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Chapter 8.27 The storm is rising and the sky is leaping!

 Post-industrial conflicts are cruel. The rear is continuously supplied with weapons and ammunition, while the front is constantly depleting troops, forming a bloody meat grinder.

The first European Union war was the first war of the industrial age. It was fought until the male population of both sides plummeted, leaving a generation of women widowed.

After the main world reached the age of nuclear weapons, it maintained a period of great peace for more than a hundred years, known in history as the "Great Truce Period" in modern times. It was not easy for human civilization to maintain such a long period of peace. So much so that the people of all mainstream countries during this period even suffered from other diseases.

The enviable "peace disease" of the times. (That is, the banter of occasional firefights.)

But in the Shenzhou timeline, with the improvement of the anti-missile system, there is no peace in the world.

From the moment the first furnace of steel comes out of the furnace and the first internal combustion engine rolls off the assembly line, all world powers, including China, have a complete set of public opinion means to mobilize the population into the firing line.

Moreover, the United States of Eden's model of picking up bargains in previous global wars has also been imitated by other powers. It placed itself outside the crossfire area and prioritized consuming the external population!


In 2279, there was a struggle in West Asia.

Military experts from various countries around the world saw this scene:

When China took the lead in deploying advanced weapons and firmly guarded the key points... Europa further expanded the scale of the war, mobilized more mercenaries, and began an overwhelming attack.

China's space weapon Xihe Jinguang rushed into the battlefield and burned it regardless of exposure.

Each Xihe Jinguang released its stealth in low-Earth orbit and attacked, burning the European Union forces an average of four times before it was finally destroyed by the European Union Army's particle cannon.

This weapon has limited damage to armored units, but to infantry with only powered skeletons, it is like roasting ants.

Within a week of fighting, a total of 50,000 to 60,000 people were killed or injured. The animals hired by the European Union were ablated by the sun, and their flesh and blood were not mutilated. They were just annihilated together with their exoskeletons.

On other fronts, a particle cannon blasted away dozens or hundreds of people. However, the European Union was still able to assemble infantry and low-bodied intelligent (unmanned) armored firepower units to maintain the front line.

The anti-satellite particle cannons in the Red Sea region burn China's space-based weapons into rubbish in the sky regardless of day or night.

But China’s space-based weapons are still being launched. Is the European Union exchanging human lives for the consumption of China’s high-tech weapons?

Wei Keng was very surprised by this: This is simply the style of the Anglo-French Entente against the German Alliance in World War I. Although Germany and the Second Alliance made good exchanges on the battlefield, they could not bear the fact that Britain and France had vast colonies to provide troops. But this time, the European Union

Do you want to follow this model?

Wei Keng reviewed relevant information in Africa and wanted to deduce what impact the British and French regions would have on the world.


After doing this research, Wei Keng began to delve deeper into the basic technology of this world and this era.

First of all, driven by the emergence of synthetic food and genetically modified high-yield crops, Africa's total population is now 2.5 billion, and the average male life expectancy is 49 years old.

Seeing this data, Mr. Wei's mouth twitched. This data means that for some places in Africa, "immune deficiency syndrome" is not a disease, because before he gets sick, he will die of other causes.

.Of course, for the people of China and other countries, dark skin is a person who is untouchable in reality! (In modern times, people were fooled into giving up their guard by only talking about the moral upper limit of the carrier, without considering the lower moral limit.)

In this case, excluding women, children, and the labor force needed to maintain necessary colonial facilities throughout Africa, 800 million young adults could be put into the battlefield!

Well, in the ancient times of the main world, a certain iron-blooded network boasted that its country had the largest number of reserve troops, but compared with these areas with full fertility, it really couldn't afford the human wave tactic.


Next, there is the advancement of artificial intelligence. At this time, the chip size and intelligent auxiliary capabilities are no longer comparable to those during the last war.

However, due to cost issues, it is impossible for artificial intelligence to reach the level of humans and replace human soldiers in military missions in dangerous and complex areas. This can only be achieved in the interstellar era.

Through the integration of humans and machines, the European Union can now train illiterate African youths to the level where most light infantry can perform tasks through four months of emergency training.

This means that many combat positions can be laid off on a large scale, or can be operated by lower-cost ‘employees’.


In recent times, there has been such a comment in society: the college students recruited are not as capable as the technical secondary school students. Behind this comment, perhaps it is because some college students have high scores and low abilities (more often it is the bargaining remarks of the bosses who want to keep the salary of college students down).

But from a broad perspective, this shows that a large number of positions at that time could not play the role of highly educated people.

During the period of scientific stagnation, the current battle model cannot fully utilize the capabilities of the highly educated population.

Wei Keng, who is "like a middle-aged man", performed his own self-introduction.

As an ordinary young man in contemporary China, he received twelve years of compulsory education, passed a series of assessments, and passed a lot of hardships before being thrown into the battlefield by merchants and privateers like a social animal. As a result, he will find that in combat mode, he is twenty years old.

The life that has been filled with learning over the past few years is the same as that of the black men implanted with artificial intelligence. Even if they are bleeding and running around in a hurry on the battlefield, they are not as stable as the black men who are hacking and killing in the tribe.

In the infantry sequence, China's soldiers have no strategic technological advantages. How much can the current advantages of individual mechas and other weapons offset the human-machine transformation of soldiers like the European Union?


When Wei Keng calculated how much African manpower the European Union was consuming, he discovered another situation that shocked Mr. Wei Keng, that is, the composition of African ancestry has been changing rapidly in recent decades.

Africa has a tribal system, with a vast population spread across a large number of tribes, but only a few people in the tribe have the right to reproduce, that is, the chief can give birth to dozens or hundreds of children.

Such regional culture, after being hastily drawn into modern civilization, still remains in the big cities established by the colonists.

In some cases, the colonists also maintained the "chief system" in the cities. Monogamy would only be stable in an industrial society.

The colonists obviously had no intention of establishing industrialization in Africa. They mined and plundered resources, and a large amount of the economy revolved around the colonists. In terms of reproduction rights, most of the people born in the cities were mixed-race. Native pure blood was very rare.

Wei Keng is investigating the genealogy behind the names of multiple groups of samples. Many big cities are no longer pure black.

Instead, they are mixed-race descendants with thick lips. After these descendants undergo colonial social education and experience in big cities, they will arrive in the tribe, destroy the conservative old tribe, and then become new chiefs.

Even though the native blood of Africa is very strong in appearance, the appearance of the local people has also undergone many changes. This change is by no means a natural evolution, but a selective artificial breeding. The skin is turning brown

, and the appearance characteristics have become Latin American.

[In recent times, African Americans in the United States and native Africans were completely two different races, with the bridge of their noses getting taller and taller. Halle Berry (female), *** (male)...]


Africa's current economy, politics, and culture revolve around the colonizers.

Breeding also revolves around colonizer-centered economic distribution.

Now those who are sent to the battlefield for consumption first are from the outer circle. The war will speed up the process of bloodline replacement.

As for whether this kind of speculation is based on a villain's heart, Wei Keng, who has experienced 21 lives and was killed day and night by mobile games, understands one truth: as an encounterer, he discovered through statistics that the plan was done.

A set of tricks, never believe that this is a "design error and unintentional move" by the planner. This is usually what they think, and they will go to any lengths in order to capture the audience!

So according to this calculation, the European Union has the motive to deliberately promote the war to consume the population. Therefore, the upper management of the European Union will not feel sorry for the population. Well, at least at this stage, they will never feel sorry for the population.

Mr. Wei is also a male, so from the perspective of breeding rights: "If he fights with their cats, we (China) will lose!"


Wei Xin's report was divided into two parts, one part was submitted directly to the Protectorate, and the other was handed over to the Celestial Capital.

A report was made on the seriousness of this world war and long-term suggestions were put forward.

The most important one is that manpower must be used sparingly, not only for China’s local manpower, but also for the effective forces of the big food friendly countries. Judging from some "unrestricted" social development concepts in the European Union

, they really know how to use zero-sum theory to fuel various contradictions.

In this war of population attrition, the West Asians are our frontline allies, and we must vigorously support their development.

Mr. Wei, who is beggar his neighbor, is careful, because there is a long distance between East Asia and West Asia, the Gobi Desert and the Himalayas. Even if West Asia develops into a modern civilization, the first threat will be from the European Union. Two thousand five hundred years ago, Persia expedition to Greece, this Liangzi

It has been settled long ago.

Moreover, if China does not arrange a multi-polar world for the Western right wing, the Western right wing, which cannot find an enemy, will look to the East to find fault, and a mangosteen will appear: "We in the West and the yellow race are competing with different civilizations."


And after reading the history of the 27th century, Mr. Wei does not think that the "big food" is a scourge. It is just that the industrial era is backward and has not developed. It is an extreme situation formed under hardship, similar to the "sweeping and eradication" of East Asia at its most declining period.

"foreign" status.

Similarly, when developed countries such as the monotheistic cultural circle, the European Union in modern times, and North America gradually lost their civilizational advantages, they did not show any tolerance for the emerging party. One after another claimed that "the East must be educated to re-obey the international order," and various "ethnic genocide" was unwarranted.

"Slander", and even "turning a blind eye to robberies on the streets with yellow skin"...doesn't reflect any civility!

The reason for the extreme situation in the Dashi area is that it was bombed. What about the West? That is really shameful!

In recent times, people have promoted diversity on their own platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and established the image of these gentlemen as philanthropists and saviors. At the same time, they have used Hollywood to establish their own image of being tall, handsome and rich. They have made full use of "dislike the poor and love the rich"

It is human nature to establish one's own absolute justice. Then he turns to the microwave, writes, directs and promotes various plots, arranging buffoons for Oriental people!

For example: Pretending to be Chinese, when a certain other country is hit by a disaster, they should lead the beauties in the region. At the same time, when the interests of the West are harmed, and the East is clearly irrelevant, a large number of good people appear in the public opinion arena, and they should make decisions on behalf of the Chinese people.

Repentance and appeal: "As a big country, we must shoulder our responsibilities."

This method was revealed after the twenty-sixth century, and its counterpart was found in the eighteenth century.

At that time, the first batch of colonists to arrive in the East, the Netherlands and Spain, used this method to instigate conflicts between Chinese and local people in Nanyang. In modern times, this method was changed and used on the Internet!

Moreover, in the 18th century, there were many traitorous families who betrayed their compatriots and became the top agents in the region. This is how Li Hepo's ancestors started their business.) The same was true for Liu Hepo in modern times.

Western colonists have tried and failed.


Wei Keng's current strategy completely refers to the thinking of the end of modern times and makes friends with West Asia.

Of course, making friends here does not mean following an external baton to "welcome immigrants." Regarding the "immigration" policy, Mr. Wei's attitude is "immigration nm." To be friends with others is not to make others poor and then invite them to do it at home.

Human life. Is that making friends? Is that a landowner buying slaves during a natural disaster?

Only help others "build a house" when they are in trouble. After they have a place to live, they will ask you to continue their cooperation if they run into trouble in the next step.


Behind this military war in West Asia, we can make long-term preparations.

Regarding Wei Keng's report, Shenzhou Shendu gave it a mild evaluation: "It's a very novel perspective." Then there was no further follow-up.

At this time, the Dashi area is not the main problem that the city of God is currently facing, and it can be delayed.

If the court wants to implement a certain policy, it must calculate the benefits. From Guan Tianzi's point of view, although Wei Xin's report is very interesting, the court, as the executor, cannot see that it can occupy absolute profits from it, so it has no enthusiasm!


But on the Duhufu's side, Wei Keng got through to the upper echelons of the Silk Party clan, because the Duhufu was directly facing the problems in the large food areas.

When the military war in West Asia was in full swing, Wei Keng gradually entered the center of strategic decision-making in western China, began to discuss the details of the current campaign in detail with the generals, and made some strategic analyses.

Strategy is very important. It is to break big problems into small problems that can be solved one by one. Without strategy, it is just one big problem. There is no hope of solving it, so there is no need to use our efforts.

In a series of online meetings that began in February, Wei Keng was not a guest, but represented Kunlun! And Wei Keng's series of speeches at the meeting were not just talk on paper, but a series of insights into the Dashi region.

Plan for emergency support for industrial and military production.

The wind rises, the clouds rise, and the dragon appears!

From this moment on, Wei Keng used the economic capital borrowed from Kunlun to plan military strategies.

On the other hand, with the capital of military strategic planning, they began to discuss post-war interests with the Chinese Silk Faction.

The initial capital for the economy and military was all borrowed from Wei Keng! Wei Keng suddenly stood at the hub and became a key decision-maker from an empty-handed individual who had been suppressed by the courtiers in the capital city!

Times make heroes!


In March 2279, in Base No. 15 on the Persian Plateau in China, West Asia.

In the underground tunnel built by the Shield Dragon, three Jinjia armors are being transported out of the tunnel railway. The five-hundred-ton behemoths have not been folded and are extremely oppressive when passing through the tunnel. Although the three Jinjia armors were not damaged

, but part of the nanometer stock was seriously consumed, and it was obviously a heavy hit.

Three giant Pojun Golden Armors also leaned against the steel landing gear. With a "stab" sound, the cockpit on the back of the Pojun Golden Armor opened, and the driver inside jumped down from a height of six meters.

In fact, there is a slide. But in the army, if there is no fierce battle for dozens of hours, and as a master who releases his true energy, he can't even move up and down after just taking two steps in the mecha, then this martial arts

Undoubtedly, he didn't practice well.

The Tiangang mecha infantry passing by saluted these generals.

The Tiangang mecha infantry are all warriors who have passed the martial arts examination and are senior non-commissioned officers certified by China. The ones who drive the Pojun Golden Armor are innate masters.

Xi Bafang took off his helmet and let out a breath of bad breath. He returned the salute to the Thunder Tiangang mecha soldiers who lined up to salute him, and then hurriedly disappeared at the end of the passage with two other colleagues. These Tiangang mecha soldiers,

Then he continued to walk towards his rest camp.


As commanders driving golden armor, these three have just completed battlefield missions.

The Chinese armed forces in the front were badly beaten, mainly because the European Union Army advanced too hard and had a huge advantage in supplies along the ports on the Mediterranean. Relying on massive unmanned armored troops and cannon fodder infantry, they were firmly on the ground.

Occupied "Damascus".

After someone's report that "European Union wants to consume the surplus population" came out, the commanders at the frontier of China became very upset when they looked at Eunian's army.

In addition to the heavy firepower of the European Union Colonial Army, such as Titans, which are recruited from the mainland and driven by troops, the small tanks that attack in the front are all unmanned.

After the warriors of China found themselves fighting cannon fodder, they no longer had the interest to roam the battlefield.

It's like in modern times, you practiced hard in a martial arts school for seven or eight years and developed good martial arts, but then someone got a gun. Damn it, you think he doesn't have martial ethics.

For the enemy's cannon fodder tactics like this, the actual benefits of the golden-armored commanders leading troops into battle are very little. Even if they can destroy a few enemy regiments, the enemy's light armored regiments composed of "small four-wheel drive vehicles" and cannon fodder will still be behind.

Established in large numbers.

These iron-clad little bastards can shoot one at a time, but they can't hold many.


According to the strategic deployment proposed by Wei Keng to the Protectorate, we should extend the front line and not consume it near the Mediterranean coastline. We should draw the military line to the edge of the enemy's logistical capabilities for consumption.

However, due to the current harsh criticism of the Shenzhou Donglin faction, "leaving without a fight" is not possible, so the golden armor and heavy machinery armor groups transferred from the mainland are not allowed to launch an attack on the Assyrian region.

When the two colonels and a major general entered the officers' area, the hover drone opened the channel and broadcast the latest military information.

Yuan Heli (male): "Those people in the south have started fighting for orthodoxy between the north and the south again."

Jie Youhua (female): "Ever since the Northeast Rebellion, we have been fighting for more than 40 years, and we can't separate the families, so we can just live like this!"

Xi Bafang shook his head slightly while listening to the heated conversation between his two colleagues.

As a native of Jianghuai, Xi Bafang once kept in mind what his master said: Never get involved in factional struggles between courts. Whether it is the southern faction or the northern faction, the cause of injustice in the world is due to party strife.

Xi Bafang said goodbye to his colleagues, and the communicator on his arm asked him to go to the High Military Staff Headquarters.

This chapter has been completed!
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