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Chapter 9.15 Arrogance, laziness, mania

 Throughout human society, the ruling techniques of ruling groups are roughly similar. However, due to differences in regional culture, different emphases will occur.

The European region focuses on making promises when it comes to ruling the lower classes. Of course, the fulfillment of promises becomes increasingly clumsy and turns into deception.

The effect of the backlash is that when the European people realize that they have been deceived, they will become angry and demand that their lords be hanged.

The French Guillotine is a classic example of this kind of emotional backlash. The French people are too romantic and easy to deceive. Of course, they will naturally get angry after being deceived.

But in Eastern Europe, it is a different situation. The rulers are good at coercion! And the lower levels also understand that the rulers are coercive! But they cannot challenge it. They can only bow to the emperor.

The general was preparing to escape into the sewer of the toilet, but failed. The Psychic Team's field recording equipment captured the funny scene when the European admiral was arrested.

The European Union flag with 18 stars on a blue background was like a fig leaf, covering the chest of the general who had his armor stripped off. The soldiers of the Eastern Federation happily shouted "Sukabule"

I greeted the general, grabbed his ears and took a photo with him.

Oh, the above behaviors strictly abide by European standards for the treatment of prisoners of war. After all, when Europe attacked Soviet Russia, the Allied agents also treated Soviet Russian generals in this way. So go to the damn Geneva Convention.


In the evening, the red Iron Curtain protective cover opened over Berlin, and the Eastern and Orthodox Federation solemnly held a military parade in front of the Reichstag Building in Berlin.

The steel infantry of the Eastern Orthodox Federation pressed against the numerous prisoner formations of the European Union and passed by the Parliament Building. The huge European Union flag on the flagpole had fallen, and an oil painting of eighteen clowns was unfolded on the building. Showing it to the world

Declare this great victory.

In this battle, the best psychic combat troops appeared as the finale. They temporarily painted their armor with gold paint, and they were shining with gold! They walked like a goose to the music of "Unbreakable Alliance", with iron leather boots and steel boots.

, stepping across the square.

Throughout Europe, the high ground of civilization and federal dignity that had been whitewashed for decades was trampled to the ground at this moment.


As for China, thousands of miles away, Eastern intellectuals linked this moment in Europe with the allusion of "King Min of Qi lost his country" during the Warring States Period.

[Dongfang always likes to keep diaries. Basically, when encountering historical changes, he can find similar memories in the diaries for reference].

In the past few decades, Europe, like King Qi Min, has made major strategic mistakes, provoking almost all the surrounding countries head-on, without leaving any strategic buffer.

In the last world war, facing the torrent of Soviet and Russian steel, Europe relied on Edenia's assistance to resist the redization of Soviet Russia, but after the war, it blocked Edenia's interests on the west coast of Africa.

But this time, in order to seize the interests of West Asia, Europe collided with China again.

Now it seems, what if Europe completed its intervention in the Great Eclipse a few years ago? It fell into the quagmire and opened up a secondary front?

And now it is China that can send troops to help Europe.

Just like when King Zhao of Yan gathered the five kingdoms to attack Qi, Chu was the only country not involved in the conspiracy. However, Chu was beaten by Qi and never received an apology. As a result, when the Qi Dynasty asked Chu for help, it was too arrogant and suffered a cramp.

Europe is at stake! For China, the balance of the Eurasian continent is broken, which will bring a lot of uncertainty.

However, the Europeans still did not put down their arrogance. This made the Chinese court officials worried.

Because if you help a European guy at this time, you will be bitten back in the future. Europeans have a criminal record in this regard.

That monotheistic religion will not thank friends for their help, but will only thank God after being saved.

The current affairs commentator of the Donglin Party used a cheerful tone: Perhaps the Gauls should find their half-brother Osman to restrain the Russians. It is a pity that Osman has been dismembered long ago.


The current attitude of the Donglin Party members in China towards the war in Europe is "today they continue to dance without having anything to do, and they are still singing in the backyard across the river."

However, from an Eastern strategic perspective and more profound considerations, a deeper crisis has emerged.

Looking back at history, the biggest beneficiary of the Five Kingdoms' conquest of Qi was not the Yan State. This was because the country in the bitter cold north did not have the ability to rule even if it completed its occupation of the relatively prosperous mercantile country.

After the decline of Qi, the biggest beneficiary was not Chu. As a latecomer in this incident, Chu only got a share of the pie.

The biggest beneficiary was the State of Qin, which was far to the west of Mount Huashan. To the east, troops from Yan, Zhao and Han were sent in and out, so they no longer had to worry about reinforcements from Qi.


As a force that is not on the world island, the United States of Edenia is surrounded by two oceans.

At the same time, it has abundant resources. When the institutional efficiency of the world's industrial countries is at the same level, it has a natural hegemonic advantage. As long as it subverts the stability of the World Island, it can act as an outside operator.

Of course, the premise is that the system cannot lag behind. Just like the Warring States period's struggle for hegemony, the system was the last shortcoming of the Qin State.


On the plateau, Wei Keng retrieved information on the social system of the United States of Eden. From the information, this is a country with a very complete constitutional system.

However, for the establishment of an industrial country, it is not enough to rely solely on a perfect modern constitutional system. To be precise, constitutionalism is only a part of national identity.

Edenia is equivalent to a thick steel plate covering a piece of land without a complete foundation.

It is perfectly possible to build a small house on this basis that can be lived in for dozens of days, but if you want to build a building that is tall enough to be lived in for decades, problems will arise.

Not to mention the problems caused by African-American self-identification for Edenia,

Latinos and Western Europeans alone are confused and divided over the question of "whose United States is Edenia?"

And ideologically, it is dominated by Protestantism, which was persecuted by the Catholic Church. Therefore, when Protestantism was adopted as the state religion, it tolerated an unbridled diversity of religious interpretations, resulting in the emergence of a large number of schools within it!

The steel plate that replaced the foundation of Edenia gradually became unbearable.

The purely modern system of separation of powers is a very good big framework that allows the ruling class to negotiate well. But this system is not suitable for the bottom class, and Edenia lacks the foundation, and there are too many unreconcilable contradictions in the middle and lower classes.


In the beginning, the United States of Eden was a blank piece of paper, but hundreds of years later, the diversity of the middle and lower classes in the United States, as reflected in the upper-level framework, did not become the "melting pot" condensed into a common and proud history as imagined. Instead, each share

The diversified power has developed over decades and hundreds of years under the "gu cultivation" model, and has become a deformed monster that "stands out" in order to highlight its clear "labels".

Narrator: In countries like East Asia, the middle and lower classes already have a "balanced system" with the so-called rules of three religions and nine streams. When the court decides to develop constitutionalism, Taoism, clans, and industry associations that have been passed down for hundreds of years will find a new balance.

The middle and lower classes of Edenia are occupied by the mafia, evil faith, and corporate brotherhoods.

Different from China's three religions and nine wells, water from wells does not interfere with rivers. They bow to each other and say "the green mountains will not change and the green water will flow forever."

The lower-level structures of Edenia have very wild roads, and they will be cut off if they cross the boundary! And the various "borders" fluctuate greatly due to the votes of a few constitutional lords at the top.

For example, African Americans supported it in the last term, but will not support it in the next term. Once the border is rolled back, the middle- and lower-class white people in southern states will immediately counterattack with KKK uniforms. What about "leaving a thin line now so that we can meet each other in the future", I can't wait to see you again.

Just like dealing with Indians, I will find an opportunity to take you away. I will decide how to describe your culture in the future.


Various industry associations and local families will become secondary social organizations under the main structural framework of the Constitution. Although the initial reform is a bit difficult, once it is stabilized, it will immediately become a stable inertia moving forward.

The social forces in the opposition, just like the organs in biological evolution, have been fully verified by the advantages and disadvantages of the symbiosis with the superstructure for thousands of years, forming a set of rules for various industries that do not conflict fiercely with the overall situation of the court.

During the change of dynasties in the East, the three religions and nine streams will not conflict with the court. They will continue to maintain internal rules in a tacit understanding while bowing their heads. If the court wants to change, it also deeply understands that "governing a big country is like cooking small dishes" without arousing public outrage.

, slowly changing.

What about Edenia? Under the constitutional system, the succession at the top is very stable, but the president who came to power under the constitutional government and the opposition forces are often at odds with each other.

For example, it could be to forcefully suppress the public, institute alcohol prohibition, or use armed force to collect taxes.

Or let the people form an oligarchy and come forward to take advantage of it, such as daring to block the president's account on social media, oh, and even more ruthless is to hire people to brainstorm the president in a convertible.


Wei Keng looked at the projection of the suspended earth onto the New World. He boredly folded the dogtail grass in his hand, snapped it into several pieces and dropped it. After a second, he thought of something and saw that it had just landed in America.

Looking at the stubble on the mainland, one can't help but guess: "The upper and lower are in opposition, which is a hexagram with two hurdles." The six and three symbols say that there are obstacles in the way, but there is no success in the end.

[Vernacular translation: When moving forward or retreating, you are stuck between many pitfalls. It is difficult to get safe when facing danger, and you fall to the bottom of the pit. In this case, you can only wait and wait, and do not act rashly. 】

When Edenia can successfully interfere with the outside world and export diversity, making the Old Continent more chaotic and worse than itself can maintain the stability of Edenia's internal legal system.

But when a powerful order arises in the World Island and pushes its outward tentacles back to North America, proving that they are not the chosen one, then the internal situation will intensify!"

Mr. Wei took a deep breath: "It seems that there is another historical job."

This chapter has been completed!
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