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Chapter 9.26 Business and private affairs are accumulating evil

 It was also the New Year's Eve at the end of the year 2288 in the Qin Dynasty. Mr. Wei returned to the plateau in an aerospace ship. Along the way, the spiritual energy swept across the earth like soft sunlight, but the amplitude of the spiritual energy was too stable and did not cause any spiritual energy below the second level. The reader’s attention is all it takes to smooth out the wrinkles caused by an uninvited guest in the plateau area.

In the captain's room, Wei Keng comprehensively reviewed the electronic map of the Tianzhu Ocean region. A cartoon girl with the image of Bai Zhaodi patiently explained to Wei Keng the economic information of each region.

Wei Keng looked at the area stretching over tens of millions of square kilometers, and regional economic information appeared on pop-up windows. Behind the scenes of peace, undercurrents were already raging.


After the Dashi region reaped the first wave of economic dividends, faced with the current civil strife in Europe, the regional leaders of the new warlords could no longer hold back their ambitions.

They began to fully upgrade their industry. Of course, they still followed the Soviet style of military industry. Their armored fighting vehicles used a large number of casting and forging processes. The military equipment was coated with thick anti-rust khaki paint. However, its internal mechanical parts and electronic components They are all purchased from China, and the related factories on the plateau are full of food.

Regarding this kind of thing, Wei Keng let out a breath: The contradiction between the Mediterranean civilization and the West Asian civilization is unsolvable. It is estimated that these two civilizations will really entangle their grievances into the space age.

Mr. Wei set his sights on the southern foothills of the Himalayas. Regarding the development here, Mr. Wei used to feel that "it makes me tired to look at it more than once."

But the current world situation cannot ignore these Asans, because the important business and private forces in Western China, the Silk Party boss, have now reached out...


In today's world, every nation has its own way of survival. The cultural traditions of the subcontinent that have lasted for thousands of years cannot be easily transformed by the nation.

For example, the entire Tianzhu subcontinent.

Mr. Wei does not agree with this development method from the perspective of East Asian civilization. But from an objective perspective, this stubborn rock in the Tianzhu region is definitely not one that can be broken by oneself.

That's right, during the hundred years when Eastern and Western civilizations rose alternately, all attempts to completely transform the Indian subcontinent failed. Immigrants from the Chinese region only occupied the southern end of the subcontinent and established a Chinese-speaking area similar to Nanyang.

As for the Indus River Basin and the Ganges River Basin in northern Tianzhu, their appeal to foreign civilizations is the same as that of Indian cuisine. Whatever you put in it will be stewed with the smell of curry.


The top level of its culture adheres to the magical skill of lying flat, no, no, collapsing and letting you abuse it, which is a strategy that makes any invader unable to do anything.

All civilizations will spiritually promote the sacredness of "face evil without fear of death".

The representative example in Europe is the French village girl who completed her canonization in the French national consciousness on the stake.

In the East, there are also many people who promote the festival of death of literati.

This is the resilience of civilization. Tianzhu civilization naturally does not lack resilience. I will let you abuse me. After you abuse me, I will be reincarnated as a human being. As long as I don't cry out in pain, you will lose.

Therefore, even though Tianzhu was penetrated time and time again by foreign invaders, at the spiritual level, the upper echelons of foreign invaders felt that they were uninterested and had no sense of conquest. And when the invaders were old and weak, they had no desire and no desire. When seeking, after thinking about the retribution, you will be assimilated by Tianzhu.

And the more ruthlessly they kill Tianzhu, the more devout they will be in converting to Tianzhu as a ruler decades later. This is the victory of non-violence and non-cooperation. And every such victory encourages the Tianzhu civilization to further insist on its own The strategy of "collapse and bear" is victory.


For example: 80 or 90 years ago, after Wei Keng defeated Sheng Yang's army in the Central and Southern Subcontinent, a remnant of Sheng Yang's army fled to the Tianzhu area.

This bunch of beasts had been entrenched in northern Tianzhu for three years and had committed all kinds of evil, but they finally became naturalized.

There was a classic photo that recorded all this: By the Ganges River, the horse manure men happily chopped off the withered arms of the ascetics that had been raised. Or they brushed gasoline on the raised arms, then lit them on fire, and looked at the ascetics. Reaction.

The ascetics still used their faith to strengthen themselves in the practice of torturing the body in this life, as if disaster seemed to be just a part of the practice. The drug-addicted Shengyang people themselves had an epiphany.

Brutality requires fear to nourish it. The weak resist a little against the perpetrator, and the interest generated by the crushing of this weak resistance will make the perpetrator continue to indulge in violence under the instigation of interest.

Among the top ruling groups in Tianzhu, there is a group of people who are extremely peaceful and can withstand all cruelty. The perpetrators do not get the satisfaction of their desire for violence, but get panic when they look back and think about their actions. Especially the Shengyang people. He is very afraid of the revenge of ghosts and gods. So it seems that the ascetic was physically tortured, but Shengyang was mentally terrorized.

The inner logic of a superstitious person is that if a person does not show enough fear during his lifetime, he may come back to haunt him after his death.

This kind of spiritual colonial invader in Tianzhu is something that other nations cannot achieve.

A great man once said: Where there is oppression, there must be resistance. So great men sometimes cannot understand these people.


When it comes to resisting aggression, Tianzhu has cultivated his mind to the maximum.

But the side effect is that half of the soul has escaped into Buddhism, and in the real world, he is a disabled person who is "born without one soul and one soul."

Because, if you can be Buddhist about killing, your belief in dreaming and hoping to put it into practical action also lacks a certain rigidity.

The British in the main world maximized colonial rule and were able to recruit troops in India. At the same time, they transformed the Indian elite into offices in a huge colony. Oh, in the entire East African region during the British Empire, the British did not have enough manpower. Indian governance. The influence in East Africa in the 21st century is stronger than the rabbit exporting infrastructure.


In this dimension, China is not as barbaric as the British Empire. Of course, since China has not implemented the hegemony of unifying the world, Tianzhu is still scattered here.

China has never been able to get any benefits from Tianzhu. Regardless of whether it recruits troops or produces food, Chinese officials find that the cost of governance is too high, so they accept donations of land from here and have to provide disaster relief! Oh, disaster relief, this is related to the legal system of Confucian governance.

China finally adopted the "chieftain" system, which meant enfeoffing each feudal state as a chieftain and paying tribute to the Chinese court.

The current borders of hundreds of princely states in this region were clearly demarcated by China at that time. Otherwise, in the era of liberal capitalism, the real money and silver in this place would have been lost due to the instigation and artillery fire of Ansa troublemakers.

Went to Europe.

At this point, you can refer to Africa and the Indians. The Unsa first instigated internal fighting in these areas, and then they suddenly became extinct after profiting from it. Of course, the Unsa also played this trick against Europe. For example, the continental balance of power.


Tianzhu just staggered through the entire Age of Discovery.

After the industrial age, these chieftains staggeredly accumulated capital and developed a so-so light industrial economy under the leadership of the upper castes.

To be honest, people in Tianzhu can do some things with their heart, but only on a scale that can be completed by a few hundred people. For example, building statues and obeying the orders of high castes to build some private and exclusive buildings.

However, railway construction and infrastructure systems require the mobilization of teams of tens of thousands of people. This cannot be accomplished by the traditional high-caste headmen of one or two villages.

Therefore, over the years, large-scale facilities such as railways and ports have been completed by engineering teams arranged by China. Therefore, the ownership of these facilities has been dominated by foreign businessmen and private individuals, with local gentlemen occupying a small share.

As for the young adults of Tianzhu people, the situation is miserable.

Just like those "Sanhe masters" in modern times who gambled away all their credibility and completely thought that they were bad people, they could only do some cheap basic jobs. Without a long-term accumulation plan of savings, they would just take one day's money and do one day's work.

Even the kind that can prostitute capitalists for free.

There are dozens of kingdoms, various languages, and the spiritual blessing of the Tianzhu religion. They really are a bunch of gods that make capitalists cry. And they still occupy a very fertile land. Only the culture is completely different.

, the Ansa people whose belief systems are completely isolated can be brutally slaughtered and reformed.


As the times progress, the level of cutting leeks is also improving step by step.

When the Internet age comes, this will be a good leek field. After the Eurasian railway is connected,

Tianzhu people are not lazy, but they are too self-centered and lack social organization.

After entering modern times, the entire world has no shortage of Indian scientists and managers who have been admitted to colleges and universities and entered large companies.

Upper castes can form cliques in enterprises and form their own management forces.

The high-caste team culturally suppresses the low-caste team and squeezes out those who they think are not of sufficient social class. They are often successful because anyone in a superior position is bound to like a sense of high class.

But because of this, Tianzhu's management class lacks the motivation for class jumps, and all the motivation to formulate long-term strategies and implement long-term plans often comes from class jumps.

Examples of teams that reject new blood and become rigid: For example, those stinky footballers from the East in ancient times, who ate sea cucumbers, received high salaries, and waited to die. Together they have no fighting power.

In contrast: Tiance in the plateau area, those who are ambitious, are all prepared to "make peace with princes and generals." Wei Keng formulates a plan, and they execute every step vigorously. They even subjectively want to speed up.

But Shangsi likes this scattered structure the most.

After the last World War, Tianzhu was the largest exporter of manpower! There are Tianzhu people all over the world. Just like there are Chinatowns all over the world.

Tianzhu's helpers are the best-selling in the world. These helpers are found in the software industry and sweatshops.


In the era of economic downturn ten years ago, Shenzhou Commercial and Private Enterprises only invested in education in the coastal areas of Tianzhu and then harvested servants.

But now the entire Tianzhu ocean economy has been revitalized. The plateau area is responsible for the mid-to-high-end manufacturing industry, and Dashi is responsible for the mid-to-low-end manufacturing industry. The demand for Tianzhu domestic workers has also increased again. Commercial and private groups have further advanced the harvesting sickle.


In the Tianzhu region this year, a concept called "information universe" was created.

At the Canton Fair, senior technicians from China and entrepreneurs from the Dashi area shook hands with each other to build momentum for this future technology.

The technology of this information universe comes from the Shenzhou region, but the capital injection comes from the Dashi region. Even the capital from China is registered in the Dashi region.

After many social awakenings in the Shenzhou Plateau area, it has become a troubled area hated by businessmen and private individuals. There are trade unions everywhere. All school textbooks explain that "in the distribution process, the rentier class and the profit-making class are naturally in opposition."


The new leek garden in Tianzhu, which has not undergone cultural innovation, is a purely natural and unguarded place for the business and private giants, where they can continue to fish from the lake.

Those "education and training and manpower agencies" in China are in Tianzhu. It is like arriving in the legendary paradise of "one hundred and eight holy virgins with milk and honey".


What is the "information universe" launched by China's commercial and private sectors? Wei Kengmenqing.

The only purpose of promoting this type of virtual wealth is to help a few people monopolize real wealth! And those who acquiesce in all this are the best helpers for business and private gentlemen.

Wei Keng opened the labor data of Tianzhu. With the economic development of Tianzhu, a large number of people flowed towards West Asia and East Africa.

How big is this population flow? Most of the finance, economy, and foreign exchange of the feudal states in Tianzhu are sent back by these workers. This has driven Tianzhu's economic aggregate to grow rapidly at an annual rate of 6%.

In the entire Tianzhu Ocean region, except for the plateau areas, West Asia, and East Africa, a large number of factories that use servants have emerged. In the desert cities of West Asia, boatloads of Tianzhu people are sent to the cities to engage in various services.

industry, enriching the sweatshop.


The Silk Party bosses control the employment of workers in the Tianzhu region through capital, and control the economic lifeline of West Asia through these workers! Then they control the data in the Da Shi region through technology.

In the large number of cities being built in the Dashi area, a large cyber network is being built for the purpose of effective governance.

Between the reinforced concrete buildings, above all the passages, and in the corners of the spires, cameras are being built one after another, and intelligent robots in the tracks are monitoring. The so-called "public security, transportation, and medical care" in this new type of city are being comprehensively transformed.

To serve intelligence.

The Dashi area urban system is only a framework so far and is not yet complete.

Two or three years ago, a large number of idle young people would deceive artificial intelligence and take advantage of the city. Many garbage collection systems were turned into football baskets. Young people wearing sportswear and chirping like monkeys joked about these

A stupid machine built by "smart people".

But they completely failed to realize that the details in this framework can be completed in the future.

With the business behind Dashi, a large number of programmers were recruited from Tianzhu. The city's intelligent system, driven by the meditation of "Tianzhu Asan", was quickly improving this set of methods to maintain order and suppress troublemakers.

System. A very hierarchical urban identification system began to be established, and the caste system quietly penetrated into high technology.


Wei Keng: That’s not how urban automation works! It’s not a tool for one group of people to rule over another group of people.

Just like the saying "If the leaders don't come to eat in the cafeteria, it will eventually become pig food." When smart cities only "serve" ordinary citizens, then the development trend is a cage.


Urban construction in plateau areas also uses the same electronic monitoring and automated service facilities.

However, this set of facilities does not have so many status categories. The purpose of Plateau Smart City design is to make most people "relaxed and happy", with food, medical care, and entertainment orderly and prosperous, and all occupations can be healthy and taken care of at work.

,. Wei Keng: "Eat and have fun, then work patiently and produce, and farm and accumulate together."

Social conflicts in plateau areas can be solved in terms of governance structure and economic distribution. In terms of urban management, only final coordination is required.


The reason for the cyber-enabled cities in the Dashi area is that social contradictions are ignored and accumulated together, and the result is that the high-pressure rule can only be strengthened.

Therefore, Dashi New City is like a large prison. Everything is scientifically designed to facilitate the monitoring and suppression of the city's top officials to combat "illegal attacks by citizens".

Various types of automated security forces can quickly reach transportation hubs and eliminate gatherings of rebels just like the human immune system eliminates bacteria.


The cyber city is a technological future that Wei Keng firmly wants to avoid.

However, Wei Keng’s current timeline probability statistics have determined that this direction is an inevitable path for the development of various regions at present.

Wei Keng looked through other time and space lines in the "Command and Conquer" historical cluster in the time-seismic space-time region. The answers of other travelers here are also desperate. When "smart technology" appears, the earth's civilization will go through such a period of dark domination.

To avoid all this, we must completely transform society in this era.

Wei Keng made a note about the system: "The upper-level rule will continue to improve its exquisite art of governance with the advancement of science and technology. Only by rebuilding the deterrence of destruction from the bottom up can human civilization be healthy and enlightened."


An hour later, the Azure Dragon-class floating fleet arrived at the airport.

Wei Keng walked to the bank of the Jiqu River, where the holy sunlight on the plateau shone brightly across the land. He struggled to face the dazzling light and discern the rows of space launch sites in front of him that looked like tall buildings.

Wei Keng commented on the system: "In the history of human development, brilliance only shines in moments, and most of them crawl forward in the dark. Now that I am here, I don't know if I can light up this dark night. But I will do my best.

Prepare to burn. When I come, the world will be in disaster!"

The lights of the ground-based space launch center flickered sixty kilometers away. One hundred and twenty-seven rocket launch towers with a height of 500 meters were completed.

In this base, there are thirty-six entrances and exits, and electric vehicles weighing 200 tons travel to and from the material area and personnel living area. This is the largest scientific research center in the plateau center, one of the largest.

This chapter has been completed!
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