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Chapter 9.13 Inferring Cause and Effect

 On December 12, 2286 in the Qin Tongli calendar, according to future reviews, another world war began.

At first, no one cared about the intensification of social conflicts. It was just a subprime mortgage crisis, a foreign intervention by a powerful country, a disease pandemic, and a protest against rising unemployment. Together they form a conflict and opposition, and everyone has to step out of life and confront each other with weapons of mutual destruction.

As for now, these decades of constructing contradictions exist, attributing the outbreak of the war to just one or two events, thereby masking the forces behind them.

Now, in this incident, it seems that spies from Western Europe infiltrated the alliance countries under the Eastern Orthodox Federation, causing an old-fashioned dreadnought to defect.

The Dreadnought is a large battleship in service with the Soviet Army. It is now equipped with equipment from 70 years ago. It is an absolute classic ship. The Soviet navy has a weak financial background. This old ship relies on its strong bones and repairs to survive. Now.

Although the Glorious-class guided missile cruiser of the Soviet Navy in the last war is still very old now, it is more adaptable to the current environment than the old-fashioned Dreadnought, and can at least be equipped with a force field protective shield.


So observers from all over the world are wondering, why is Europa stealing this thing? Why, do you want to build a museum?

The Eastern Federation is furious. Well, logically speaking, everyone should be furious when encountering such a provocation.

It was later learned that the stolen warship was being renovated, and all the control cabins on the hull had been removed. The improvements were put into biological control cabins. All systems of this warship are completely controlled by biological systems. This is the most advanced system in Soviet Russia. "New" battleship technology...

Of course, in Mr. Wei's view, this "new style" is just like the Caspian Sea Monster, a transformation that looks avant-garde but is actually useless.

The most vulnerable part of a surface warship is the various operating platforms. Once hit and caught on fire, only human officers and soldiers who can move freely can reach this platform to put out the fire, and at the same time, the failed automation will be replaced by manual operation.

As for the biological control system fixed in this cabin, can it automatically extinguish the fire? After the automatic function is lost, can it be converted into a manual system with an efficiency of 30%? It is just a batch of seemingly automatic fire-extinguishing systems inserted into the key cabin. A biological loader without fear.

From a purely technical point of view, Wei Keng even felt that the entire biological modification of the dreadnought was just a gimmick created by the engineers of the Eastern Federation to deal with the bureaucrats.


In fact, this is indeed the case. In the final analysis, it has something to do with Mr. Wei.

In the 1980s, with the technical support of Shenzhou, the Dashi Alliance integrated existing Soviet and Russian legacy technologies and re-demonstrated the power of Soviet-style equipment for modernized warfare.

As the saying goes, "Fanjin forces the official to death, but the official will never give up the copyright to fandom."

As a result, the top brass of the Eastern Federation gave the engineers of the military weapons research and development department a task, which was to complete the research and development of new heavy equipment.

The military commanders of the Eastern Orthodox Federation are also accustomed to the occasional "propaganda operations" from their leaders.

But the Eastern generals thought about it and said: "Our Roman orthodox army cannot mess around. As for the air force, which also provides air cover for the Continental Army, the existing plan cannot be changed. Then we can only hand over this glorious task to "

"Hai Hun Shirts with abundant martial virtues."

As we all know, since the era of Tsarist Russia, except for the time when they violently defeated the Ottoman Black Sea Fleet,

There is a compliment that goes like this: When the Russian navy is at its strongest, it comes ashore with a machine gun and shoots at the enemy.


As a result, the third Roman generals assigned this difficult task to the naval equipment department.

The Navy assigned this task to the old fleets for transformation. Well, these old fleets are almost scrapped anyway, so it would be better to reuse them as unmanned fleets.

So, a Russian mad scientist stuffed the original deep-sea giant squid tissue into the modified ship hull pipes, allowing this biological brain to take overall control of the entire warship.

After several years of hard work, the dreadnought transformation project lived up to expectations and became a low-energy project.

In addition to the faster firing rate of the missile, the ability to repair pipe damage and mechanical failure has all dropped to 30% of the original. The combat readiness purpose is comparable to that of the past coastal defense gunships.

Oh, let’s talk about the advantages: Since biotechnology reduces the need for human accommodation, sea self-sustainability increases.

But this is of no use. The Dongzheng Navy cannot leave the Baltic Sea at all. It has no global delivery mission and has no self-sustainability.

Moreover, due to the inherent lack of power, such old ships are still slow and unable to match modern high-speed frigates. They cannot seize sea control, which is similar to the previous Kirov project.


After such a fool's project is successful, someone will have to take the blame.

For military experts: In short, it is absolutely impossible for leaders to find that the new technological projects they expected to invest in have turned out to be useless waste on the battlefield.

In fact, the leaders probably already knew the facts of this thing through the KGB, but as long as it was not exposed, they could get away with it.

The military exercises of the Eastern Federation have always been without suspense. There are no flaws in this "organized and planned" exercise.

On the coast of the Baltic Sea, clusters of Hammer missiles saturation bombed the exercise venue. The venue was filled with red flames and smoke spread by high-explosive shock waves.

The shooting video created a wave of information on social networks about "the lightning return of the powerful Red Navy".


Of course, to beautify this technical failure, the above operations are not enough. Once exposed, it will bring irreparable losses to the Eastern Federation.

As we all know, in the eyes of the public, some powerful military technologies have always failed to be applied on the battlefield due to various reasons.

For example, a series of crazy things were launched at the end of Germany's third period, such as land cruisers with more than 1,000 tons, flying wing bombers, and the underwater aircraft carriers of Showa madmen. It is said that Tesla wanted to develop the death ray weapon.

It’s because of the “collapse of the middle path” that it becomes depressing.


As a result, the super fleet that had just completed the exercise experiment was arranged by "coincidence". The electronic engineers serving on the Eastern Federation ships communicated too much with the West, and an accident occurred.

In this way, a warship parked in the port of Crimea on the Black Sea can be controlled by European Union spies by throwing coins.

Since the interior of such a huge battleship is biological, there are only four people on the operating platform. These four people are still required to take turns on duty. In fact, only one person can drive it away.

According to the following information obtained by the smart people in the European Union Military Intelligence Organization who wear perfume and have sex with big-bodied girls:

The "bald battleship pilots" of the Eastern Federation had multiple metal holes punched in their foreheads for experiments. This was to plug-in the link with the battleship biological system. This kind of experiment is very cruel, and some pilots are dissatisfied.

Get it done with money.

So, on a moonlit night with high winds, the warship defected and was then teleported to the Mediterranean Sea by the excited European Union intelligence organizations near the Strait of Constantinople.

The whole process was so evil that Europa's spy agency and Orthodox bureaucrats were like "Zhou Yu is trying to beat the enemy, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer."


Of course, just like Red Alert game players, they will not allow their enemies to steal their own things and return to their camp. Those who dare to steal their own things are even more hateful than those who destroy their own units.

The Eastern Federation was furious! Of course, they also had sufficient reasons to send troops.

They have even been ready to send troops for a long time. One hundred and fifty regiment-level combat corps and related logistics facilities have been prepared and ready to launch an attack on the Bolan border.

The European Union has not yet been able to organize mobilization. The Eastern Orthodox Federation has been planning for a long time.

More importantly, although the Eastern Orthodox Federation is technically provoking a war, it is the European Union that is at fault! Their intelligence officers were caught stealing.

"Stealing" naturally means wanting to take advantage and not wanting to pay a big price. If the stealing is successful, the European Federation will naturally make a fuss, but if it encounters a war because of "stealing", it will shout that it is "innocent and wronged"


The situation the European Union is now facing on the Eastern Front requires an emergency mobilization order to be issued, all commercial and entertainment programs to be stopped, and the military department to take over the road system.

The sudden war exposed the many internal crises within the stitching giant of the European Union.

Intelligence organizations are the "tail", while diplomacy is the "dog", and the administrative center is the "master". It should be that the owner leads the dog, and the dog wags the tail. Now it has become that the tail wags the dog, and the dog drags the owner, heading towards

Flush into the manure pit.

The current crisis is caused by a small group of people in the European Union for their own selfish interests, and has put the situation into danger.

The weak central decision-making circle of the European Union cannot use this to convince the various internal factions, and the only solution is to hope that the other party in the conflict, (the Eastern Orthodox Federation), will give in. Oh, just hope that the Eastern Orthodox Federation will mean it.

So the Euroleague can only watch the following things happen:

On the 15th, this warship without any weapons was blocked in the port of the neutral country of Greece by the Orthodox Navy. The Orthodox Federal Army completed its deployment on the Balkan Peninsula, and ballistic missiles blocked the Greek Sea.

After the situation got out of control, the European Federation was in a hurry militarily, but its attitude was stubborn. It never mentioned the issue of stealing the Dongzheng Navy experimental ship. It directly opened up public opinion and accused the Dongzheng Federation of trying to invade Greece.

Moreover, because the European Union is Catholic and naturally opposed to the Orthodox faith, the online public opinions and diplomatic rhetoric of both sides soon reached the point of war.

It's just that on the Euroleague side, the rhetoric has arrived but the combat power is not yet in place.

When Maozi was ready, on the 16th, the regiments in the Rhineland area were still shuttling through the tunnels. After tanks were pulled out of the camp, it took four hours to get on the train.

The Gallic fleet from the port of Toulon has just set sail.

In the huge Europa, the military power is controlled separately by virtue, hair, and will, so the support is not unified. If it is not unified, no one will be willing to go first. So it becomes slowly rampant.


But time will not wait for the European Federation. For decades, Europa has been too dismissive of the Eastern Orthodox Federation in public opinion! In the past decade, it has even relied on its strong national power to interfere in the surrounding areas of the Eastern Orthodox Federation, and it has not placed it on the agenda.

In his eyes, he still maintained an arrogant attitude in the crisis.

This is also a historical feature of the European League. Every time the victorious country wins, it claims to be the first army, and then Wen Tian and Wu Xi are beaten violently.

It is worth noting that after the industrial revolution, the victorious countries of the European Union were able to occupy certain advantages in technological research and development.

But if an army has no goals in its pursuit and pursues civil servants who go to and from get off work normally, it is not an army ready to fight. In short, it has no military spirit.

High-tech warfare requires more than just equipment. It requires an organization that keeps pace with the times and is always ready to fight.

A country cannot be warlike, but it must not forget to fight. The countries in the European Union are too small to deal with these two issues clearly.


From the perspective of a bystander, Wei Keng shook his head at the performance of the European Union. In this incident related to their core interests, their military performance could not even match the European Union's foreign intervention in the "Battle of Food" a few years ago.


Europa itself has a railway network as good as China's, but the Corps' cross-regional mobilization, for example, from Germany to Italy, takes eight hours! This is eight hours during wartime.

The situation is so serious that it would not be an exaggeration to shoot anyone one minute too late.

But! The European Union has such national conditions. Although it has been economically integrated for decades, regionalization in other areas is too serious.

Well, China is so unified that it can be said to be regionalized. They are originally divided into countries, and the differences in each region are whitewashed as "diversity."

People who have done organizational work know that it is most efficient to notify everyone in a department and to give direct command directly to the top. Notifying people across departments and regions is troublesome.

The European Union, which can recruit millions of troops from Africa, has a "Qi blockage" deadlock in its homeland due to fragmentation.

[Wei Keng: The European Union has no unified command over the local army. Only foreign mercenaries can unified command. How can it be like the Roman Empire? This may be the fate of Mediterranean civilization! This is the same as the cyclical rise and fall of Eastern dynasties.


While the European Union Parliament was still voting, preparing to impose all-round sanctions on the Eastern Federation from a humanitarian and critical perspective, Dongzheng submarines in the Mediterranean had sunk fifteen European Union transport ships and intercepted

It strengthened the connection between Greece and the outside world.

Several "neutral" small countries called over by the European Union began to call for the Eastern Orthodox Federation to open the blocked opening to allow international supplies to enter.

Many of the countries here are small countries in North Africa, and they are all the younger brothers of the European Union.

In the calculation of the EuroLeague, a group of political thugs who have always been at odds with each other, as long as the Eastern Orthodox Federation opens a loophole in its blockade of Greece, the EuroLeague will deliver ammunition and supplies under various names.

At the same time, as the center of the storm, in the Greek Parliament, some political newcomers took the perspective of the victims and explained that it was unfair for a "neutral country" to be treated like this by a powerful power.

These politicians have ignored the reality that as the bourgeoisie, they have close business contacts with Western Europe and cannot be neutral.

The parliamentary system has always left the European Union lacking in cohesion, but it has allowed the European Union's oligarchs to infiltrate their influence into small countries.

As a small country, Greece itself is on the verge of war.

The best national policy at this time should have been not to express any opinions in this conflict, gather citizens and supplies, and then quietly prepare for war and adopt a defensive posture.

However, politicians in the region have mixed up with external forces for their own personal interests. Not only have they not cooled down, they have verbally shown a "brave and aggressive attitude"!


At 11 o'clock in the evening on the 15th local time, the dreadnought suddenly exploded. In front of the whole world, in Greece's so-called neutral port, it so inexplicably blew itself up. The Greeks were stunned, and the European Union Parliament urgently clarified that it "wanted to

Calm down", while the Slavs found a perfect excuse in their rage.

Half an hour later, the tanks of the Orthodox Union had entered Greece. At the same time, a bunch of missiles also landed on the European Union military base in southern Constantinople.

At this time, the time zone is several hours behind. In the far east, thousands of kilometers away from the frontline of the Europa conflict, the plateau area is exposed to afternoon sunlight.

In the Daxing Airport area, today's engineering ship No. 54 is slowly taking off with blue flames spraying from its chassis. Then it retracts the flames and switches to turboprop-powered cruise.

Wei Keng, who was looking at the model analysis of the weather forecast, heard the latest news, raised his head, paused and said: "A fight is starting? Well, a fight is starting."

The first sentence seems to be describing something very far away, while the second sentence is like taking a solemn breath.

Wei Keng's time and space analysis system determined that this was the beginning of a super global war.


Wei Keng was not a prophet who saw "the result of tens of millions of people dying" in the future.

Wei Keng determined the desire of those behind the scenes to cause a bloody storm through thousands of current events that may be related to war planning, and the probability of occurrence has increased sharply.

These things included in the probability cloud calculation include "the European Union's new policy in recent years has reduced pensions for the elderly and the official fortunes of some eloquent populist giants." These events are not factors that induce the outbreak of war, but behind these events

The reason is the same as the reason why the war broke out.

Conflicts always break out in Europe, and governance no longer follows "humanistic harmony", but ignores the power rule of most people. Under this situation, if the rulers still want to maintain stability, they must choose war.

"War dead" is the result of world war.

"Ignoring the basic requirements of most people and pursuing certain upper-level goals" is the "cause" of the war.

Looking back at the global situation in recent years.

Before the Great Eclipse War, when the European Union aimed its missiles at the surrounding areas and sent troops to intervene from time to time, which made the surrounding areas unable to develop stably, the "evil seed of the governance system" that took root had already sprouted.

The European Union bureaucrats have so ignored the security and stability of the people in surrounding areas that they have begun to treat the demands of the people in the local areas lightly.

The seeds of war have already been sown.

This chapter has been completed!
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