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Chapter 9.03 Pedestrians don't ask what happened in the past, the homeland comes from the east of th

 The plateau area is the third largest management area in China (the first is Lingbei, and the second is the Western Regions.)

When trade only relied on the Tea Horse Road, this place was very desolate.

After the third industrial revolution, the Western Economic Link was developed westward, and the railway was extended to the plateau. Just like the development of the Nenjiang Plain before the first industrial revolution, it suddenly prospered.

And compared with the Western Regions and Lingbei, the plateau area has an advantage that Chinese people ignore, but Europeans envy. It has more light!

This place is at the same latitude as Huizhou, Suzhou, and Shandong. Compared with Western Europe, it has ocean currents to keep it warm, but in fact the latitude is on the same line as HLJ.

High latitude means shorter days in winter. The development of Europe in the Middle Ages was largely limited by this.

Despite the advent of electric lighting in modern times, daylight is also an important factor in the prosperity of economic activities.

Please note that the Shenzhou Plateau area is close to the sea!


In 2282, the Tianzhu Ocean Economic Circle began to take off, just beginning to undertake the transfer of industrial chains in East Asia and the Western Pacific.

This is the space for peaceful development created by the Assyrian War in the Dashi region. Since the Eastern Allied Forces demonstrated the ability of the region to resist external interference during the war, it is considered by investors to be a zone for long-term investment.

The current geographical environment of this region is such a good one that the main world did not have in modern times.

After the British Empire retreated in modern times, it laid two big mines in India, Pakistan, and Palestine and Israel. Then the Bald Eagle added pressure to the Mao Xiong's abdominal strategy and began to instigate conservative sects, laying a series of small mines. After the Mao Xiong fell,

The bald eagle directly crossed the river and demolished the bridge, knocking out the stabilizing valves that were trying to bring the region into the modern era, and did a lot of things supported by the Peace Prize with explosives. Then the three South Asian buddies made a show of inheriting the Commonwealth legacy.

There is no better place.

Only by containing the accident of war can the region's governors begin to focus on long-term development and allow the economy to take off.

The war ended in 2280. After all the local forces in Tianzhu Ocean knew which side to embrace in this world, they also realized the benefits of the torrent of steel and missile airships.

Compared with using bombers to threaten European countries a thousand kilometers to the west, rocket missiles can gain the international status they deserve. Therefore, they have embarked on the path of industrial development and accepted a package of industrial output provided by experts from China.

As for the plateau areas within the Tianzhu Ocean Ring, how will they deal with themselves in this emerging economic circle?

[When Wei Keng last traveled through, the Western Economic Union opened up the tunnel group from the Himalayan Plateau to the Tianzhu Ocean, and entered the sea from the Bay of Bengal, so it is an important member of the Tianzhu Ocean economy.]

If the UHV power grid is used as energy output alone, it will be a hand in the direction of nothing. Although Mr. Wei is not a professional economic strategist, he at least has a broader vision and development than the current warlords in the Dashi area.


Prosperity, of course, requires shared prosperity, but the upper reaches of the industrial chain must still do their part.

The current advantage of the plateau region is that it is backed by China. At present, the infrastructure is still better than other regions in Tianzhu Ocean, and the level of basic education is high. These are the advantages that can currently attract investment first and build the "upstream of the industrial chain".

However, these advantages will not remain unchanged forever. As other regions of Tianzhu Ocean develop their strength, this advantage will most likely turn into a first-mover disadvantage.

(The infrastructure advantages of the main world lighthouse in the 20th century no longer exist in the 21st century.)

Wei Keng made the most serious prediction: in terms of food, education reform will definitely be carried out in the future, and at the same time, social productivity will be liberated. In addition, high-quality hydrocarbon energy will attract investment from China.

Plateau areas must cope with competition and carry out long-term strategic layout.


Layout is a technical activity. For example, to attract investment, you must turn yourself into a reservoir of funds. Therefore, real estate will definitely rise, but the price increase must be slow and slightly higher than the surrounding area to ensure that the investment here maintains its value and ensures that under the same conditions

Next, the technology industry chain will prioritize investing in itself.

But we must not let real estate boom. In this period of the main world: hot money capital likes to pile up bubbles on East Asian real estate and then suddenly run out of money. In this regard, Mr. Wei asked Bai Jingqi (Bai Zhaodi) to help him watch the situation.

When Mr. Wei is gathering initial funds in Tianzhuyang, he will never let Jiangnan Group harvest him.

Wei Keng: The world's economy is like a big prison. Even if you point your spear at others, you must always guard your own back door.

How to increase the value of plateau areas?

Wei Keng did not do any technical operations and adopted the overlord's hard-on approach. He directly moved many of the universities signed by Luoshui to the plateau. These schools were unwilling to go, but if they had enough money, they could just build branch campuses.

Then the teaching staff was poached. When the educational teachers were brought over, some losers from the moribund industrial chain were poached.

Even Golden Phoenix couldn't attract them, so they just poached those companies that had only one breath left.

This is not a venture capital investment, and it is definitely not a casino operation. Instead, it is determined that there is a winner in this market, so I place a long bet to increase the risk.

This has confirmed that the general economy of the Tianzhu Yang region is going to take off. In the long-term trend, the entire region is in urgent need of industrial chain completion. If the stupid bird flies first, it will definitely reap the benefits.

[The so-called strongest venture capital in that inland city in the 21st century has determined that the "full set of industrial chains" in the national general strategy must exist. There must be a winner in this strategy. So I boldly placed a long bet.

As for the overall risk in one's own region, it is tied to the fate of a big country. If one fails, it means that the national industrial chain layout has failed. And if the national industrial chain layout fails, how can the eggs be destroyed if the nest is overturned?

Inland cities are not golden rice bowl areas such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, which have natural attractions for external terminals. If inland areas want to rise, they must bet on the general trend of industrial chain demand. Under bullish bets, those companies that are still alive will always follow the country.

To meet the needs of the industrial chain layout, a part of the industry will be saved. A technical team will be formed, and finally inland cities will occupy one link of the supply chain.]


In the Shenzhou plane, after the Battle of Dashi, Wei Keng is now the operator. It is impossible for there to be a war in the Tianzhu Yang Economic Zone. (On the European side, they dare not fight. On the Shenzhou side, as long as Wei Keng says, "No war."

', within twenty years the hawks in the Western Regions will only stop at lip service.)

It is certain that there is no risk of war, and the selected local leaders of Dashi also have a relatively new vision. When the people in the area are at peace, the production industry will rise, and strong demand will explode rapidly in ten or twenty years.

At the same time, the Shenzhou Silk Sect's business and private forces must find a foothold if they want to transfer the industrial chain to Tianzhu Ocean. Especially those relatively high-end industrial chains. It is impossible to let the remaining areas of the tribal system come to play.

Judging from the current governance technology and the establishment of management teams, those areas in the Dashi area that have not yet carried out in-depth social revolution and are still led by personal charisma are far behind in terms of industrial planning capabilities, as well as the formulation of policies, regulations, and efficient execution.

Far behind the now rebuilt plateau areas.

Wei Keng: Maybe I can't beat the business elites in the east, but if I want to beat the rookies like Dashi, I write the word "wei" backwards.


For an emerging area like Dashi, the industrial chain is a complex thing. If it does not work well, it is very easy to cause conflicts with the local area. For example: not to mention smashing, smashing and looting of sales stores, power outages in industrial production, robberies of road goods, and various

Bribery is required at every step. It's like a graphics card driving a game. If the card is not good enough, it will be burned.

The worst thing may be that local regulations are not perfect, resulting in financial manipulation.

When people in the region have to "take back" to open up regional links, large companies cannot reimburse them, which leads to negative work. If reimbursement is made, there will be corruption within the company, which is equivalent to the company management being pulled back to feudalism.


[So don’t look at the capitalists in the main world in the modern times who said that East Asia has more land, water, electricity, and manpower. They all threatened to go to Southeast Asia and build factories in South Asia. In the end, the world situation fluctuated slightly, and they all came back. Others.

Needless to say, the invisible cost of corruption is an insurmountable barrier.

Those places where the social structure is not well established have an inertia of social backwardness. Any advanced group management that is implemented there will be brought back to the same level and knocked to the ground by others with their rich experience.

No matter how capable those entrepreneurs in modern times were, could they be stronger than Yuan Gongbao? No matter how powerful these business groups were in their fields when they were at their peak, could they be stronger than Beiyang's military suppression of all forces at that time?]


In 2282, the economic ecology of the entire plateau region was booming. The environment of the Tianzhu Ocean was an outlet for pigs to take off, not to mention that it really had wings.

All major old cities are being renovated. In terms of technology, the space launch station is under construction.

In terms of infrastructure, under the plateau lake, data centers loaded with iron cans are placed at the bottom of the lake one by one to provide data services! (Well, this technology can save a lot of cooling costs, and the operation of the data center costs a lot in electricity every year.


High-end machining, a new generation of robotic arms, and a series of industrial chains have begun to be debugged as factories, personnel, and engineers are in place.

Looking down from space, you can see a large number of plans appearing around the new cities in the plateau area, with large square houses alternating with green areas. These large houses, hundreds of meters long, wide and twenty to thirty meters high, are photovoltaic components.

High-precision technology factory.

As for the smelting of non-ferrous metals, these energy-intensive and polluting industries are all arranged in the Bay of Bengal, which is very close to the plateau area. The plateau area supplies power, the external harbor supplies minerals, the plateau area provides core technology, Xia Sheng Bank provides capital, and the local area provides

manpower to produce.

The public opinion in eastern China is filled with complicated dramas about talented men and beauties, and there are very few reports on the drastic changes here.

Only some people with a keen sense of business and private interests began to turn their eyes westward, towards the "village" where Wei Keng was sitting.


When the latest economic data came out in 2282, various investments in the plateau area quickly reached an inflection point in initial cost investment and began to rise.

Its power generation increased by 40%, while electricity consumption simultaneously increased by 500% (the original electricity consumption was too small, so the increase was large).

Such an economic miracle once caused many economists throughout China to exclaim that the Western Economic Union era was back. Such exclamations were nothing more than a gimmick. And they were quickly blocked by the China Internet Control System.

This banning force is so powerful that the entire top floor of Shenzhou seems to have been stabbed in the lungs. For some people in Shenzhou: "You can eat arbitrarily, but you can't say arbitrarily."

In the court hall of Shenzhou, there were mixed feelings about Plateau District's lightning-like return.


At present, Wei Xin's identity is still highly confidential! Only a very small circle of people in the court know it.

You must know that the original plan of the Luoshui Wei family was: Wei Keng's identity, after Wei Xin made some small achievements, came out to become an amplifier of confidence when necessary.

But now! Obviously Wei Xin himself has directly accumulated credibility in this life without the need to "borrow his name".

If the world now knows that the current planner of the plateau is Wei Keng who was resurrected back then. The Guan family, who was already unable to control the situation of the court, will really want one Buddha to be born and two Buddhas to ascend to heaven.

Last time, after Xia Lian failed to oust the monarch, Western China was miserably harvested by eastern merchants. From 2220 to 2240, in just twenty years, the people of Western China never felt that there was anything wrong with the 'imperial system'.

"I am very upset that I did not go to the end with the imperial system."

The people in western China regretted the death of the founder of Xia Lian.

Many people feel that "if Wei Keng had been allowed to survive, the western part of the alternative court would not be as corrupt as it is today." But everyone also knows that there is no regret medicine in the world.

Nowadays, there are no fewer people in western China than there were back then who want to wear the yellow robe of Wei Keng.

During this time travel, Wei Keng himself, as "Wei Xin", would never recognize his identity decades ago.

Wei Keng: The achievements a country has made and the greatness that is about to happen should not be attributed to any one person. Rather, the historical process has developed to a necessary moment. A few people just pushed forward in relevant positions.

To prove in front of the world that some old things can be overthrown. To provide "a direction of thinking that has never been done before", but it cannot build a god statue.

Wei Keng never thinks that he is a great man. As a middle-aged man, he only allows people like him to find a reliable and long-term goal to accumulate.

On New Year's Eve in 1982 and 1983, after the economy developed, traditional festivals became more vivid.

Over 27 cities in the plateau area, millions of drones soared into the sky and lit up brilliant lights. A grand celebration party was performed for the young men and women who had worked hard for the past year.

In the middle of this year, the entire plateau area has achieved its economic construction goals under complete planning and with super mobilization power in the global war.

Three million charging piles have been successfully installed and put into operation on 20,000 kilometers of roads. This has made the popularity of electric vehicles catch up with the eastern region.

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The battery energy density is too low, so in order to eliminate fuel vehicles in long-distance transportation, infrastructure investment must be made. In the early years, relevant infrastructure investment was carried out, and electric vehicles had to be larger to offset the shortcomings of low battery energy density.

As the vehicles become larger, all the equipment will also need to be larger, and machinery must be installed to assist in the transportation of goods and the replacement of tires.

This set of standards for facility construction and operation provides the basis for all-electric transportation in the future.

Compared with the fuel-powered transportation that is still used in large food areas, electric transportation not only avoids the shortcomings of low air pressure and insufficient engine power in plateau areas, but also creates a logistics cost advantage in large food areas.

The power infrastructure was completed within one year. This execution efficiency proves to the entire China region that the plateau area now has excellent operating capabilities.


Regarding the current situation in Tianzhu Ocean, the "confidence" restored in the plateau areas is far better than the thousands of troops in other areas of Tianzhu Ocean.

As for how many divisions Wei Keng has under his command? This is not a question that should be asked in peacetime.

Workers on the plateau have become exoskeletons, and despite criticism from environmental groups in the east, they are still equipped with large-scale exoskeletons.

This kind of equipment with ultraviolet protective mask and oxygen supply system is a necessity on the plateau. Otherwise, the skin of people working outside will be tanned, and skin cancer will occur at a high rate. According to statistics, there are about five million workers on the plateau.

The number of trucks is 6.5 million, 70% of which are trucks with a load capacity of 40 tons (required for intercontinental missile transport vehicles, with 24 wheels and a load capacity of 65 tons).

Environmental protection groups are currently demanding that Western China maintain the last piece of pure land on the plateau during the development process. The all-electric painting of the plateau is regarded by them as a major achievement of their "appeal".

However, the sudden emergence of "environmental protection voices" is actually caused by certain groups in the east. Seeing the plateau's economic boom, they want to use tricks to increase the prices of key components.

Wei Keng, who had been guarding against being cut off, had already pulled in the production line and directly replaced it with his own supply chain, which scared Dongfang and stopped immediately.


However, in the new year, Wei Keng looked at the white snow-capped mountains and was checking the future through the space-time probability cloud.

In most timelines, the plateau area is a good place, and it is the navel of global weather.

In recent times, during the nuclear war between the Eastern and Western civilizations of the earth, they also avoided this place, because scientists said that destruction here would definitely cause unpredictable effects on global atmospheric circulation. In particular, European civilization is extremely dependent on ocean currents, so for this

Unknown situations are extremely worrying.

In the Shenzhou plane, with the development of the rising sun and its return to the plateau area, the surface road network transportation volume has experienced a surge in recovery. The large population gathering and energy consumption have also caused additional changes in the Tibetan Plateau, and the impact on the global climate has already appeared. Scientists

We have been able to predict the extent of global climate change through observations. We no longer have the fear of the unknown.

If you choose to straighten your back and keep a low profile, you are doomed to be useless.

The plateau area has developed into the strategic reserve of Tianzhu Ocean, and has become an element that various hegemons have to consider when thinking about their Eurasian strategies. Therefore, their own disturbance puts the plateau at risk of war.

Wei Keng stared at the blue sky and said a simple sentence: Heaven should forge swords.

This chapter has been completed!
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