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Chapter 9.52 Fragile literary youths, adjust the location

 In the Shenzhou plane, the major powers have not signed weapons conventions such as biological and chemical weapons, landmines, and cluster bombs.

This is because military operations around the world have never stopped. Strong countries have to exercise hegemony, and almost all wars are fought outside their own territories, without caring about the opposition of the weak.

In the past half century, Dashi has been the only semi-industrialized force that has moved from a weak country to a developed country. It matches the industrial country in terms of various economic characteristics, but it does not have the awareness of an industrial country to deal with war.

The cities they developed were very fragile when faced with the methods of the powerful powers they once fought against that had torn away their pretense.

The strategic strike formation carried by Dongzheng's ground-effect aircraft penetrated the defense very quickly. It took almost two hours to enter the area where short-range ballistic missiles could concentrate their strikes.

Three aircraft and 210 short-range ballistic missiles were suddenly launched off the sea, turning into an apocalyptic torrent and crashing into four cities on the Persian Plateau.

After these missiles exploded in the sky, the poisonous gas they threw immediately turned the entire big city into a doomsday. A man looked up at the explosion with his head held high on the street, and then fell down after a gust of poisonous wind blew past his face.

The city instantly became dead silent, there was no cry, not a single sound.

Such tragic killings shocked the Dashi region.

But the bigger turmoil is in the intellectual world.

In recent history, an independent country naturally wants to "fight back" when faced with the destruction imposed on itself by the outside world.

However, when a non-autonomous, so-called independent country faces the excessive cost of war, certain ideas arise that are completely incomprehensible to the citizens of autonomous countries.


The Zhihu family members in the Dashi area came out of the air-raid shelters where they were hiding. After facing the losses of dozens of cities, they seemed to have begun to reflect inexplicably.

"Reflect on whether your country has done anything wrong."

"The world is so cruel, can the Dashi region avoid such a heavy price?"

Yes, they believe that this casualty is because the countries in the Great Eclipse region have intervened in the struggle for hegemony between great powers, so they want to withdraw.

There are even more extreme thinking that they (the cannibals) sided with China, which is why the war was so tragic.

These extreme peace factions began to naively think that if China withdraws its troops now, they can have good negotiations with the Eastern Orthodox Federation, just like they successfully negotiated with the European Union.

In fact, this is also the backlash brought about by the development of business privatization!

When the media in the Dashi region controlled by the Silk Faction gave a lot of unrealistic promises, China's sending troops became the belief that the Dashi region would win the war. This belief is now broken.

Nowadays, the military forces dispatched by China cannot guarantee the safety of the people in the Dashi area.

Therefore, the naive intellectual community in this region, which has not been screened by the brutal war of independence, wants to return to the starting point through the operation of "retreat".


People like Dashi, who lack the experience of modern industrialization, regard the world war as a family game. Do they think it can be saved and operated like a game? - Ordinary people think it is impossible.

However, in an era, the ability of the most powerful people in the public opinion field often does not lie in their excellent vision, but in their excellent eloquence. They can explain stupid things from multiple angles and make them feasible!

This is just like selling health care products to the elderly. You laugh at their clumsy lies, but they are complacent about being able to grasp the customer's luck, and gradually make people fall for it.

People in regions that have not experienced severe beatings in real life tend to have the most luck-based mentality. Therefore, various strange and bizarre thinking trends will emerge during wars.


The governance capabilities of the ruling group in the Dashi region are only equivalent to the level of industrial countries in the late 19th century.

Therefore, when facing such rumors and disturbances in the information age, the method used is to directly arrest people. And when facing the people who are instigated, the military police are directly used to suppress them.

This kind of fighting violence with violence is not only unconvincing, but also creates a rebellious mentality among the young people in the Dashi area who have little experience and claim to be awakened.

As more and more prisoners are admitted to prisons,

The half-bottled people smashed more and more wine bottles at the Dashi area management office.

Among the petty bourgeoisie in big cities, and even among government officials, the theory of "anti-authority" is increasingly emerging.

If these small people are unwilling to go to war and support this wrong authority with the desire to pray for peace, then the petty bourgeoisie in the Dashi area are completely following the trend and want to use different opinions from the official to show that they have an enlightened perspective. .


The supreme leader of the Eastern Federation was right in his judgment of the Dashi region.

In the Dashi area, China's military power is very strong, but the most vulnerable link is actually the local people's hearts and minds here.

To a certain extent, this is also a strategic mistake made by the plateau faction.

This time, Western China intervened in Dashi and chose to adopt a defensive strategy instead of a more active offensive strategy, which made the region vulnerable to attack in a long-term war.

Of course, over the years, business and private parties have given too much support to a group that has no determination to defend itself, which is the biggest pitfall.


In the plateau area, Wei Keng learned about the changes in mentality in the Dashi area through frontline plateau business channels, and sighed: "If there is no internal determination, this will inevitably lead to a semi-colonial state."

The current embarrassment is that China's military power is disgusted by the cannibals. According to the rules of equality and mutual assistance, if there is opposition in the host's house, the guests must find an excuse to evacuate.

But the problem is that a large number of pots and pans in the owner's house (Dashi) were sent by him (Shenzhou). Now that he leaves, it is very likely that they will all be smashed and turned into nothing.

This is a strategic dilemma between a rock and a hard place. But if you have great determination, you may not be able to break the situation.


On August 5, China started negotiations with the Eastern Federation.

The content of the negotiations, of course, involves the security of the Eurasian Continental Bridge, which no longer blocks the path of the Eastern Federation. But at the same time, the Eastern Federation must ensure that it stops the destruction of large cities in the region and protects Chinese merchants.

property here.

When the representatives of Western China made such concessions at the negotiation table,

The leader of the Silk Road party immediately sent a message to the plateau and reprimanded: "This is appeasement!" "It is impossible for the Eastern Federation to only take the Eurasian Continental Bridge and let the entire food region go. One step back today and tomorrow

It will take the second step back.”

However, Plateau responded: ‘This war is in the wrong place.”

Wei Keng leisurely replied to the people of the Silk Faction: "A counterattack against the Eastern Federation in the Dashi area is obviously the result of losing both sides. Your previous public opinion manipulation has encountered a backlash, making the people in the area think

This is a proxy war and we have lost the support of the local people."

Zhao Xingchen from the Silk School: "What do those stupid people know?"

Wei Keng was very angry: "Yes, because they are ignorant, they should be given time to understand the situation instead of being deceived."


At the same time, military deployment on the Shenzhou Plateau began to move north to Kunlun and outside the Tianshan Mountains.

This is the traditional border between China and the Rakshasa people.

Western China is preparing for a pure contest between the two forces at this location. Negotiations always need to be supported by the truth at the muzzle.

If the Dongzheng adventurers continue to be aggressive and do not meet the current conditions, then China will change the battlefield to compete with them.

For example, here in Yibohai, the old place, let’s touch it.

This chapter has been completed!
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