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Chapter 1.29 Life is narrow! Mutual radiation.

  In this re-barbarized Guangdong land, Wei Keng traveled northwestward day and night. The original gunfire conflict with Ji'an City just turned the page.

About twenty hours after Wei Keng released Fang Hong and Zeng He, the eagerly awaited people in Ji'an City got the official news of their return from the expedition from the city newspaper:

General Zeng Kaomu, the white-bearded general, led the armored chariot troops. After leaving the fortress, he drove straight in and arrived in front of the enemy camp. He declared a battle without saying a word and fired guns and cannons for several hours. Finally, he was moved by his loyalty and bravery. This battle broke the comrades in the south.

I want to force him to return to me, pay me my property, and compensate me for my goods.

However, I am jealous of this talent! During the pursuit, Old General Kao Mu unfortunately crashed his car and was seriously injured. He was seriously injured when he was one hundred meters, no, five kilometers away from returning to the city. He recovered at the last moment and said:

"I was a soldier for a lifetime, but now my body is wrapped in horse leather. How happy, how happy."

 This team after the battle was also reorganized and brought back by Zeng He and Fang Hong. However, these "returning victorious" combat teams were controlled and isolated after returning to the city, and their communication with the outside world was cut off.

However, there were too many wounded soldiers who returned, and the armored vehicles were very dilapidated, with obvious distortion and cracking of the steel plates on them. Therefore, rumors spread in the city that this battle was very tragic.

The city lord Zeng Longmu summoned Zeng He and Fang Hong again in the city tower room and questioned them in detail about everything they saw. As for what decision he would make, it could not be seen on his face at this time.



On Wei Keng's side, after forty-eight hours of forced march, Wei Keng had arrived at the frontier battlefield and began to engage in contact battle with the alien species of the invading genetic community.

In the jungle, the guards sniffed. Although they could not confirm it visually, their brains could always use a strange perception to accurately detect the existence that threatened them at a certain point in front.

Guided by this feeling, Wei Keng formed a group of twenty people. Each group was fifty meters apart. More than twelve small teams spread out a wide front and began to explore forward like a carpet.

At this time, everyone in Wei Keng was very serious. In this state, they passively entered a state of spiritual communication, and this state became more and more clear like tinnitus in the middle of the night.

Each group of Wei Keng filled in the information observed during the exploration process on the system form according to a standard format. Feces, footprints, and the smells smelled by the reconnaissance team at each downwind vent were used to comprehensively judge the information ahead.

Bai Linglu, a supervisor at the system terminal, is now unable to distinguish the information on the record table when it is included in the information sent by Wei Yan.

In other words, in a team, maybe the No. 1 guard Keng saw signs of bending in the branches in front, the second guard Keng smelled the smell of humus after the soil where the grass and trees were kicked away, the third guard Keng, the fourth guard and the fifth guard

Keng heard the sounds from three angles, and then the whole team's Wei Keng brain, including this type of perception provider, judged the situation and determined that the target was only a few minutes away.

Wei Keng himself may not know which of the reported information is the specific result. This is just like when a normal person plays a game, the whole person reaches a state of excitement, but he cannot determine his excitement perceptually.

Which part of the brain does the state originate from?

Wei Keng, this situation is very important at this time, and Bai Linglu is focusing on recording this element.

Because, according to the standards of the Time and Space Administration for judging time travellers, Wei Keng's current situation of collective obsession with a goal seems to no longer be called a group, but has begun to become a unified consciousness based on the group. Just like dolphins have left and right hemispheres of the brain

It can think alternately day and night, but both brains are one conscious thought.

Now that Wei Keng has been integrated in the search team, what about the future?


 The 43rd minute of the jungle contact battle.

In a patch of thorny thorn bushes, suddenly accompanied by a "crash" sound, a swift leopard suddenly jumped out.

Leopard? Well, let’s call it that. The explosive muscles in its legs are all leopard-like, but the rest of it looks very casual. It has a pair of elephant ears, saber teeth on the upper jaw, and wild boar tusks on the lower jaw.

This thing looks so fierce and explodes very quickly. But Wei Keng is even more powerful. When the thing came out, three gunshots were fired immediately, hitting the head and waist on both sides in no particular order.

And when it fell, Wei Keng, who had been ambushed by the leopard, looked as usual, holding the steel gun tightly, as if he had been prepared for a long time, raised his arm and stabbed it, just inserting it into the throat of the leopard, and then within 0.3 seconds, the man next to him

The two guards rushed to the bayonet just in time to make up for it. They grasped it firmly with both hands and stabbed it downwards, pinning it to the ground without even giving it a chance to struggle.

The division of labor between the six people in Wei Keng's team is like a human eating a hamburger, cutting off the front teeth, tearing the meat with the canine teeth, twisting the tongue to push it down, grinding the teeth to chew out the taste, and then swallowing, extremely smooth.

 At this time, the state of the Wei Keng is very magical. The swords and men are one? No, everyone is one.

During the search and killing process in the jungle, a group of Wei Keng concentrated information to a new level through spiritual communication. As mentioned before, during spiritual communication, Wei Keng could hear what other individuals heard and smell what other individuals heard.


But now it goes one step further. When I smell the smell, I know where the target is, but I have already ignored who smelled it. When I hear where the opponent is, I no longer feel that it is me who is hearing it! - I am used to this.

Habits are just like people using their eyes, nose, and ears to see, smell, and hear, but when doing all this, they no longer pay priority to what their facial features look like.

In the battle just now, each Wei Keng's eyes could only see within thirty meters, and each pair of ears could only hear the smallest detail within seven or eight meters. But! However, each individual made a decision based on the perception of his own group.


This kind of linkage is just like the conditioned reflex of the arms and body to naturally support forward when running and falling. Although this single beast rushes out very quickly, Wei Keng's combined speed is even faster! And every individual knows clearly that,

How to contain this swift beast from your own perspective.

Union! Collaboration is a great weapon in the history of human evolution. When this skill began to evolve into language tools for coordination, all large creatures on the earth, although their paper data were higher than humans, were hunting each other.

When fighting against each other, synergy allows humans to seize the opponent's weaknesses that are exposed in an instant.

 For example, the current Jaguar has a powerful impact when it pounces on the first guard, but its sides are very fragile.

Now in the Wei Keng formation, those in the back row with bullets in their rifles came to the front row in tacit understanding, and those who had fired the bullets stabbed the leopard corpse in the back of the head again with a bayonet, completely disrupting its nerve chain. Then in the queue

Loading begins in the center.

 After hunting down three ambush cheetahs, Wei Keng had engraved crosses on all the self-made bullets in his hand to enhance the stopping effect.

 The current war with genetic communities is completely different from the war with human city-states.

To deal with human city-states, we need to judge each other's fire order within a hundred meters with a wide field of vision, and compete to see whose team can judge faster and suppress the opponent's fire counterattack.

 At the moment, battles take place within a range of five to ten meters, and no more than twenty meters at most. When fighting hand-to-hand, they must be calm, quick, and understand each other.

Wei Keng has no claws and has not evolved more muscles! But he is absolutely powerful.

 The team of twelve pioneers, like ten fingers digging into dough, went deep into the jungle, no, waded into it!


On a broader map, within the entire territory of Guangdong, Wei Keng’s forceful march is now only a part of the territory. On the outskirts of the Pearl River Delta where Wei Keng is located, in the hundreds of kilometers of jungle mountains, in the resonance of the genetic community, at least sixty

Nodes with life radiation exceeding 30,000 BMR are scattered throughout northern Guangdong, and are now leading their own genetic community to slowly approach the activity zone of Wei Keng in the south.

Among the core node creatures of these communities are the sixty-ton four-legged and six-limbed Tyrannosaurus. There are also mammoths wearing heavy tile armor that look like ancient war elephants but with four trunks. At this time, the liquid spider that captured Wei Keng

It's just that it's smaller. Of course, because of its smaller size, it advanced to the front and captured Wei Keng's team.

BMR is the basal metabolic rate. The normal value for an adult man is 2,000. Because in the Pandora era, the traditional genes within each species are unstable. Genes alone cannot determine the strength and weakness of a certain organism. Maybe two similar genes,

One is a cat and the other is a tiger. Therefore, the metabolic rate unit is used to scalar the life radiation intensity of a creature.

Now, more than 30,000 of them are node organisms in the genetic community. After this kind of organism is injured, if there is no further damage, the cells in the body will quickly fuse into the wound. Its vitality is extremely tenacious.

  【Using Wei Keng's record to evaluate: The health bar is very thick, even if it is fatally wounded, a bomb must be placed in the wound, and it can only be played out after a complete critical hit.】

However, the radiation nodes of these genetic communities feel the pressure of life radiation from Wei Keng.

And as the Wei Keng cluster gets closer and closer, the imprisoned Wei Keng also bursts out with strong enough life radiation! Now when the Sisi Spider uses nerve threads, some of the nerve threads have been grabbed by the wreckage Wei Keng instead.


 Genetic communities within a region are conscious.

Node organisms that incorporate part of human genes carry part of the consciousness of the community they live in, and can express the feelings of the community they represent about certain things in human-like language.

For example, regarding the influence of Wei Keng on the genetic community, if the fusion people expressed it like this: "In this spring, when the ocean monsoon began to strengthen its influence, the evil of the world suddenly came to the world, first expelling the estuaries.

The leaders of the genetic community then trample the life order of the entire region. They are more resistant to nature than the humans currently entrenched in the city, and are tireless on the road of blasphemy."

 Now, with the arrival of Wei Keng, the above concepts in the thinking of node creatures have become clearer.

  Everyone can feel the fusion, the constant destructive advance from the front, the dull bullets, and the cruelty behind the merciless killing of about 50 kilograms of swift creatures.

Even the released flying insects were slowed down by their powerful life radiation, and were directly strangled to death by Wei Keng wearing straw gloves.

Speaking of the poisonous insects in the jungle, Wei Keng had not yet realized that this was an attack by a hostile genetic community on him. Not to mention that these poisonous insects were already quite slow when they flew over with Wei Keng's strong life radiation.

After coming over, Wei Keng's torch was slightly lit, and a large number of flying insects fell to the ground. A few of them bit Wei Keng a few times, but they did not produce any bad effects.

Oh, first of all, Wei Keng must admit that it is very painful to be bitten by these venomous mosquitoes and bees occasionally. However, after being here for more than half a year, the individuals in the Wei Keng cluster chew a small amount of plants each time to use them.

The system can analyze the medicinal properties of various plants.

The system has also compiled a complete set of alkaloid data for this purpose. Now, when the sting of bites appears on the skin, immediately take some out of the bottle, mix it with spit and apply it on the skin. Wei Keng was originally in his own cluster.

The self-healing ability is very fast when exposed to life radiation. With the help of the ointment, the toxins quickly flow out of the skin along the pores. It originally took seven or eight minutes to itch, but now it will be fine in one minute.


 At this time, Wei Keng, who was tied into a cocoon by spider silk and almost became a wreck, is still tenaciously alive.

The self in this consciousness also began to sense more and more clearly all the operations that were less than 1,000 meters away.

 At this time, the Wei Keng individual did not feel grateful that he was about to be saved, but was worried about the hidden dangers that his individual would cause to the group!

The next time the liquid spider is implanted in your nerves, will you see flashing images in your mind? And then threaten more lives in your own colony! The wrecked Wei Keng silently muttered: "It's time to end."

A strong will is one thing, but from a materialistic point of view, a strong consciousness is only a phenomenon that resides in the material state. The subjective initiative of consciousness can most likely compete for matter! But it cannot change the phenomenon that matter can be fought for. Now

After Wei Keng, who was in the wreckage, sensed the information that his group was approaching, out of objectivity, he believed that he could not absolutely grasp the information in his mind without being captured by the nerves implanted by the Thought Spider.

 This incident happened to me, and I should be responsible for it. This is what Wanwu Weikeng is currently thinking.


After experiencing being captured and tortured in various ways, the wrecked Wei Keng went from despair at the beginning, to struggling for survival, to the final resentment a few hours ago, wanting to see the thing that tortured him showing panic.

Until now, Wei Keng has become detached.

In the midst of the tremendous torture, I seem to have let go of the existence of the self, which is all the pain and vanity in my body. Because, after surviving the torture, I found that as time goes by, these pains and humiliations will fade away.

Go, in the same way, the joy and honor that correspond to pain will actually pass away.

So what things are difficult for him to let go? In the torture, Wei Keng began to think about his own nature!

 When oneself is suffering, another group of self-individuals constantly go beyond the limits to come to the rescue. Using the once mediocre wisdom and perseverance to the limit, this is the progress of one's own nature! The current self must put aside others and continue to advance the nature.

The current detached state of the wrecked Wei Keng may be similar to that of Ji Chang who was imprisoned in Youli.

As a Zhou person, I came to the Shang civilization area where theocratic sacrifices were still performed. The cruelty of human sacrifices and the punishment of imprisonment were also extremely destructive mentally and physically. From a modern perspective, there is no such thing as such an environment.

The reason is not to collapse and go crazy. But going crazy cannot perfect the "Book of Changes". Therefore, King Wen of Zhou should also, no, must forget about things and self, and start thinking in terms of his own essence.

At this time, the wreckage Wei Keng was thinking: "I should leave at the right time. Death as an individual is not important! What is important is that those who are alive should continue to face this bloody world with their essence."


 In the mutual radiation of life, the thoughts of the wrecked Wei Keng passed through several hundred meters between the two hills and were conveyed to the consciousness group of Wei Keng who was preparing for battle.

After receiving the essential speech from the wreckage, the Wei Keng cluster remained silent for a minute. Hundreds of individual consciousnesses exchanged information on this issue in no more than five sentences. This can be said to be silent thinking!

In the end, the cluster issued an order derived from its own willpower to the wreckage individual: "To abide by the discipline, you must persevere and never give up. Persistence itself is the greatest meaning to you."

The Wei Keng Consciousness Group does not deny that the wreckage of Wei Keng falling into the hands of the enemy will objectively lead to the risk of information leakage during the battle, but~~~~

The wreckage individuals can sacrifice their lives for righteousness, but the current total of only 1,500 Wei Kang clusters cannot be regarded as normal in any case.

Throughout history, when a human society recognizes the tragedy of its internal individuals as "this is life," then it is not far from the day when it will survive in the future.

Now in this wild nature surrounded by wild beasts, as a human being, we must maintain our splendor.

This chapter has been completed!
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