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Chapter 9.58 The Battle of Turan

 The summer war that took place in Xianhuan in the Western Region in 2291 of the Qin Dynasty, according to the records of the historical victors: the Eastern Federation launched an undeclared war and brazenly launched an attack on China.

But from many angles, objectively speaking, layers of thick steel plates have long been placed behind the curtains on China's western border, waiting for the Eastern Federation to kick it.

Such strategic predictions were common in the post-strike actions of the entire Shenzhou Plateau region in the Fourth World War. Tracing its strategic context, we can see that as early as more than ten years before the war, Western China was in the process of economic, internal governance, and diplomacy. China has deployed long-term investment. This is called victory over the imperial court.


On August 15, judging from the war situation, the Eastern Federation's offensive wave was the strongest.

The core technology of the Soviet Union inherited by the Dongzheng Federation, the alliance tank has been magically modified by modern information technology, and has become the most reliable partner of the Dongzheng people in the south and north.

These twin-mounted heavy tanks are being lined up in formation, impacting China's front line with waves like waves. Such twin-mounted tank guns are very different from the imitations in the Dashi area.

The technical indicators pursued by the Alliance tanks allow the two warheads of the double-barreled artillery to hit the same position to form double armor penetration. Note: In the first half of the 21st century in the main world, its electronic technology still cannot achieve such performance.

In this era, scientists at the end of Soviet Russia proposed a technological possibility.

That is, in the dual cockpit including Tianqi, the complex motor system is linked to the electronic system of the two heavy shells of the double-barreled gun. Through the human brain's fine-tuning of the ballistics, the ballistics finally overlap into a line.

This brain-connection technology is very dark, that is, the tank driver's skull is removed, a large number of electrical levels are implanted, and replaced with a steel skull. But this is the normal armor technology of colonial troops in many remote star areas in the time-shock plane and the interstellar era. .

[In the entire history of command and conquer, no morality can restrain black technology. Only by fundamentally improving people's status in the production system sociologically can we curb such civilizational degradation. 】

The armor-breaking ability of the twin-mounted artillery relies on elite tank soldiers. Because only elite tank soldiers can guarantee a one-third probability of firing, resulting in a double-bomb straight-line effect.

The current wave-type assault armor forces of the Eastern Federation are almost all such elite armor forces.

The armored troops responsible for interception in Shenzhou are often destroyed by armor penetration after five rounds of projectiles when struck by such a torrent of steel. This is already the optimal performance of the electromagnetic protection system.

The soldiers of China's Western Front Corps wearing spirit armor on the front line must jump out of the tank five thousand meters away from the battle and switch to remote information remote control. Otherwise, casualties will increase dramatically by dozens of times.

In the first five hours of blocking battle, the six light mechanized brigades dispatched by China lost 400 vehicles and suffered 28 casualties.

Of course, China's defense in the Yibohai area was not crushed, but slowly shrank into a concave line during the impact.

The Shenzhou anti-missile system was in the air, curbing all Dongzheng's strategic bombing projections, and a large number of tanks rushed to the front line safely. They also flexibly interspersed the battle lines and outflanked Dongzheng's heavy tank regiments from both sides.

In the Shenzhou tactical drills, the pursuit of victory has always been pursued. The reduction of casualties is only on the premise of victory. Therefore, the Shenzhou warriors who are "fearful of death" in tactics have more initiative than the Dongzheng commanders imagined in the execution of campaign missions.

After the Eastern Federation Army struggled to crush the obstructing Shenzhou armored forces, they immediately encountered the obstruction of the tunnel defenses.

The commander of Dongzheng was horrified to see that in just ten hours, hundreds of kilometers of trenches appeared on the plain. In these trench areas, the Chinese intelligent mechanical infantry carried missiles to counterattack the heavy armored forces. This gave Dongzheng Armor

The group caused a lot of casualties.

The Dongzheng Armored Group had to wait for the infantry to compete for these trench areas in order to pass through here safely. However, what about the infantry on the rear line? They were intercepted.


In China's repeated tactical deductions before the war, the Dongzheng Group's combat troops in Europa were very elite.

It is necessary to use steel and steel to block the attack. But as long as it can withstand the strongest wave of attacks by the Dongzheng Federation, its plan will be frustrated. There will be serious problems with Dongzheng's subsequent large-corps combat coordination capabilities.

Of course, the first wave of Dongzheng was very strong, almost reaching the most serious level in the budget of the Shenzhou General Staff.

Dongzheng has moved one-third of its military force to the east. According to Master Wei's budget, the huge military force of Dongzheng people will rush to the frontier gate of western China.

But in fact, Mr. Wei thought it was too much. The Dongzheng people were mobilizing military forces on the eastern front and were originally preparing to go south to crush the defensive corps in Persia. For the attack on Shenzhou, the Maozi commanders planned "enough"


Perhaps, these bald guys from Dongzheng who have crawled out of the battlefields of Europa, after finding their confidence in Dashi, regard China as if they have not fought a war for more than ten years, have never seen blood, and only know high-tech warfare.

"Paper Dragon".

The regional competition between two major powers is like a duel between martial arts masters. The first wave of blades cannot hurt anyone, or if they are avoided, then the cold light will be felt at their critical points.


On the 15th, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. local time, for a full eight hours, China's three mobile armored brigades in Yibohai were "annihilated" by the Dongzheng people in public reports.

Calculated according to this model, a total of 8,000 main battle tanks (70 tons) were destroyed. This gave the Dongzheng people great confidence, and of course also made those in Eastern China clamor all day long.

According to undisclosed data within the Western China Military Department, 247 soldiers (spiritual armor equipment) died in the battle, and the number of injured was 800. From the perspective of the Western China High Command, this situation is indeed unprecedented on the battlefield.

It's intense. But if it were announced, it would definitely not fit the concept of a "disastrous failure" reported all over eastern China at this time.


China's informatization level is very good, and there are a lot of feedbacks from the perspective of those who died under artillery, and there are many perspectives, not only the first perspective of the victims, but also the perspective of comrades, and the aerial perspective.

The scale of these casualty information fed back to the home front far exceeds the perspective of tens of thousands of deaths in other parts of the world.

All production departments on the Shenzhou Plateau watched the frontline war scenes during production breaks and were fully aware of the cruelty of the frontier. To this end, thousands of weapons were debugged and improved and quickly supplied to the battlefield.


At noon on the 15th, amidst the turmoil from the outside world, Xu He's headquarters was "letting the outside breeze blow over the hills" and was still orderly issuing operational management. In response to the "dents" on the front line, a large number of blocking operations were launched.

In the view of Xu He and other command centers, China's six armored brigades performed a perfect blocking mission, completing a battle loss exchange of 1:3.

During the Earth Demon detection, the Eastern Federation lost a large number of heavy weapons, and at least 700 Alliance tanks fell on the charge road. The burning wreckage stayed on all night, becoming dots of fire marks on the earth.

Not only did China's First Interceptor Group obtain the twenty hours needed to mobilize other participating groups in China, but it also now holds the "spearhead" of Dongzheng.

Since then, the Eastern Federation's original plan to 'quickly advance the process and use airships to transport hovercrafts to quickly cross the Yibo Sea' has gone bankrupt.

Now Shenzhou has completed its firepower deployment on the southeastern coast of Yibo Sea. Sufficient artillery power has become the second threshold for the Eastern Federation's eastern advance.


The camera switches to Dongzheng. A black 30,000-ton floating battleship is floating in the air. (Command and Conquer 4 Aerial, Nod support base, this is the floating battleship, the technical benchmark is the Qinglong class)

The Dongzheng armored group that had just completed its military impact operations was in urgent need of adjustment. Although China's armored forces overseas had disappeared, a steady stream of 300-kilogram level mechanical infantry still carried mechanical dogs to resist in various areas.

These dozens of mechanical units form a group, and seven or eight mechanical groups surround the forward command headquarters composed of three Chinese soldiers, threatening the Eastern Federation's control of the occupied area.

China's tenacious counterattack here, General Dongzheng in the cabin of the gray-black "support ship", was slow to issue orders.

Although the Dahong Palace gave high praise to this attack, as a forward commander, it is by no means comparable to Europa and Dashi. Europa lacks heavy firepower and organizational power, and Dashi's army has no "death blow"


The commander of the Dongzheng front line asked for "double-edged" armed helicopters and lightly armored vehicles from the rear to counter the infantry.

They did not realize that the most dangerous time was when the armored group's impact was stagnant. What the Eastern Federation needed now was not some suppressive weapon that "cleaned" the trenches, but needed air cover from MiG air superiority fighters and the use of light armor.

The troops carried out cover and assault, not giving Shenzhou time and opportunity to deploy large-scale fire counterattacks, allowing the armored cluster to survive this weak round.

The Eastern Federation has not completed such a battle connection work well. And the edge of the Yibo Sea happens to be a natural and good place.


Just as the bureaucratic backline behind Dongzheng was busy preparing to dispatch shelter supplies, here in China, taking advantage of this gap, a large number of drones were launched at the same time at night.

Xu He, the general commander of the Shenzhou campaign, mobilized 5,000 rocket launch vehicles and fired a total of 200,000 long-range guided rockets.

Clusters of long-range gliding rockets in China became the main "weather phenomenon" from the night of the 15th to the early morning of the 16th.

That night, "raindrops" fell in the sky, and sparks "wet" the ground.

Dongzheng's tanks were bleeding, and oh, they were smoking. The smoke followed the wind and mixed into the sky over the vast grassland.

Of course, the rain of rockets on this front was just a precursor to a counterattack. The main offensive force of China did not appear in front of the Dongzheng Corps as a matter of course with the bombing. So what about the "main force of China"?

When a certain front is always being passively attacked, it means that other fronts have arrangements.


Morning of the 16th.

On the north side of the Tianshan Mountains, China's eight armored brigades successfully broke through the northern front.

This was the front where Bai Kun sent troops in the late stages of the Ire Campaign. At that time, Bai Kun had limited logistics and was unable to launch a large-scale attack. But now, the total industrial output value of the entire Western China, well, steel alone is equivalent to Dongzheng

Ten times, the power generation is twenty times.

87 10,000-ton multi-legged ground-moving ships formed a construction team and began multi-section construction of three four-lane wartime railways. Anti-aircraft missile positions were deployed with dense firepower nets around them.

In addition, Western China also removed thousands of ground-effect transport aircraft as temporary transportation capacity.

Now that China is sending troops to the Western Regions, it is no longer as powerful as it was a hundred years ago. It is enough to support the China frontier army to run super large-scale battles with hundreds of thousands of tons of purely mechanized troops.

This steel collision in the northern part of the World Island will be the largest and most technologically advanced land battle since the Great War.


On the 16th, the Chinese armored forces began to assemble in the north of Tulan and set up a battle formation. Layers of air shields were spread out in the sky, and quantum communication signals guided the rear air forces to attack at any time.

While all countries have generally activated super-heavy armored units and traded injuries for lives, China still prioritizes maneuverability when planning its armored forces.

This is because Shenzhou’s information technology is stronger and all soldiers have become spiritually armored:

In terms of defense, mobilizing the Zhige force field is more flexible and can stop the enemy's large-scale artillery bombardment;

When attacking, you can call the Suzaku swarm to launch a focused bombing attack.

In calculations, the 70-ton armored force is the most balanced force between strategic mobility (train transportation, road transportation) and operational mobility (cross-country mobility).

When China's military technology changed the armored force from manned driving at all times to a state of "manned transportation and maintenance, and unmanned operations", in the psychology of frontier operations, there is no such thing as exchanging injuries for lives.

Therefore, to observers of various powers in the world, China's mechanized corps detoured back to the rear at an alarming speed.

In the early morning of the 16th, when Dongzheng's heavy troop group was still stagnant on the front line of Yibohai. Dongzheng sentries patrolling on motorcycles in the northern part of the Tulan Plain saw the dense sea of ​​steel coming from the north, and the cigar dropped from the corner of their mouths.

[Before the head-on confrontation between the tanks, beams of missiles and lasers soared into the sky, 'carrying' away all the Dongzheng fighters that had not yet arrived on the battlefield. 】

All the optically stealthy triangular bombers of the Eastern Federation were discovered when they took off from the main base in Kazan.

The Disha system sees this very clearly.

Therefore, before the enemy bombers arrived, the anti-aircraft missile convoy near the tank corps stopped, erected the large tube, and then deployed the radar itself, while also connecting to the early warning radar in the air.

When the Eastern Federation's fighter planes approached the battlefield without knowing anything, the "Red Flag 9" flew directly into the sky, forming a firepower network.

The Eastern Federation's mission this time was carried out by the so-called Air Guards. This group raided the Rhine River air defense network and at the same time controlled the powerful air power of Europa. When they went to the battlefield, even though they deployed their radars throughout the entire process, they suddenly arrived.

It was locked, and then it was stabbed in the crotch by multiple groups of missiles.

This is actually a victory of technology. Disha roughly locked onto these bombing groups, and then the "air warning" and ground missile radar vehicles were turned on at the same time, catching these experienced old bomber personnel by surprise. The experienced veterans of the Eastern Federation are

Playing one game of chess skillfully, the novices in China are playing another set of cards.

Planes fell in the distance, and the cluster sent out crash signals, which gave the commander of the Eastern Federation in the forward combat zone who was standing on the super-heavy tank observation tower an illusion as to who was attacking whom?

The Dongzheng people took the initiative, but Shenzhou was more prepared.


After the 16th, under the observation of satellites from various forces around the world, the situation of the battle was roughly understood.

China's counterattack is divided into two parts in the north and south on the map, the Tulan Group of the Eastern Federation and the Yibohai Coastal Group. The first of them is the attack on the Turan Plain, where the Eastern Federation is gathering to prepare to move to the Yibohai area.

A lot of heavy firepower.

At the same time, at the headquarters, Xu He issued a death order that the Turan Group and the Yibohai Group must not be allowed to merge.

Then the decisive battle began.

On the battlefield, the armored groups of both sides used alternating firing methods to counterattack, hitting the opponent's position like hailstones, and each firing caused damage to the tank groups of both sides.

In China, non-commissioned officers at the forward positions risked their lives by flying drones to observe enemy positions five kilometers away.

"Riding death" here means exposing one's position for tens of seconds, and immediately evacuating with a crew after releasing the plane. In the exercise of China's own people, the probability of death may be increased by a little bit. But for Dongzheng, this

Whether he takes advantage of the opportunity or not is another matter.

At this time, rows of China's own tanks were rushing forward like the waves of the sea. Dongzheng was facing the tanks and had no time to pay attention to the floating drones.

When the "Sky Eye Turbofan UAV" arrived at the front line of the battlefield and fired a line of markers to lock on the Dongzheng tanks, it added a new level of firepower accuracy to the Shenzhou tanks. Dongzheng's "air defense cannon fodder" hurriedly locked on and fired, destroying only one or two of them.


As for the missile bombardment from further away, it might kill the Lingjia warriors in China sporadically. However, during the half-hour battle, no such unlucky ghost appeared.

This is because each group of soldiers in Shenzhou pays special attention to exchanging information, quickly sends the enemy's exposed artillery positions to the system, directs nearby firepower to counterattack, suppresses these artillery, and does not give the opponent a chance.

In this Battle of Turan, not to mention the numerical advantage of armor, the density of long-range artillery counterattacks was three times that of the Eastern Federation. The accuracy of the artillery shells was twenty years higher than that of the Eastern Federation.


After an hour and a half of pincer-like siege against the group in the northern part of the Tulan Plateau, the 5th and 18th Shenzhou Brigades annihilated most of the armored forces except for the overweight units with blue protective covers.

Observed from high-altitude actual combat, the armored forces of the Eastern Federation on the Turan Plateau seem to be as large as the Shenzhou armored cluster, but in fact most of them are smoking and unmovable wreckage. These are tens of thousands of machines.

The wreckage is spectacular.

4 p.m. on the 16th.

In the later stages of the battle, the Dongzheng Group in the Turan area had used neutron radiation cannons frantically.

This is the artillery of the European future tank. A projectile expands in the form of a spherical light curtain, and its lethality against armor reaches 600 meters, and its lethality against infantry reaches 3,000 meters.

When the blue and red light balls alternately spread on the battlefield, they have completely entered a state of dying madness, even killing their own infantry.

As opponents in the battle, the non-commissioned officers on the frontier of China can sense this helpless madness, but will not show mercy.

The frontline commanders of China conducted a lottery. The lottery was to assign a group of people to go deep into the front line to clean the battlefield.

Because forward searches are risky, even though the Shenzhou combat team uses a large number of mechanical dogs to replace battlefield searches, if the Dongzheng people suddenly open fire while pretending to be dead, accidents will inevitably happen.


After the lottery was over, everyone found that there was no lottery to draw, because before the lottery, comrades had already filled the quota.

The narrator explains: There are already people who take the initiative to take on the task, and they also draw lots. That is procedural justice! The army pays attention to fairness. Even if there are warriors who are willing to sacrifice, everyone must bear their obligations.

After China completes team integration,

Air power swept over the battlefield as the vanguard. The flames of unmanned attack aircraft defeated the close-range artillery fire points on the stubborn heavy armor, while the heavy bombs smashed through the protective cover.

Subsequently, while the enemy was still firing sporadic neutron cannon fire, the forward troops penetrated between the wreckage and marked the enemy's position with anti-aircraft fire that was still capable of counterattack.

On the evening of the 16th, the sunset was over the western mountains and the red clouds were flying.

The Dongzheng armored forces on the Turan Plateau have been completely annihilated, and the Dongzheng Federation's group in the Yibohai area is now facing the end of shutting down and beating the dogs.

At ten o'clock in the evening on the 16th, Shenzhou launched a battle against the Dongzheng offensive group from three directions: west, north, and south in the northern area of ​​Yibo.


In order to block the attack of China's armored group, the Eastern Federation put precious space weapons into the battlefield, which was the Athena low-altitude satellite-guided rail gun.

Dongzheng launched the fifth-generation suborbital weaponization technology of Europa's Galileo system. This was seventy years ago, when Europa, New World, and China were competing for orbit determination. Europa launched a large number of them like potatoes.

satellite, and then use a hyperspace transmission device to transmit the warhead.

After the end of the European campaign, part of this firepower fell into the hands of the Eastern Orthodox Federation.

In the suppressive attack on the Dashi area a year ago, such firepower from the sky was so effective that the roofs of the resisters' armored fighting vehicles began to smoke, turning into scrap metal on the battlefield.

Now, Dongzheng is jealous because the low-altitude strike system happens to be projecting firepower over the battlefield in China. China also "happens" to prepare a powerful laser anti-missile system in this area.

When Athena opened fire, the sky survey cannon from China also opened fire.

In the combat center of the commanders of both sides, in the realistic simulation projection, the semi-arc earth battlefield, with beams of light coming and going, added the smoke of space to the ground operations in the area.

Electromagnetic suppression, ground standby base stations, and air standby crews were activated at the same time. It was obvious that China was fully prepared for a war at this level.

These high-value space military assets of Dongzheng were quickly turned into scrap metal. However, they were unable to save the beleaguered legion of the Dongzheng Federation.


Xu He looked at the destroyed satellite system in space and felt that the battle was too exciting. He said leisurely: "It turns out that this is the right way to eliminate the enemy's chips at the right time, at the right place, and in the right way.


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