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8.28 Chapter 2 The hidden dragon emerges from the abyss and breaks through

 On October 4, at Khorasan Airport, a huge spacecraft was suspended above the airborne tower and the shuttle ladder was lowered.

After Wei Keng stepped off the spacecraft, he was escorted away by soldiers from the General Command. At this time, the war situation was urgent, and circles of nano-protective shields were deployed around the airport. Anti-satellite particle beam cannons could also be seen at the airport.


Walking in the underground military passage, Wei Keng was wearing a white Luo Shui-cooled fusion power suit. It was not bulky and had high agility. This was definitely different from those simple protective iron can-style combat mechas. Moreover, there was a light nano force field around it.

Even though Danzi, the new recruit in charge of the security, could not recognize the military rank, he knew that an important person was coming and saluted one after another.


Ten minutes later, in the now secret central command base of Persia.

Hong Yutai, the senior military commander here, wore a smart chip helmet and scanned the combat situation. From time to time he turned his head and looked at another camera to see what he was arguing with some people in the court. Wei Keng scanned it carefully.

The person talking to the imperial court seemed to be just a clerk from the Ministry of War.

After Wei Keng arrived, the general shut down the communication above with a snap.

As for the content of the quarrel between the general and the secretary at the court?

It is nothing more than: the current Western Region Protectorate has imported unmanned combat mecha production technology and individual soldier mecha technology to the Dashi area.

Everyone in the court believed that too much technology had spread, and China's military power no longer had a "generational difference" advantage in the region. As everyone knows, if there is no technology export in this place, China's influence here will be gone.

General Hong Yutai, of course, shut down the communication there when Wei Keng arrived.

Hong Yutai is the current decision-maker in the Dashi area and is considered a senior veteran among the "Silk Road" parties. After seeing Wei Keng, he clenched his hand and said, "Brother Wei Xian, I finally waited for you.



Wei Keng is here to provide strategic backup. The entire Western Region Protectorate has taken the next strategy: whether to maintain influence in the region or shrink strategically, it all depends on whether the plan carried out by "Wei Xin", who has connected all parties, can be carried out.


In the current situation, without the help of the Xinli Western Region Protectorate, it is absolutely impossible to fight against the pressure of the European Union alone. It lacks armaments and soldiers, and can barely support itself with only a small group of elite troops and a maritime fleet.

Wei Keng saw Hong Yutai and said: "General, let's do business first, and we can't waste a moment now. I have completed the statistics of people from all walks of life in the entire Dashi area. Now I will hurry up and meet with them, and then

Arrange production."


At this time, on the map nearby, China's multiple groups of anti-aircraft missile positions have concentrated on guarding large cities, forming the current safe area.

Famous people in each area of ​​the Dashi area were also contacted. These famous people popularized the Shenzhou Compilation mobile phone program in various areas, and during this period, they quickly filled in their identity information, educational level, and professional experience.

Here, China can be divided into groups. If Dashi’s local mobilization capabilities are not good, China can help them use technology to complete the mobilization! Of course, the premise is that the local leaders in the Dashi region cooperate! Yes, as long as the region helps the electronic system

Just statistics.

The next step is for China to obtain unprecedented detailed personnel information in the region and start training in groups.

Modern industry is a repetitive operation, and each link is not difficult. Only one-tenth of the technical backbone can manage a large number of people. And this one-tenth of the technical backbone (expatriate experts) is no problem.

Through his connections in Kunlun and Luoshui, Wei Keng had already dispatched hundreds of thousands of skilled workers, and at this time he was offering a high salary of one million a month.

Personnel, along with various production lines, began to be transported to Dashi along the Aral Sea railway line. This kind of industrial mobilization in the Dashi area was unprecedented, and China was forcibly forming an anti-European alliance at this time.

What is happening now is a miracle. Well, the mainland of Dashi is very fragmented due to doctrinal differences, which makes it difficult for them to communicate across regions. Even the current fighting armies on the front line are divided into different forces, which makes it impossible for all parts of Dashi to

Complete cross-regional industrial cooperation. Moreover, because this place is too closed, outside capital cannot enter and integrate.

But now! As long as the factories are assembled one by one and dispatched by Shenzhou, although the various factions have conflicts, their production supply chains can cope with it, and the rapid wartime industrial system can be operational.

Wei Keng: "The European Union's attack on the Dashi region is a global crisis. But the crisis is the coexistence of danger and opportunity. China takes this opportunity to export industry and help Dashi complete its industrialization and weaponization."


Of course, the Dashi area is only one part of it. In the details of Wei Keng’s strategic plan: revitalize a whole set of industrial chains and undertake the transfer of industrial chains in the Eastern Pacific.

The manganese nodule production areas in the Pacific region have been blocked by Donglin politicians and environmentalists. However, in the Indian Ocean region, that is the scope of the "Silk Road" Party, which has vigorously developed the Indian Ocean mining areas. (What about environmental protection?

Yes, in the face of the geographical interests of Xiliang region in China, it is like a mantis trying to defeat the enemy.)

Wei Keng has asked Wei Qiong. Over in Luoshui, they have contacted the unemployed miners there who are preparing to cause trouble. Along with the deep-sea industrial mining machines that are urgently needed, they can be purchased as long as the funds are available.

Once the mine is established, energy must keep up. The plateau area was an energy base before the last war, and now Kunlun has taken over a large number of bonds in the area.


The "Silk Party" is not short of money. They have saved enough money these days to connect the Eurasian continent. However, the current party bosses in China are much more powerful than the old party. Wei Keng pioneered the use of big data to purge the party.

, was widely used in later generations.

The high-ranking party bosses in China have property, and they are no more noble than those in the Ming Dynasty, and the courtiers have less property. However, the current silk party bosses in China will not be like the Ming Dynasty, and they will not be able to collect money at critical moments.

Now that the European Union is moving eastward, it has indeed reached a stage where the survival of the entire interest system is at stake.

The Silk Party is absolutely making every effort to deal with the current situation.

For internal recruitment, the party boss will not care about China's tax system, and will directly apportion it according to the amount of big data testing. Can't afford it? It will be taken back directly based on the property rights recorded by big data. These operating rights are real digital wealth.

Most of Wei Keng's current strategic expenditures are paid by the Silk faction. And when Master Wei spends their money, they have to beg themselves to hurry up.

For example, the originally declining energy industry on the plateau has been directly revitalized by the Silk faction, and the shares have been handed over to Luoshui, who is behind Wei Keng. - Yes, after the war was won, the plateau's energy industry really soared, but after the war was lost,

, which makes it worthless.

Silk Party bosses: "Only in this way can we trust the Wei family and work hard."


Now, Wei Keng's identity is very interesting, he is a second-rate figure in every force.

For example: In Kunlun, Tang Youfeng is the master, and Wei Xin has the remains of an immortal, but he is not a talker.

As for the Wei family, the sect leader is Wei Qiong. Although Wei Xin has the name of Wei Keng's body regeneration, he is not the commander of Luoshui.

The top military commander of Southwest China's military department must be appointed by Shendu. Wei Xin only has the rank of major general, controls one unit, and does not have the authority to command a large army.

But in the current war, all the above are connected together, and Wei Keng is the absolute helmsman.

Decades later, Xi Bafang wrote about this moment in his memoirs: A meeting of storms, a hidden dragon emerged from the abyss, and it was broken.


Before Wei Keng went to work, he was pulled into a combat meeting by Hong Yutai.

The metal door opened, and military commanders walked into the venue one after another, including Xi Bafang, who had hurriedly bid farewell to his colleagues in the tunnel.

General Hong introduced to the combat generals at the front: "This is Kunlun Taiweiyuan, Major General Wei Xin." - Regarding the psychic commander with a Qinglong ship, the army generals present were stunned.


Many of the generals of the Shenzhou Marine Corps are from the Zhenwu sect, and have a mixed attitude towards Taoist qigong practitioners.

Martial arts have disciples all over the world, and those who are promoted to Xiantian are only one among ten thousand. They have the arrogance of a warrior and are the most righteous dharma in the world today.

However, even though the psychic system is rarer than the martial arts system, there are still more upper-level resources gathered, and the path for psychics is smoother.

Wei Keng greeted the generals one by one according to the information given by the system. His behavior was without arrogance, which made these martial artists feel relieved.


Hong Yutai told two pieces of news at the meeting, one bad news and one good news.

The bad news is that China and Shendu are at odds with each other, and the Chinese court bosses are unwilling to provide more military support.

The good news is that Wei Xin has arrived, and Kunlun, Luoshui, and multiple sectors in western China will support our strategic output, so you don’t have to worry about rear supply issues!

[Master Wei understood the reason why General Hong asked him to stay for the meeting. He was trying to boost morale by looking at the plum blossoms to quench his thirst. ]

In terms of military projection, the strategic battle situation in the entire Assyrian region has now been opened, and generals including Xi Bafang reported on the enemies in the area.

The enemy has many troops, most of which are standard regiments with light armor and light mechanization.

A standard regiment has a basic number of more than 4,000 exoskeleton infantry, more than 300 light armored vehicles, more than 60 main battle tanks, and eight long-range artillery Titans.

Xi Bafang: "In the Assyrian area, they have gathered at least 150 standard regiments of troops. And after they are destroyed, they can quickly replenish them. The optimistic news is that the European Union is not Rome, and they have not attacked any roads to build roads.

"The habit of building one place." - The characteristic of the Roman legions was that wherever the legions fought, they built roads. Therefore, there is a saying that all roads lead to Rome.

Xi Bafang pointed to the road conditions in the area. After continuing to penetrate into the Asian continent, the total strength of the European Union will be limited. - Although the light armored forces can move forward regardless of the terrain, the light armored forces need logistics and still rely on route transportation.

, so in Mesopotamia, the European Union's military advantage will weaken.

When these generals were discussing how to arrange their troops.

Wei Keng said: "Where is Dashi's current military strength? Generals, can you tell me their status?"

Facing the surprised looks of the generals, Wei Keng added: "Subordinate armies are also a force. This is their land, and they should be the ones who have the most desire to fight. Although their combat skills and level are very weak, I think they should not be ignored.

.I just arrived, and I have nothing to do yet. I need to determine which of the local military forces operating on the front line have a strong will to fight. If possible, focus on arming them."

Commander Hong asked the intelligence department to transfer the information.

This chapter has been completed!
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