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Chapter 9.06 One Year Old One Withers

 Returning to the Shenzhou plane, the timeline of Wei Keng's resurrection is in the year 2283 of the Qin Dynasty.

In the eyes of traditional economists, the rulers of the plateau region seized rare development opportunities and quickly became bigger and stronger.

While they were listing the data and lamenting the good luck of the plateau area, Wei Keng drove his electric car all over the plateau.

Planning step by step, moving forward in a down-to-earth manner, and taking advantage of all favorable wind directions cannot be summed up by the word "luck" alone. Luck does not only come from one party, but at the moment, only Plateau has grasped this luck.

Magnificent thermal salt power stations, wind energy power towers, and six newly opened tunnels... On the permafrost, miracles continue.

In the 21st century, working on permafrost is very technical. Some of it is hard land, but if it melts, it will become a swamp. Construction here requires a lot of data support.

In order to understand the changes in frozen soil on the plateau, starting in 2281, the Disha Observation System conducted a major scientific research project.

The transformation of water between liquid and solid is also a change, and change is the physical manifestation of time.

In April 1983, a geosatellite specially responsible for observing changes in frozen soil was successfully launched.

Whether such a new observation system is accurate or not still requires on-the-spot consideration by staff, one by one test comparison, in order to fill in the errors in the algorithm... Behind the emerging technology industry, there are countless rigorous people working hard.


Plateau provinces are now absorbing a large number of employed people in the southwest and northwest. Various new technology industries have expanded with the growth of grassroots consumption power.

The miraculous development of the plateau region is based on the shoulders of unknown obedient people. However, foreign economists constantly compare economic models and want to replicate them in Eastern China, South Asia, China, and other places. In the end, they will be "different in national conditions"


The regional economy of the plateau is "showing off trees in the forest", and the humanities are also "smuggling across Yinping and directly taking Shuhan".


Population and education are the soil of the economy. What Wei Keng is moving on the old fields on the plateau is the "soil" that was cultivated in the previous life.

This time during the "fertilization and irrigation" process, the soil has its own "seeds".

Therefore, when the economy on the plateau took off this time, what the grassroots workers were grateful for was not the wise and powerful emperors of China's top leaders who created a prosperous age.

In the eyes of ordinary people in Western China, the current Guan family are basically spokespersons for luxury goods.

After the secondary development of the plateau area, the public's impression of luxury goods in Eastern China is that the premiums are too high and IQ taxes are imposed. Therefore, the Guan royal family is equivalent to a group of smart people.

Nowadays, in the hearts of the people in the plateau region, there is no emperor to worship. When the "powerful men" in the court take the credit for the economic development of the plateau region to themselves, they just get a "haha" response.

Economic planners in plateau areas rarely appear in public. Ordinary people can only hear that the planning team inspected a certain area and made a development plan for such and such. So there is no way to worship a specific person.

But there is always a reason for success, right? So this time the economy takes off without Wei Keng's guidance. The people in the plateau area are inspired to think more rationally.

When excellent schools were established, people in plateau areas spontaneously demanded that educational resources be made public and equalized, and that big data employment data be reliable and verifiable.

When an industrial circle begins to develop, big data arrangements are applied.

Workers inside are worried about being harvested and demand the formation of a workers' review association. Retired workers organize themselves voluntarily to review the factory's data flow, and supervise the factory's finances, the consumption scale of personnel-related personnel, etc.


Last time, it was Wei Keng who led the simple ancient people here as a unruly man. After the collapse of the middle road, the general public in China were not ready to walk independently for a while, and were severely tricked back by businessmen and private individuals.

Before the struggle.

Only after you have gained it can you understand the feeling of "losing". That is to say, after decades of being led by capital, when the people of Western China once again get the opportunity to be the masters of their own country, they will definitely not let go and let those smart people

To usurp the fruit.

As for Wei Keng, on the Internet big data, he has an IP "When that day comes". Then he formed an academic union and specially selected industrial experts to enter the public forum on the Internet to pay attention to this kind of spontaneous emergence in all walks of life.

Worker supervision organizations provide detailed program guidance and discipline building suggestions.

We provide free labor union construction for all walks of life, providing regulations that do not interfere with efficiency and can effectively supervise finance and personnel.

Yes, only regulations are provided.

Everyone has woken up these days, and there is no need for the European-style party model of "electing reliable members."

If the proletarians spontaneously awaken, then the program makers must also have a higher consciousness, deeply benefit from the people, voluntarily study social supervision data, and provide management theories with numerical basis for all working classes, mass supervision and representative organizations.


Mr. Wei silently provides heat without light on the new plateau internal communication network.

Wei Qiong and other senior officials in Luoshui knew Wei Keng's ID.

After Wei Qiong became aware of Wei Keng's behavioral trends, and after careful consideration, he decided to follow the trend and help Wei Keng hide his online identity information in this "wind rising".

After the year 2286 of the Qin Dynasty, senior officials from other regions in China followed a landmark event: merchants and private parties deliberately shorted the textile industry, and the retired workers' committee in the factory used their personal properties as mortgages as loans to take over the industry.

Only then did the adults realize that social changes had already taken place in the plateau area.

Before that, they were all staring at Wei Xin's placement in the scientific research team, military and other positions, looking for people who were obviously followers of "Wei Keng", as well as Wei Xin's public statements.

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But these conservatives never imagined the variability of new things.

The fire was quietly lit in the plateau area, this time from the bottom up. It was the seeds planted seventy years ago that sprouted again after a withering period in autumn and winter.

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