the word "Desha" on the table.

This chapter has been completed!
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